FIXED: 8350i Nextel Curve Echo Issue

Hey RIM...How about a job?

Do you have another link to the fix - i can't seem to access it since your update. Thanks!

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    Should I spend the $280.00 to have Canon fix my 70D auto-focusing issue? Or just return back to my very much trusted Rebels?
    Go to Solution.

    MelekalsCanon wrote:
    Very much appreciate your taking time to send a response. As a new user I wasn't sure if anyone would bother. Allow me to add a little more to my first post. I fit in that niche between amateur and a person with clients. For over 10 years I have covered events for a non-profit agency capturing the look and feel of 20+ events per year and was given permission to purchase a few cameras over the year. My decision from the beginning was to use the Canon Rebel. Images were spot on and only once did I have an issue with one of them (after shooting outside events in 105 degree temps for 3 days).
    So, when I retired a year ago it was for me a pretty simple choice to get a Canon for myself - especially since at that time the 70D was on the cover of magazines and was very highly touted. I also did a lot of desktop publishing and photo editing which helped me realize I wanted the best sensor, sharpness, resolution and lens I could afford - the 70D. My post was actually a result of reading many online responses including your very informative replies about the 70D focusing issues. My biggest concern is that I will spend several hundred dollars and maybe, just maybe get back a camera which captures better focused images, but still not as sharp as the lower end Rebels I was using. I had hoped to purchase my first "L" lens and really get excited - not repair the most expensive camera I've bought to date.
    Thanks again and before it gets noted by someone...yes, I should have pushed this issue sooner and then at least the warranty would have covered the cost. An expensivve lesson learned. But I will have to add that at least one authorized Canon repair dealer told me they have had several folks feel like I did - that it was the photographer/me as a new user having the issue and not the camera. I now know it's my camera.
    Let me clarify that I don't own a 70D, so anything I say about it is from watching what others have said, mainly in this forum. But it is disconcerting to see so much complaint about a camera that's supposed to have an innovative focusing system. One is strongly tempted to suspect that they went overboard in trying to make the camera serve both still  photographers and videographers.
    That said, I'm not a great fan of the Rebel line, because they lack autofocus microadjustment and I have at least one otherwise excellent Canon lens that would be useless without it. (The 70D does have AFMA, a point in its favor.)
    As far as spending the $280 for the repair, I understand why it's a hard call. If I were in your shoes and were convinced that Canon understands the issue and would fix it correctly and permanently, I guess I'd go for it. If you don't think they do, but fell that you need something a cut above the Rebels, this may be a good time to buy a leftover or refurbished 7D. Even though I now have a 5D3, I still use my 7D's a fair amount and have been very happy with them. And the 7D2 has gotten such a favorable reception that's it's almost bound to make more 7D's available at a decent price.
    Boston, Massachusetts USA

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    Some things to try first:
    1. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    2. Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
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    4. Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    5.  Renew IP Address: (especially if you are droping internet connection)
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        •    Tap on Wi-Fi
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        •    In the window that opens, tap on the Renew Lease button
    iOS 6 Wifi Problems/Fixes
    How To: Workaround iPad Wi-Fi Issues
    Another Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems
    Wifi Doesn't Connect After Waking From Sleep - Sometimes increasing screen brightness prevents the failure to reconnect after waking from sleep. According to Apple, “If brightness is at lowest level, increase it by moving the slider to the right and set auto brightness to off.”
    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6 to-ios-6.html
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    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    How to Fix a Poor Wi-Fi Signal on Your iPad n-Your-iPad.htm
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    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi -To-Wi-Fi.htm
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    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

  • 1 Fix: iTunes UN-inst / Inst Issues
    The above covers multi-issues BUT certainly the Apple Mobile Device Sppt --- Uninstall problem.
    See #2 in above link and Expand the [32-64 and 64-Bit System] links to see WHAT to Manually UNinstall in (64 bit) Program Files (x86) and              (32-64) Program Files.
    The Apple Sppt staffer who had remote access to my friend's computer dealt with the Program Files (x86) only BUT I'd look at them all per the instructions.
    iTunes and Apple Software Update were already Deleted.
    He skipped the Apple Mob Dev Sppt problem and uninstalled Bojour.
    He then went to Program Files (x86) per the above links and did a manual Delete in Comon Files\Apple, although there are multi-deletes to do per the instructions.
    He stated the Manual Delete(s) was Key to most people's problems.
    After the Manual Delete we RE-BOOTED, downloaded iTunes, and did the Install with 1 Glitch as follows: a pop-up stated the Registry Settings to Import and Burn Cds was missing and that could be from having another Burner App installed....REinstall iTunes.
    We didn't because that's not anything our friend does, and I presume her iPhone update capabilities are there.
    Logged into Store but that's all.
    Try manual Delete(s) as described before Installing iTunes again.
    I'll update the CD Burn/Registry isue when I can reach Sppt again.

