Flashpaper kill Word 2003

When ever I try to convert a word document to pdf or swf I get that little "Working" screen but MS Word gets "(Not responding)" and nothign ever happenes.
Please help

Anyone use this? I need this to work for an ebook.

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    We merge several Word 2003 documents into 1 larger document that we then convert to PDF.  The page numbers in the Word document display properly - 1 of 21, 2 of 21, 3 of 21, etc.  We then convert that merged document to PDF by right-clicking the filename and choosing "Convert to Adobe PDF".  For those of us with Adobe Acrobat Standard 8.1.3, the page numbers in the converted PDF file display as 1 of 1, 2 of 1, ... 21 of 1.  Those with Acrobat Professional 8.1.3, they display as 1 of 21, 2 of 2121, 3 of 212121, etc., each page adding another total number of pages to the total.  There is no change in the result if using v8.0.0 or 8.1.4  Does anyone have any ideas???

    Unless you have a specific reason to upgrade to OFFICE 2007, I would not recommend it. I hate it -- have it on two computers. I have had problems creating PDFs reliably from WORD 2007 and PPT 2007, at least with graphics. The conversion seems to want to split graphics up into several parts rather than leave it as one. It does not happen with WORD 2003 and so assume this is some sort of issue with OFFICE 2007. You can get the graphics fine if you use the MS plugin for PDF creation, but then you have to deal with the MS version of a PDF. If you want to try it on one computer in your office, I would do that before you make the change. However, if what you have meets the need, then why change unless there are specific items that you are looking for and don't have.
    OK, that is my opinion. I am sure there are counter arguments. If I had the preference on my newer machines, I would have OFFICE 2003. Bill

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    So why not in these few pages of my document.
    This is a paragraph from the pages below.  I altered some words deliberately to see if my Word 2003 would pick them up.  It didn't. 
    The landlord shall be entitiled to pursue the tenant for any reasonable costs incurred as a result of the tenant’s faulure to pay rent including but not limited to any charges for returned cheques or any reasonable costs incurred
    in pursuing the tenant for payment of unpaid rent.
    But when I put it in here it does pick them up.  So it is something I have done .

    According to your description, this issue is more related to Word. The Word IT Pro Discussions forum is a better place for word questions, we will move it there for you.
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

  • Error message when publishing to Word 2003 from Captivate v5.5

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    (Translated from German to English for this thread).
    The author assures me they have Word 2003 installed, and the document is not open as it has not been created yet.
    I tried it on my PC with v5.5 and Word 2003 and it worked OK for me.
    Any ideas why it might not work for others ?

    Hi Noel,
    I assume you are not working on MAC, in case you are try (http://kb2.adobe.com/cps/902/cpsid_90224.html )
    Can you do the following Test--
    Launch MS word as an application in the background and then republish.
    Open a New Dummy project and then try Publishing to  Word.
    Try exporting your text captuions to Word format and see if that is working or not?

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    In 7.0.3, you can import .doc and .docx. File | Import | Word document.

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    Thanks in advance.

    Did you installed BI Publisher first? usually we installed MS Word first then BI Publisher then it appears in the top bar.

  • Word 2003 crashes when converting to a PDF in Acrobat 9.3.1

    OS                    :   Windows XP Pro SP3
    Acrobat Version:   Acrobat Pro 9.3.1. 
    M.S. Product     :  Word 2003
    Not every file will crash Word 2003 when converting to a PDF using Acrobat Pro 9.3.1 but this particular file and some others will produce the following error:
    %%[ ProductName: Distiller ]%%
    %%[Page: 1]%%
    %%[ Error: syntaxerror; OffendingCommand: )  '$ $ $ &$   ]%%
    %%[ Flushing: rest of job (to end-of-file) will be ignored ]%%
    %%[ Warning: PostScript error. No PDF file produced. ] %%
    The co-worker was receiving the same error in Adobe Acrobat Pro 9.0 before we updated her to AAP 9.1.3.
    I have read some other threads similar to mine but none of them answer the question well enough to try anything listed there.  My co-worker can email me the Word file and I can print the file to my Adobe PDF printer just fine.  I have Acrobat Pro 7.0.
    Can anyone give me help on the cause and or solution to this problem????

    - syntaxerror indicates the file contains unintelligible PostScript code.
    Any discussion of postscript errors, seem to consistently point to:
    A troubleshooting guide is down in the bottom third of the page.
    Be well...

  • RoboHELP 6 Crashes When Importing Word 2003 File

    Discovered this today by accident (after modifying a Word
    2003 file that I was previously able to import to "test" Help files
    using both RH HTML and RH for Word (both V6) and thought I'd report
    it because it appears to be a bug:
    If you select the following option in the Word file that you
    are importing, RoboHelp will crash during the import:
    Tools, Options, General tab, Web Options, Files tab,
    Organize supporting files in a folder
    When you do the Import Word file action from RoboHelp, it
    starts the import then issues a Microsoft C++ Debug Library message
    box that says:
    Debug Error!
    Program: C:\Program Files\Adobe\RoboHelp
    abnormal program termination
    (Press Retry to debug the application)
    Abort Retry Ignore
    Doesn't matter what you select. RoboHELP crashes and the Word
    file is not imported.
    Wanted to report this here in case someone else runs into
    this. It cost me a lot of time today.

