Flag / Mark as unread - SMS on iPhone

Is there any way, or any application that I can download that will enable me to mark my text messages as unread once I have read them (like you can in Mail).
I normally read my messages and then mark them as unread to reply to them later!

There's no way to do this on the iPhone, and I haven't heard of any App's that could do a similar job...
Would be hand though, but usually if i've time to open the Text, then i've time to reply.

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    Sorry - this question is no longer necessary. My computer has caught up with my phone.

    There's no way to do this on the iPhone, and I haven't heard of any App's that could do a similar job...
    Would be hand though, but usually if i've time to open the Text, then i've time to reply.

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    Hey there Fabian, 
    If I understand correctly you are going to Settings > Mail, Contacts, and Calendars > Add Account but that last option is not usable because it is gray. In testing this for you, I was able to reproduce this by enabling Restrictions and denying Account Changes. You can configure that with this article:
    About Restrictions (parental controls) on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.

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    Mark Read
    Mark Unread
    Mark All Read
    Mark All Unread

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    brand new iPhone here and Ive updated to 1.0.1 ( although Im not sure how to confirm this update).
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    Hey kabsl,
    Thanks for the post.
    What type of email account is attached to your BlackBerry Z10? (POP3, IMAP, Exchange).  Also have you tried removing and re-adding the email account to test?
    Is this email account only setup on one computer or several computer?
    I look forward to your reply.
    Come follow your BlackBerry Technical Team on Twitter! @BlackBerryHelp
    Be sure to click Like! for those who have helped you.
    Click  Accept as Solution for posts that have solved your issue(s)!

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    the solution come from
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    Good day

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    Mail rules doesn't offer these options which is why you don't have them. Your friend must be mistaken. and anyway since the rules are only applied to new messages there is no point in having the option to mark them as unread - they are unread already. You can add a rule to unflag messages using apple script but if I'm not mistaken all new messages are unflagged by default too so there is no point for this one either.

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    I am using Exchange 2010 server and iPhone 5, the same behavior as yours.
    And I refresh the emails in iPhone 5 manually, the unreaded email becomes read.
    I think it need some times to sync the changes.
    If the status not changed after refreshing manually, I suggest use Windows Phone for test if it is convenient.
    If it works in Windows Phone, I suggest asking iPhone support for help so that we can get more professional suggestions.
    If it doesn't work in Windows Phone, since Office 365 is different from Exchange 2013 server, I suggest asking Office 365 Forum for help. For your convenience:
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

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