I Need Dire Help Making a Flash Form

Hello, I need some serious help creating a Flash Form.
I Have used a template from another site with the following
input boxes:
Name: __________
Email: __________
Comments: ____________
However, i had the script working fine, along with its php
when i was trying to add more "text" boxes, i must have
messed the script up somhow.
When I submit that form, the name is send and email, but the
email is blank.. ie, there is no "comments"
here is the code:
on submit button:
on (release) {
// send variables in form movieclip (the textfields)
// to email PHP page which will send the mail
form.loadVariables("email.php", "POST");
sent email messege
// show welcome screen
and the php script (mailer.php)
php form email.pho
* PHP 4.1.0+ version of email script. For more
* information on the mail() function for PHP, see
// First, set up some variables to serve you in
// getting an email. This includes the email this is
// sent to (yours) and what the subject of this email
// should be. It's a good idea to choose your own
// subject instead of allowing the user to. This will
// help prevent spam filters from snatching this email
// out from under your nose when something unusual is put.
$sendTo = "[email protected]";
$subject = "My Flash site reply";
// variables are sent to this PHP page through
// the POST method. $_POST is a global associative array
// of variables passed through this method. From that, we
// can get the values sent to this page from Flash and
// assign them to appropriate variables which can be used
// in the PHP mail() function.
// header information not including sendTo and Subject
// these all go in one variable. First, include From:
$headers = "From: " . $_POST["firstName"] ." ".
$_POST["lastname"] . "<" . $_POST["email"] .">\r\n";
// next include a replyto
$headers .= "Reply-To: " . $_POST["email"] . "\r\n";
// often email servers won't allow emails to be sent to
// domains other than their own. The return path here will
// often lift that restriction so, for instance, you could
// email to a hotmail account. (hosting provider settings may
// technically bounced email is supposed to go to the
return-path email
$headers .= "Return-path: " . $_POST["email"];
// now we can add the content of the message to a body
$message = $_POST["message"];
// once the variables have been defined, they can be included
// in the mail function call which will send you an email
mail($sendTo, $subject, $message, $headers);
If anyone can see why the "comments" section is not being
Also: My original problem was how do you add more text boxes.
I want something like this:
Ive spent days and days trying to work out how to first make
a form that actually works, then add more text fields
Ive looked at many basic form tutorials, but they all seem to
only have 3 or 4 text fields.. Name, Email, Comments... etc
I haven't a clue how to edit the script both in action script
and php to add more fields easy.
I really need some help with this, its turning into a
nightmare for me.
I can provide someone with my .fla project file if they care
to take a look at what im doing wrong.
ps. Please note: "$sendTo = "[email protected]";" =
this line i know i must put in my own email.

This is all about timelines. It seems there is a movieclip
named 'form' (or possibly an actionscript object, can't tell). Any
variables created on that timeline are sent.
So you could have your new textfields on another timeline.
Or you could have textfields with no instance name in the
form timeline.
Those are the first two things to look at. Post the FLA and
we can tell you more specifically.

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    Thank yoiu for that suggestion, it actually worked.. I appreciate it.
    I used this tutorial:  http://www.republicofcode.com/tutorials/flash/as3contactform/
    Thank you

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    You don't need ExportPDF to fill in a form.
    You can download Adobe Reader from the App Store on your iPad. It lets you fill out forms. Then you can email the filled out form by using the Share button. Good luck.

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    Does anyone know what I need to do? Thank you in advance.

