Firewire network

Hello !
I want to connect 2 imac G5 to one external firewire hard drive (maxtor 20 Go)
I found at the software called "Firenet" which is supposed able to create a network through firewire ports
is anyone try it ?
I want to connect the 2 imac with a firewire cable and with the external HD connected to imac n°1.
with ethernet connection : when I want to make transferts from the imac n°2, imac n°1 speed down. is this fall of speed is solved by using the firewire ports ?
p.s. excuse for my perharps approximative english !
2x imac G5 - 1,8 Mhz - 1,25 Go - HD 80 GB   Mac OS X (10.3.9)  

thanks for you help
the 2 macs are connected through ethernet network
see below
actual connections
HD<-firewire cable->mac n°1 <-ethernet network->mac n°2
expected connections
HD<-firewire cable->mac n°1 <-ethernet network->mac n°2
when I make huge transferts via ethernet network, mac n°1 slow down dramatically
is the 2nd configuration can improved transferts ?

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    Thanks for help, Andy

    Hmmmmmm, it is really simple....:-)
    1.) I have an iMAC with connection to Internet.
    2.) I have an MacPro which has no connection to Internet and thats what I want.
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    12.) So far, so good.
    13.) Problem: I want to mount the FW-Hdd to the MacPro by turning it on without disconnecting the two Macs.

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    If more than one FireWire device is connected to your computer, there may be an incompatibility between two of the devices. To rule this out, disconnect all other FireWire devices from the computer, including external hard drives, CD/DVD drives, other cameras, and FireWire-based networking equipment, such as hubs and repeaters. If your iSight camera works normally when you remove other FireWire devices, plug them back in one at a time to isolate the cause of the issue.

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    If your two Macs are already networked, why do you want to double-up with FW networking also?   If both network connections are active, you can't control the routing of specific traffic over one vs. the other.  Traffic will generally move via whatever network connection is at the top of the list in your System Prefs > Networking panel even if more than one network is active.
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    Hello & welcome to Macdom!
    To automount them, drag those Aliases/Mounted volumes to the System Preferences>Users & Groups Pref Pane's Login Items Window.

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    I know on the Mac side of it you do the following steps:
    1. Connect a FireWire cable to the FireWire ports on the computers you want to connect.
    2. Open System Preferences and click Network on the computers you are connecting.
    3. Choose Built-in FireWire from the Show pop-up menu.
    4. Click Apply Now.
    If you have a firewall on the Mac you also will need to enable Web Sharing or open Port 80 on the firewall.
    As for the PC side of it I don't know the steps, but what you want to do is make a network port configuration to allow the firewire port in, then set firewire to be the port on which the PC accesses the net.
    Hope this helps
    Internet Wiz
    Source, Mac Help, Search- Firewire.

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    On your devices that aren't seen, what are they?

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    so is it feasible to do this with firewire?
    Sure, assuming you've got recent Mac OS X. Network Preference Panel, Show "Network Port Configurations", turn on FireWire as a network interface, hook them up.
    Xserve G5 2.0 GHz 2 GB RAM Mac OS X (10.4.8) Apple Hardware RAID, ATTO UL4D, Exabyte VXA-2 1x10 1u

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    Internet <-> PC( <-(firewire)-> Mac mini( - router address
    There was no problem at first, until I got updated OSX by last release(10.4.7).
    But after I update my OSX, PC gets blue-screen every time when the network is on(after boot or connecting cable).
    I tried PC with TI 1394, and Agere chpset.
    and found the same problem.
    Does anyone has the same problem or has solution?
    Mac mini   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    Try using Disk Utility to do a Disk Repair, as shown in this link, while booted up on your install disk.
    You could have some directory corruption. Let us know what errors Disk Utility reports and if DU was able to repair them.
     Cheers! DALE

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    Would I need two firewire cards in a machine to make this happen? If so, maybe one turned on to be a network and one to be normal?
    Dan J

    I do think it requires another FW card... think I read that with IP over FW it needed it's own.

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    Mac Mini   Mac OS X (10.4.7)  

    It turns out that a new ethernet PCI card solved the problem. I picked up this one ( at NewEgg for $8.00 and I didn't even need to find drivers for it.
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    The self-assigned IP addresses aren't in the same range that my Airport is delivering via DHCP.
    How do I know if file sharing via Finder is using the Airport network or is using the Firewire one?

    Growing up with Windows was like being in an abusive household... I still expect the worst even though I've been on Macs for years.
    After my post I did a simple test. I copied a large group of files over and checked the time: 5 secs. I unplugged my Firewire cable, disconnected/reconnected in Finder (via Bonjour and not via Cmd-K) and then copied the same group of files: 3 mins. Reconnected the Firewire cable, disconnected/reconnected in Finder via Bonjour and copied the same set of files: 5 secs.
    So the truth is: "It just works!" There's a "service order" within the Network system settings. Since Firewire takes precedence over AirPort in the default service order your Macx will use Firewire first if that connection is available.

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