Firmware update broken

Hello, I have xperia z3 compact and i can't upgrade my phone to Turkiye Customizied TR 23.4.A.0.546firmware has been corrupted here is the details 

We are Turkish Xperia Z3 Compact Users;
Sony Mobile Turkey released 23.4.A.0.546 Android 5.1 Update yesterday. But Turkish users can't use this update, because this update is broken and missing. We try too many times PC Companion and OTA isn't working. First we contact Sony Mobile Turkey. After, my friend is contacted and reported Xperia Firmware Downloader's developer from XDA. ( ) Developer analized PC Companion's Update Service and reported us. Turkey 23.4.A.0.546 Customized firmware's first part is broken. He compared China's and Turkey's same 23.4.A.0.546 update. Turkey's first update part is broken(85 MB to 200 MB). First part must be 200 MB but 85 MB. This error gave checksum error, every times. Please correct or contact Sony Xperia Technical Department for fix our update error..
Note: I add developer's firmware comparison pictures for mail.  China 23.4.A.0.546 firmware Image: 23.4.A.0.546 firmware Image:
Turkish Xperia Z3 Compact Users

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    Wow! Exact same issues here. Exactly! The same slow screen-wakeup and screen-saver freezes.
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    Before you start saying what Nokia does and does not do, did you look here: Second, if you think that the firmware update (done on a Windows machine or Nokia service point with a Windows machine)in some way broke the iSync plug-in then you really have no clue as to how things work. Windows and Mac are worlds apart. I did not have to update, download or re-install the plug-in again. So maybe it is something you did. My E71 continued to function exactly as it did before the upgrade. The only thing I had to do was to re-pair the phone back to my Mac and things worked without issue. In fact, for me, the BT seems a bit more stable than before (which was not great) but for sure an improvement.
    brassen wrote:
    I am not getting into the matter if Novamedia product works or not, but this situation is unacceptable.
    Clearly the last firmware update broke the iSync plug in. Hell, it was working perfectly for me, I even got a friend to buy an E71 because of my bragging of it being the best mobile I've ever had.
    Why can't nokia issue a simple update to the iSync plug in? Can't imagine being that hard.
    Why should we buy a USD 10.00 product because Nokia broke their compatibility with the Mac platform?
    Show the KUDOS button some love.... Hit that bad boy.... It don't hurt....
    Apple iPhone 5,
    Retina MacBook Pro, iPad Mini, Nikon D4

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    Model Name:          MacBook Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacBookPro8,1
      Boot ROM Version:          MBP81.0047.B26
      SMC Version (system):          1.68f98
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    What are you talking about, wjosten? First, he said in his original post that he had an EARLY 2011 MacBook Pro. Those WERE shipped with Snow Leopard. I have one. Second, I have the same machine, still running Snow Leopard, and Apple Update has notified me to Install MacBook Pro EFI Firmware Update 2.7.
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    UPDATE a few minutes later ---
    Guess you ARE right, wjosten, and it's Apple Update that stupid and dangerous.
      According to Apple Support
       System Requirements are for
    OS X Lion 10.7.3 or later!
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    Factory reset the TC and it should come back to life.
    The Factory Reset.
    Power down the TC.
    Hold in reset. and keep holding it in. Be Gentle! It is a tiny surface mount switch with a plastic lever.. Attempting to push it out the other side of the TC will not make the switch turn on better.
    (I fix TC and have several reset levers bent over and jammed or broken off).
    Power on the TC.. remember with the reset held in.. this needs three arms.. a friend or power switch you can get to with your feet..
    Keep holding in reset for about 10sec until the front LED flashes rapidly.
    Release reset and wait .. the boot will be slow as it deletes previous setting.. only from router side and pulls out the factory defaults. No files are deleted on the hard disk.. but the name of the TC may change.
    As a rule .. wireless is not reliable enough for mission critical work like firmware upgrades.. (Heck I don't think it is reliable enough for backups).
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    I believe it is just good practice to use ethernet for any time that sitting on a branch.. whilst sawing it off (ie failure will kill any future access).. means you always use ethernet for any setting up of a wireless router.. but you see I am old.. with grey/white hair.. and too many dead modems and routers around me.

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    The external temperature sensor on the old Hard Drive must be transfered to the new Hard Drive and the small temperature sensor wire must be plugged back into the logic board?
    1. If you did not do that, then you need to do that so that the fan(s) will operate correctly.
    2. If you damaged the temperature sensor, the cable or connection on the logic board, then you will need to replace those parts.
    3. You should not need to reinstall the EFI or SMC firmware if you only changed the Hard Drive.

