First time Mac buyer, 2.93GHz or 3.06GHz??

So I’m a first time Mac buyer, well soon will be and my question is this. Will I notice that much of a difference between the 2.93GHz NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 256MB and 3.06GHz NVIDIA GeForce GT 130 512MB configurations? I went to my local Apple store but they didn’t have both models on display, just the 2.93 one, which I really loved. I don’t plan on doing any major video editing, heck I don’t even currently own a camcorder but in the future I’d like to get one and do my own home videos. But for the time being all I use my current computer for is music, photos, web browsing, etc. On my current computer despite having Photoshop I almost never use it because of how slow it is, so that is probably the closest thing to any type of editing I do. I also watch a lot of video on my current one as well, like the HD trailers on and YouTube a lot. The current computer I have can’t handle 1080p at all but is ok with 720p, but I’ve seen that even the 2.93 iMac handles it perfectly. I guess my main concern is that I don’t want to go with the 2.93 iMac and then in a few months time feel like I made the wrong choice, but I also don’t really feel that I “need” all the power that comes with the 3.06 GHz model either. Any suggestions?

dwb wrote:
As a user sitting at the computer you are unlikely to notice any difference. (The avid 3D gamer might but then why is the avid 3D gamer sitting at a Mac?) Where you would notice it is in the speed with which the gamer renders a 3D graphic or prepares a video DVD for burning. Even so, the difference would be measured mostly in minutes, at best 10s of minutes for what would likely be an all day or overnight job.
You are incorrect. Preparing a video for DVD has nothing to do with graphics. That would be all CPU crunching, and you are not going to notice any difference between 2.93 and 3.06, except for maybe a few seconds, not minutes. The difference in graphics options might have a difference in frame rate of games, but not obvious in video playback.
Here are the numbers: 3.06 GHz first, then 2.93 GHz
Photoshop: 39 seconds vs. 41 seconds.
Cinema 4D Render: 41 seconds vs 43 seconds
Compressor MPEG Encode: 1:25 vs 1:27
iMovie HD Aged Effect: 37 seconds vs 38 seconds
Quake 4 Frame Rate: 85.6 frames per second vs 81.7 frames per second
Call of Duty 4 Frame Rate: 73.7 frames per second vs 66.4 frames per second (the winner of that test was the iMac (2008) 2.8 GHz model at 78.3 frames per second with the ATI 2600 HD graphics
So most of the tests have a difference of 2 seconds. Even the graphics frame rates were less than a 10 frame per second difference, and one test was outdone by last year's iMac 24". So you are better off saving the money because a 2 second difference isn't worth it or even noticable.

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    steve359 wrote:
    External disks connect to the MBP through either the Firewire 800 or USB 2.0 conector.  Self-powered ones also have a wall plug.  The general appearance is a "brick" sitting on the desk next to the computer.
    These are bonafide HD disks kept in external enclosures instead of being packed inside the computer.
    They are overwhemingly the preferred solution to making backups of your computer.  You will find few opinions in this forum to the contrary.
    One advantage to using these for backup is that thera are not hard-wired to the main system, so if a power surge takes out the main system, your "backups" are safe because they are usually disconnected when the surge hits.
    Another advantage is that you have *yet another* copy of the contents of your startup disk.
    Another advantage is that typically the HD inside the enclosure typically dies, not the cable connectors or HD interface in the box.  So when the HD in the enclosure dies (all HD die eventually), you can sometimes re-use the enclosure by placing a new HD. is a website that has tested parts and peieces for "Mac compatibility".  Prices are nice too.
    If you ask for recommenations of EHD (external hard disks), please state your budget becuse they can be as cheap as $60 or more expensive than $250.  USB 2.0 is the slowest external interface.  Firewire 800 is twice as fast as USB .
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    Mac 101:  Get Started Using A Mac 

