Flash profile for iRiver e100

Does anyone know the parameters to create a template/profile
for the iRiver e100? I'm looking at creating some educational games
for my classroom to be played on these iRivers that we have. I'm
told the resolution is 320x240, but I don't know the size? Do I
keep the frame rate at 15?
Thanks in advance (Flash, actionscript newbie)

Does anyone know the parameters to create a template/profile
for the iRiver e100? I'm looking at creating some educational games
for my classroom to be played on these iRivers that we have. I'm
told the resolution is 320x240, but I don't know the size? Do I
keep the frame rate at 15?
Thanks in advance (Flash, actionscript newbie)

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    Once I have completely loaded a swf file into my browser, complete with multiple home-made gigantic RSLs (not flex swzs), the memory footprint of my application is small; I have not instantiated any of the objects in the RSL files.  However, as stated earlier, the RSLs are very big files; full of embedded assets.
    If I clear my browser cache, those gigantic RSL files are deleted.
    Then, when I use my flash app to create objects from the RSL, flash profiler shows my memory footprint increase.  That makes sense; I just made some large objects.
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    1. No. and the main footprint of a bitmap is probably is per-instance so the instance cost is probably what you're interested in.  Anything embedded is also a class and the first time you access the class the Class category should go up by a bit.
    2.  When your app requires an RSL, the SWF for the RSL is loaded into memory (in a buffer you can't see from the profiler), expanded and parsed (into even more memory that you can't see from the profiler).  Then as you access classes from the RSL, the profiler should show growth in the Class, Object and Function.  If you statically link just the code you need, the amount of memory to load the SWF and parse it will be smaller since it doesn't need space for classes you won't need, but after that it is the same.  The advantage of the RSL is that most folks end up using 200K or more from the RSLs so that's a download cost you pay the first time you run the app.  The Flex RSLs are pretty well deployed so your chances of having savings is pretty good.  Private RSLs for your app will do no good unless there is another app on the same domain that uses the RSLs.  See the modules presentation on my blog for more info
    3.  The profiler does not show System.totalMemory.  Even that number isn't the whole measure.  We're currently fans of PrivateBytes to measure total weight of the app.  But it depends on what problem you're trying to solve.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.
    Blog: http://blogs.adobe.com/aharui

  • How does Adobe make their camera  profiles for ACR and Lightroom?

    I'm not interested in the proprietary algorithms , but I am curious as to the photographic mechanics and hardware tools used by  Adobe to make the various camera profiles as they differ markedly from the ones I make using the DNG Profile Editor.
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    Thank you for your time and consideration.

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    It would be nice for a sausage maker to give some hints about the process as compared to what each of us can do with the DNG Profile Editor and to the original poster's question, why are our profiles different from Adobe's?
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    For example it is easy to imagine that someone tweaking a profile by hand with a live readout of the error of each of the colors plus an overall composite error, might put more emphasis on skin tones being right if they have a background in people photography, or more emphasis on bright colors being right if their experience is in textiles and the current trend in the US is bright colors--and a different emphasis when the trend is muted colors so there is cultrual bias and life-experience coloring a "standard" profile.
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  • Generic Profiles for HTML?

    I'm surprised at the lack of profiles for some very popular
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    The following link has standalone players but they are not
    You can create you own DC profiles by modifying the main XML
    file that feeds DC. The only issue is that DC actually contains
    (what seems to be) accurate configuration settings to simulate the
    processing speed of a target device. Additionally, DC includeds a
    bunch of hard to find settings about each phone that it comes with.
    If you do add your own profiles, they probly won't accuratly
    represent the processing speed of your target device. And as far as
    HTML—still not an option.
    To modify the DC profiles, check out:
    http://www.adobe.com/cfusion/webforums/forum/messageview.cfm?forumid=68&catid=615&threadid =1265420&enterthread=y
    Good luck.

