Flash form in dreamwever

i have made a basic flash email form. in flash when you fill
out the email address the subject and the body text when you click
submit it fills out all three boxes in the email programme it opens
up but when i preview the site in dreamweaver only the email
address is filled in when you press submit. can anyone help

Ok it's good to learn but if you want to save time and effort
take a look
[email protected]

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    Hello, I need some serious help creating a Flash Form.
    I Have used a template from another site with the following
    input boxes:
    Name: __________
    Email: __________
    Comments: ____________
    However, i had the script working fine, along with its php
    when i was trying to add more "text" boxes, i must have
    messed the script up somhow.
    When I submit that form, the name is send and email, but the
    email is blank.. ie, there is no "comments"
    here is the code:
    on submit button:
    on (release) {
    // send variables in form movieclip (the textfields)
    // to email PHP page which will send the mail
    form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");
    sent email messege
    // show welcome screen
    and the php script (mailer.php)
    php form email.pho
    * PHP 4.1.0+ version of email script. For more
    * information on the mail() function for PHP, see
    // First, set up some variables to serve you in
    // getting an email. This includes the email this is
    // sent to (yours) and what the subject of this email
    // should be. It's a good idea to choose your own
    // subject instead of allowing the user to. This will
    // help prevent spam filters from snatching this email
    // out from under your nose when something unusual is put.
    $sendTo = "[email protected]";
    $subject = "My Flash site reply";
    // variables are sent to this PHP page through
    // the POST method. $_POST is a global associative array
    // of variables passed through this method. From that, we
    // can get the values sent to this page from Flash and
    // assign them to appropriate variables which can be used
    // in the PHP mail() function.
    // header information not including sendTo and Subject
    // these all go in one variable. First, include From:
    $headers = "From: " . $_POST["firstName"] ." ".
    $_POST["lastname"] . "<" . $_POST["email"] .">\r\n";
    // next include a replyto
    $headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["email"] . "\r\n";
    // often email servers won't allow emails to be sent to
    // domains other than their own. The return path here will
    // often lift that restriction so, for instance, you could
    // email to a hotmail account. (hosting provider settings may
    // technically bounced email is supposed to go to the
    return-path email
    $headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST["email"];
    // now we can add the content of the message to a body
    $message = $_POST["message"];
    // once the variables have been defined, they can be included
    // in the mail function call which will send you an email
    mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);
    If anyone can see why the "comments" section is not being
    Also: My original problem was how do you add more text boxes.
    I want something like this:
    Ive spent days and days trying to work out how to first make
    a form that actually works, then add more text fields
    Ive looked at many basic form tutorials, but they all seem to
    only have 3 or 4 text fields.. Name, Email, Comments... etc
    I haven't a clue how to edit the script both in action script
    and php to add more fields easy.
    I really need some help with this, its turning into a
    nightmare for me.
    I can provide someone with my .fla project file if they care
    to take a look at what im doing wrong.
    ps. Please note: "$sendTo = "[email protected]";" =
    this line i know i must put in my own email.

    This is all about timelines. It seems there is a movieclip
    named 'form' (or possibly an actionscript object, can't tell). Any
    variables created on that timeline are sent.
    So you could have your new textfields on another timeline.
    Or you could have textfields with no instance name in the
    form timeline.
    Those are the first two things to look at. Post the FLA and
    we can tell you more specifically.

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    <input type=submit name=action value=Delete>
    so I'm trying the same thing with flash forms in cold fusion:
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    <cfinput label="Delete" name="action" type="submit"
    but now I get this message:
    2 Errors found.
    Error /index.cfm:334
    id 'action' was already defined on line 333
    Error /index.cfm:335
    id 'action' was already defined on line 333
    Is there a way to make this work or do I have to either
    create a special action_delete or a new form? I'd like to keep the
    logic the way I like.
    Any suggestions?

    I was hoping to do logic like this
    <cfparam name="action" default="list">
    <cfif action equal "list">
    <cfelseif action equal "update">
    <cfelseif action equal "detail">
    <cfelseif action equal "delete">
    So I just converted everything to html and things work the
    way I like. thanks anyway. The forms don't really buy me anything.

  • Flash forms -- Not displaying in IE

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    uniform format, so I'm sure there's a non-flash workaround. I'd
    like to get this sorted out though, so my future work with flash
    can be more involved.
    Code is attached. Please let me know if I can provide further

    Michael --
    Thanks for your help.
    I think I've narrowed the problem down -- it's not that it
    won't display my flash form in IE, it's that it won't display it in
    a Fusebox environment. I'm going to poke over at their site to see
    what they have to say -- I suspect I'll need to upgrade the version
    of Fusebox that I'm using. :)

  • How to validate date fields in the flash form

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    I finally (after much reading up on actionscript) figured out
    my problem with date validation...which was similar to yours...
    I posted the solution I found for my AS date validation issue
    I hope it helps!!!

