Flash Lite 2 Error Code 5 on N95 - Test your own movies

I have developed a couple of little FlashLite 1.1
applications recently and have been made aware of an issue that
seems to affect the FlashLite 2.0 player. When the user hits the
'C' (cancel) key on an N95 that is under the right soft key the
player crashes out with 'Error Code 5'. Having done a search the
helpful documentation on this particular error code is "there is no
error error code", wonderful helpful.
In the FL3 player I don't see this problem. Also the FL2
player in the N95 browser is not affected. I have not had the
chance to check on the FL2.1 player. I have also tested this on a
FL2.0 movie I have created, and that is also affected, so it seems
its not specific to the FL1.1 files I have produced.
On a test movie I have run in FL3 player the 'C' key seems to
have no key name, it returns undefined. Maybe this is the root of
the issue?
I have tested this on a couple of FlashLite movies from the
FlashLite exchange, so far all are affected by this player issue. I
have also tested the issue through a movie packaged via Janus, it
is still affected.
Can anyone help with a work around for this player Issue. I
am guessing there are a large numbers of flash lite applications
that could be affected by this.

Yeah I agree... dont worry though... have patience...
somebody sure will find out a solution quickly... (hopefully that
is lol)!

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    Did you try to uninstall Flash Player?
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    Brandon Deal
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    Go to Solution.

    Yeah, at this point it does sound like a software problem on this particular compute - most likely an issue with DAQmx. What version of DAQmx do you currently have installed? When you were trying the first troubleshooting steps I recommended, did you just repair DAQmx, or did you upgrade to the latest version of the driver? If you just repaired your existing installation, you can try upgrading to DAQmx 9.8 instead. You can download DAQmx 9.8 from the link below.
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    You can also try resetting the MAX configuration data. While it is rare for it to happen, the MAX configuration database can become corrupted, which can cause sytem issue like you're seeing. Follow the steps in the document below to reset the configuration data.
    What is the Process for Resetting the MAX Database?
    At this point it's probably just a matter of pinpointing which piece of software is malfunctioning/corrupted and repairing/reinstalling it. You can continue trying to do that for this machine, or, if you do have another working machine available, you could switch to that computer - whichever is more convenient for you.
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    The footage I am editing and exporting into various types of files (avi, mp4, mov)
    Using strange file formats use to be a problem
    eg .avi - is not a specific item - but a container that can hold material iMovie can use
    and sometime (often) material coded in a way iMovie can't use.
    Else - my old list on what to try
    *Not knowing the origin to Your problem - General approach when in trouble is as follows.*
    • Free space on internal (start-up) hard disk if it is less than 10Gb should rather have 25Gb
    • Delete iMovie pref file - or rather start a new user/account - log into this and re-try
    iMovie pref file resides.
    Mac Hard Disk (start-up HD)/Users/"Your account"/Library/Preferences
    and is named. *com.apple.iMovie.plist *
    While iMovie is NOT RUNNING - move this file out to desk-top.
    Now restart iMovie.
    • Hard disk is untidy. Repair Permissions, Repair Hard disk (Apple Disc Util tool)
    • Garageband-fix. Start it, Play a note and Close it. Re-try (Corrects an audio problem that hinders iMovie)
    • Screen must be set to Million-colors
    • Third party plug-ins that doesn't work OK (not relevant for iMovie’08 or 09)
    iMovie updated ?
    QuickTime updated ?
    Mac OS version ?
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 5.0.2, up to Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK
    • Program miss-match. iMovie 6.0.3 or 6.0.4, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    • Program miss-match. iMovie’08 v. 7.0.1, Mac OS X.4.11 AND QuickTime 7.4.1 - is OK (might work under Leopard)
    From LKN 1935. (in this case = iMovie HD (5), I tried it all, but nothing worked.
    Your answer (above) has been helpfull insofar as all the different trials led to the conclusion that
    there was something wrong with my iMovie software. I therefore threw everything away and reinstalled
    iMovie from the HD. After that the exportation of DV videos (there has not been any problem with HDV videos)
    to my Sony camcorders worked properly as it did before.
    Lennart Thelander
    I run "Cache Out X", clear out all caches and restarts the Mac.
    Yours Bengt W

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    someone told me that send E-mail to
    [email protected],but the address had changed?
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    MY IMEI NUMBER: 351520001877051
    my e-mail:[email protected]

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    https://store1.adobe.com/cfusion/store/index.cfm?store=OLS-US#view=ols_prod&loc=en_us&stor e=OLS-US&category=/Applications/FlashLite

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