Fix For Safari 3.2 crashes

This fix applies only to those who have Leopard Cache Cleaner (and probably Tiger Cache Cleaner) installed.
I'm running Leopard 10.5.5 iMac G5 Intel.
My problem was that after I installed Safari 3.2 via Software update, Safari 3.2 would crash on launch - every time. I read through many of the posts and tried most of the ideas. Nothing worked for me. (I don' have any of the 3rd party add ons that were mentioned) Eventually I remembered that I had set Leopard Cache Cleaner's "Customize OS X" to 'disable icon cache and disable cache', when I was running Safari 3.1. But it never worked. (the menu would show those 2 options to be unchecked after opening LCC again. And the 'empty cache' menu remained in Safari.)
After Safari 3.2 wouldn't open, and none of the other suggestions worked, I remembered that I had tried to change Safari's cache. So I opened LCC, (both options were still unchecked like before) and clicked SAVE. After that, to my utter amazement, I was able to launch Safari 3.2 with no problems. I've been running it now for 2 hours, still with no problems. Even if your Safari 3.2 opens, but then has problems, it may be a good idea to open LCC and make sure the Safari options are unchecked, then SAVE.
Open LCC, click on the top SPECIAL Menu, click on "Customize OS X" near the bottom. This will open up the customizing window. If anything is changed in the Safari section, uncheck it, then SAVE. Even if nothing is checked, make sure you click SAVE before closing LCC (TCC).
BTW, I have "not unchecked " WARN WHEN VISITING A FRAUDULENT WEBSITE. Yet Safari 3.2 is working fine . . . so far.
I hope this helps some or many of you. If I eventually run into a problem, I'll post it.
Good Luck,

Great Post, Joseph!
Solutions are always appreciated by all of us.

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    Try running the 10.6.8 combo update.
    10.6.8 Combo Updater
    System Preferences or Safari Preferences?
    Do a backup.
    Quit the application.
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    Hope my fix to my MBP can benefit others too...
    or any of you out there can give or enlighten more on this issue?

    I think turning safari to 32 bit mode solves my problem.
    If it turns out Safari crashes again, post a crash report.
    If Safari has just crashed, press the Report button on the CrashReporter dialog box to view the crash information.
    Now copy/paste the entire contents of the Crash Reporter window into your reply here. If the crash report dialog does not appear or the crash is hard to reproduce, crash logs can be retrieved from the ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter> folder.

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    If this sounds like a problem you are having, try the steps in the following link to fix it.
    Mac OS X Tiger lookupd bug & adsonar fix
    Hope it helps,
    [The above link goes to a bug fix on, my commercial website. While neither I nor DreamLight receives any compensation for this fix, or for visits to the site, increased traffic to the site could of course indirectly lead to additional business opportunities.]

    Hi Bee,
    There is indeed "such a bug", though you may be fortunate enough to not be affected. Unfortunately MANY others are affected by this. I spent three days helping track this down (many of those 38 posts were while tracking it down in the Tiger discussions) and find a fix to this and thought that others might benefit by my efforts... By the way it's NOT a Safari bug, it happens in any browser, it's a "lookupd" bug which may be triggered by surfing to certain sites which contain links to "", which if you have JavaScript enabled can hang lookupd and take down your entire system... consider yourself lucky that it hasn't happened to you...
    Here is some background information if you don't believe me:
    Apple Discussions: "Fixes" for lookupd Problems, some via Java Updates
    Apple Discussions: System unresponsive within the last week
    MacFixit Discussions: Progressive Freeze and Network Access under Tiger
    MacFixIt Special Report
    MacFixit Follow-up: Another fix for system-wide freezes when Web browsing
    I only posted this fix to the specific threads where people were having Safari hang, incase it might help them. Forgive me for trying to help them... I thought that was the point of these boards and that was why they started threads about their issues... I'd be willing to bet that this fix will indeed fix many of their problems...
    I also posted one additional new topic here on the Safari board and one on the Tiger board for new readers looking for solutions to the same system hangs they may be getting while surfing.
    If this fix does indeed help any of you other readers, please post back here so that Bee can indeed see that I'm not just posting here to waste my time...

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    I also have problem with hanging up freezing up and all the above and actually Safari 5 made my entire computer inclosing other browsers I use very slow now,
    so I hope Apple come up with a fast fix for this soon because a lot of people have problems I have three laptops in my family my kids tonight said they have the same exact problem as far as using the DNS that you were talking about I'm afraid that I would run into some security issues I am not sure if it is something Apple would also suggest to all the people that are having this problem. I have not seen any feedback yet on open DNS

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    From the Safari menu bar, select
    Safari ▹ Preferences ▹ Extensions
    Turn all extensions OFF and test. If the problem is resolved, turn extensions back ON and then disable them one or a few at a time until you find the culprit.

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    Not really expecting an answer here - though that would be great. Seems pretty obviously a severe Safari 5.1.5 issue that I'm hoping to make higher priority for Apple by posting here.
    --> so if this is happening to you please join in
    Start Mac (mine:PB17, 10.7.3, 8GB ram, no FlashBack trojan), nothing running but activity monitor. Start Safari (no java, no flash, no extensions). CPU jumps into the 90+% and active memory starts ticking upward at 20MB per second until all ram is used and the system starts swapping and everything slows to a crawl. Also, Safari un-quitable. Only force-quit works, at which point all memory & cpu use goes back to normal.
    Does all this with java and extensions enabled too. And other apps going.