    Thank you for taking the time to re-write the code so it'll work. That's over and above all expectations for help.
    But before I replace the old code with your new code, I just wanted to know if it's an exact replacement for the excerpt I pasted above or does it somehow fit within the whole page of code?
    Here's the whole page:
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
    <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Electrical Service, Northern Virginia, VA, Residential Service, Affordable, Fully Trained Professionals, Electric, Service, Electrical, Commercial Service, Residential, Commercial">
    <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Hickerson Brothers Electric Service is a family owned and operated business whose members have serviced the Northern Virginia area for over 30 years.We believe in making our customer’s comfort our number one priority. 100% satisfaction guarenteed.">
    <style type="text/css">
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        <th width="890" height="667" scope="row"><div id="apDiv13"><img src="../Assets/Photography/E_phone.jpg" alt="Call Eileen Hickerson Now" title="Call Eileen Hickerson Now" width="255" height="193" /></div>
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              <br />
              <br />
              <br />
              <br />
          <br /></th>
    <div id="apDiv18">
      <div align="center">24 Hour Emergency Service</div>
    <div id="apDiv11"><img src="../Assets/Photography/lady_on_phone.jpg" alt="Hickerson Brothers trusted service for over 30 years" title="Hickerson Brothers trusted service for over 30 years" width="254" height="193" /></div>
    <div id="apDiv9"></div>
    <div id="apDiv6">
    $to = "[email protected]";
    $subject = "Online Request for Electrical Problem";
    // This is displayed when the email has been sent
    $thankyou_message = "<br>
    <b>THANK YOU $CustomerName!</b><br><br>
    We'll contact you soon.
    <p> </p>";
    $from_email = "$EmailAddress";
    $message = "Customer Name: $CustomerName\n
    Email Address: $EmailAddress\n
    Primary Phone#: $Primary\n
    Secondary Phone#: $Secondary\n
    Problem: $Problem\n";
    if (!isset($_POST['CustomerName'])) {
      <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>">
        <table width="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
            <td><label for="CustomerName">Customer Name:</label></td>
            <td><label for="CustomerName"></label>
                <input type="text" name="CustomerName" id="CustomerName" /></td>
            <td><label for="EmailAddress">Email Address:</label></td>
            <td><label for="EmailAddress"></label>
                <input type="text" name="EmailAddress" id="EmailAddress" /></td>
            <td><Primary>Primary Phone#</primary></td>
            <td><label for="Primary"></label>
                <input type="text" name="Primary" id="Primary" /></td>
            <td><label for="Secondary">Secondary Phone#</label></td>
            <td><label for="Secondary"></label>
                <input type="text" name="Secondary" id="Secondary" /></td>
            <td><label for="Problem">
              <Problem>Electrical Problem:</problem>
            <td><label for="Problem"></label>
                <textarea name="Problem" id="Problem" cols="45" rows="5"></textarea>
                <label for="Problem"></label>
            <td> </td>
            <td><input type="submit" name="reset" id="reset" value="Clear Form" /> <input type="submit" name="Submit" id="Submit" value="Submit" /></td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td> </td>
            <td height="16"> </td>
            <td> </td>
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
        <br />
    else {
        mail("$to", "$subject", "$message", "From:$EmailAddress\r\nReply-to:$EmailAddress");
    // Display the thankyou message
        echo $thankyou_message;
    <div id="apDiv4"><img src="../Assets/Logos/Slogan.jpg" alt="familytag" width="171" height="116" /></div>
    <div class="style2" id="apDiv">Drop us a line and describe what electrical problem you're having. If you're experiencing an emergency, please don't hesitate to call us immediately at: (703) 594-3913. Our phones are answered 24/7. Thank you. And sorry for the inconvenience.</div>
    <div class="style2" id="apDiv10">
      <p align="center">If you're experiencing an emergency, please don't hesitate to call us immediately at: (703) 594-3913. Our phones are answered 24/7. Thank you.</p>
    <div id="apDiv2">
      <div id="apDiv5">
        <h1 align="right">(703) 594-3913</h1>
    <a href="../index.html"><img src="../Assets/Logos/Hickerson_bros_hr.jpg" alt="Hickerson Brothers Electric Service" title="Hickerson Brothers Electric Service" width="213" height="126" /></a></div>
    Thank's for not giving up on me. I will look into a more secure form after this fix - good idea.

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  • Need some help in the login form ???!?!?!?!!

    can any one help me with correcting the code or can any one give me another code for using it in the login form.
    this is my problem:-
    i had make a login form using in oracle 9i form builder >>>in this form i have three text boxes one for intering user name and the second one for entering the password and the third text box is not visible and it is used for counting the tries.
    In addition i have a three buttons , one is for login and the two others are not visible and they are a show main menu button and a exit button. For login button i had put a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger in the login button and it must check if the user name and the password match what it is on the login table so it allow the user to see the show main menu button otherwise if the user name or the password are wrong and has been putted wrong for 3 times of trying then it will show the exit button.
    and this is a picture of the login form in the design view.
    and this is the code for theWHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger on the login button
         alertNum number;
    dummy1 tbl_login.USER_NAME%type;
         dummy2 tbl_login.PASS%type;
         select tbl_login.USER_NAME, tbl_login.PASS into dummy1, dummy2 from tbl_login where tbl_login.USER_NAME = :LOGIN.USER_NAME and
         tbl_login.PASS = :LOGIN.PASS;
         if :LOGIN.TRIES<3 then
         if sql%found
              set_item_property('LOGIN.SHOW_MENU', visible, property_true);
                                                                               set_item_property('LOGIN.SHOW_MENU', enabled, property_true);
                                                                               message ('Invalid password....try again');
                                                                               :LOGIN.TRIES := :LOGIN.TRIES+1;
                                                                               :LOGIN.USER_NAME := null;
                                                                               :LOGIN.PASS := null;
                                                                                    end if;
         message ('Exceeded Number of tries..press exit button');
              set_item_property('LOGIN.EXIT', visible, property_true);
                   set_item_property('LOGIN.EXIT', enabled, property_true);
         end if;
    can any one help me correcting the code of the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger on the login form or can any one give me another code for using it in the login form.
    i hope to get some help from the experts>>> ??!?!?!?!?!

