Flash Player Absturz in Firefox

Liebe Community,
wir haben momentan ein seltsames Phänomen, welches wir nicht lösen, geschweige denn erklären können.
Wenn man aus Lotus Notes 8.5.2 FP3 (unter Windows 7 32bit SP1) einen beliebigen Link öffnet und Firefox vorher noch nicht geöffnet war, stürzt der Flash Player im Firefox nachweisbar ab (in 99% der Fälle, es gibt einen PC an dem es nun- warum auch immer, funktioniert).
Sofern Firefox bereits geöffnet war und ein Link aus Lotus Notes geöffnet wird, passiert dies nicht.
Wir haben schon diverse Problembehandlungen getestet (siehe Links).
Es wurden diverse Konstellationen von Firefox und Flash Player getestet, jedoch ohne Erfolg.
http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/flash-player-games-video-or.html#main_8__Increase_t he_storage_limit_for_a_specific_website
Nur das Abschalten des ProtectedMode's hat geholfen, hier wollen wir aber sichergehen dass dadurch keine Sicherheitslücken oder ähnliches entstehen.
Hat jemand eine Idee?
Danke im Voraus!

bitte mal mit der Firefox beta ausprobieren:
(Oder ein paar Tage warten dann kommt die v22.0 final)
Bitte uns auch die Crash Reports (about:crashes) mitteilen.
Diese sollten mit "bp-" beginnen andernfalls wurde diese noch nicht gesendet (dann auf den Eintrag klicken zum Senden)

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  • Unable to install Adobe Flash Player in Mozilla FireFox

    I am attempting to download and install the current Adobe Flash Player using Mozilla FireFox 19.
    When I go to the download page this is what I see - no Download Button:
    I have disabled my AV - no change. I have the latest version of Java activated.
    I do have Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX installed in IE 10.
    I run Windows 7, 64 bit, on an HP Pavilion dv7.

    Could not see how to reply on the discussions page so am replying here. DOH! Was not signed in.
    I only use FireFox and rarely IE.
    Went to the provided page and saw this:
    In the meantime I was able to download and install Adobe Flash Player 10. Will work with this in the meantime.
    Message was edited by: CLKGROUP

  • Flash player freezes in Firefox

    Flash player is causing Firefox to freeze for about 30 seconds whenever I access a website which uses flash.
    I am using the latest version of Firefox (v19.0.2) and the latest version of Adobe Flash (v11.6.602.171). This same problem has existing for at least the last 5 versions released by Firefox and Adobe Flash Player. My OS is Win7 64-bit.
    I am 100% certain that flash is the source of the Firefox freezing problem because I can cause the Firefox freezing to stop and start again by disabling and enabling the Adobe Flash plugin. In order for me to make Firefox usable, I always disable the Adobe Flash plugin.
    I have read on the web that many other Firefox users in the Win7 environment have the same problem that Firefox freezes when Adobe Flash is installed and enabled. There are many reports that the freezing in Firefox can be solved by disabling protected mode in Adobe Flash.
    Unfortunately, the method available for disabling protected mode will not work for myself or anyone else that works on computers issued and supported by my Fortune 500 company. The method of adding a line to the mms.cfg file requires users to have admin rights to editing files in the \windows\system32 directory structure. The company I work for has all computers without such admin privileges. Since there is no alternate for disabling protected mode, myself and all 4000 of my colleagues have no options for fixing this freezing problem.
    Can you please solve this issue by either 1) working with Firefox so that the browser will no longer freeze when Adobe Flash player is installed, enabled, and protected mode is enabled, or 2) make protected mode a configurable feature that can be enabled or disabled by any user group in Windows Control Panel.
    Thanks in advance for you consideration,

    Hi jlavie5555,
    I'm sorry you're encountering these pauses.  We work very closely with Mozilla and have been hard at work trying to solve all related protected mode issues since this security feature was released.  We do have a few additional troubleshooting steps you might want to consider taking (in addition to disabling protected mode.)  Please see this faq for details:
    How do I troubleshoot Flash Player's protected mode for Firefox?
    We also have a new 11.7 beta available that contains significant changes to improve protected mode.  I suspect you might be blocked from installing it, but if this option is available to you I would recommend giving it a try.
    3/7/2013 - Flash Player 11.7 Beta

  • How do I install Adobe Flash Player on Mozilla Firefox browser

    How do I install Adobe Flash Player on Mozilla Firefox Browser?

    Download and run the installer from http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/

  • I have Adobe Flash Player Plugin for Firefox, but I'm still missing Flash Player?