    I also have problem with hanging up freezing up and all the above and actually Safari 5 made my entire computer inclosing other browsers I use very slow now,
    so I hope Apple come up with a fast fix for this soon because a lot of people have problems I have three laptops in my family my kids tonight said they have the same exact problem as far as using the DNS that you were talking about I'm afraid that I would run into some security issues I am not sure if it is something Apple would also suggest to all the people that are having this problem. I have not seen any feedback yet on open DNS

  • 1Password version 2 browser button fix for Safari 5

    Duplicate your 1Password 2 app (control click > Duplicate). It will make a copy called
    Download 3.2.1, mount the .dmg, open the app with finder (Show Package Contents),
    Contents > Extensions > WebKitExtension.Bundle.
    Control click > copy to copy the WebKitExtension.Bundle app.
    Open with finder the 1Password (Show Package Contents), Contents > Extensions >
    Replace (paste) the WebKitExtension.Bundle app with the 3.2.1 version.
    Use the modified 1Password to reinstall the browser extensions. Close after extension
    (note: using the modified copy will cause a nag screen to be displayed every time you open Safari 5)
    Reopen your regular 1Password app and Safari 5 should work (without the nag screen).
    Works fine on Snow Leopard - did not test on Leopard.

    Hi Bee:
    This is for 1Password 2 Version 2.12.1 (build 7671), not for 1Password 3 Version 3.2.1.
    (for those who have not upgraded yet).
    I don't know if agile will ever offer a Safari 5.0 fix for 2.12.1 or not.
    There are a lot of folks like me who own a multiple (family) license for 1Password Version 2.
    Some of the older machines will never see Snow Leopard and aside from Safari 5, all current
    browsers are still supported by 1Password 2.
    I would probably upgrade, but truly, in my case, 1Password 3 has no new features that I really
    want. I don't run Safari in 64 bit mode. It doesn't run any faster or better that I can tell (in 64 bit
    mode), and it breaks the 32 bit plugins in 64 bit mode. Besides, Safari is tolerable (sometimes),
    but it sure isn't my favorite Browser.
    I am a basic person too, fancy prancy stuff just irritates me, I like 1Password 2's interface a lot
    better. They should offer different skins for version 3, make everyone happy.
    If Agile would support even one of my 2 favorite Browsers (Seamonkey and Opera), I would
    probably upgrade, but instead I am forced to use Safari (ho-hum) or Firefox (Yuk!).

  • Is there a fix for Safari crashing with OS 5.0.1

    After installing OS 5.0.1, my ipad crashes ramdomly. I know some of the websites use javascript and youtube.This is not a flash problem.

    I own an iPad and it happens to me too. There is nothing you can do it normally crashes because it is a big web page. Safari just isn't a very good program. My suggestion to you is to get the google app

  • One solution for Safari 3.2 crashing if you don't have any 3rd party apps

    So Safari 3.2 was crashing like crazy for me and i tried everything suggested on these forums without success. I never had any 3rd party "hacks" installed like PithHelmet that are known to cause the issue. I remembered i had a proxy server setup to access journals from my school library at home a while back. Tried disabling that and now safari 3.2 has been running without crashing for 2 days.
    Just putting it out there for those of you still having crashing issues. I'm sure it's not the cure-all, but maybe some of you still have a proxy enabled. I hope apple fixes this particular issue eventually, because i need to use the proxy.
    Message was edited by: zig_k

    I guess that is the other side of the analysis. I am similarly not really aware of the way that the proxy works -- I guess it confirms data and settings -- and with the PAC file, these are changed from time to time. I guess, if it is working in FF and not Safari, you might try a few things like turning off then on the proxy settings; creating another Location; resetting Safari (keep that one for later); trashing the relevant preference files; asking your sysadmin; and sending feedback to Apple, with the PAC file location.

  • Fix for Safari Freezing Entire System

    You can read the EXPLANATION or just jump right to the SOLUTION.
    So in the past two days my Safari started freezing after using it for a mere few minutes.  I'd get the spinning beachball and my system became unresponsive.   I couldn't force close anything nor could I even access the force-close window (command+option+ESC).
    This problem was also affecting Apple Mail because it uses Safari/WebKit to preview HTML in the messages.
    I tried repairing permissions, I tried disabling extensions, etc.  Nothing worked.  While I was doing this, I pulled my MacBook Pro out of my bag and started using it to try and get some work done in my office concurrently.  Well, all of a sudden IT started crashing with Safari as well!
    This got my thinking, perhaps there was a bookmark or setting issue that was being synced via iCloud.  So I unchecked Safari sync from the iCloud Preferences panel and also inside iCloud Drive.
    I then followed the instructions below, which basically removes all of my Safari prefs, bookmarks, etc and reverts it to a clean, pristine install.  Yes I lost my bookmarks.  I have backups and will manually add them again.  I've been using Pocket ( anyway so no big loss to me.
    Regardless, I've been using Safari for the past 30 minutes with my extensions re-installed and no freezing, no issues at all.
    Taken from: Reset Safari Settings/Preferences
    Note: The following will make a backup of all of your Safari prefs and copy it to a folder on your Desktop.  It will then reset Safari to default.
    Open a terminal window and just copy/paste the following into the terminal window and press RETURN / ENTER:
    mv ~/Library/Safari ~/Desktop/Safari-`date +%Y%m%d%H%M%S`; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/Apple\ -\ Safari\ -\ Safari\ Extensions\ Gallery; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/Metadata/Safari; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Caches/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Cookies/Cookies.binarycookies; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/Apple\ -\ Safari\ -\ Safari\ Extensions\ Gallery; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Preferences/; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/PubSub/Database; \
    rm -Rf ~/Library/Saved\ Application\ State/
    Hope this helps other folks until the actual culprit is identified.

    I copied my Bookmarks.plist file back to my Library/Safari folder from the copy that was created in the Safari backup folder on my desktop in the previous message.  Safari continues to work and I have my bookmarks back.

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