FireWire Video Feeds

I have the MacBook Pro with two firewire ports, the 400 and 800. Is there any way to use both ports at the same time with video feeds? I am needing to use one with Quicktime Broadcaster and the other with a Sony Camcorder. So far, the programs that i need to use them will only recognize one at a time. Is this a software issue? I am looking to record the HDV feed in its native form from one firewire feed, and the other feed is used from a dv converter for Quicktime broadcaster. Thanks for any help.

Nevermind I actually got it to work.

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    Everything   Mac OS X (10.4.6)  

    hey there RI,
    if you've tried something similar on your iMac & had no problems it's reasonable to think/believe it will work on your MBP, w/ this caveat: the 400 & 800 ports are actually on the same buss, so the 800 port will handle it's data at the lower(400) rate if there is a device on each port. shouldn't affect any editing w/ the drive once the cam is removed from the MBP. it should the run @ the higher rate.
    good luck.

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    Since you're shooting DV, not HDV, that rules out the trial version as the cause--the trial does not support HDV.
    Which means more questions:
    * Do you have any other programs running that could be grabbing the video stream. (Only one program can tap into that stream at a time.)
    * How long is the FireWire cable? (Longer cables are more likely to fail, although that's less of a concern with DV than DVCPROHD.)
    And some suggestions:
    * Try another FireWire cable.
    * Try a different FireWire port or, if possible, a different card altogether
    * If no other cables or cards are available, try at least unplugging the cable from the computer and plugging it back in and/or cycling power on the camera.
    Also, you did not respond re: the version you're running.

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    FME should support audio and video from Firewire

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    Maybe it's possible to have live video in Illustrator, but you would most certainly need to write your own plugin.
    So this community would be suitable:

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    I doubt MU can do this.  It's pretty limited in scope &  I don't think it supports server-side code which you would need to parse feeds.  But feel free to post your question in the MU forum.  Maybe somebody there has a workaround.
    Nancy O.

  • How To Select One Video Feed During A Conference

    I have a need to conference with three people and show them a single video presentation. I only need to hear their audio feeds, I do not need to see their video, and they do not need to see each other.
    I thought it was possible in iChat to select which of the two conference windows would be full screen. But I don't seem to be able to find a way to do this.
    To be clear –
    I have a video which is essentially my video feed.
    I need to have two different people in two different locations see it at the same time
    I need to be able to hear their comments.
    I don not need to see them, and they do not need to see each other.
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    Is there any way to do what I want, i.e. share a single video source with multiple people in full screen, and enable two way audio with all parties at the same time?

    I thought about trying a video/audio conference, but can't figure out how to invite them to a video chat if they are both audio only. ...
    This can be done if the Buddy goes to the Video menu and Disables the Camera (or Video chat if Lion).
    However you are right in that iChat presumes there will be video and still places the place holder for that "Video"
    I must admit to not having tried this with two Audio Only Buddies whilst sending Video myself.
    Logic says it should be possible.
    iChat does base the video quality on what it can manage.
    This is based on your upload speed and that (download) of the Buddies.
    (one Buddy can slow thing up to an extent that in 3 and 4 way chats the Video will drop off - normally the last person added)
    If you can get One Way Video with two Audio Only Buddies the Bandwidth issue should not raise it's head.
    However things to try:-
    In iChat Menu > Preferences > Video section set the Bandwidth Drop down to 1Mbps  (Also try it at 500kbps)
    The 500kbps is high enough for 3 and 4 way full on Video chats  but you may have issues if the Streamed Video is more detailed than the 640 X 480 pixels for ichat Best rate in iChat 5  (720 X 480 in iChat 6). AT this point you lose out to iChat trying to process the Video.
    Strangely the Yahoo App for Mac does exactly what you want. (At least in one to one chats)
    It deals with Video as a Stream that others can then look at whilst Audio is more like ichat in that it is Buddy to Buddy.
    I don't have enough Buddies in Yahoo (And using the Yahoo App to test this further.
    9:28 PM      Thursday; February 9, 2012
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
      iMac 2.5Ghz 5i 2011 (Lion 10.7.3)
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb (Snow Leopard 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

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    Hello. I want to use my iphone as a viewing screen for a usb endoscope, (its a small camera on a long cable for inspecting down piping and such) with your app is it possible to attach the usb to my iphone using a adapter to watch the live video feed on the iphone?

    Hello. I want to use my iphone as a viewing screen for a usb endoscope, (its a small camera on a long cable for inspecting down piping and such) with your app is it possible to attach the usb to my iphone using a adapter to watch the live video feed on the iphone?

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    What does it take for Soundbooth (or more specifically OS X) to recognize firewire video as an audio source?
    I have a video conversion box that accepts analog video/audio input and connects via firewire to my MacBookPro. I can use that to capture video with Premiere or OnLocation, and extract the audio from that, but in the event I'm just converting an audio source, I'd like to use the same box to capture audio directly to Soundbooth. But 'Audio MIDI Setup' shows only built-in input and a USB audio source.
    Otherwise I either have to use built-in audio input (normally not available because I have external speakers plugged in), or get a USB or firewire audio interface. I'll probably do that eventually but was hoping for a software solution of some sort.