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    Odds are it's looking for the IE plugin: (A lot of software just assumes ALL Windows users are "slaves to Microsoft" and only have IE installed.)
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    or the standalone Player:
    Windows Flash Player 12 Projector

  • Adobe Flash Player crashes on Firefox (NetSteam, Stratus)

    Flash Player version: 11,8,800,97 (last)
    OS: Windows 7
    Browser: Mozilla Firefox 22.0 (last)
    Problem: Adobe Flash Player crashes on Firefox, when runnig project with such elements like NetSteam, Stratus.
    When problem happen: Only when some streamed data is incoming, after random time. Time before crash can be 4 minutes, it also can be 2 minutes. Memory leaks or disk space usage didn't change and don't seem to be a reason. Problem happen when I was testing my voice chat together with few people. At one moment it crashed at few computers at the same time (which were using Firefox). Then we had luck with repeating this problem several times - simply by asking one of us to play any music into Microphone. Then Firefox Flash Player always crashing.
    Here you can see repeating of problem: http://youtu.be/BdkoQxloyDA
    It also show that it does not crashes if nobody is sending audio stream in created group, but it does when somebody is sending audio stream. In that video I'm repeating problem by myself, with help of one computer and 2 tabs of Flash Player. First is running in Chrome, second in Firefox. Player in Chrome is used to send system sound from speakers to peer group. Player in Firefox is listening and playing everything he hears (this is why I set it's volume to near 1).
    Here is .swf :
    http://www.plazmaburst2.com/vchat/vchat.swf?1375377116&l=ANY_LOGIN_NAME&g=b1a2e6f17f339b63 6382b2d6cccadb21
    It's very simplified voice chat which only displays streams which are being heared. It's adding " is talking" when stream is sending data. "g" parameter is a group name, I think you can choose any, but tests were made with this one.
    Hope it helps. If you will need .fla file - just tell me.

    Your issue is distinct from the original poster's issue about a crash on Mac.  I've branched this out to a new thread so that we're not confusing everyone.
    Firefox on Win8 isn't very stable.  We're collaborating with Mozilla on improvements, and my test results with the daily development builds are really promising, but it will be a few more weeks before they actually make it to production releases.
    In the meantime, you're way better off using IE or Chrome. 

  • Trying to find out which line of AS2 code is causing flash player crash in firefox & chrome browser

    I have a flash movie (AS2) created for the website visitors' registration and this flash movie is longer in size than the browser's window height so that site visitors need to browse down using browser's vertical scroll bar to see all of the contents in the flash movie.
    When users click the submit button in the flash movie then
    Firstly, the AS2 code attached to the      on(release){    event scrolls the html page back to the top (because the user must have scrolled down to view the flash movie content at the bottom of the page and I want the html page to go back to the top of the page)
    getURL("javascript:window.scroll(0,0)");    // this is the AS2 code I have used for scrolling the page back to the top. I suspect this code is causing the flash player crash in firefox and google chrome
    and also tells the _root of the flash movie to go to and stop at a frame named "StartEnteringData".
    _root.gotoAndStop("StartEnteringData")     //making the _root of the movie to go to the "StartEnteringData" frame
    this.gotoAndStop("Start")                                  //making this movieclip which contains the registation form to go to the first blank frame labelled "Start"
    The "StartEnteringData" frame on the _root of the flash movie has AS2 code for entering the registration data to the database by using loadVariablesNum( ... )
    Here's my question.
    Almost everytime the user/visitor click the Submit button, the firefox browser users and google chrome browswer users see the Flash Player CRASH...
    This doesn't happen often with the website visitors using MS Internet Explorer.
    I have read some www articles (by searching google) saying that Adobe Flash Player in Firefox and Chrome browsers crash a lot.
    But, for my flash movie, everytime the visitor clicks the submit button, flash player crashes. Therefore, I guess it is the AS2 code that I'm using (associated with the on(release) event of the submit button) is causing the flash player crash rather then the flash player compatibility with Firefox and Chrome browsers.
    So, someone please tell me what's causing the flash player crash.
    Is there a better code to make a web page to go back to the top?
    I am also using the codes shown below on the first keyframe of the main movie. (_root)
    //For custom flash right click menu:
    var myMenu_cm:ContextMenu = new ContextMenu();
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.zoom = true;
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.quality = false;
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.print = false;
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.save = false;
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.loop = false;
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.rewind = false;
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.play = false;
    myMenu_cm.builtInItems.forward_back = false;
    _root.menu = myMenu_cm;
    //For tiling the flash movie background with bitmap picture
    import flash.display.BitmapData;
    var tile:BitmapData = BitmapData.loadBitmap("pattern");
    this.lineTo(Stage.width, 0);
    this.lineTo(Stage.width, Stage.height);
    this.lineTo(0, Stage.height);
    this.lineTo(0, 0);

    by repeatedly commenting out lines of code you suspect are causing the crush and retesting you should be able to pinpoint the problem.

