Flash 11.3.300.262 volume issue - Win7

In Windows 7 using Firefox 13.0.1, the flash process spawns a unique volume mixer in the Windows 7 Volume Mixer panel every time the plugin restarts (ie, starting Firefox or when all flash containers are closed and a new one is opened).  This unique volume mixer is set to 100% which means it blows out my speakers every time it loads.  This is incredibly annoying and all the other programs in Windows 7 seem to be able to remember their volume settings except Flash.  I would downgrade but because Flash is the most common malware vector I have to keep it up to date.  Please fix.

Could you please open a new bug on this at bugbase.adobe.com?  In addition, if you are intersted in trying a test build out that addresses other sound issues please see this post.
Flash Player 11.3 Status - Updated 6/28

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    I create a distribution, set the install to be `msiexec /i install_flash_player_11_active_x_32bit.msi /qn`, create an advertisement, assign it to a collection, and wait.
    On my two test boxes (One Windows 7 fully patches and one Windows XP fully patched) I get the same error.
    Windows Installer per-user elevation of this program ("010004B5" - "Install Flash") failed for advertisement "01022398".This program was started. Please check the status of this program to determine whether or not it was completed sucessfully Possible causes: The version of Windows Installer on the computer is less than version 2.0, or the setup program does not support Windows Installer per-user elevated rights installations. Possible solutions: Update the version of Windows Installer on the computer to version 2.0 or later, or contact the software vendor that supplied the install program to determine if a version of setup that supports per-user elevated rights is available.
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    I know windows installer is fine so It has to be the msi. 
    Anybody else having this issue?

    Hi Cris,
    I modified my install to be `msiexec /i install_flash_player_11_active_x_32bit.msi /qn /L+* "C:\foo\flash.log"` and gave it another run.
    The good news is that it made the flash.log.  The bad news is that it is empty.  I'm going to try again with the x and v extra logging.
    I'll let you know.

  • Adobe Flash 11.3.300.262 crashing

    I tried 3 times to install the latest update and its still crashing with Firefox 13.0.1. I had to go back to the 10.3 in Adobe. Does anyone know if there are any more updates planned to fix this or anything else I can do? Very frustrating.When I did get the update to work it slowed everything down and nothing was working right. So far no problems with the Adobe 10.3.

    Thanks. I'll just stay with the Adobe 10.3 for awhile. The workarounds are a bit to complicated for me. Hopefully Firefox or Adobe can figure out a way to resolve this.

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    Well, after hours of trying to figure it out I gave up and un-installed and re-installed that last verion of Adobe Flash Player and now it seems I can play games again in Messenger. Everything else had been fine just that. I can only figure it was because it was having a hard time updating the first time and took me 3 tries. So even though it said it was installed, apparently it wasn't done correctly.
    Though when I couldn't figure out what was wrong at first I looked and checked to see all the things were enabled that were supposed to be and they were.
    I even tried to go to the Adobe site and download the last version I had and couldn't find it. Kept coming up with the new version. Others said if you download a particular older version it may not have all the security features in it.
    This really gets to be a bit much, especially when you're by yourself and have only a smattering of knowledge of technical things.
    Thanks fore responding to my question.

  • Flash Player 11.3.300.262 Not working with Firefox. I think I found the problem.