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    Macbook 2,1:
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    If it ain't broken...
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    Apple: be so kind, let us know what 23:3 means, and if needed, update the Firmware Updater.

    I was just wondering how you were able to get the macbook to accept the update? I had to take mine to apple store and get entire keyboard and trackpad replaced in my macbook. They then told me to ignore the update cause they did not have any other keyboards to replace if it happened again.

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    Odd. How did you have the access set up? Accounts, disk password access, or network password access? What I noticed, when I first set the HD up with accounts, that I got two 'drives' on the desktop, my account's folder and the entire drive. I got rid of all that (we use the HD at home for shared stuff and to backup the various computers) and changed to disk password access when I was trying to figure out what the original problem was. When I did this, I saw all of the folders that were created on the one 'drive' on the desktop. I continue to have access to everything, even if I have to do my kludge to regain airport connection.
    I am not sure what to tell you. If you have used accounts, it may be that the connection between the 'original' accounts and the 'new' HD has been broken. Depending on your security requirements, I believe if you change to disk password access, you will find everything. Until Apple fixes the problem with the firmware update, that may be our only possibility.

  • Disk Image for Firmware Update Utility for LaserJet p2055dn is corrupted

    Yep.  Not sure what happened with that one. I have submitted the issue to the software team.  Hopefully I can get a copy that works out to you soon. Apologies for the inconvenience.  

    Update to my previous post: HP confirms that their Firmware Update Utility is broken, but there is another way to update the firmware on a LaserJet P2055dn using a Mac running OS X, and here it is. HP tech support walked me through this procedure and it worked for me: Getting the printer ready: ensure that the LaserJet P2055dn is connected to your computer and make it the default printer. In System Preferences / Printers and Scanners, find your HP LaserJet P2055dn, select it, Click “Open Print Queue” and on the Printer menu, choose “Make Default.” On that same menu, choose “Print Test Page” and verify that the page prints.Using your Web browser, go to the following page on the HP website and click the “Download” button. Don’t worry that the page says it’s for Windows Vista. The file you’re about to download is for your HP LaserJet printer and doesn’t care what kind of computer you use to install it. Here’s the link:
    When it finishes downloading, go to your downloads folder and find the file HP_LaserJet_P2055dn_20141201_build155964.rfu
    (note: you'll probably get a “Preparing for HP separation” message;. Just click OK)In your Applications/Utilities folder, find Terminal, and open it. In the Terminal window, type lp (space) but don’t press “return” yet. Drag and drop the above file from your finder window into the Terminal window. Then press “return”Watch the LCD display on your printer. It should go through several steps, beginning with “erasing” and finally saying “ready.”Go back to the printer’s “Print Queue” window and print another test page. If the test page prints properly, congratulations. You've done it!

  • Does firmware update 7.1 break the Airport Extreme Base Station?

    Does firmware update 7.1 break the Airport Extreme Base Station?
    See Digg
    April 10, 2007
    Do NOT install AirPort 802.11n Firmware 7.1
    This Firmware 7.1 update for AirPort Extreme Base Station with 802.11n should definitely NOT be installed.
    Here was my problem:
    I used AirPort Utility 5.1 to install the update. It is automatic - launch the utility and it asks if you want to install the update. I said yes because I had problems getting two AirPort n base stations networking together to extend my range (I gave up finally and just used an AirPort Express to extend the range).
    After the firmware update, some sites would not load at all ( and others took forever to load. And worse, I could not send any email from any of my IMAP accounts. It seemed to be a DNS problem.
    I have two 802.11n AirPorts, so I finally went back to the other one (7.0) and everything worked fine. The Apple tech support guy offered to replace my broken (7.1) AirPort.
    Foolishly, I wanted to make sure the problem was actually with the 7.1 update and not the AirPort itself. So I updated my second 802.11n base station with 7.1. And it casued the exact same problem (some sites not loading, no outgoing email).
    The Apple tech (at this point I was speaking with a wireless specialist) put me on hold to test a few of his AirPorts to see if he could revert back to firmware 7.0 or (ii) install a clean version of 7.1 (in case the version on my drive was corrupted).
    Unfotunately neither option was possible, which is a design flaw in AirPort Utility.
    Apple is sending me two new AirPorts in 1-2 days, which is great service, but I will not be installing firmware update 7.1 again. Fool me once... re71.html
    AirPort Extreme Base Station    

    Turns out that the firmware 7.1 does not render the AEBS useless.
    My problem was resolved when I turned off my DSL modem, the AEBS and the computer. Then restarted in same order going to the next one after the first is compeletly up and running. I had no problems whatsoever after that.
    Seems that the firmware update makes the IPs 'stick' somehow. I would think that even a reset of AEBS might have done it but I never got to that stage.
    All my computers came alive in no time.
    I suggest Smith tries this. Simply reset the whole network. Ah yes, my cable modem has an internal battery, I needed to disconnect this too. Only then did the modem go into the 'acquiring' or 'distribution' mode.

