Flash performance 10.3 vs 10.4

Does anyone know if flash playback is faster in Tiger than 10.3? I'm doing a big flash presentation for performance (about 100mb) and I need it to play as smoothly as possible.
Thanks in advance,

Check here - Java Platform Performance:

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    Do you mean in reference to authoring or the player?
    Dan Smith > adobe community expert
    Flash Helps >
    "msimmons55" <[email protected]> wrote in
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    sam wrote:
    Flash performance is dependent on the flash player and the video driver your computer uses.  Flash player is generally slower in linux than in windows.  This is probably due to adobe's priorities.  Heck, for a long time linux only had flash 7 while windows had flash 9 and many sites used flash 8.  It was a grim time in linux history...  Having said that, the performance difference between windows and Linux versions should still allow for relatively smooth video animations, if it wasn't for the drivers.
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    The good news about all of this is that the future of flash looks very promising.  Adobe finally treats linux with the same respect as windows, and is apparent by the simultaneous release of flash 10.  Ati is breaking milestones with their video drivers, and the open source ati driver will eventually surpass the stability and performance of propriety drivers.
    keep believing it then

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    I think Boece has nailed it. Can you get more memory in your mini? I know it's a pain and the max quoted by Apple is only 1G, but I think a big part of your problem is just plain lack of memory. When the system does not have enough real memory to work with it will use virtual memory - use the hard drive as if it were memory. This really slows things down, especially when you have a hard drive that is way too full as yours is. You have very little ram to be running OS X and you've effectively blocked the system from the work around it wants to use to deal with this by having a hard drive so full. Add a resource hog like flash and the problem just gets worse. Every time I've added memory to a mac the page-outs have gone down and the system become more responsive. You have a lot of page outs. I've seen macs run all day and have zero - but that's with 4-6g ram. Still, the fewer the better. Here's a nice link to Apple's discussion of memory usage in OS X: http://support.apple.com/kb/HT1342?viewlocale=en_US
    Also, flash will never run great on the graphics sub-system in that unit. I have a MDD G4 1.25 with a similar graphics unit and flash isn't great on that either. But for security reasons I would never run less than the latest version of flash - it is one of the main conduits of malware these days and although I've never heard of problems on the mac it's still not good to leave gaping security holes. Hope this helps.

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    Are you referring to the IDE or the player?
    if its the IDE, then you'll need to wait for Flash 9 which
    will be
    intel Native, if its playback then using the 9r28 player has
    much better performance in our testing
    > As I said... is it possible? Why is it too slow?
    > Any answer is welcome.
    > THANKS!
    John Pattenden
    Screentime Media - Flash Tools since 1997

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    Is there a fix for this Flex performance problem?
    I've made a video demonstrating the difference between Flex & HTML for your convenience: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OU2mfELhSC4.

    Windows 7 Ultimate, 64bit, build 7600.
    Adobe AIR
    Unfortunately I only have machines with the exact same OS install at my disposal right now but I'll ask some people to test it on their boxes.
    2. http://pastebin.com/AsdmD3Yb
    When I point the mx:HTML to a youtube url instead of ustream.html the fps drops around to around 5 to 10. That's a lot more fps than when using ustream. Might be a clue to whats happening.

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    ok flash does that i mean when you load a flash based video the fan kicks off and the MBP overheats
    you can try PRAM reset (hold down Command-Option-P-R during restart, and wait for the machine to restart again) and also SMC reset http://support.apple.com/kb/ht3964
    and check if you have the latest update for your flash player

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    appear. On my other Windows XP and Vista desktops, it's an
    immediate effect.
    Any suggestions as to where the problem might be?

    Whenever I hear someone mention the words 'it takes 5 minutes', my mind always seems to think about DNS problems (since 300 seconds is a typical timeout for DNS related problems).
    Would you mind having a look at the HTML sourcecode for your application and locating the part where the Flash chart is specified, it will look something like -
    <param name="movie" value="/i/flashchart/2DColumn.swf?XMLFile=http://yourserver/pls/apex/apex_util.flash?p=1299:1:1265142206329375:FLOW_FLASH_CHART_R1760625855571144_en-us">
    <param name="quality" value="high">
    <param name="allowScriptAccess" value="sameDomain">
    <param name="allowNetworking" value="all">
    <param name="scale" value="noscale">
    <param name="wmode" value="transparent">
    <param name="FlashVars" value="waiting=Loading data. Please wait.&loading=Loading data...">Take a look at the URL that is used to retrieve the data for the Flash chart (the ?XMLFile parameter in my example).
    Does the URL in your page use the same domain name as the URL you're using to access your application via the browser, or are they different?
    I could be barking up the wrong tree entirely here, but it's one of those 'nagging thoughts' I often have ;)

  • Help: Slow Flash performance (Snow Leopard)

    Dear Gurus,
    Since upgrading to Snow Leopard, my MacBook Pro's performance playing FLASH videos is gone. Jerky, choppy videos are the norm now. Full screen mode is out of the question. YouTube is unwatchable...
    I have tried every sugestion I have found on the net but the problem still persists. I did a clean install of the Snow Leopard and the problem is there.
    How do I fix this???

    Very late to this, but what is the capacity of your hard drive and how much space remains available on it? A too-full hard drive can cause deteriorating performance.
    Also, have you maximized the RAM? How much RAM is installed?
    Sometimes it can be your internet service provider at fault. What speed is your connection?
    See, when somebody says, "I've tried every suggestion," unless you enumerate exactly what you have tried, it's hard for us to tell what you haven't tried (and what may actually help).