  • Flash forms in Safari 3.0

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    this to work. I am wondering if the problem is in how CF renders
    and puts out the flash content. Some kind of meta data that is not
    up to date? Have no clue however.
    Marius Morosanu
    [email protected]

  • How to get "Subject" & "Message" text from Flash form to default e-mail MS Outlook?

    I have the following code which is working fine except I can't get the user typed data from flash form to my default e-mail (MS Outlook) application. How to edit the following code?
    In the code:
    1) To  ---->  this field is okay since this email ID doesn't change
    2) Cc  ---->  this filed is also okay since no changes will be in email ID
    3) Subject  ----> this may not be always as "Feedback", user may like to change the subject
    Whant I would like to add more here is:
    1) From  ----> this text to be retrieved from "fromText.txt" input text box
    2) Message  ----> this text to be retrieved from "MessageText.txt" input text box
    //1.Button event listener
    SendMail.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, SendEMail);
    //2.The SendMail function open up email application to send email.
    function SendEMail(event:MouseEvent):void {
    var email:URLRequest = new URLRequest("mailto:[email protected]?CC=[email protected]&Subject=Feedback");
    navigateToURL(email, "_blank");
    Thanks in advance for any support.

    Thanks for the reply. I tried the code and result is like the following:
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: [object TextField]?body=From: [object TextField]
    Body: Blank
    The problem exist in SUBJECT & BODY.
    Further help, please.
    PS: I removed the ? before body and put & ------> the result is as follows:
    To: [email protected]
    Cc: [email protected]
    Subject: [object TextField]
    Body: From: [object TextField]
               [object TextField]
    One more thing that it opens an empty web page with the following text in adress bar:
    mailto:[email protected]?CC=poweruser@helpdesk&Subject=Feedback

  • Flash Forms do not work in Production

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    requirements for Flash forms anywhere on Adobe's website. It claims
    you can find more in the other technical documentation but I
    couldn't. What technologies need to be installed in order to
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    full cfmx7), and a development server. The application works on the
    test machine, and on pre-production. The flash form simply does not
    render and no errors are displayed.
    If I convert it to a normal cfform it displays fine on the
    troubled machine. It will not display even the most simple of flash
    Thanks for any help!

    Did you make sure that you have a virtual directory mapped to
    the CFIDE directory in IIS on your production server?

  • International characters in flash forms

    Hello. Is there any way to put international (here: polish)
    characters into flash forms (like text input)? Thanks in

    PIT_PIT wrote:
    > Hello. Is there any way to put international (here:
    polish) characters into
    > flash forms (like text input)? Thanks in advance.
    <cfprocessingdirective pageencoding="utf-8">
    <cfquery name="getU" datasource="unicodeLab">
    SELECT uniText, uniLanguage
    FROM unicodeTest
    WHERE uniLanguage='russian'
    <cfsavecontent variable="inputStyle">
    fontFamily:'Arial Unicode MS',Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;
    <cfparam name="form.unicodeTxt"
    <title>flash and unicode</title>
    <cfform action="unicode.cfm" method="POST"
    <cfformgroup type="HORIZONTAL">
    <cfinput type="Text" name="unicodeTxt" width="120"
    required="No" visible="Yes"
    enabled="Yes" size="20" maxlength="20" style="#inputStyle#"
    value="#form.unicodeTxt#" label="unicode text:">
    <cfinput type="Submit" name="go" value="submit"
    visible="Yes" enabled="Yes">

  • How to Use Captcha in Flash Forms

    Hi, does anyone knows how to use a captcha in flash forms
    I am using Coldfusion 7 not version 8.
    Please Guide Me

    > CF response
    You said you needed help with ActionScript. What I gave you
    is ActionScript.
    Coldfusion has no built-in method called
    match. You should use REMatch(reg_expression, string) or
    REMatchNoCase(reg_expression, string), assuming you're on CF 8, of

  • Flash Forms Not Rendering in IE7, Flash 9

    We're having a problem with flash forms in IE7 and Flash
    Player 9 not rendering the entire form. The form works fine in
    Firefox 2. It looks to be a problem with how the Flash player is
    able to pull back data in IE7. Likely this pertains to how IE7
    handles security of plug-ins.
    Oddly, we've noticed that uninstalling the Flash 9 player and
    then reinstalling results in the form rendering correctly the first
    time, but on subsequent views the form no longer renders correctly.
    Specifically, we're not seeing data that is being called via
    Flash remoting in cfselect tags (state and country information).
    And we're not seeing text rendered that is in cfformitem tags. Our
    dev url is:
    If anyone has an idea of why IE7 might not be able to render
    the form correctly, or might have security-related issues with
    remoting and Flash 9, please reply.

