FIXED! Middle Click Functionality Disabled on Windows 10 upgrade . . . FIXED!!!!!!!

On upgrading my ThinkPad Edge E545 to windows 10, I lost the ability to middle click. ....The new UltraNav had got rid of trackpoint options box that allowed me to select "neither" and only allowed me to change the senstivity of the scrolling.....Diabling trackpoint meant that I lost the ability to use the buttons at all!! Cray Cray!  I was losing it trying to fix it....reinstalling, rebooting, trying old drivers....nothing worked.....then finally I found this post about the same problem in windows 8... In my case, with windows 10 I just searched for 'trackpointmode" in regedit......that ended up being here HKEY_USERS\S-1-5-21-1557542073-2641846280-496700362-1003\SOFTWARE\Synaptics\SynTPEnh\UltraNavPS2Then...
Change "TrackPointMode" to dword:00002214 from the previous value of 00001214
Thank you jaymemaurice you da real MVP

Thanks so much for taking the time to post about this!
Hopefully this will help others and they will add on comments here to confirm it worked for them too!
Best regards,

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    I have the same mouse and after searching a solution, I found this article: -but-not-in-windows-8-1-boot-camp
    You only need to unpair the Mouse from your Mac System, Reboot to Windows Boot Camp and pair the Mouse...
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    On the Add-ons page, look in the Extensions category; Safe Mode allows Plugins to run, so the problem isn't a plugin.
    Another thought: Safe Mode deactivates Firefox's use of hardware acceleration. Although I've never heard of this particular glitch, certainly odd graphical behavior can occur when Firefox is not completely compatible with your graphics card drivers. This feature can be separately disabled, so you might want to try that first if you have a lot of extensions.
    orange Firefox button (or Tools menu) > Options > Advanced
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    Hello there,Well, as it sounds to me the old software is basically jamming the new one that you are trying to install..What you should preform is a full uninstalltion of the Driver 14 (Solution Center) from your computer. (Importnet thing: If your computer is also an HP Machine, Follow the steps shown later on!!!!)Okay then, follow those steps.1.Unplugg your device (If its Wireless/Ethernet, skip this step)2.Download the full solution (From here: it will finish downloading, extract the software and head into the Printer folder that is being shown there, Inside it head to the 'util' folder and then into the 'ccc' folder In here you should be able to find a file called "Uninstall_L4" >> run that file, It will open a black window, Just press Enter in order for it to start removing the software, after it will finish uninstalling you will be asked to preform a restart, save whatever you were working on and let it restart.4.After it will finish booting up, head into C:\Program Files (x86) and delete the "HP" Folder that you see here.5.Head into C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files and delete the "Hewlett-Packard" Folder that you see here.6.Here we are going to make some changes to the Registry, so before we start backup your registry entries by exporting your registry library to your desktop.(Follow those steps on how to do that)6.1.Open up the "Run" window by pressing the Win-Key+R.6.2.In the command line type in "regedit" and press enter, it will open up the registry editor.6.3.In this very window on the top left side press on "file" and choose "export" , name the file "reg" and save it to your desktop.7.In here head into HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software and remove the HP/Hewlett-Packard folders that you find here.7.1.Head into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE and remove the HP/Hewlett-Packard folders that you find here.8.Open up the "Run" window again by pressing Win-key+R, in the command line type in "spool" in here open the "drivers" folder, in it open up the "x64/W32x86" Folder (According to your system type) and from there delete the HP Printer folder. (If the there are no HP folder's then don't delete anything.)9.Go into C:\Windows and change the "twain_32" folder name to "twain_32 old".10.Open the command line by pressing Win-Key+R, in the command line type in "%temp%" in the folder that will be opened, delete everything.11.Next step  will invlove using the Windows cleanup utility, which can be downloaded from here (, after it will finish downloading install the File and open the software, a Small window will open, in it Search for anything that starts with HP and remove it.... (Everything is being showed as HP Except for one file called "bdq_scan" make sure to remove this file because there is a 97% chance that its the sole reason of your problem..)12.Restart your computer.13.Start the installation and follow the steps being shown.___________________________________________________________________________________________For those who are using an HP Computer.On step 4, Head into C:\Program Files (x86)\HP and remove only the "Digital Imaging" folder.Skip step's - 5,6,6.1,6.2,6.3,7,7.1, and 11 completely.And this should solve the issue, best of luck.     