    You should look into WireTap Studio from Ambrosia software. It will record ANYTHING at all that goes through your sound card, regardless of the original source. I know, "If I paid for SoundBooth, why should I go buy another piece of software?"
    I've used Wiretap since 2002 when it was still a freebie. It's gotten a lot better in eight years, and when you see everything you can do with it (like recoding streaming audio from the web, or podcasts, getting soundbytes from DVDs, or recording from your TV or even live with a mic) you'll agree that it's another $69, but $69 well spent.
    I used Wiretap to convert more than 1400 cassettes into mp3. I've also pulled songs from movies that are unavailable anywhere. I've recorded live TV audio. You have a multitude of format and quality choices for recording and saving.

  • Power Mac g3 Blue & white no video feed

    i have a g3 blue and white 350mhz, and it has no video feed it powers up and the hard disk spins up but no video feed

    That 17" NEC e700 display is a late-90s CRT type with a 4:3 aspect ratio.  The Apple/ATI Rage 128 in a B&W G3 can handle all of its supported resolutions.  When you wrote that you had tried booting from the OS installer disk as was suggested, what bootable disk did you use?  A model-specific disk from another Mac won't necessarily boot the B&W G3.   Do you hear the startup tone when the computer powers ON?  If so, did you try zapping the PRAM?  Immediately after powering ON the computer, simultaneously press/hold down these (4) keys: Command + Option + P + R.  Continue holding them down until you hear the startup tone a third time.  Release the keys and see if the computer starts up normally with a display signal.  Have you tried the NEC display with another computer, to verify that it works properly?  If it has a detachable VGA cable, have you tried another cable?  I don't know how you acquired the computer or what (if any) claims were made as to its functionality.  Sometimes, computers are retired from fleet use when the time and expertise needed for troubleshooting a problem aren't available.  Perhaps this B&W G3 had a bad graphics card?  I bought a "condition unknown" B&W G3 (Rev. 1) once that wouldn't display a video signal when powered ON.  The 9 GB Ultra SCSI hard drive was making such a high-pitched whine and was hotter than normal.  I removed and disassembled the drive, and found that the read/write heads were completely worn off the ends of the arms, which badly scratched the platters.  The point I'm making is that many of those computers are high-mileage units and are more likely to have a hardware problem.

  • Beige Powermac g3 No video feed

    I boot it and get a boot sound and no video feed HELP!

    I've used the adapter shown here with various VGA (CRT 4:3) 15"-19" multi-sync displays, and set switches 1, 4, 6, 7, and 8 to the ON position. I can't advise you on the ViewSonic adapter. As for the beige G3 and OS X, you can install up to OS 10.2.x (Jaguar), provided that the hard drive has been partitioned as directed (search Apple's Knowledge Base for info) and that you have adequate system memory (I'd recommend at least 256 MBs). Installing OS 10.3.x (Panther) would require the use of the utility "XPostFacto," available as a free download from Other World Computing. If the computer's built-in ethernet port is actually dead, you can always install an ethernet PCI card.

  • Firewire video output in high def?

    Hi all,
    I currently use a Canopus ADVC110 to firewire-output my video inside Logic to my beamer in "lo res" PAL DV format. However, the beamer supports up to 720p HD resolution so I'd like to have a firewire video output device than can handle this higher output resolutions (eg through HDMI or component). Canopus doesn't seem to have any capable products.
    Anyone know of any options?
    Or does it not exist due to limitations I'm not aware of?

    assimilation is the bomb. the bomb.
    i have been playing it repeatedly from the demo player at symphobia. i think i heard about 2 bars of it and by mouse automatically went to the buy button.
    i have to tell you i am the stingiest bloke out there when it comes to buying stuff for the studio. i could end buying all manner of stuff and have a huge amount of things that i hardly use or don't have time to learn that could be covered by other things i do have. i keep a very basic setup and prefer to design my own sounds from scratch. i (we) have recorded quite a few orchestral FX we like to use, but there is never enough. symphobia is going to perfect for my next 2 projects - one of which is a very big one. unfortunately it may not arrive in time. there will be live records in prague but it won't cover everything and i am a little concerned by the reports i have heard from the other composer on the project.
    there will be some london recordings but they will sweetening only.
    sorry to hijack your thread BTW. i have long admired your music and this was the first opportunity to tell you so.

  • Wireless camera video feed?

    I'm part of a group doing a project of remotely controlling a RC plane. As such a camera is required to be mounted onto the RC plane so as to provide a video feed for the user on the ground to control the RC plane with. Because the RC plane will be controlled wireless, the camera mounted also has to be wireless. We have decided on a wireless camera set up that outputs through a RGB output at the receiver end. I was hoping you could tell me how we can hook the RGB video receiver up to a laptop to receive the wireless video feed and display the video feed on Labview.

    hi Grad,
    very nice idea! ;-)
    but unfortunately the only thing I could found 'bout is this.

Maybe you are looking for

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