Flag mark as unread on phone and Mac

Sorry - this question is no longer necessary. My computer has caught up with my phone.

There's no way to do this on the iPhone, and I haven't heard of any App's that could do a similar job...
Would be hand though, but usually if i've time to open the Text, then i've time to reply.

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    On the mac, only contacts in the "iCloud" section will sync to other devices.  Those in the "On my mac" section do not.  Could that be your problem?
    To test the icloud situation, log into icloud.com with your mac's safari and to to the contacts page.  What you see there is what icloud has received from mac and iphone. 

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    Welcome to the Apple Community.
    Unfortunately, if Apple simply allowed people to log into different accounts and download content, everyone would be using everyone could share everyone else's content and bypass the need to purchase anything. To protect against this, they limit you to logging into a new account to once every 90 days.
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    You have a lot of invalid tags in your HTML code. 
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    JQUERY CODE:  Insert this into the <head> tags of your document.
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    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js">
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    $(document).ready(function () {
        $('#toggleMenu').click(function () {

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    When I upgraded from the iPhone 3GS to iPhone 5, I simply did a Backup of my phone using iTunes, plugged in the new iPhone 5 into my Mac, and did a Restore of that backup to put everything back. This procedure is documented around the web. Also, the new phone will ask you for your Apple ID and when you enter it, all your iCloud info will be downloaded to the phone. It worked pretty well for me.

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    Mike G. wrote:
    As far as I can tell this has been disabled in Mavericks (and possibly slightly earlier). Apple now wants you to get an iCloud account and upload all of your contacts to their server.
    The way this works is: 1. create an icloud accout 2. set up your mac to sync its contacts with that icloud account 3. set up your iphone to sync its contacts with that same icloud account. (Be careful when synching the first time that you don't overwrite the device's contacts with the initially blank set of clontacts in icloud). The result is that you have synched the contacts between your iphone and your mac (and Apple gets a copy as well).
    Now I understand. In step #2 above "set up your mac to sync its contacts with that icloud account" means "select all the 'on my mac' contacts and drag them onto the iCloud account so that they become iCloud contacts". There is no "setting" to sync "on my mac" contacts to iCloud.
    As I tried to note on another thread about this where I was, unfortunately, openly mocked for having difficulty with it, this doesn't always go as smoothly as one would like and it can, at times, appear that you can't drag a contact from "on my mac" to iCloud.
    I have several hundred google contacts and several hundred "on my mac" contacts, as well as the iCloud acount. (A consequence of being a very long time Apple user and a very reluctant iCloud adopter. Until a serious phone failure yesterday I'd always just had the contacts sync via iTunes and then grandfathered from phone to phone once that feature was removed by building the new phone from the old phone's back up.)
    The Contacts app is in constant network communication with the google servers and the iCloud servers. When you're working with this many contacts at one time, network lag in those communications (is my best guess) can cause the application itself to cease to function in a quick and obvious way, often creating the appearance that you can't drag a particular contact (or group of contacts) from one place to another. You try to drag and nothing happens. You don't get an error or a warning, you don't get the situation where you can drag it but you can't get it to select a group (because the contact is already in there) you get nothing at all.
    If this happens often enough it can lead one to believe that contacts must be moved individually and manually, but that is not the case. You just have to let your network connection catch up, and try again.
    Also note that if you drag a group of contacts and some of them are already in iCloud you'll get a warning about potential duplicates. You'll get a set of choices about which one to keep, or both, or update. You can't actually see the contents of the two duplicates while you make this choice. If you get this warning, I would highly recommend choosing "cancel", confirming that your local copy is correct, complete and up to date, and then do the select and drag again and then pick the "update" option -- either nothing will happen because iCloud was also correct, complete and up to date, or you'll update iCloud, but nothing bad can happen that way.
    I'm so glad they took away the direct syncing with the Contacts app via iTunes. This new method is so much easier to use

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    Have you checked to see which accounts are active on your Mac?

  • Getting email on phone and Mac

    I use a dslextreme POP account and have an email address through my website (my name@my company.com).  The e-mail goes to either the phone or the Mac, I want it to go to both.  I checked the box to leave the email on my server.  I would really appreciate some help in baby steps, I'm technically challenged

    Open Mail. Now go to the Mail Menu and select Preferences.
    When that window opens, click on the accounts icon.
    At the left will be your account name "[email protected]"
    Click on it. Now click on the minus sign at the bottom of the window.
    You will be asked are you sure - just click on delete.
    Now you want to set a new account.
    Select Pop
    Description can be dsl
    incoming mail is mail.dslextreme.com
    Now type in your user name and password. User name is the first part of your email address minus the @dslextreme.com
    Outgoing Mail server is smtp.dslextreme.com
    Click on server settings button.
    Server port is 25
    SSL is not checked
    Authentication is password
    type in your user name and password.
    Now close the window. You will be asked to save the settings. click on save.
    You now should be able to get your emails. The address to view this http://macosx.com/tech-support/mac/email/6385.html
     As far as your phone you can visit the site address http://motorola-global-portal.custhelp.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/48630/kw/dslextreme%20mail/p/30%2C6720%2C7500/session/L3NpZC94OG9qb3piaw%3D%3D and it will give you some information on how to start receiving emails on the handset.
    Hope this Helps

  • Flag / Mark as unread - SMS on iPhone

    Is there any way, or any application that I can download that will enable me to mark my text messages as unread once I have read them (like you can in Mail).
    I normally read my messages and then mark them as unread to reply to them later!

    There's no way to do this on the iPhone, and I haven't heard of any App's that could do a similar job...
    Would be hand though, but usually if i've time to open the Text, then i've time to reply.

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