  • [Solved] Split Tmux window prevents middle-click from functioning

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    Thank you!
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-11-02 21:51:34)

    Hi karol, yes I meant to say a terminal window in X, i.e., xfce4-terminal and roxterm.  Pasting text only fails if I have tmuxvsplit its active (currently focused) window either horizontally or vertically.  The pasting function fails even if I create a new window and then split that one within the tmux environment too.
    My .tmux.conf:
    #~/.tmux.conf - tmux terminal multiplexer config
    # Based heavily on Thayer Williams' (
    ## Environmental Options
    # Enable tmux to use a 256 colour terminal
    # Provided the underlying terminal supports 256 colours, it is usually sufficient to add the following to ~/.tmux.conf:
    set -g default-terminal "screen-256color"
    set -g terminal-overrides 'xterm*:smcup@:rmcup@'
    # Set clock colour.
    setw -g clock-mode-colour green
    #setw -g clock-mode-colour blue
    # If you SSH into a host in a tmux window, you'll notice the window title of your terminal emulator remains to be user@localhost
    # rather than user@server. To allow the title bar to adapt to whatever host you connect to, set the following in ~/.tmux.conf
    set -g set-titles on
    set -g set-titles-string "#T"
    # open a man page in new window
    bind m command-prompt -p "new-window 'exec man %%'"
    ## By default, all windows in a session are constrained to the size of the
    ## smallest client connected to that session, even if both clients are
    ## looking at different windows. It seems that in this particular case, Screen
    ## has the better default where a window is only constrained in size if a
    ## smaller client is actively looking at it. This behaviour can be fixed by
    ## setting tmux's aggressive-resize option.
    setw -g aggressive-resize on
    ## mouse-select-pane [on | off]
    ## If on, tmux captures the mouse and when a window is split into multiple panes
    ## the mouse may be used to select the current pane. The mouse click is also
    ## passed through to the application
    set -g mouse-select-pane on
    ## Upon starting to use tmux, I noticed that I had to add a noticeable delay
    ## between two characters in a command sequence for it to recognize the
    ## command, for example between the C-a and n in C-a n. This is because tmux is
    ## waiting for an escape sequence. Fix that by setting escape time to zero.
    set -s escape-time 0
    ### Hotkeys and Commands
    ## Binds
    # set prefix key to ctrl+a
    unbind C-b
    set -g prefix C-a
    ## Quick way to mosh/ssh into another system bound to S [Shift-S]
    bind S command-prompt -p 'SSH to:' "new-window -n %1 'mosh %1'"
    # reload config without killing server
    bind R source-file ~/.tmux.conf \; display-message "Config reloaded..."
    # toggle last window like screen
    bind-key C-a last-window
    # more intuitive keybindings for splitting
    unbind '%'
    bind v split-window -v
    bind - split-window -v
    unbind '"'
    bind h split-window -h
    bind \ split-window -h
    # send the prefix to client inside window (ala nested sessions)
    bind-key a send-prefix
    # confirm before killing a window or the server
    bind-key k confirm kill-window
    bind-key K confirm kill-server
    # toggle statusbar
    bind-key b set-option status
    # ctrl+left/right cycles thru windows
    #bind-key -n C-right next
    #bind-key -n C-left prev
    #bind-key -n M-right next
    #bind-key -n M-left prev
    # quick view of processes
    bind '~' split-window "exec htop"
    # scrollback buffer n lines
    set -g history-limit 10000
    # listen for activity on all windows
    set -g bell-action none
    set -g bell-on-alert on
    set -g visual-bell on
    # on-screen time for display-panes in ms
    set -g display-panes-time 4000
    # start window indexing at one instead of zero
    set -g base-index 1
    # disable wm window titles
    set -g set-titles off
    # disable auto renaming
    #setw -g automatic-rename on
    # border colours
    set -g pane-active-border-bg default
    #set -g pane-border-fg blue
    # wm window title string (uses statusbar variables)
    set -g set-titles-string "tmux:#I [ #W ]"
    #set -g set-titles-string "tmux"
    # session initialization
    #new -s0 -nTTYtter 'ttytter'
    #selectw -t 1
    ### default statusbar colors
    set -g status-fg default
    set -g status-bg default
    set -g status-attr bright
    ### default window title colors
    # set-window-option -g window-status-fg white
    # set-window-option -g window-status-bg default
    # set-window-option -g window-status-attr bright
    ### White Yunzi - command/message line colors
    set -g message-fg green
    set -g message-bg default
    set -g message-attr bright
    ### Silver Yunzi - command/message line colors
    #set -g message-fg white
    #set -g message-bg default
    #set -g message-attr bright
    ### Pink Yunzi - command/message line colors
    #set -g message-fg magenta
    #set -g message-bg default
    #set -g message-attr bright
    ### White Yunzi - statusbar
    # set -g status-interval 1
    # set -g status-justify centre # center align window list
    # set -g status-left-length 30
    # set -g status-left '#[fg=white,bright] [ #[fg=green,bright]#H#[fg=white,bright] ]#[fg=white,bright] Up #(uptime | cut -f 4-5 -d " "|cut -f 1 -d ",")'
    # set -g status-right-length 30
    # set -g status-right '#[fg=green,bright][#[fg=white,bright] %a %m-%d-%Y %H:%M #[fg=green,bright]]'
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg default
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    ### Silver Yunzi - statusbar
    set -g status-interval 1
    set -g status-justify centre # center align window list
    set -g status-left-length 30
    set -g status-left '#[fg=white,bright][ #[fg=blue,bright]#H#[fg=white,bright] ]#[fg=white,bright] Up #(uptime | cut -f 4-5 -d " "|cut -f 1 -d ",")'
    set -g status-right '#[fg=yellow]%k:%M #[fg=blue]%a,%d-%b#[default] '
    set -g status-right-length 30
    set -g status-right '#[fg=blue,bright][#[fg=white,bright] %a %b-%d-%Y %H:%M #[fg=blue,bright]]'
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg default
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    ### Pink Yunzi - statusbar
    # set -g status-interval 1
    # set -g status-justify centre # center align window list
    # set -g status-left-length 30
    # set -g status-left '#[fg=white,bright] [ #[fg=magenta,bright]#H#[fg=white,bright] ]#[fg=white] Up #(uptime | cut -f 4-5 -d " "|cut -f 1 -d ",")'
    # set -g status-right-length 30
    # set -g status-right '#[fg=magenta,bright][#[fg=white,dim] %a %m-%d-]'
    # set -g status-right '#[fg=blue,bright][#[fg=white,bright] %a %b-%d-%Y %H:%M #[fg=blue,bright]]'
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg default
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    #### White Yunzi - active window title colors
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg green
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg default
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    #### Silver Yunzi - active window title colors
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg white
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg default
    set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    #### Pink Yunzi - active window title colors
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg magenta
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg default
    # set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright
    Edit - typos
    Last edited by MoonSwan (2014-11-01 23:06:08)