    I was granted access to the manuals on our prod server (the
    site is set up where you have to log in to see the manuals). The
    manuals are behaving differently on the prod server than in our dev
    server. The following is happening on the prod server:
    - the flash menus are appearing on our prod server in FireFox
    - I had reported in our dev area that when I right clicked on
    the left hand side where the menus are to appear in IE that the
    Flash menu displayed. This is not the case in our production area.
    - I get the "This page contains both secure and nonsecure
    items" when viewing the site on our prod server through IE
    I've asked them what version of RoboHelp they are using and
    no one seems to know. It seems they don't regenerate their help
    files (manuals) very often.

  • Flash Forms not displaying

    I have just about given up on flash forms. I have read just
    about every thread in this Forum, but cannot find the answer.
    Have worked with flash forms in the past, but after recently
    upgraded to a new box with Vista Business and Codl Fusion 8 Dev
    Edition I cannot get flash forms working. I have have seen a tonne
    of postings with the same issue, but few with a resolution, and
    where there is I try it and makes no difference.
    If I run the following code:
    <cfform format="flash">
    <cfinput type="dateField" name="startDate" label="Start
    Date:" mask="dd/mm/yyyy">
    If I remove format="flash" form works fine. If I include
    format="flash" form doesn't display. View source shows the code
    there, CFIDE is mapping correctly etc.
    One thing I do notice though, which may or may not be
    involved is that when viewing the code generated, it is looking in
    the same folder that the script that includes the form was in. Do I
    need to tell it to look somewhere else? Pure speculation here, but
    EVERYTHING else checks out.
    If someone at Adobe can set this straight would be great,
    because an afternoon spent reading other postings on this matter
    shows there are clearly a lot of people stumbling around in the
    dark on this one.
    Thanks in advance to anyone that can help.

    Michael --
    Thanks for your help.
    I think I've narrowed the problem down -- it's not that it
    won't display my flash form in IE, it's that it won't display it in
    a Fusebox environment. I'm going to poke over at their site to see
    what they have to say -- I suspect I'll need to upgrade the version
    of Fusebox that I'm using. :)

  • Has anyone seen this with Flash Forms /  CF8?

    I have a website that uses a few flash forms on different
    pages. It's on a CF8 server and the clients are generally IE6.
    Sometimes all works well, sometimes the flash form on a page
    doesn't show up.
    Refreshing the browser, closing/re-opening the browser don't
    work. Restarting CF doesn't work.
    I put the same code on another CF8 server and access with IE7
    and it works fine.
    Why the heck would a form show or not show intermittently
    when nothing has changed in the site code or server settings?
    Thanks in advance.

    I am seeing this on a CF7 installation. What I noticed is
    that it started on 10/31, which is the very date that Microsoft
    patches were rolled out to all of our users. The updates in
    question were the following:
    I have NOT verified that there is a relationship, but the
    patches were applied IMMEDIATELY before the problems started, right
    in the middle of the day. It is far too coincidental to assume
    there is not a relationship. This is affecting my flash forms, and
    also some of my javascript combo boxes.
    I will update when I discover more, and if others would do
    the same I would appreciate reading about it.

  • Help with Radio Buttons & Combo Box for Flash Form that sends email

    I'm having a bit of a hard time with a Flash form that I'm working on.
    I've got the basic text fields working fine, but I'm not sure how to retrieve the values from the Radio Button and Menu List components.
    The PHP script pulls the values from the text fields with:
    $contact_name = $_POST['name'];
    $contact_email = $_POST['email'];
    $contact_subject = $_POST['subject'];
    but using
    $radioGroup = $_POST['radioGroup'];
    doesn't retrieve the selected radio button value.
    The radio buttons have a groupName of "radioGroup". The combo box component doesn't even show up in the HTML version, but does in the .swf.
    Can anyone point me in the correct direction to pull these values from these components and get them passed to the PHP form? The native .FLA and the php file are here for reference:
    My solution needs to be ActionScript 2.

    again, you assign a variable.  the selected radiobutton's data and/or label isn't going to magically be sent to the php file.
    for example, if you have sendLV and receiveLV loadvars instances, you can use:

  • Submitting only part of a Flash form's data - possible?

    So, in this app that I'm building, it would be REALLY handy
    to be able to process select portions of the Flash form. It's
    essentially an app with a couple of smaller sub-apps contained
    within; think of something like a CRM app. Is it possible to only
    submit the data from, say, a cfgrid element?

    One of the best resources is asfusion, heres alink
    Check out the other examples they have as well.

Maybe you are looking for