Flash slideshow in header

Hi, I have put a flash slideshow in the header of a site. The
slideshow is on the header of every page in the website. It
automatically plays continuously, the photos slowly blend in and
out. It's good because it showcases the client's product.
But is this considered bad practise? is there any reason not
to do this? I have put an image in the background of the div
containing the slideshow in case the user doesn't have the flash

I don't think it is a bad practice. My only suggestion is if
this is your header on every page that you at least have the title
of the company in that Flash animation just because there is
nothing else above it.
The only thing that would make a Flash banner for every page
bad would be if the size was too big. What size are you talking
about right now for your Flash banner?

Similar Messages

  • How can I get a Flash Slideshow to show in a browser?

    Running Mac Leopard, CS3. Created a simple Flash slideshow using the Modern Photo Slideshow Template. Placed into DW page as dynamic Flash element. Slideshow is 2 photos, and uses manual buttons only. When viewed in DW preview only the first frame shows and buttons don't work (when viewed in Flash preview, it works as expected). When viewed in browser, nothing shows (although the space is visible), unless I turn off Javascript in the browser; then the first frame shows but nothing else works.
    I've tried this with 4 different browsers and DW, and all work the same way. What am I missing? Any help appreciated.
    <script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','<?php echo $row_rsDispatches2['Image']; ?>','width','450','height','350','src','photos/<?php echo $row_rsDispatches2['Image']; ?>','loop','false','quality','high','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','play ','false','movie','photos/<?php echo $row_rsDispatches2['Image']; ?>' ); //end AC code
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="<?php echo $row_rsDispatches2['Image']; ?>" width="450" height="350">
      <param name="movie" value="photos/<?php echo $row_rsDispatches2['Image']; ?>" />
      <param name="quality" value="high" /><param name="PLAY" value="false" /><param name="LOOP" value="false" />
      <embed src="photos/<?php echo $row_rsDispatches2['Image']; ?>" width="450" height="350" loop="false" quality="high" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" play="false"></embed>

    If turning off the javascript makes the file at least appear, then that part of the problem likely means the AC_RunActiveContent.js file is not where it needs to be (if it is not coded directly into the html page).  In the head of your html page should be some indication of where that file needs to be (if it is not coded into the head section directly).  Turning off javascript is forcing the <noscript> section to load the file.
    As for nothing working anyways when you view it in a web page, it may be because of the location of the file.  Your code indicates that the swf is located in a folder named photos.  If that swf loads the images dynamically from that same folder, then the problem arises when you load the swf into a file in a different folder.  Once the swf is planted into a file in a different folder, that folder becomes its frame of reference for loading content dynamically.  So if the swf originally loaded files using targets like...image1.jpg, image2.jpg, etc.... when it is placed into parent folder's file, it needs to target them as if it actually lives in that folder using... photos/image1.jpeg, photos/image2.jpg, etc...

  • Dreamweaver CS3 Flash Slideshow problems

    First off, my name is Mike and I would really appreciate anything that you can do to help me.
    I'm attempting to use Dreamweaver CS3's Flash Slideshow on a site that I'm building for a friend and I'm having troubles.  I have two major issues:
    1. I've uploaded my page to a test folder located on my own site.
    As you can see when you go to that page the Flash Slideshow is not appearing.  I've attempted to figure this issue out as much as I can, but I'm not getting anywhere.
    Using Dreamweaver to test I've deleted the AC script and it appears exactly like how it does now that it's live, so I believe that the problem lies in the Slideshow being able to find the script.  What I don't understand is that the AC_RunActiveContent.js is in a folder titled '..Scripts' (which is located in the same 'NoahTest' folder as the 'Main.html')and there should be no problem with it sourcing the Script.
    I'm perplexed as to why it's not reading the .js file.
    2. When I preview the site in my Dreamweaver Preview it works fine, except for the fact that it looks like it's padding the size of the pictures.
    I have all of the dimensions specific to the size of the slice in my site.  The slideshow should be 924x668 to match the slice exactly, so that's what I told it to be in width and height.  I've turned all borders to 0, frame thickness to 0, and I've even tried to add a command to change cell padding to 0, all with no effect.  I've made a still screen capture for you to see my problem.
    I've left the Background White so you can see how it's not sizing the Slideshow correctly.  So the White Border isn't really a border, but a sizing/spacing issue.  I don't know what could be causing this.
    If you could help me with one or both of these issues I would be so grateful.  Thanks for your time.