  • Restoring "Middle Button Click" with the newest Windows UltraNav drivers (X220)

    Hi Everyone,
    I see that some changes were made to the TrackPoint in the newest UltraNav drivers package -- namely, there are no more customized options for stick scrolling with the TrackPoint. Is there any way to reset the middle button to perform a middle click rather than stick scrolling?
    I see that the Registry options are in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Synaptics, but there are so many options! Is there anyone out there who can help me with this?
    Thanks in advance!
    Side note: I considered the older UltraNav driver, but that doesn't have the Windows 8 charm bar feature. I also considered the latest driver from the Synaptics website, but it doesn't have the "prioritize for trackpoint" option and I feel that the palm rejection is inferior to that provided by the Lenovo one.
    Side note #2: My main reason for requesting this is to improve the scrolling experience with my ThinkPad. I've been able to optimize my touchpad scrolling with a modified version of TwoFingerScroll, and really need to do the same with my trackpoint. For the trackpoint in Windows 7, I liked DragToScroll, which I feel provides more sensitive scrolling than the one in the UltraNav driver in most applications.
    Go to Solution.

    Hi, hendhess
    I'm not sure about fixing the issue through the registry, though I did find two threads on this issue that may be able to help you solve the issue. There's this one started by zsero that has some suggestions and the like. There is also this thread which is linked from zsero's. According to some, if every former Synaptics driver is removed and then the new one is installed, the middle-click functionality is restored, though this isn't universal.
    Hope it helps,
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution!" This will help the rest of the community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.

  • In firefox 3, when I middle clicked a link, it would open in a new tab for me to view later, but it wouldn't go directly to the tab; in firefox 4, it does. How do I get it to work like before?

    E.g. if I was on google and middle clicked a search result, I would still be looking at google, but the page I opened would be loaded to the right side.

    Google search and other websites have a user preference that can be set to open a search result in a new tab or a new window, for users who are logged in to their website.
    Otherwise, when you don't have a 3-button mouse or a scroll pad with "middle-click" functionality, you can use '''{Ctrl + Click}''' to open a hyperlink in a new Tab.

  • No Middle Click? g4-1207nr

    Hi, I just realized my g4-1207nr  does not do the middle click function when i press both buttons (like when in firefix you want to open link in a new tab) and I could not find a solution in the mouse buttons options,  the closest I could get was to asign middle click to the left button and use tab for the primary click. So is there a way to settle the middle click function to when i press both buttons?

    Yes, File: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-synaptics.conf
    The arch wiki on synaptics has further information.

  • Middle click not opening link in new tab. Windows 7 Firefox 17.0.1

    Middle click suddenly stopped opening new tabs when links are clicked on. I was running 16, but updated to 17 (latest) to try to fix the problem. I am using a Logitech mouse and keyboard. Worked until this week.
    I really need this working again.