  • Unable to create solarisImage(flash) profile

    I tried to create it by manual - steps:
    I did copy flash image to biss1-jet:/export/install/flash directory.
    In the masterserver:
    # cr_cli -cmd cdb.vs.add -comp NM:/com/sun/n1osp/untyped/SolarisImage \
    -name "solaris10sparc" -u admin -p admin -vars "version=10;release=u4;architecture=sparc; \
    image_path=/export/install/flash;image_subnet_addr=; \
    file /tmp/flash-profile that contains the following entries:
    Solaris10 Flash Archive With SPS RA
    base_config flash spsra
    # cr_cli -cmd pe.p.run -u admin -p admin \
    -PID NM:/com/sun/n1osp/untyped/SolarisImage-create-profile -tar H:NM:biss1-jet \
    -comp - -vs solaris10sparc -pto 30 -nto 10 -f /tmp/flash-profile
    stdout: osp_attach_solaris_image.sh: '/export/install/flash' '10' 'Solaris10_u4_sparc' '/opt/SUNWjet'
    Image '/export/install/flash/Solaris_10' not found.
    manual(Sun N1 Service Provisioning System User�s Guide for OS Provisioning Plug-In 3.1) says:
    5 Edit the Profile component that you created in the previous step.
    The profile is located at /com/sun/n1osp/autogen-masterserver-jet/provision/. In this
    example task, the Profile component is
    *** why autogen-masterserver-jet, I see autogen-biss1-jet
    6 In the Profile component, change the archive_locations_flash variable value to point to the flash archive.
    For example:
    archive_locations_flash nfs://
    7 Check in the component.
    You are now ready to use the above Solaris Profile to deploy on desired target host.
    *** I dont have this componenet because of step 4 failed. Whats wrong?

    I had to install jumpstart. ;)

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    I'm not the best expert to ask but this works well - hope it helps
    Cheers Speak soon... Tony
    My Affiliate Ventures <http://affiliateventures.info/> | Your Affiliate
    Buddy <http://youraffiliatebuddy.com>
    Contact Me <http://twitter.com/smartdad> Twitter<http://twitter.com/smartdad>
    Chat image: Google Talk/ tonyb006 image: Skype/ tony.bb1
    Traffic Dashboard By Kim Roach – A Buddy
    review<http://youraffiliatebuddy.com/affiliate-marketing-training/traffic-dashboard-by-kim-roach- a-buddy-review.php

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    Its not the best way, but still you can check your output from there. Because for example you can't able to check the accelerometer output in the standard flash players instead you can test it there in the device central. Also like touch events and other events only supported in the mobile able to test it there. So it always useful but its not the best way, the output differs from the direct device sometimes.

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    Is wolfenstein a wine game? If so There are a bunch of optional dependencies for wine. You can see them if you do "pacman -Qi wine" (same for any installed program in Arch unless installed without pacman/PKGBUILD).  Some that I have installed are:
    If the game is a 32 bit windows game running through wine you may need some of these. If that doesn't work you can run it through the pulseaudio wrapper like this: "padsp wine /path/to/game.exe" Where /path/to/game.exe is the path to your wolfenstein executable. You can also check your sound settings with a program called "winecfg" (the defaults work fine for me though). To verify that your game is using pulseaudio there is a program called "pavucontrol" that will tell you all of the programs currently using sound through pulseaudio. Hope that helps.
    Edit: Also found this which may be of interest I don't know: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/et-sdl-sound/
    Last edited by dodo3773 (2013-05-20 16:10:53)

  • When using flash player for games, the mac runs real slow

    When using flash player for games, the mac runs real slow.   It's also not the fastest at anything.   Can I do anything to speed stuff up ?????

    Have no clue.  You provided no details and your system profile is blank.
    Which os are you using?
    How are you connected to the internet?
    Have you contacted your isp to make sure the slowness is not coming from their end?
    Max out your ram.
    How large is your hard drive and how much hard drive space do you have left?
    You you using the latest version of Adobe Flash?
    Please describe in detail all you have attempted to do in order to resolve the issue.