    Something like this
      alertNum number;
      dummy1 tbl_login.USER_NAME%type;
      dummy2 tbl_login.PASS%type;
        select tbl_login.USER_NAME, tbl_login.PASS
        into   dummy1, dummy2
        from   tbl_login
        where  tbl_login.USER_NAME = :LOGIN.USER_NAME
        and    tbl_login.PASS = :LOGIN.PASS;
        set_item_property('LOGIN.SHOW_MENU', visible, property_true);
        set_item_property('LOGIN.SHOW_MENU', enabled, property_true);
        When no_data_found Then
          if :LOGIN.TRIES<3 then
            message ('Invalid password....try again');
            :LOGIN.TRIES := :LOGIN.TRIES+1;
            :LOGIN.USER_NAME := null;
            :LOGIN.PASS := null;
            Go_Item( 'LOGIN.USER_NAME' ) ;
            message ('Exceeded Number of tries..press exit button');
            set_item_property('LOGIN.EXIT', visible, property_true);
            set_item_property('LOGIN.EXIT', enabled, property_true);
          end if;

  • Realtor in need of help to fill out forms.

    I'm a REALTOR and I deal with a ton of forms that need to be filled out and emailed to customers.  I already have the PDF forms downloaded on my computer, however, I need to fill out these forms, save them, and email them over to my customers with all of the various lines, items and checked boxes filled out.  However, I can't seem to get my Acrobat 7 to allow me to fill these forms out.  Would someone please tell me what I am doing wrong or what I need to do to accomplish this simple task?  Thanks a bunch!

    Personally, I like the WD drives. Daughter has the half TB version of the drive and loves it...works seemlessly with her MBP.

  • In need of help making/changing a Template

    Hi all
    This is my first time here and i'm in need of some help with templates.  i have templates to be able to put pictures on different items like iphones and mouse mats but i want to be able to change the templates back ground colour from gray to white so if the picture is too small the printer wont keep printing gray, now its either this or make some new ones.  i'm using pse 11 but have no idea how to change them.  Here is a pic of what i mean, no matter what i try i cant change it nor make a new one.  Thanks in advance

    Guess this template will not let you modify it at this stage.
    Looking at your screen shot more carefully, I note that there is a little fx on the layer in the layers palette, indicating that an effect as been applied.
    Let's try something else as an experiment. Go through the drill of completing the design, but leave a some gray showing.
    Once you have completed this, flatten the layers. Then try to select the gray area with the magic wand tool.

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    HI I was wondering if I could please ask a question about Flash player.  When I download the flash player from the Adobe website it downloads ok to my Windows Vista home basic computer.  So then I went and tried to install Flash player on my computer.  After the first time I had no luck in installing Flash player on my computer so I downloaded the uninstalled program to my desktop.  I then uninstalled the old version of Flash player off my computer.  So again I downloaded Flash player the lasted version from Adobe.com again.  After I download Adobe flasher player to my desktop then I tried to install it again on my computer and then a message came up saying that only once instance of the program could run.  So then I have restarted my computer several times and I have down the following several times on my computer.  I have not been able to install Flash player on my computer as of yet.
    I should mention that I am only an intermediate computer user no difficult trouble shooting please.
    I would like to now if their is anything I can do for help or any ideas welcome
    I use Firefox as my default browser version: 7.0
    Windows Vista home Basic computer

    Try downloading the installer(s) from the links in http://forums.adobe.com/thread/889580

  • Need some help with a flash gallery

    Hello everyone :)
    I really stuck on my flash gallery, I purchashed it and set
    up the xml file and everything works fine, but when I upload it to
    my website and I add the flash to a page, it dont show up.
    Ive been told that the problem is that the gallery is trying
    to load the XML file at this location:
    but theres not an XML file there.
    I havent got the orignal flash file because im using a
    template therefore I can't edit it. Is there any way I could change
    where it loads the xml file from??
    As u can see
    the flash gallery works great, but I want to put it on my actual
    The flash gallery is on
    Thank you in advance!

    Why dont you just upload the xml file (and images) into the
    folder in which the flash is looking for it?

  • Need help with Adobe Interactive Form Saving

    Hi Gurus,
    I need your help with Adobe Interactive form saving.
    I have written the code in pre-save event to prompt a message when user didn't enter any value before saving. The form data should not be saved upon clicking save (Just prompt the message and exit form the form). Can u please advice me how to do this.

    see the link: http://forms.stefcameron.com/2008/04/
    it says:
    preSave: Failed validations will not prevent the form from being saved however Acrobat/Reader will issue a special warning message, after issuing the validation error message, to inform the user that the validations failed. Iu2019m guessing this is because the user may be saving the form to continue filling it at a later time so the save canu2019t be completely prevented.