  • Flash performance frustration

    I am a qualified technician, I have a GTX 560 Ti if you must know, I have provided support for PC Games in the past and help desk support to over 40,000 staff and experienced in QA of software.
    If you read my post you would see, that I am talking about mutliple sites on multiple platforms with Flash causing problems over time, crashing my browsers, slowing down my systems and it's not just specific to the most recent update(s), which I have implemented.
    If I try and use most games on Facebook, they really slow things down even more (and before you ask if I am running multiple games at once, no I am not, but my system can more than handle non flash applications in multiples.
    My problem now is the way you are all trying to polish this over as if this my own system issue, this is much bigger than this.
    What is normal flash content by the way ? Are you saying that applications on smart devices or facebook is not normal flash? because this issue is not limited to being specific, however when I have a flash game or a flash site in the background, my whole system starts to chug and it has always been that way no matter what update or system I am on more than 50% of the time.
    If you want to blame developers for coding poor flash, then you should have a Flash certification program so people know which apps or websites are Adobe approved/certified to run smoothly.
    Flash is very lucky that systems performance are increasing at increasingly fast rates, but the amount of resources shown by flash related content doesn't actually seem to be the real amount of resources it is using, I am wondering if this is hidden by how much resources it gains from Video or Graphics cards (and borrowed memory).
    This most recent update, including being used with IE 9, Firefox 5 or the latest version of Safari is by no means an exception to the rule.
    I should not have to troubleshoot so often my flash problems, this should have been done IN YOUR LABS properly, before being sent out to the public. I can of course choose not to use sites, not to have a playbook (which renders flash better than my PC funny enough, even though my PC is 10x as powerful)
    You are trying to help and I am grateful for that, but I am putting this out there because I feel its very important to discuss further.

    I branched this out to a new thread because it was off topic from the thread it was originally posted on (which was specific to IE9, 10.3 and Intel HD GPU's.)
    I am a qualified technician, I have a GTX 560 Ti if you must know, I have provided support for PC Games in the past and help desk support to over 40,000 staff and experienced in QA of software.
    As you know, there are an almost unlimited number of devices and drivers out there in the wild.  We ask for the GPU hardware and driver details because the latest releases of Flash Player take advantage of them.  To try and reproduce issues, we do our best to duplicate the environment that issues occurred on.  We've also found that this information is critical to us reproducing the issue.  Many times, older drivers/gpu's have bugs or don't support the hardware features we require for hardware acceleration.  This can manifest itself in many different ways (black video, flashing graphics, crashes, etc.)
    If you read my post you would see, that I am talking about mutliple sites on multiple platforms with Flash causing problems over time, crashing my browsers, slowing down my systems and it's not just specific to the most recent update(s), which I have implemented.
    While I understand the frustration, it's difficult to approach this without specifics.  If you run into a crash with Flash Player, please see this post for details on retrieving the crash log.  We work constantly to improve the performance and quality of the player and we take customer reported issues with the highest priority.  Maybe you could take some video of what you're experiencing so we could get a better reference to what's happening on your system.
    If I try and use most games on Facebook, they really slow things down even more (and before you ask if I am running multiple games at once, no I am not, but my system can more than handle non flash applications in multiples.
    Is there a particular game this occurs with?  Does it happen right away?  Is it only when there's heavy action on the screen?  Again, video might help to understand what you're seeing.
    My problem now is the way you are all trying to polish this over as if this my own system issue, this is much bigger than this.
    I'd love to be able to reproduce this on my system, but I'm not being impacted like you are.  I'm not trying to blame your system, I just need more info about what my system is missing that would allow me to experience what you are experiencing.
    Again, I understand the frustration.  I also understand if you don't want to help troubleshoot the problems.  However, if you do, we're here to listen and help if we can.

  • SRSS v5 EA1 and flash performance expectations

    I see pretty good flash video performance using SRSS v5. EA1 compared to SRSS v4.1. However I still see a little bit of choppiness in the video. And I noticed that sounds lags the video by around 1 or 2 seconds. Has anyone experience this? Is the expectation of the SRSS v5 to see flash video perform the same or similar to that of a PC?
    Here's the setup of my environment:
    SRSS v5 EA1 (SRSS v4.2) and SRWC (v2.2) installed onto a Sun U24 workstation with Solaris 5/09. The u24 has a dual core 3GHz CPU and 5GB RAM. I have Windows 2003 SP3 with 2GB RAM running as a VM in VirtualBox on the u24 workstation. The DTU is a 270.
    The video I tested with is, http://www.wharton.upenn.edu/mbaexecutive/video/index.cfm.
    When I'm watching the video from the console of the Windows 2003 VM, the video and sound is fine just like it I was watching it on my XP laptop.
    When I watch this through the 270 DTU, the video is a little bit choppy and the sound lags by about 1 or 2 seconds.

    Please make sure that SunMMR component is installed on windows.
    -> http://wikis.sun.com/display/SRWC2dot2/How+to+Install+Multimedia+Redirection+for+Better+DTU+Video+Performance
    Also check if Sun Ray audio driver is slected on Windows.
    This is documented at
    -> http://wikis.sun.com/display/SRWC2dot2/Troubleshooting+Multimedia+Redirection#TroubleshootingMultimediaRedirection-AdobeFlashAccelerationStatusMessages

  • Flash Performance issue

    I always notice that streaming flash files run very slow in my browser.The video looks jerky and sound also breaks while playing. If i download the same flv file and play it in VLC etc, it works fine.Has anyone else also experienced similar issues? How can i solve this ?

    What speed is your internet connection? If your connection is too slow (or there's too much congestion at the server end) to keep up with the stream coming in, you'll get the problems you describe. Of course, downloading the file and paying it with VLC will work, because now the file is actually on your computer. No network connection needed.
    You can figure this out by a little math. Say you want to watch a 5 minute flash video file. If it takes longer than 5 minutes to download it so you can play it, then it's a network issue.

Maybe you are looking for