    So, bemdesign, you're not seeing the white padding-like effect that I snapped a screen shot of?  See here:
    I've tested the page 'Main.html' that I have live right now using Firefox, IE8, and Safari, and it's still doing this padding issue for me (if that's even what it's supposed to be called).
    After a little research I found a post on another site where tons of people are having the same problem as me:
    The very last post someone mentions that they fixed the issue that I'm experiencing by adding div tags specifying width and height.  I've tried implementing this, but since I'm somewhat novice with coding still I'm not sure if I'm doing it correctly.  Adding the div tags in various places seems to have either no effect or it changes the w & h values of the entire page, both of which not being my intention.
    Can anyone here who is more advanced at coding than me who can tell me the proper way to implement the div tags in my situation?
    This is the code for my page:
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
         background-color: #353535;
    <script src="../NoahTest/Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <body leftmargin="0" topmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    <!-- ImageReady Slices (Main.psd) -->
    <table id="Table_01" width="1024" height="768" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
              <td colspan="4">
                   <img src="images/Main_01.gif" alt="" width="1024" height="50" border="0"></td>
              <td rowspan="2">
                   <img src="images/Main_02.gif" alt="" width="50" height="718" border="0"></td>
      <td colspan="2"><script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','width','924','height','668','src','Assets/Main_Flash','quality','high','flashvars','flashlet={imageLinkTarget:\'_blank\',captionFont:\'Verdana\',titleFont:\'Verdana\',showControls:false,frameShow:false,slideDelay:5,captionSize:10,captionColor:#333333,titleSize:10,transitionsType:\'Fade\',titleColor:#333333,slideAutoPlay:true,imageURLs:[\'Assets/Main_Flash_01.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_02.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_03.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_04.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_05.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_06.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_07.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_08.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_09.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_10.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_11.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_12.jpg\',\'Assets/Main_Flash_13.jpg\'],slideLoop:true,frameThickness:2,frameColor:#333333,bgColor:#FFFFFF,imageCaptions:[]}','pluginspage','http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','flash_component','ImageViewer.swc','movie','Assets/Main_Flash' ); //end AC code
    </script><noscript><object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0" width="924" height="668">
        <param name="flash_component" value="ImageViewer.swc">
        <param name="movie" value="Assets/Main_Flash.swf">
        <param name="quality" value="high">
        <param name="FlashVars" value="flashlet={imageLinkTarget:'_blank',captionFont:'Verdana',titleFont:'Verdana',showControls:false,frameShow:false,slideDelay:5,captionSize:10,captionColor:#333333,titleSize:10,transitionsType:'Fade',titleColor:#333333,slideAutoPlay:true,imageURLs:['Assets/Main_Flash_01.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_02.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_03.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_04.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_05.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_06.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_07.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_08.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_09.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_10.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_11.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_12.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_13.jpg'],slideLoop:true,frameThickness:2,frameColor:#333333,bgColor:#FFFFFF,imageCaptions:[]}">
        <embed src="Assets/Main_Flash.swf" quality="high" flashvars="flashlet={imageLinkTarget:'_blank',captionFont:'Verdana',titleFont:'Verdana',showControls:false,frameShow:false,slideDelay:5,captionSize:10,captionColor:#333333,titleSize:10,transitionsType:'Fade',titleColor:#333333,slideAutoPlay:true,imageURLs:['Assets/Main_Flash_01.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_02.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_03.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_04.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_05.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_06.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_07.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_08.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_09.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_10.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_11.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_12.jpg','Assets/Main_Flash_13.jpg'],slideLoop:true,frameThickness:2,frameColor:#333333,bgColor:#FFFFFF,imageCaptions:[]}" pluginspage="http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="924" height="668"> </embed>
      <td rowspan="2">
                   <img src="images/Main_04.gif" alt="" width="50" height="718" border="0"></td>
                   <img src="images/Main_05.gif" alt="" width="689" height="50" border="0"></td>
                   <img src="images/Main_06.gif" alt="" width="235" height="50" border="0"></td>
    <!-- End ImageReady Slices -->
    I've tried adding <div style="width:924;height:668"> both before and after the
    <td colspan="2"> tag of the AC_FL_RunContent section, but to no avail.
    Thanks again to all of you!

