Flash beta 10 and player detection

Since installing Flash Player beta 10 for testing on my PC my
flash isn't working. Could it be that instead of taking the major
version "10" and comparing it to the required version "8", it's
using simply the first letter "1" and comparing it to the required
version "8"?

Hi slavagrov,
Did you run the uninstall_flash_player.exe before installing
the beta?
What version is being detected from this URL:
Also, if you have a URL that we can test with please include

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    Hi, pivous, and welcome to Apple Discussions. You probably don't have enough RAM to use Flash, and your very high Virtual Memory setting can't compensate for the deficiency. Besides, setting VM as high as you have could make your Mac unstable all by itself. The recommended setting for VM is always 1MB more than the amount of physical RAM in your Mac — in your present situation, 65MB.
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    the flash program publishes an html with flash detection added to the html page.  it detects the needed player version.
    you can also use swfobject for reliable swf embedding and player detection.

  • [svn] 2417: SDK-16048 - No longer open flash10 namespace for Flash Player 10 Beta 2 and onwards

    Revision: 2417
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-07-09 11:57:25 -0700 (Wed, 09 Jul 2008)
    Log Message:
    SDK-16048 - No longer open flash10 namespace for Flash Player 10 Beta 2 and onwards
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    Bugs: SDK-16048
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    Flash Player?

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    The html wrapper code generated by Flex Builder does this
    automatically if you have Project, Flex compiler, use Express
    Install checked.

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    If you are talking about Safari on the iPad, there is no version of Adobe Flash for iOS and there never has been. Clear Safari, close the app and reset the iPad.
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    > Hello all, I'm trying to test Falsh Player detection
    code. Trying to see if
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    Go to windows32 and look for macromed folder, just rename it,
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    Best Regards
    If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    see fit.
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    technotes updated to let people know the following...
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    detection. For more information see the SWFObject page at Google
    code (
    or "Detecting Flash Player versions and embedding SWF files with
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    Seems the reasoning is a little off. If the Flash detection is in the Flash .swf.... but the browser has no Flash plugin.. the .swf would never be read by the browser... hence no "Flash detection" scheme would be implemented.
    That's why Flash detection has to take place out-side of the .swf, by the browser... exactly like .swfobject does.
    Best wishes,

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    <flexunit:FlexUnitTestRunnerUI id="testRunner"/>
    which it can't find.
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    Unfortunately this doesn't have anything to do with the FlexUnit code itself. These are bugs inside of the Flash Builder plugin. You may want to post on their forum as well to try to get some support.
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  • Flash Player Detection Kit

    社内でFlash Player のバージョン取得の為、Flash Player Detection Kitをダウンロードし使用しようか検討しておりますが、使用方法がよく解りません。マニュアルは英語で・・・。
    ただ、バージョンを表示するだけで良いと考えておりますが、Ver7x以下はバージョンが表示されないようです。イントラ上ではなく、こちらのサイトにアクセスしてバージョン表示させるしか方 法がないのでしょうか。

    ちなみにFlash Playerのバージョンを取得するだけでしたら、「getVersion関数」でいけると思います。Flash Player 5以上対応とのことです。

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    i was wondering if there is somehitng i could use other than selectionChanged??
    and also, does anyone know where i can find all the differences from Beta 1, and Beta2??

    Actually, the requiresSelection was renamed to requireSelection:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009" xmlns:s="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark">
                import mx.controls.Alert;
                import spark.events.IndexChangeEvent;
                protected function ddl_changeHandler(evt:IndexChangeEvent):void {
                    Alert.show("oldIndex:" + evt.oldIndex + ", newIndex:" + evt.newIndex, evt.type);
                protected function ddl_changingHandler(evt:IndexChangeEvent):void {
                    Alert.show("oldIndex:" + evt.oldIndex + ", newIndex:" + evt.newIndex, evt.type);
        <s:DropDownList id="ddl"
                <s:ArrayList source="[One,Two,Three,Four,Five,Six,Seven,Eight,Nine,Ten]" />

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    Flash Builder 4 and PHP Data/Services for beginners

    The first issue will be the pathing differences between wamp/mamp/xampp, some use www as root others htdoc you need to setup the php services on your local machine rather than importing a project.
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    top of service file
    var $username = "root";
    var $password = "";
    var $server = "localhost";
    var $port = "3306";
    var $databasename = "zend";
    var $tablename = "clients";
    var $connection;
    ;set the absolute location path of webroot directory, example:
    ;Windows: C:\apache\www
    ;MAC/UNIX: /user/apache/www
    webroot =C:/wamp/www
    ;set the absolute location path of zend installation directory, example:
    ;Windows: C:\apache\PHPFrameworks\ZendFramework\library
    ;MAC/UNIX: /user/apache/PHPFrameworks/ZendFramework/library
    ;zend_path =
    amf.production = false
    In your main project folder you have a .model folder the file there is an *.fml file that contains your channel endpoints etc.

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