  • Circular redirection when trying to install Flash Player plugin in Firefox

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    I don't know why this is happening, but try downloading the offline installer(s):
    Flash Player for ActiveX (Internet Explorer)
    Flash Player Plug-in (All other browsers)

  • Trouble with Flash Player 10 and Firefox 3.6.9

    I too an having trouble getting FP to work with FF.  I can use IE8 without any issue, but don't like IE.
    The directory shows FP is there but every site I visit that has a "flash" video/graphic, etc still tells me I need to install the plug-in
    Any ideas?

    Hi, thanks for the info. You have the correct Flash files for IE. Look in manage add ons for Shockwave Flash Object and make sure it is Enabled.
    Now you need to Install Flash Player into Firefox. Download the Flash Player Installer for Firefox and SAVE it to your Desktop:
    Once you have done that, then Close all browser windows, you only want to be looking at your Desktop.
    RUN the Installer and when it is finished, Reboot(restart) your computer.
    Now look in you plugins for that SWF and make sure it is Enabled.
    You had Installed Flash Player in IE, you just had not Installed it in FF yet. Now you should be fine and those Flash files should be in your Flash folder.

  • Problemas com o Adobe Flash Player no Mozilla Firefox

    Olá,eu estou tendo um problema muito irritante com o Adobe Flash Player,mas apenas no Mozilla Firefox,oque acontece? bem vamos por partes para "você" ou "vocês" entenderem:
    Eu tenho um jogo de browser chamado "Dead Frontier" ele é um MMORPG e não precisa ser instalado no computador,apenas requer o Adobe Flash Player e o Unity Web Player...pois bem,jogo esse jogo a anos no Mozilla Firefox,nunca tive nenhum problema como este...que parece ser impossível de se resolver ao meu ver...
    Vamos lá,tenho algumas imagens que podem ajudar a entender o que está havendo:
    Qual o problema?na página inicial deste jogo sempre se executa um vídeo trailer do próprio jogo,mas de uns tempos pra cá(questão de 1 mês ou mais que isso começou)vem aparecendo esta mensagem no lugar do vídeo(sim tive de usar o paint,para facilitar os detalhes):
    Enfim,isso veio do nada,assim sem mais nem menos,o que eu fiz?várias coisas,desinstalei o flash player várias vezes e instalei de novo,verifiquei se o Mozilla estava atualizado(e estava e ainda está),FORMATEI o computador para ver se dava um fim nesse maldito problema que já está me deixando maluco,no fim das contas,nada disso resolveu,recorri a vários fóruns,até recorri ao fórum do próprio Adobe,e eles parecem não conseguir resolver isto...
    Vamos aos pequenos detalhes que observei deste problema,sempre que vejo vídeos(do youtube) ou jogo este jogo,percebo alguns ruídos,"som travando" por pequenos períodos,eles não ficam o tempo todo,mas se repetem....e isso irrita,e MUITO....
    Percebi este pequeno símbolo lá em cima,no canto esquerdo da barra de endereço do site,um pequeno aviso triangular cinza,dêem uma olhada(só aparece neste site,este pequeno aviso triangular):
    Seria esse o problema?e se for,como resolver?
    antes de mais nada,vou adicionando mais coisas antes que falem,sim já desativei o adblock pra ver se resolvia,nada,sim tenho o javascript atualizado,Flash player atualizado....pra vocês verem de tudo que eu ja tentei,isso parece ser uma missão impossivel...repito de novo,o computador foi formatado recentemente....
    Já testei isso em outros navegadores,como o IE,chrome...isso não acontece com eles,o video executa normalmente,o som sai limpo,sem nenhum ruido ou qualquer travada...mas sempre tive minha preferência pelo Mozilla Firefox,como já disse,sempre joguei este jogo no Mozilla mesmo,nunca aconteceu isso....nunca mesmo.
    Enfim,relatei meu problema,espero que alguém entenda e consiga me iluminar aqui,por que sinceramente,já estou cansado disso,estou quase desistindo...sério mesmo,já tentei tudo....a solução até pode ser simples,mas a dor de cabeça está insuportável.
    Obrigado pra quem teve a paciência de ler tudo!