  • Flash slideshow not displaying when uploaded!?

    I have created a website in Dreamweaver CS3 which works fine
    when previewed in the browser from the local files. However when i
    upload the site and then view the site, the flash elements do not
    work. i cannot see the flash slideshow.
    The website is:
    Please any help would be much appreciated

    <script src="Scripts/AC_RunActiveContent.js"
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function MM_swapImgRestore() { //v3.0
    var i,x,a=document.MM_sr;
    )&&x.oSrc;i++) x.src=x.oSrc;
    function MM_preloadImages() { //v3.0
    var d=document; if(d.images){ if(!d.MM_p) d.MM_p=new
    var i,j=d.MM_p.length,a=MM_preloadImages.arguments; for(i=0;
    i<a.length; i++)
    if (a.indexOf("#")!=0){ d.MM_p[j]=new Image;
    function MM_findObj(n, d) { //v4.01
    var p,i,x; if(!d) d=document;
    if((p=n.indexOf("?"))>0&&parent.frames.length) {
    if(!(x=d[n])&&d.all) x=d.all[n]; for
    (i=0;!x&&i<d.forms.length;i++) x=d.forms[n];
    if(!x && d.getElementById) x=d.getElementById(n);
    return x;
    function MM_swapImage() { //v3.0
    var i,j=0,x,a=MM_swapImage.arguments; document.MM_sr=new
    Array; for(i=0;i<(a.length-2);i+=3)
    if ((x=MM_findObj(a))!=null){document.MM_sr[j++]=x;
    if(!x.oSrc) x.oSrc=x.src; x.src=a[i+2];}
    <body class="thrColLiqHdr"
    <div id="container">
    <div id="header">
    <h1><img src="Images/title_bar.png" width="100%"
    <!-- end #header --></div>
    <div id="sidebar1"><!-- InstanceBeginEditable
    name="about_us_button" --><a href="index.html"
    Bar/about_us_mouseover.png',1)"><img src="Images/Nav
    Bar/about_us_button.png" alt="about us" name="Image9" width="100%"
    border="0" id="Image9" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable
    --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="services_button"
    --><a href="services.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()"
    Bar/services_mouseover.png',1)"><img src="Images/Nav
    Bar/services_button.png" alt="services" name="Image10" width="100%"
    border="0" id="Image10" /></a><!-- InstanceEndEditable
    --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="gallery_button"
    --><img src="Images/Nav Bar/gallery_button.png" width="100%"
    /><!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!--
    InstanceBeginEditable name="contact_us_button" --><a
    href="contact_us.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()"
    Bar/contact_us_mouseover.png',1)"><img src="Images/Nav
    Bar/contact_us_button.png" alt="contact us" name="Image12"
    width="100%" border="0" id="Image12" /></a><!--
    InstanceEndEditable --></div>
    <div id="sidebar2">
    <h3><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="sidebar_2_1"
    --><img src="Images/Nav Bar/ghost_button.png" width="100%"
    /><!-- InstanceEndEditable --><!--
    InstanceBeginEditable name="sidebar_2_2" --><img
    src="Images/Nav Bar/ghost_button.png" width="100%" /><!--
    InstanceEndEditable --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable
    name="sidebar_2_3" --><img src="Images/Nav
    Bar/ghost_button.png" width="100%" /><!-- InstanceEndEditable
    --><!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="sidebar_2_4"
    --><img src="Images/Nav Bar/ghost_button.png" width="100%"
    /><!-- InstanceEndEditable --></h3>
    <!-- end #sidebar2 -->
    <div id="mainContent">
    <h1 align="justify" id="mainContent"><!--
    InstanceBeginEditable name="main_editable_region" -->
    <td colspan="3"><img src="Images/Nav
    Bar/Gallery/Mace.gif" width="33%" border="0" /><a
    href="2gallery_fla.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()"
    Bar/Gallery/Londis_mouseover.gif',1)"><img src="Images/Nav
    Bar/Gallery/Londis.gif" alt="Londis gallery" name="Image7"
    width="33%" border="0" id="Image7" /></a><a
    href="3gallery_fla.html" onmouseout="MM_swapImgRestore()"
    src="Images/Nav Bar/Gallery/Independent.gif" alt="Independent
    gallery" name="Independent" width="33%" border="0"
    id="Independent"0 /></a></td>
    <td colspan="3"><img
    src="Images/gallery/Preston/banner.jpg" width="99%"/></td>
    <td colspan="3"><script type="text/javascript">
    AC_FL_RunContent( 'codebase','
    http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=9,0,28,0','wid th','99%','height','99%','hspace','0','vspace','0','border','0','src','Images/gallery/Pres ton/slideshow
    http://www.adobe.com/shockwave/download/download.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash','nobo rder','movie','Images/gallery/Preston/slideshow
    preston' ); //end AC code
    classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" codebase="
    width="99%" height="99%" hspace="0" vspace="0" border="0">
    <param name="movie"
    value="Images/gallery/Preston/slideshow preston.swf" />
    <param name="quality" value="high" value="noborder" />
    <embed src="Images/gallery/Preston/slideshow preston.swf"
    width="99%" height="99%" hspace="0" quality="high" pluginspage="
    InstanceEndEditable --></h1>
    <!-- end #mainContent --></div>
    <!-- This clearing element should immediately follow the
    #mainContent div in order to force the #container div to contain
    all child floats --><br class="clearfloat" />
    <div id="footer">
    <p>Trinity Shopfit &amp; Design Limited. Directors
    N.J.Luther &amp; T.E.Luther. Registered in England and Wales.
    No. 5922872 VAT No. 875333505. Registered Office: 117-118
    Cleethorpe Road, Grimsby DN31 3ET
    <!-- end #footer -->
    <!-- end #container --></div>
    <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