    *Flash Player 11.3.300.262 is not working with Firefox. I think I found the problem.*
    Millions of people got off work & turned on there computers recently to discover that Firefox is not playing any videos or flash content. Just like me, millions of people are randomly searching the internet in a futile & frustrating attempt at answers. Unfortunately, many of those people will simply stop using firefox & deem it a glitchy, unreliable browser.
    This happened to me a couple days ago. I started up my computer & got a pop-up from Adobe saying that I need to update my flash player to 11.3.300.262. I've always thought of adobe as being a reliable software company, so I clicked on it with confidence that things will be working even smoother. To my horror, I relalized that right after the update, my main browser, firefox was destroyed. Then I went on the frustrating process of uninstalling, re-installing, running virus scan, researching the internet like a lost child. I said to myself, "that's why I hate updating stuff, because updates always seem to change stuff you don't want it to change & there always seems to be a problem with the updates." I usualy update software months after it releases, because microsoft & all the other software companies always seem not to test there stuff properly before releasing them. Then we have to look at a glitchy computer until the next update fixes it. Well, that is my rant. Now let me discuss the problem I found.
    What I did was, go into my firefox extentions menu & I disabled the 11.3.300.262 & I re-enabled the previous flash player. After that, everything worked perfect again. Then a today (a week later), I turned on my computer & my firefox wasn't playing any videos or flash content again. I went into my firefox extenions menu again, & I discovered that my old flash player had been deleted, & this new glitchy 11.3.300.262 had been enabled. Why did adobe feel the need to into my computer & automaticly delete & update my flash player. Now it doesn't work. THIS IS REALY FRUSTRATING!
    The Issue I discovered:
    "RealPlayer" is the most popular video program & it is installed on millions of computers. For some strange reason Firefox does not want its users to use Real Player. Specifically the RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin 15.0.2. I also discovered that my Browser Record Plugin 15.0.2 was automatically disabled when the Adobe 11.3.300.262 was automatically updated also.
    - Maybe this could be because of some copyright conspiracy to keep people from downloading videos from the web.
    - Maybe firefox wants people to use there download add-on instead of RealPlayers downloader.
    I don't know what ther reason is. But what I do know is Nobody is going to delete there RealPlayer from there computer just to use FireFox. We can simply use Chrome or Internet explorer. I took the advise from Adobe & disabled the FireFox RealPlayer Extention. I also went into my RealPlayer preferences options, But there was no option to disable download recording from FireFox. BECAUSE I ALREADY DISABLED THE ADD-ON in FireFoxes menu.
    Step 1: Adobe needs to update all the computers with the previous flash player. That way we can choose to enable the previous flash player in our FireFox. or wait until a new update fixes the problem with firefox.
    Step 2: Adobe & FireFox need to get together & go back to the drawing board. They need to create a update that actually works on computers that have Real Player installed on them. I don't care which company does the update. All I care about is if it works. Thank You.
    Oh yea, Im running FireFox 13.0.1, Windows 7, HP computer, Real Player is up to date.

    Hey Chris,
    I was able to duplicate this issue on my Windows 7 laptop as follows:
         1)  Completely uninstall FlashPlayer (using your tool) as well as Mozilla Firefox and Mozilla Maintenance Service (used Windows 7 - uninstall from Control Panel).  Please note that I checked the box that said "Remove my Firefox personal data and customizations" to ensure that Firefox was completely gone from my laptop.
         2)  I then went out to the Firefox website and downloaded the "Firefox Setup 13.0.1.exe" app to my laptop.  I ran this app to install Firefox.
         3)  I then went to the following website http://www.ishmael.org.uk/karaoke02.php as I know that this URL uses Flash Player (obviously you can go to any URL that uses Flash Player - I'm just letting you know which one I used).  I then clicked on the icon on this page to install Flash Player.
    Once the install was completed, the URL stops responding and appears to be locked up (although it will occassionally hiccup and display portions of the page and then lock up again).  You will eventually get a pop-up notice from Firefox that has the header "Warning:  Unresponsive script" and says the following: 
         A script on this page may be busy or it may have stopped responding.  You can stop the script now, or you can continue to to see of the script will complete.  Script:  chrome://browser/content/browser.js:6551 
    Selecting "Stop script" will get Firefox working until you hit another page that uses Flash Player.
    To ensure that the above URL is not the culprit, I used one from your website http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/find-version-flash-player.html and had the same results.
    Hope this info helps!
    NOTE:  As a reminder, I do not have RealPlayer installed on my laptop (and never have had it installed)

  • Visualizing problem with Adobe Flash Player 11.3.300.262 plugin

    Since Adobe Flash Player plugin updated itself to 11.3.300.262 version, embedded flash objects in pages and forums are disappearing from the screen when I scroll the page.

    There are some compatibility issues between the latest Flash player and some Firefox add-ons or settings. If you end up trying Flash 11.3 again, can you see whether disabling smoothing scrolling helps with the display problem?
    orange Firefox button ''or'' classic Tools menu > Options > Advanced > General
    Uncheck the box for "Use smoothing scrolling"

  • No sound after installing flash player 11.3.300.262, have mozilla 13.0.01, working fine with flash player

    Have no sound after installing flash player 11.3.300.262. Working fine with flash player

    hello, unfortunately this seems to be a bug in adobes flash plugin 11.3. please refer to the following forum entry on how to handle the issue or report the problem with your system details to adobe.