    Tópico duplicado, continue aqui: [/pt-BR/questions/1052849]

  • Newest Version of Flash Player Issues With Firefox 12.0

    Firefox just updated today to its newest version 12.0. After updating, every website was running slow or freezing. I eventually discovered that the culprit was the Adobe Flash Player Plugin. Disabling the plugin returned things to normal. I would like to still use the flash plug in, but have not found a way to enable it without all websites freezing. I am using a Windows 7 64-bit operating system. I have tired uninstalling and reinstalling the flash player and I have double checked that I am using the newest version of Flash Player. I have cleared the Flash Player cache, tried disabling the hardware acceleration option, and restarted my computer inbetween several times. I am offically at a loss for what to do? Please help me.

    jennifer.jones214 wrote:
    In your  opinion, should I uninstall Firefox if I am installing Waterfox?
    Waterfox can coexist peacefully with Waterfox.  I have both installed, but never use Firefox any more.
    Not only can Waterfox run in 64-bit address space, it also is better optimized during compile time than Firefox.  (For obvious reasons; Firefox is compatible with many old systems, Waterfox only needs to be compatible with new 64-bit systems.)
    P.S. regarding Chris' advice above; Firefox and Waterfox use the same profile, so if that is actually the problem, then it will occur in both browsers.

  • I've had a problem installing Adobe Flash Player; also with Firefox. Tried to download a new FF; it goes crazy! keeps repeating an opening page! Now I don't have FF installed, or Flashplayer, and I think these problems are connected. Help!

    Mac OSX 10.5.8 system. Problems have been ongoing with the Firefox I had installed a while ago: would open browser in Safari, and FF would take over; keep asking me to personalize my browser program. In truth, Firefox was kind of "taking over", and I wasn't happy with it. Usually open the internet in Safari.
    Present problems started with trying to download, install and open a few new games. Kept telling me I needed to install Adobe Flashplayer. I could download it, but it wouldn't install. Downloaded both the Flashplayer installer AND the Flashplayer uninstaller a number of times. Today, I decided to get rid of the Firefox on my hard drive and download a newer version - then try again to download Flashplayer and install. The new FF download just kept opening a new browser page.

    What is your current Flash Player version: http://helpx.adobe.com/flash-player/kb/installation-problems-flash-player-windows.html ?
    What is your display adapter, driver version & date?  See http://forums.adobe.com/thread/945765

  • How to install Adobe Flash Player mannuly for FireFox protable, when on a limted user acount

    I have Firefox protable. Which is on my 1tb, and so i use it every where. I tryed to update Adobe Flash player on my main home computer, and it. Also on my Nanas computer, when i was there for a week, and i could play games on armor games, but, im here on another computer (Gradpas) and when i go to Armor games and play a game eg Dodge., it says i dont have the Adobe Flash. Due to being on a limited account, i cant ran the install program, and so i would like to know how to install Adobe Flash mannily. Thanks
    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Ever since i have used Firefox

    Try the Firefox Portable support forum.

  • Flash Player crashes on Firefox and Windows 8

    I too have this problem and it occurred after Firefox's recent update.
    The Flash Player crashes any time I open a website with embedded Flash videos.
    I cannot watch anything that requires Flash Player and when on Facebook, the pages continually crash. I send a crash report each time then reload and it crashes again. I send about 20 reports per hour and am sick of it and have started using another browser where I do not have this problem but my preferred browser is Firefox.
    I have Firefox 35.0.1 which is the latest  version.
    My operating system is Windows 8
    The plugin I have for Flash Player is Firefox, Mozilla - NPAPI however when I check with Flash Player, it tells me the version I have is
    When I try to upgrade, I am informed that my version is up to date.
    Steps taken
    - updated Flash Player
    - Cleared caches
    - Unchecked hardware acceleration in Firefox.
    I cannot find the menu for Flash Player as I'd like to try to disable hardware accelerator there too.
    HELP please.

    Your issue is distinct from the original poster's issue about a crash on Mac.  I've branched this out to a new thread so that we're not confusing everyone.
    Firefox on Win8 isn't very stable.  We're collaborating with Mozilla on improvements, and my test results with the daily development builds are really promising, but it will be a few more weeks before they actually make it to production releases.
    In the meantime, you're way better off using IE or Chrome. 

  • Flash player crashes in firefox but not in waterfox ??

    i have tried the downgrade to ver 10 of flash. no problem in firefox but now my other programs that use flash will not run. error messages say that i am not up to the correct version. i uploaded waterfox and have had no problems using the latest flash. can you take the waterfox program segments and move them to firefox?

    You can check for problems with current Flash plugin versions and try these:
    *disable a possible RealPlayer Browser Record Plugin extension for Firefox and update the RealPlayer if installed
    *disable protected mode in the Flash plugin (Flash 11.3+ on Windows Vista and later)
    *disable hardware acceleration in the Flash plugin

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