  • Flash Slideshow Feature: Help?

    I am having trouble with Dreamweaver's Flash slideshow
    feature. All the Flash elements work properly (as I have set them)
    except the *imageLinks* and *imageLinkTarget* options. Regardless
    of what I enter (or leave blank) the resulting Flash show makes the
    images clickable with www.adobe.com being the linked site. I don't
    want any links on my slideshow but I cannot get rid of this feature
    even when my elements panel indicates no (or other settings).

    I too have been having problems with the ImageViewer. I have
    posted a question in this forum about how changing the
    ImageUrlTarget actually does make clicks on the slide show image
    open a larger image, but not in a new window, even though this
    parameter has been set to "_blank".
    I believe the problems with the ImageViewer may be caused by
    how the in page Embedded Code and SWF relate. Specifically, it
    seems as if you need to re-do everything from scratch, then save
    the file/web page to get it to work. It seems like unless a new
    Flash Movie (SWF) is built, none of the changes stick. I have not
    been able to confirm this. I WISH A FORUM MODERATOR WOULD LOOK AT
    OUR POSTS. Thank you.

  • Build a web gallery with amazing flash slideshows with dynamic XML files

    Build a web gallery with amazing flash slideshows with dynamic XML files
    Transitions, zooming and panning effect You can  choose from  Random, Wipe from Left, Fade to White, Cross Expansion and  other 60-plus  transition effects. Zooming and panning effect is  optional for advanced flash  templates.
    XML-driven This flash slideshow are XML-driven. The XML  document allows more personalized controls over the flash.
    Auto-playback and repeat mode The flash slideshow will play  automatically after preloading, and it can repeat playback.
    Dynamic customization Besides XML control, the  advanced  templates provide many more custom options, so that you can  create slideshow  that fits into your existing web design: width ,  height, border color,  background color, thumbnail size, etc. More about  dynamic customization
    Usage and demo visit: http://webdesigndevelopment.blog.com...swf-xml-files/

    Please excuse the bump...
    Anyone with a LR flash gallery that starts with slideshow in play mode?
    Can it even be set to do this?
    The only code in the style.xml that looks like it might be realted is line 12 <playOptions playMode="pause"/>, changing that to "play" does nothing.

  • Can I make an image display instead of flash slideshow on explorer with high security?

    I am a total flash beginner.  I created a simple flash slideshow that I want to appear on my website.  It works fine in firefox., but when viewed in explorer with high security, nothing displays unless the viewer specifically allows it. The slideshow is very prominent, and the site looks very bad when only an x shows up.   Is it possible to have a static image display in place of the slideshow, and then have the slideshow start if the viewer allows it? Is there any other way to get around this? 
    Thank you for any assistance.

    Have you tested it with IE online or only locally?  Locally IE will usually prohibit displaying Flash content.