  • Flash Player Plugin 11.3.300.262 has debug enabled

    I am running Firefox 13.0.1 on a WIndows 7 Home Premium system. I have updated video drivers, and the system is kept fully patched at all times. Since the release of 11.3.300.x ( I am running 11.3.300.262) of the Flash Player plugin, it intermittently crashes at random on various websites that provide flash content. The .262 release apparently was released with debug mode turned on, according to a site that found for troubleshooting this problem.  I also get a pop-up window with some cryptic messages about something missing from the source site and I get buttons to dismiss or continue from the pop-up. If I continue the content seems to play ok, but on exiting the page, I get another pop-up box and then my browser freezes until I go into Task Manager and kill the flash-player process.
    Flash-Player used to be so rock solid and now it is just an irritant. I search the web and it is littered with comments on the flash-player crashing on a full range of browser products. So any chance a fix is in the works ? This is not like Adobe to release something this buggy. Anyone run an MD5 hash on this release to see if it's been hacked ?
    I sure hope it gets fixed soon...

    I don't know how you got the debug Flash Player on your computer, but if that happened to me I would run a clean install, as described in http://forums.adobe.com/thread/928315, then download and run the offline installers from http://helpx.adobe.com/content/help/en/flash-player/kb/installation-problems-flash-player- windows.html#main-pars_header

  • Flash Player 11.3.300.262 crashes Firefox on Win7x32

    Hi everyone.
    Flash Player 11.3.300.262 is better from the last one, but I still can’t use it.
    It doesn’t work in a computer that I have with windows 7 and 32 bits.  The Firefox crashes, Opera and even Chrome don’t work properly.
    It works on other computer that I have like, Windows Vista 32 bit (I have to disable Real Player).  Other with Windows 7 64 bit.

    Hey Chris,
    here my first crash: flash crash (feedback has been sent)
    1) open all these videos
    2) workaround: change video quality to get all the videos buffering in pause mode.
    3) all the videos are ready for watching.  flash plugin RAM : 800MB!
    play this video. full screen mode.
    then, after a few seconds, move the pointer to return to the beginning
    => 6) the video exit the full screen mode > expanded mode with a " ! " in the video window.
    7) flash plugin does crash
    send the feedback
    9) reload all the videos. now the flash ram = 400MB!!!
    never seen a flash crash in the past, even if I did open 15 YT videos 1080p.!!
    please watch these reports:
    crash: bp-e3b86a68-f646-4136-ba96-77f212120623
    crash: bp-8d7717ae-0af2-4486-8a05-ab39f2120623

  • Win 7 / FF 13 - Flash 11.3.300.257 doesn't work

    OS: Win 7 64bit
    Browser: Firefox 13
    Flash Player: 11.3.300.257
    Since updating to the above Flash Player version, flash isn't working anymore, which simply means, nothing related to flash is working if using Firefox. Flash is still working with Chrome and IE 9.
    Flash 11.3.300.257 is also working with Win XP / Firefox 13.
    I've deinstalled and reinstalled twice, but it didn't help. As far as I can see there are other people having trouble with this lastest Flash version in Firefox.
    Is it possible to get the previous Flash Player version which was running with Win 7 64bit / Firefox 13? Would be great because I guess it'll take a while until this problem gets solved.

    This issue is caused by an incompatibility between Flash Player on Firefox and the RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin for Firefox.  Disabling the RealPlayer plug-in will resolve the issue for you.
    There's more detail over in this thread: http://forums.adobe.com/message/4486789#4486789
    To disable the Real Player Browser Record functionality while maintaining the enhanced security provided by Flash Player with Protected Mode, do the following:
        Exit Firefox
        Launch RealPlayer
        Click the RealPlayer icon in the upper-left corner of the window, and choose Preferences
        Choose Download & Recording from the left-hand menu
        Uncheck "Enable Web Download & Recording for these installed browser"
        Click OK