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    AshwathRaj wrote:
    am first time mac book user,
    In General 3rd Party AV Software and Cleaning Utilities tend to cause More Issues than they claim to fix...
    They are Not Required...
    Mac OS X tends to look after itself.
    See >
    More Info Here  >
    The Safe Mac  >
    AshwathRaj wrote:
    ... and how useful the mac keeper software is?
    See Here  >  Beware MacKeeper

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    Can't help with the iTunes thing, since I don't have a PC to muck with. However, once you sort this issue out, see these, and welcome to Mac land:
    Switching from Windows to Mac OS X,
    Basic Tutorials on using a Mac,
    Mac 101: Mac Essentials,
    Mac OS X keyboard shortcuts,
    Anatomy of a Mac,
    Switching to Mac Superguide, and
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    Quick Assist,
    Welcome to the Switch To A Mac Guides,
    Take Control E-books, and
    A guide for switching to a Mac.

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    Select a file you want to transfer and drag it to the desired destination.
    If you need help with the basics of OS X you can:
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    See Apple - Support - Mac 101
    Visit the Apple website where you will find additional information and tutorials on how to use OS X.

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    Alright Fico family, i am here for assistance as a first time home buyer. I have been preparing for this day for like 2 years now and i want to make sure i have everything close to ready. In August, i plan on starting the home buying process and i am here to find out if i will qualify or what i need to do to make my chances a lot better than it could be. Below is my portfolio. Downpayment: I have $6000 saved up now and plan on adding to it until i close on the house so it might be more, but right now 6k is on standby for the downpayment on the house Income: $40,371 and i will have been at my job for 2 years in August Credit Score(Not the mortage score but it is Fico): Experian 681   Transunion: 667    Equifax: 688  I plan on pulling the mortgage scores when i am ready to sit down with a lender. Wise or not? I have only one collection on my transunion for $150. I been trying to get it off my name but no luck and i refuse to pay it. Now will this hurt me as far as the mortgage, or i can not worry about it since it is small? Monthly Debt: 
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    1) ...need to think about where you intend to buy ...if in rural area around Atlanta, USDA is much more advantageous than FHA in most cases, check the USDA site for property eligibility map+ might be surprised at what is considered rural2) ...your income is low enough to qualify for most state/county down payment/closing cost assistance programs ...also the USDA Direct program ...don't overlook these programs ...most will provide several k in assistance and most are either grants or forgiven if you live there for long enough3) your homework on the student loan payments ...there are substantial changes on going that may force the lender to use 1 or 2% of your SL total debt as a monthly payment in your dtir calculations whether or not they are deferred or IBR ...the payment your SL lender requires may well not be what your mortgage lender will use depending on the program4) fico appears to weigh cc utilization in tiers ...50/30/10 being widely claimed as breakpoints in the scoring ...thus I would pay down all debts to 50% first, then 30%, then 10%, then zero on all but one cc account ...that will result in the fastest fico 8 score rise ...the problem with that strategy is that the dtir calculations will use every cc with a balance owing at the minimum payment reported ...and that can sink your dtir despite a rising fico score need to figure out which payment strategy serves you best your situation, I'd not worry about cc interest charges right now ...focus on what gets you to a mortgage. 5) the TU debt only matters if it is recent ...fico weighs paid/unpaid the same ...some lender overlays may require you to pay it but most will not6) ...pull your fico mortgage scores now ...its $40 well spent to know where you really stand ...differences of 50 points +/- are all too common depending on whats in your individual file use in waging a battle that you don't need to fight always, ymmv ...hth 

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    Thanks for your thoughts,

    Troy F wrote:
    it has the 250gb 5,400rpm hard drive and only 2gb of ram...will be creating lesson plans, presentations, and spreadsheets. I will also do some basic photo and video editing, starting with the programs supplied in iLife. In my free time I hope to enjoy some basic gaming, mostly RTS games and WoW.
    Do the RAM first. A 250GB hard drive is a lot of storage for the stuff you do. You sound more likely to need more memory for more programs running at the same time, and that means RAM.
    what does everyone think about iWork?
    If you are not a Microsoft Office power user, then iWork can be pretty great, actually. If you use the obscure features of Word and Excel, iWork will seem underpowered.