  • Need help switching Flash slideshow

    I admit it, I need help!
    Here is my problem, I want the links on the left to change the Flash slideshow on the right when clicked.
    I want to stay on this page, so only the Flash slideshow changes.
    This is the site I'm working on.... http://www.hwas.com/A-events-page-3.htm#
    I am using CS4.

    Shouldn't matter what version ... that hasn't changed much and is done pretty much the same way as long as I can remember. Which seems to be getting shorter and shorter all the time. 
    Anyways, nice site though. Well done.
    Brad Lawryk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver
    Adobe Usergroup Manager, Northern British Columbia Adobe User Group

  • Embed Flash slideshow -- which of these ways is best?

    I am using SlideShowPro with Lightroom to make Flash slideshows.  The SlideShowPro documentation suggests two different ways to embed the show into HTML pages (see below).  I am too much of a novice at this to understand the difference between the two methods.
    I am curious whether those of you here who do understand the difference can comment on whether one method provides any advantages or disadvantages over the other or whether they both accomplish the same thing equally well.
    Many thanks!
    METHOD 1:
    <object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" width="770" height="566" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="top" id="FlashID">
            <param name="movie" value="../flash/home/loader.swf" />
            <param name="quality" value="high" />
            <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
            <param name="swfversion" value="" />
            <!-- This param tag prompts users with Flash Player 6.0 r65 and higher to download the latest version of Flash Player. Delete it if you don’t want users to see the prompt. -->
            <param name="expressinstall" value="../../Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
            <param name="base" value="." />
            <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
            <param name="BGCOLOR" value="#c4c0b4" />
            <param name="SCALE" value="noborder" />
            <!-- Next object tag is for non-IE browsers. So hide it from IE using IECC. -->
            <!--[if !IE]>-->
            <object data="../flash/home/loader.swf" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="770" height="566" hspace="0" vspace="0" align="top">
              <param name="quality" value="high" />
              <param name="wmode" value="opaque" />
              <param name="swfversion" value="" />
              <param name="expressinstall" value="../../Scripts/expressInstall.swf" />
              <param name="base" value="." />
              <param name="allowFullScreen" value="true" />
              <param name="BGCOLOR" value="#c4c0b4" />
              <param name="SCALE" value="noborder" />
              <!-- The browser displays the following alternative content for users with Flash Player 6.0 and older. -->
                <h4>Content on this page requires a newer version of Adobe Flash Player.</h4>
                <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer"><img src="http://www.adobe.com/images/shared/download_buttons/get_flash_player.gif" alt="Get Adobe Flash player" width="112" height="33" /></a></p>
              <!--[if !IE]>-->
    METHOD 2:
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://johnblaustein.com/portfolio/flash/home/js/swfobject.js"></script> language="javascript">
    var flashvars = {
    paramXMLPath: "param.xml",
    initialURL: escape(document.location)
    var params = {
        base: ".",
    bgcolor: "#c4c0b4",
    allowfullscreen: "true"
    var attributes = {}
    swfobject.embedSWF("http://johnblaustein.com/portfolio/flash/home/loader.swf", "flashcontent", "770", "566", "9.0.0", "expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params, attributes);
    <div id="flashcontent">
       <!-- Insert non-Flash player code here -->
    </div> </td>

    Hi Hans,
    Sorry.... I should have done that in my original post.
    Test pages using both methods:
    METHOD 1:
    METHOD 2:
    It may be that both are equally good, but since they are different and I don't understand the differences, I thought I'd ask.

  • Looking to Download Leopard Patch File for XML Flash Slideshow Maker?

    Hi I was told that I have to download and install the Leopard
    patch for the extension XML Flash Slideshow to work properly with
    its style wizard (it isnt loading at the moment). I cant seem to
    find it. Is there a source where I can download it.

    atomic king wrote:
    > Hi I was told that I have to download and install the
    Leopard patch for the
    > extension XML Flash Slideshow to work properly with its
    style wizard (it isnt
    > loading at the moment). I cant seem to find it. Is there
    a source where I can
    > download it.
    Is the patch you're talking about for Leopard itself, or for
    the extension? If the patch is for Leopard, I'd assume that You'd
    have to get it from Apple, but I don't know where to look for that.
    If the patch is for the extension, then you probably need to go to
    the developer's site to see if the patch is posted there, or
    contact the developer directly to see where this patch may be if
    indeed it is necessary.
    Danilo Celic
    | WebAssist Extensioneer
    | Adobe Community Expert