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    I would assume  that there will be an iTunes downloadable  update available shortly.

    It obviously is because you didnt understand. The iphone 4's last update to IOS 6.1.3 in some cases caused the phones speakers to not work (in which this happened to mine and a few people I know) which some people got rid of their phones. HENCE the AUDIO UPDATE that they recently posted but only iPhone 5 can download the update. That is my problem. I have alot of apple products diesel vdub and have had apple for a long time but I can't seem to understand why they would do this and I posted this in hopes to find more people that have had this issue and if they did anything to help fix it this issue. Thank you for your concern though.

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    Where did you install the profiles? They should go into
    Library/Colorsync/Profiles in your home folder or at the root level of your
    hard disk. If you put it in that folder in your home folder, they show up
    in user, if you put them in the root Library folder, they show up in
    "Computer" in Colorsync utility

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    == This happened ==
    Every time Firefox opened
    == Earlier today (july 20th 2010)

    Never saw this problem until today, first on Facebook, then on these Mozilla support pages. I had one Firefox window with multiple FB and Mozilla tabs open.
    Here's my observations: On the FB and Mozilla pages, the cursor (arrow/hand) acted identical and as described here, would disappear after 2-3 seconds of inactivity or non-motion, then instantly reappear with mouse movement or key strike but only momentarily if no further motion/action occurred. Interestingly, I also had one FoxNews tab (actually FoxNewsInsider) open, and observed slightly different activity. The Cursor/hand would disappear as described above, but instead of staying invisible, it flashed on /off for what appeared to be <1 second on then <1 second off, until mouse movement or key strike. Now, here's the really interesting part ... When I opened a second FoxNewsInsider tab, the problem corrected itself with no direct action on my part to resolve the issue. I was going to close all tabs, then Firefox and perform the system reboot to correct this annoyance ... but, still have not seen the problem.
    Okay, I'm not going to say viewing FoxNewsInsider webpages not only provides one perspective on news, and the added benefit of fixing cursor/hand problems .. but maybe there's some to being well informed ... Sorry folks, couldn't resist ... :) I will be watching for the disappearing cursor issue again, and will reply here with any updates or changes in my observations.

  • Flash Application for Mac won't open from DVD disc

    I've created a Flash application for a Mac and I have the latest security fix/update for Flash (that was supposed to fix Flash Players and etc.). I've burned the file onto a CD and a DVD. The file plays/opens from the CD but it won't play from the DVD.
    Has anyone run into this before?

    Well I found some sort of solution. I was burning both discs from a PC. I finally burned the DVD from a Mac and now it works!

  • I just statred Flash CC for the first time and it seems that the text within the pop-up window (dialog box) is mis-aligned and not allowing me access to the command buttons, nor all the text. (ie: the NEW Template Box, can't see but 2/3 of the content)

    I just statred Flash CC for the first time and it seems that the text within the pop-up window (dialog box) is mis-aligned and not allowing me access to the command buttons, nor all the text. (ie: the NEW Template Box, can't see but 2/3 of the content) is there a fix to this problem? using 8.1, Monitor is a high res.2560x1440.

    Another View.
    the GUI is so hard to read (so small) I enlarge my Ps UI by the instructions below...which helped a lot.

  • How do I use the same profile for two users on the same computer

    I use my laptop both at home and at work. And in each venue I use a different user log on. But I wish to have firefox use the same profile for each user log on. How can I get firefox to point to the same profile for each user?

    Note that only one user (Firefox instance) can use a profile folder at the time, so if you would switch the Windows user to another account then you would first have to close Firefox.
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Creating_a_new_Firefox_profile_on_Windows
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Shortcut_to_a_specific_profile
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Using_multiple_profiles_-_Firefox
    * http://kb.mozillazine.org/Bypassing_the_Profile_Manager

Maybe you are looking for

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