  • Need some help learning cue points, etc

    I need some help with a Flash project I'm working on. If any
    Flash junkies out there are up for sitting down with me through
    email or IM and helping me get to the point where I have a template
    FLA doing what I want to do, I'd be willing to pay you. It wouldn't
    be much, but it would be something. Here's what I'm trying to do:
    I need to create an interactive talking-head style flash
    presentation with a number of progressive download externally
    linked FLV files, playing in succession, supported by movie-clip
    text animations and supporting graphics which are triggered by cue
    points in the video. I also need a simple navigation menu linking
    to the FLV files. I've got some of this down already, namely, I've
    laid the FLVs in and they are playing in succession. I'm stuck on
    the cue point part. At this point I really just need some hands-on
    help. I've bought books, I've scoured the web.
    I'm easy to communicate with, and I'm good with computers and
    comfortable in many multimedia design programs. Flash is very
    powerful, but tougher to learn than I expected, and I'm at the end
    of my rope =P

    My advice... start with a very simple "proof of concept" project before you attempt the entire package.
    It will be much easier to scale up if you first have a very good understanding of what's going on.
    So one simple video with just one cuepoint and only one button and additional display. You'll also have to work out the interaction of pausing the video when a cuepoint is reached or button pushed to display the graph, giving the viewer time to read the graph... then when the viewer closes the graph, the video should "resume".
    Start very simple and build on that only after you understand the fundamentals.
    Second, you mention "video reports"... plural. So that most likely means that you will need a video player with a "playlist".
    This may mean that you'll need to learn to use a little .xml to bring in the playlist data. You may also find xml an excellant way to bring other data into you project.
    At the link listed above there is an excellant tutorial on "Integrating Flash and XML"
    "Flash and XML"
    "XML Video Playlist"
    "ActionScript 3 XML Basics"
    "ActionScript 3 Advanced XML"
    Personally I would not even begin a project like this without considering how I could use xml to feed data into the project.
    Here's an example of a video player I created that has a playlist, thumbnails, categories, transcipts, "Now Playing" etc. All that data comes into the main .swf via various xml files. Super good way in input data into Flash.
    Yours is a rather ambitious project and will take awhile to gain the skill and assemble the pieces. So when you come to a new part... first create a real simple "proof of concept" model so you can learn how that section works. Don't expect to be able to assemble the entire project all at once.
    Best wishes,

  • I NEED HELP! Making a flash email form using php.

    Hi, my name is Sean, I'm making a flash contact form using php for a website.
    I'm having a hard time with the php. Can some one help?
    Click here to download my source.

    Satellite A505-S6005 
    ACPI Flash BIOS version 1.40 for Satellite A500/A505 (PSAT6U/PSAT9U)
    When you execute the download file (sat6v140.exe) it decompresses into several files in the sat6v140 folder. 
    Among those, is the readme.txt attached, which explains how to create the CD.
       Burn a CD or DVD from an ISO file
    readme.txt ‏14 KB

  • Need Help Making Flash Intro Movie

    I have a 30 second .wmv movie I need to convert to a flash
    format. No problem.(fla or swf)? But, I would like it to play
    before going into my main website with a skip into button. I need a
    preloader and to have it go directly onto the index.html (first
    page of the website) after playing. I have mad many failed
    attempts! Can anyone help me do this?
    Thank You,
    [email protected]

    actually - let me re-phrase that; who would sit and wait to
    download a 30 minute intro before
    entering a site?
    There's plenty of info in the help docs about flash video -
    tons of articles on adobe's site
    dedicated to flash video - google is your friend here.
    --> Adobe Certified Expert
    --> www.mudbubble.com
    --> www.keyframer.com
    Chris Georgenes wrote:
    > 30 minute intro? That's about the biggest oxy-moron I
    have ever heard
    > of. I think you are trying to do something nobody else
    would ever do -
    > who would sit and watch something for 30 minutes before
    entering a site?
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > --> Adobe Certified Expert
    > --> www.mudbubble.com
    > --> www.keyframer.com
    > ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    > MXBrian wrote:
    >> I have a 30 minute .wmv movie I need to convert to a
    flash format. No
    >> problem.(fla or swf)? But, I would like it to play
    before going into
    >> my main website with a skip into button. I need a
    preloader and to
    >> have it go directly onto the index.html (first page
    of the website)
    >> after playing. I have mad many failed attempts! Can
    anyone help me
    >> do this?
    >> Thank You,
    >> [email protected]

Maybe you are looking for

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