  • Volume Issues - Too Loud & Too Soft

    This is a problem I've had for awhile now. It's getting unbearably frustrating. Volume issues, where the default value for sound ranges outside what the iPhone should be capable of doing. So for example if the volume goes from 0% to 100%, my phone will be completely random and range from -50% to 150%.
    How can it be less then 0% you might ask, when moving the slider mid way the volume is completely off and any lower doesn't make a difference, then I'll receive an email notification and BAM the volume goes up 300% and it's so loud it feels like the speaker is going to explode. This problem happens at any time but mostly after or while using headphones or car bluetooth.
    Example of my issue in action, I'll plug AUX in the car into the phone, play music, driving along, randomly goes to half volume. I'll turn up the stereo to compensate, one minute later I'll get an email and the volume resumes to normal operating volume and I almost sh** my pants in fright.
    Another example is I'll be watching a video late at night before bed on youtube or something with the volume all the way down, then the next morning my phone alarm will not sound or it will but insanely softly. The work around for this is to play music right before locking my phone with the volume up all the way. Just move the volume up all the way, play > pause and there you have it, volume working agian.
    And one last example, randomly it goes really really loud. Like how is this possible loud. I'll dial a number and when pressing the buttons instead of a beep beep beep. I get fog horn BEEEEEEP BEEEEP BEEEEP. But as soon as the call starts the volume sets itself back to normal. Kind of like how when playing music without head phones with volume on max sets it back to normal.
    Things you should note:
    Ringer volume has been locked to maximum, but quite often won't abide by this rule.
    I've reset the phone and setup as new iPhone, problem still occurs.
    Please don't give a solution like, "Have you checked your sound volume in settings". I'm not stupid.
    Also, please don't give a solution unless you understand the difference between "Notification and Tone Volume" and "Media Volume".
    Other then that. Please help, this is driving me mental.

    I recently did the last firmware upgrade for my ipod nano 5th gen and can't set the maximim limit.
    It can be set, but wont stick and I can still go above the limit.
    Did something break with the firmware upgrade.

  • Volume issues with GE60 Apache Pro-003

    I recently picked up the new GE60 Apache Pro notebook, and I've been running it for about a week now. I should of course mention that I also did a clean windows install after adding an SSD to the system (and now can't figure out how to add back that cool MSI panel that was there when I first got the system).
    Anyway, I've noticed that there seems to be volume issues with the system no matter WHAT kind of settings I tweak, or drivers I try to use. With all sliders up at maximum, the volume levels still never seem to surpass around 50% (from observing the volume gauges in the Windows Volume mixer panel). My previous notebook's speakers put out significantly higher volume, and was also able to put out far more power to my headphones (Audio Technica ATH-M50).
    Any possible ideas for the cause and solution to this problem? Thanks in advance, and let me know if there is anything else I need to mention.

    Quote from: darkhawk on 02-April-14, 20:44:14
    What are you using to gauge the '50%'? MP3's? Windows sounds? or what?
    Pretty much everything. Music, games, online videos... According to the volume mixer, the audio levels never seem to pass 50%. The grey bar bounces to the peak, but the green bar never seems to pass the 50% level. It's as if there's some sort of limiter in place I'm not aware of. And since I reformatted the notebook as soon as I got it, I was never able to see if the volume control worked correctly before the reformat.

  • Has Anyone sent the iphone in for repair for the low volume issue ???

    I called apple last week and spoke with a level on support agent. After he could not solve the volume issue they sent me to level two. the level two tech took the call and told me right away that they were going to send me a new phone. I give him my credit card as a deposit so they would send a new phone and when I had the new phone I could then send the old one back. Well after a few days I called to check on the phone and found out he never placed the order and now they say they want to send it for repair some place in Texas. They did offer the rent me a phone for 29.00 while I wait for repair. I told them no rental for me. How bad is that, a hardware issue and they say they are going to send a new phone and never do then they offer a repair and to rent me a phone. I was wondering if anyone had sent in the phone for this issue yet. I do not think I am going to send it in and I think I am going to get my refund while I still can. I just thought I would check to see if anyone had sent the phone in for repair yet and how it worked out.

    How are any of us (Apple users just like you) supposed to have any idea?
    We weren't there.  We don't know the specifics of what happened to your iPhone.
    Ask the store that repaired it.

  • Download Adobe Flash 11.3.300.271 msi

    Apoligises if this in the wrong place, first post and did not find it too easy to point my topic in the correct location.
    I need to download Adobe Flash 11.3.300.271 (IE) but has to be the MSI file and not the executable one. Have searched places like oldapps.com but cant seem to locate it anywhere.
    Thank you in advance

    Try it here:

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