  • Cannot open flash slideshows in any browser

    a friend cannot open flash slideshows on one of my webpages, he gets an error "progressive jpeg-unable to render" The images are not progressive jpegs.
    Same problem in Firefox or Safari.
    He has installed the latest flash player

    sorry, they've all work fine on macs and pcs, here's one: http://www.cochraneinc.com/photos%20pages/1292Jainephotos.html

  • Problem Integrating Flash Slideshow

    Hi there, I just found a Flash slideshow that I liked and
    tried to create a template page with it. Everything works fine;
    however, the Flash slideshow is only incorporated in the page after
    a line break. I see the <p> tag that causes the show not to
    be inserted flush after my main navigation menu; however, all my
    attempts to remove it cause the show to display.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million.
    You can review the page at:
    http://www.fastventures.com/templates/temp_inner_Flash%20Slideshow/temp_inner_Flash%20Rota tor.html

    I'm sorry but I think my post was not clear!
    Hi there, I just found a Flash slideshow that I liked and
    tried to create a template page with it. Everything works fine;
    however, the Flash slideshow is only incorporated in the page after
    a line break. I see the <p> tag that causes the show not to
    be inserted flush after my main navigation menu; however, all my
    attempts to remove it cause the show NOT to display.
    Any ideas would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million.
    You can review the page at:
    http://www.fastventures.com/templates/temp_inner_Flash%20Slideshow/temp_inner_Flash%20Rota tor.html

  • HTML-page into flash slideshow?

    I'm am trying to load a HTML-page into a flash slideshow. The slideshow is going to run locally on the computer and the HTML-page (or RSS-feed if that is easier) is recieved from the company´s web-page. I'm totaly new to flash, and I would be very grateful if anyone knew any way to do this. Is there any simple string I can use, like URLloader?
    Thanks in advance!

    You can do this only with AIR  :
    http://help.adobe.com/en_US/FlashPlatform/reference/actionscript/3/flash/html/HTMLLoader.h tml

  • Overview of Alive Flash Slideshow Maker

    Alive Flash Slideshow Maker is a professional slideshow builder to easily create high-impact photo slideshows. It turns your digital photos to flash ( SWF ) slideshow with background music and transition effects. So that you can upload the output flash file to websites and share your memorial moments with your family and friends. You can also post the flash slide show on MySpace, facebook, YouTube, or your Blog.
    With this extremely easy to use flash slideshow maker, You don't need to learn any additional skills to make a flash slideshow. Simply  drag & drop the photos into Alive Flash Slideshow Maker, click "Publish" and a stunning flash slide show will be generated. Alive Flash Slideshow Maker supports almost all picture formats including JPEG, BMP, GIF, TIFF, PNG, PSD, RAW, WMF, EMF, etc.
    •Output Flash (.SWF) File and HTML page
    Create two files: a Flash (SWF) file and a HTML page file. This allows you to share the slideshow via uploading the two files to your website simply..
    •Output Flash (.SWF) File
    Create a standalone Flash (SWF) file only. But the corresponding HTML code will be generated for embedding the flash slideshow into your own webpage. You will be able to copy and paste the code into any webpage.
    •Output Executed Flash File (.EXE)
    Create an executable Flash slideshow (.exe file). So that you can play and share the slideshow without webpage and browser. Just double click the generated .EXE file, the slideshow will be played without any Internet Browser.

    A trial version of Alive Flash Slideshow Maker is available at website:
    http://www.alivemedia.net/flash-slideshow-maker.htm. For more information about AliveMedia's multimedia programs, please visit our website

  • Linking flash slideshow into HTML?

    Please excuse me if this is a very "noobish" question, but is it possible to make a flash slideshow using 4 pictures,
    but have each picture linked to a webpage? A family friend just got me a copy of Flash Pro CS6 through his company but I have genuinely zero experience with flash (Just HTML and CSS).  
    I set all 4 images to the same size. I realize I could do this in HTML, I'd just rather get some flash practice in.
    Thanks in advance for the help.

    Yes, you can create the images as objects and assign code to them to have them open html pages.  If you are using Actionscript 3 you want to look into using the navigateToURL() function for linking to web pages.

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