    EDIT: 2/16/14: I was told that the Pop-up about Missing Registry Entries to Import / Burn CDs can be corrected by (1) Starting Over and (2) Uninstalling the List in #2 as directed ref LINK just below, PLUS UNINSTALL QUICKTIME, too.
    The C:\Quicktime Files should be checked for complete Deletetion by Uninstall, and manually Delete any left-overs.
    ================================================================================ =======
    1 Fix: iTunes UN-inst / Inst Issues
    The above covers multi-issues BUT certainly the Apple Mobile Device Sppt --- Uninstall problem.
    See #2 in above link and Expand the [32-64 and 64-Bit System] links to see WHAT to Manually UNinstall in (64 bit) Program Files (x86) and            (32-64) Program Files.
    The Apple Sppt staffer who had remote access to my friend's computer dealt with the Program Files (x86) only BUT I'd look at them all per the instructions.
    iTunes and Apple Software Update were already Deleted.
    He skipped the Apple Mob Dev Sppt problem and uninstalled Bojour.
    He then went to Program Files (x86) per the above links and did a manual Delete in Comon Files\Apple, although there are multi-deletes to do per the instructions.
    He stated the Manual Delete(s) was Key to most people's problems.
    After the Manual Delete we RE-BOOTED, downloaded iTunes, and did the Install with 1 Glitch as follows: a pop-up stated the Registry Settings to Import and Burn Cds was missing and that could be from having another Burner App installed....REinstall iTunes.
    We didn't because that's not anything our friend does, and she Sync'd her iPhone and logged into the Store.
    Try manual Delete(s) as described (incl Quicktime (See Edit at Top) before Installing iTunes again.

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    Not seen it posted elsewhere here so just wanted to confirm the iTunes 10.5.1 update i applied this morning has fixed the itunes share/server issue that was affecting my QNAP TS-412 NAS.
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    Hi rbhat18,
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    Can you try this troubleshoot regarding your issue :
    KB11727 : Troubleshooting poor voice quality on the BlackBerry smartphone .
    Ley us know how it goes.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • Application issues on Nextel Curve 8350i

    Hi, ive tried to install a host of applications in my New 8350i. Although the applications install, Other than seeing them under options to set permissions and delete, I have no other link to actually running them other than after the initail install when it asks me to do so once. The applications are Opera Mini 4.2 , and several Applications fromt he blackberry site such as myspace and facebook. Any Ideas?
    The OS version is listed as help would be great.

    Welcme to the Frums!
    So you are not seeing the icons once you download them?
    if that is the case, go to the main screen and press your menu key. SHOW ALL.  See if they show up there. If not, begin looking behind other applications to see if they could be there.
    Follow NurseBerry08 on Twitter

  • 8350i Nextel only sending blank text screens

    I upgraded the software to on my 8350i curve on Nextel.  Now, my texts are all blank.  I can receive them but every response is blank.  Can i downgrade to my old software version?

    Hello deveira and welcome to the BlackBerry Support Community Forums.
    Before downgrading, try clearing out the SMS database as shown in KB10167.
    If you still wish to downgrade, you can consult your carriers download site here to see if older software is available.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Kudos! for those who have helped you.Click Solution? for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

  • Curve 9320 issue (hang problem)

    Hello, i have purchased curve 9320 3G 1 month back but i couldn't use this more than 1 day, i use to freeze frequently, after inserting sim, it was running fine for 10-12 Hrs, after than when i received incoming call, it showed me the number and contact on screen but i could not received that, all the key got freeze that time and i had to hard boot that device by fetching the battery out, i also went to BB service center 2 times but they said its a normal antivirus problem, i m surprised how could a virus may get in to device as neither connected it to internet, BBM services nor to any PC through data cable.

    Hello csamit2004
    Welcome to BlackBerry Support Forums
    Whenever you feel any problem always the first and best practice is to perform a Battery Pull Restart by removing the Battery while your Smartphone is Powered On , then wait for atleast a min. and reinsert it back .your device may take a long reboot . Rebooting in this manner fixes most issues within our BlackBerry Device , you won't loose any data while doing so .
    Also be sure that you're closing all application correctly , If we press and hold the Menu for a few seconds, it will pop up a screen which will show all running programs in the background ,generally five will always there ( Home, BBM, Message,Phone , Browser ) you can always look if any other apps. are running in the background. Always try to Close Applications Correctly - Avoid using the End key to close applications as this simply minimizes the application and leaves it running in the background. Instead, press the Menu key, select the Close or Exit option to exit the application.Don't leave your Browser open on any active webpage when not in use.
    If programs run in the background it may lead to device freezing and also quick battery drainage.Please have a look at this Article I am sure it will help you a lot in overcoming your problems :
     KB14320 How to maximize battery life and free memory on the BlackBerry smartphone.
    Click " Like " if you want to Thank someone.
    If Problem Resolves mark the post(s) as " Solution ", so that other can make use of it.