    Start Firefox in <u>[[Safe Mode|Safe Mode]]</u> to check if one of the extensions (Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Extensions) or if hardware acceleration is causing the problem (switch to the DEFAULT theme: Firefox/Tools > Add-ons > Appearance).
    *Do not click the Reset button on the Safe mode start window or otherwise make changes.

  • Magic Mouse Middle Click in Windows 7 64-bit Bootcamp?

    Any ideas?, I found something (link below) but I'm not sure if its safe. ws-7-64-bit-bootcamp

    That looks relatively safe but quite impractical in the long run.
    I'm looking to achieve something similar, getting the middle click button to work, since it would be very useful through general productivity in terms of web browsing as well as for gaming such as Minecraft (building).
    Anyone got any ideas as to how to achieve this? I know it's not possible to get this functionality in OS X without some third-party tool such as MagicPrefs, but surely it should be possible in Windows.

  • Middle click to open window in foreground broken

    I upgraded my Firefox recently to Version 16.0.1.
    Since then my middle click button has not been working the same.
    I open up multiple windows and in each window I open links and I used to do this by middle clicking on the link and it would open up the link in a tab in the current window I am working in.
    Now when I middle click, it opens up the link in the primary/original window and not in the current window I am working in.
    The only solution I have found is to hover over the link and open in the foreground tab.
    I am using Tab Mix Plus version and have uninstalled and re-installed already with no change...

    You can try to right-click and '''Reset''' the '''browser.tabs.insertRelatedAfterCurrent''' value in [ about:config], or '''Toggle''' to '''True'''.
    # In the [[Location bar autocomplete|Location bar]], type '''about:config''' and press '''Enter'''. The about:config "''This might void your warranty!''" warning page may appear.
    # Click '''I'll be careful, I promise!''', to continue to the about:config page.
    [ about:config Entries]
    The [ Config Descriptions] add-on adds helpful source comments in about:config.
    If problems persist, you can also Reset Firefox and start afresh.
    The Reset Firefox feature can fix many issues by restoring Firefox to its factory default state while saving your essential information.
    Note: ''This will cause you to lose any Extensions, Open websites, and some Preferences.''
    To Reset Firefox do the following:
    #Go to Firefox > Help > Troubleshooting Information.
    #Click the "Reset Firefox" button.
    #Firefox will close and reset. After Firefox is done, it will show a window with the information that is imported. Click Finish.
    #Firefox will open with all factory defaults applied.
    Further information can be found in the [[Reset Firefox – easily fix most problems]] article.
    Did this fix your problems? Please report back to us!

  • Disable middle click application switcher?

    I am trying to use a kensington mouse in Maya on a Macbook pro. However, Middle Click launches the application switcher even when in Maya. Does anyone know how to a) fix this or b) disable application switcher?

    Install Kensington MouseWorks™ software (version 3.0)
    It will create a MouseWorks system preference where you can assign Middle-click to the middle button.

  • Magic mouse - Windows middle click?

    Yet another topic on so called magic mouse, which seems not so magic now. Though I'd still love to buy it!
    Anyway, I've been looking into it for days, and once MagicPrefs became available middle click issue for OS X was solved. However, both my work and studies require frequent use of Windows CAD applications (hope remains it will feature Mac versions one day), where navigating with middle button is essential.
    I've tried to look through discussion boards, but didn't find anything similar to this. Thanks in advance!

    <rant> This is a big deal, but not really being taken seriously. Apple hasn't even bothered to work it out in their own OS yet. Thanks @vladalexa [MagicPrefs], a developer from Romania, for the final decision on the 70$ purchase )@steve(. Otherwise, the native software cannibalizes too much of the hardware's built-in functionality to justify the investment. Virtual machines would solve this issue, but I just don't have the free hardware resources to accommodate the kind of software I run. </rant>
    i don't care how )magicprefs for windows / other manufacturer's driver / whatever works!(, there needs to be support for middle click in windows )native, not virtual(. it's like have a scroll wheel that doesn't work on a 70$ mouse...
    fingers crossed

  • How do I get my hotmail to open in a new tab instead of a new window and I've tried the middle click/ctlr option.

    MSN is my home page and when I click on the hotmail link in the top left hand corner of the page it always opens in a new window even if I press middle-click/ ctrl keys. The hotmail link is the only link that I have had this problem with thus far. Can you help me correct this problem?

    Hotmail opens in a new window because the code or set of instructions on the MSN website tells Firefox to open Hotmail in a new window. I would suggest you right click on the Hotmail button and left click on "Open Link in New Tab". This will open a new tab in the current window.

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