  • Trouble installing Firmware Update on Power Mac G5 1.6

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    I downloaded through Software Update. And follow the instructions that came with the updater but when I go to restart I get a completely different result than what I should.
    Instead of the updater just runnning like it should I get a Grey screen with the some text saying "Welcome to Open Firmware"
    Please type "Mac-boot", or "Shutdown"

    Now that I have disconnected all my USB devices bar the Apple Keyboard and Mouse I have not had a kernel Panic. The keyboard still freezes though. There is another whole thread discussing Keyboard freezes. Anyway I give up on Leopard and will be downgrading shortly, I just need my Peripherals to actually work. Thanks for the help here though.
    Shame Leopard is broken on my Mac as it looked great.

  • T61 Firmware update error: no battery

    How can I force update the firmware update if my battery is broken or not in place? 

    no you can't.
    Jin Li
    May this year, be the year of 'DO'!
    I am a volunteer, and not a paid staff of Lenovo or Microsoft

  • Weird problems after SMC firmware update

    So I have a MacBook Pro bought in July 2007. I installed the new firmware update yesterday and noticed today that my computer gets a lot warmer. If I try to run an application that does more processing, some buttons on my screen turn black, I can't move windows and the backlight starts to flash like crazy giving me a nice disco effect if I turn the lights off.
    /var/log/system.log will show stuff like the following:
    Jun 2 20:33:59 edvard-fagerholms-macbook-pro kernel[0]: NVDA(OpenGL): Channel exception! status = 0xffff info32 = 0x1 = Fifo: Fifo Method Error
    Jun 2 20:34:00 efagerhos-macbook-pro kernel[0]: 0000000b
    Jun 2 20:34:15 efagerhos-macbook-pro kernel[0]: NVChannel(Display): Graphics channel timeout!
    Jun 2 20:34:15 efagerhos-macbook-pro kernel[0]: NVDA(OpenGL): Channel exception! status = 0xffff info32 = 0x1 = Fifo: Fifo Method Error
    Jun 2 20:34:15 efagerhos-macbook-pro kernel[0]: 0000000b
    Jun 2 20:34:59 efagerhos-macbook-pro kernel[0]: NVChannel(Display): Graphics channel timeout!
    All my problems started after trying an application written in Java, which seemed to require lot of processing power and made my computer very warm. After this I have also been unable to get my DVD drive to read any DVD. If it turns to be the update, I am pretty ****** of that they release an update that can physically kill a perfectly well working computer. Especially, when it's already out of warranty.
    Does anyone else experience any similar problems?

    I am pretty sure it's the graphics even though the Apple "genius" claimed it wasn't. The genius told me the RAM chips were broken. Ok, so I bought new RAM, the computer booted up, worked for about 30 minutes and the problem came back.
    However, the computer boots up flawlessly to single-user mode by pressing apple-s during boot (even with the old RAM), so I can access the disk and use it as a typewriter in the console... I also coded a poor mans memory tester that allocated memory and wrote random stuff to it, and it worked fine with my old RAM chips. If I try to start the machine normally, then according to the logs, the computer freezes at the exact moment when it's starting up the login screen. If I assume correctly how OS X works, I would suspect that this is the moment it switches from some kind of a video BIOS framebuffer mode into an accelerated mode provided by the nvidia graphics driver.
    I also noticed after using the root console in single-user mode for about 30 minutes (I was making a Linux USB stick to start it through rEFIt, to do some further diagnostics) that the black console background had these faint blue horizontal lines going from the top of the screen to the bottom. This is usually a sign that the graphics chip is busted.
    It seems like it's time to get a new appointment in the Genius Bar.

  • The firmware update is a godsend

    sure the fan runs most of the time, but im just surf the net and listening to itunes right now (not very processor intensive, i know) and the macbook is running at 22 deg. Celcius. thats **** near chilly! id GLADLY put up with the fans white noise (which isnt noticeable unless in a silent room) for a cool laptop like this.

    your temp reader is broken. there's no way your processor is running at 22degC. that's 71 deg F, a pretty cold room.
    but i do agree that the firmware update has made my macbook run much cooler, about 10degC. it now runs between 55-60 degC with normal surfing plugged in and 52-57 degC on battery (it runs cooler on battery for some reason).

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