  • 8350i Nextel Direct Connect doesn't work with GM Onstar Bluetooth

    Paired my 8350i to my 2009 Chevy Silverado with Onstar and Bluetooth. Can make and receive phonecalls with Bluetooth but Direct Connect cannot. I have to turn off Bluetooth on the 8350i in order to utilize Direct Connect.  

    I have an 8350i with Nextel, and had similar issues with the Bluetooth in my 2012 Hyundai Accent.     Also by accident, I was able to figure out how to work the Nextel.  You do need to use the PTT button on the phone as you normally would.  (If you try listening in the handset it will not work, the connection to the bluetooth in the car needs to activate.)   If someone initiates a PTT conversation with you press the green "pick up call" button on the vehicle's bluetooth.   This will cause the bluetooth connection with the vehicle to activate.   Then you will be able to hear and speak through the vehicles bluetooth system while pressing and releasing the PTT button as you would if you were using Nextel through the handset. 
    It is even more awkward if you try placing a PTT call.   Hit the green "pick up call" button and even though the bluetooth system will be asking you for verbal commands to initiate a phone call, ignore them and "chirp" the person as you normally would.  It will work, not pretty, but it will work.  At the end of the call the system will still be asking for verbal commands, but simply hang up.  
    This worked whether the phone was in vibrate, speaker or not.  

  • 8350i direct connect messages issue

    Hi I was wondering if there was a solution for the messages popping up in the messages folder when someone direct connects me?  Yes I have turned off the forward to none and really could not make heads or tails of the one post there is on this issue.  I am assuming that us 8350 owners have to wait for a software upgrade.  Is this correct or has this issue been solved in another way.

    I have the 8350i and a Mac.
    I have my info on iCal and Address Book.
    When I sync, everything is ok, except 2 problems.
    The Direct Connect ID's and the BB PIN's do not sync.
    In the Mac's Address Book, I have them under:
    DCID  =  'Home 2' 
    BB PIN =   'Home Fax'
    I have them labeled like that because that's how Entourage/Address Book syncs them.
    For example,
    When I create a new contact on my BB that has email, phone, address, direct connect#, PIN, company...  and then I sync with my mac... I will see in the Mac's Address Book the new contact with the email, phone, address, company... but no direct connect# and no PIN.
    In short, there is no field that corresponds to Direct Connect# and PIN#  when trying to sync with BlackBerry Desktop Manager for Mac and a BlackBerry Curve 8350i.  Is this true?
    Message Edited by framal on 10-05-2009 02:19 PM

  • Blackberry Curve 8530 issues

    Device info
    Your carrier: Koodo Mobile
    Model: Curve 8530
    Apps and free space
    Free Space: 108451598 bytes
    Did a battery pull fix your issue? = NO
    The setting for Mobile Network to adjust to either "Auto or Home Only" is not on my phone anymore. It literally was there yesturday and now its gone.. How do I bring it back? i've done the restore and software install and still nothing. I was even on the phone for a few hours with my provider trying to figure it out. Please Help!
    Also my Blackberry Maps icon is nowhere to be found either! Its in the application list but not anywhere on the home screen or within other folders.

    Shibby175 wrote:
    Does anyone know if there is a toll free number to call Blackberry direct?
    Seems like they only have a corporate number for ppl who subscribe to thier service.
    There is no such number. ALL front line support for BBs is provided by the carriers and authorized resellers. They have the ability, at no charge to you, to escalate all the way into RIM for cases that require it. But, they are responsible for dealing with all front line support of BBs. If you wish formal support, that is your channel.
    Occam's Razor nearly always applies when troubleshooting technology issues!
    If anyone has been helpful to you, please show your appreciation by clicking the button inside of their post. Please click here and read, along with the threads to which it links, for helpful information to guide you as you proceed. I always recommend that you treat your BlackBerry like any other computing device, including using a regular backup here for an article with instructions.
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  • 8350i + Nextel Question

    every other Nextel phone I have ever had you could have two lines on the phone so could have a Personal Line and Business Line with 2 different phone numbers without needing two different phones....    Now does the Blackberry Curve 8350i support two lines?

    click on your media icon, then click MENU key and select explore
    browse to your media card- blackberry- documents
    highlight your excel sheet
    menu button- delete

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