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    Thanks in advance for any response.

    Hi and congratulations on your new 'best friend'
    The OSX that is on your new MBP is OSX Snow Leopard version 10.6.3
    And it does not contain any bloatware as with most of the Windows PCs you can buy.
    Apart from the OSX itself you get the 2009 full version of Apple iLife suite plus a 30-day trial version of Apple iWork suite (which can easily be deleted if ou don't like it).
    Nothing else on it.
    While others round here might do a complete reinstall of OSX on a new Mac, I myself have never done that and have no problems with my Mac.
    Device Drivers are part of OSX and updates to them are released as system updates from Apple with their own installer program.
    In OSX there is a 'System Profiler' application, which lists all devices of your Mac plus the full software environment.
    May I suggest to have a look here for beginners
    Have Fun

  • First time mac user and...

    Hey guys
    Hope you can help me on this.
    I recently got a new MBA 13" as my first ever mac and was quite happy with it until I updated to 10.7.1 and installed the thunderbolt/EFI updates.
    And now I've got quite a lot of problems with the UI.
    1)Icon magnification in the dock is sluggish
    2)The animations in mission control is also sluggish
    3)The app store is even worse than the other 2
    I google'd and found few suggestions such as reseting SMC/setting the scrollbars to "Show always"/Reseting RAM but none helped
    After using iPhone and iPad,I was expecting the same experience with MBA but...
    So any suggestion guys ? Do you think is a software problem ? If it its,then I really hope 10.7.2 fixes it

    @ Jonge17
    That's a thread I created to see if I can get any help or not.
    I live outside the US and since 10.7.2 isn't out yet,I'm not sure whether I can return my mac or not
    Tried that but it didn't help

  • First time mac owner and loving it!!!!

    i just bought the new imac aluminum 2.66mhz core 2 duo.. this is my first apple product and im loving it so took me a bit to get used to since coming from pc but the learning is probly the best part...i dont think ill ever buy another pc after this...i also never buy protection plans because i never keep anything long enough to justify the cost but i just bought it online today since i plan i keeping this a long very glad i bought this system even tho i couldnt afford wanted to share the joy im having with this...thanks for reading.

    May you enjoy your new Mac for years to come, and do browse these boards, as there is so much to learn here if you have the time. Even just reading without posting can often lead to little discoveries of things you didn't know before. Feel the joy!

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    Hello Mac Community. I am a long time windows user. I just purchased my first Mac product: A 15" MacBook Pro and and excited to get started. I plan to install Bootcamp and run OS X and Win XP. I will need to be able to share files with Programs in Both OS X and XP. After researching I am confused as to whether the best option is to:
    1) create 3 partitions for example 1)50GB OSX, 2)50GB Win XP & 3) 155GB shared Project and Documents Drive
    2) Split Drive in half and have 2 Partitions 1 With each operating system and 90-100gb of free space on it.
    *Important Info About My Usage*
    I plan to use my MBPro primarily for media applications (video / audio production) so it is very important to me to be able to in windows for example render a quick time movie in After Effects then save it to HDD Boot Up in OS X and use that file in Final Cut. Also with windows to prevent disk fragmentation I have XP on a smaller OS drive and all my video work is done on a large project Drive.
    For this reason I would assume option 1 would be my best best? Is this correct?

    Steve, you don't have to run Migration Assistant right away. You can set it up as if you weren't going to migrate anything. You can start using your Mac right away.
    Later, you can run Migration Assistant any time you want.
    Depending on when you cancel MA, it is probable that whatever it did up to that point will be lost. 36 hours is unreasonable.
    After you start using your Mac and are comfortable that it works to your satisfaction, connect the two with an Ethernet cable. Make sure it's a Category 5e or Category 6 patch cable (most are today). Then run MA. That ought to work and nothing will be faster.
    For what it's worth I never got MA to function properly upon initial setup. It ought to work in theory but mine would get stuck at about the 99% point. Running it after initial setup has always been more reliable. I don't know why.

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