    Hi Peter
    Thank you for the suggestion. I created a new project, new
    folders, imported the files a few at a time & compiled it each
    time (with one build tag in it) and found that only two files made
    it crash. On the one file, I removed the tables (which had no
    merged cells) from the project and it worked. The other file was
    removed completly and I will re-do that page.
    I then opened my current project (with all links &
    pictures etc TOC working) and imported the changed file and removed
    the other file and wala....I have a useable project.
    The project was on our own software so unfortunately I would
    not be able to share it.
    Being a relativley new (1.5 yrs) user, I find running into
    bugs are brutal....Thanks for all your help.

  • How to save edit settings under preferrences to use when creating or printing a PDF from word 2003 Windows PC 8.1

    I have tried to save my PDF settings after editing them, but when I go to "Print" to PDF and check the settings I keep getting Standard default settings.
    There is no Adobe PDF listed as a file heading to change conversion settings on my Word screen.
    I have tried to create a PDF by open file through the Adobe application and also by trying to print through the Word application with document open and using Adobe PDF as the printer driver.I have changed or edited the settings but they do not appear as an option to select, just the standard default settings.
    I have been able to save my setting as a Adobe PDF job options, but can't access them or use them when it comes time to convert to PDF.
    Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

    I have apprached it 3 different ways:
    - by opening acrobat and going to preferrences, clining on  convert to PDf
    - Microsoft Word, then changes each section of the edit settings, ie
    general, fonts, images, etc make the cahneges then hit OK, at this point I
    get a save as option rather than a save. It saves my changes as a PDF, but I
    am not able to access it when I go to make the PDF.
    - I also have tried to print PDF from Word  and got to properties to make
    the changs with the same results as above.
    - Then I tried yur suggestion and went to the printer in the control panel
    and had the same results.
    I am using mircosoft word 2003 which has been compatable with my windows 8.1
    I think the problem may be I am using a "trial" version of Adobe Acrotbat DC
    2105 version. It must not belettingme save the setting changes.But this
    shouldnot be if they want me to really experience the full effects of the
    I appreciate your help, thanks

  • Help file fails to generate RoboHelp 7 and Word 2003

    Hello, I am back again with a new struggle.  I am creating a WinHelp4 file for an older application using Word 2003 and Robohelp 7.  There are several different results regardless of whether I make updates, corrections, add jumps, change Topic IDs or do nothing when I click on generate:
    1.  sometimes it generates and works perfectly, just not very often, usually between 8 and 805am ET.
    2.  sometime it will generate an error:  Failed to compile
    3.  another error:  filename.rtf does not exist, but it is there in the folder
    4. generates a Warning, but I don't know what the warning is as it does not show it
    5. generates a blank Help with only a single glossary definition
    6. not enough memory ( 1 gb is available)
    7. corrupted file, rerun and it works...sometimes
    I have:
    1. Started over
    2. Rebooted
    3. Uninstalled and reinstalled RoboHelp 7 and all updates
    4. Tried adding one item (jump, new topic, changed topic, updates to TOC, renamed anything) at a time and then generated file
    5. Create an html from Word...I know silly but it worked some of the time.
    I feel like there must be a setting error I missing or something hidden that I need to remove.  There is something or a very big bug! I can't find anything and RoboHelp 7, Word 2003 and creating Winhelp4 files have been fine the last 2 months...now...not so fine.
    Please help!  I am so close to finished!
    and if this isn't enough, I cannot generate a print to PDF either, but used to!

    I wish I could try on a different PC.  This is a government facility and that is not an option.  There are only 2 of us who have RH and I think the other person may have left last week...what luck!
    As far as anything else running, that is possible....I may try disconnecting the network and see if it will work...that should check it, right?
    Background resources are very probable as their are virus scanners and who knows what else...my rights are very limited, no Admin rights to the machine.
    It just amazes me that it has worked and now at the very final stage and updates it will not.  I am in early when it usually works, 745a ET and it failed.  These are the error messages and I usually get this type:
    Warning - HC4004: datcap.rtf is not an RTF (Rich Text Format) file.
    Warning - HC4009: The Topic ID "Data_Capture_Operations" specified in the Project files as the Default Topic does not exist.
    What is odd, is they are both there and have worked consistently up until this recent failure....cannot complile.
    I know this is long, but here is the notpad error:
    Starting compilation...
    WinHelp preprocessor 7.01.002
    Compiling C:\Documents and Settings\jkmalone1\My Documents\My RoboHelp Projects\CRS On Line Help Individual\DATCAP\!SSL!\WinHelp_4\DATCAP.hlp ...
    Preparing to create WinHelp...
    Clearing output folder...
    Filtering out conditional text...
    Processing DATCAP.rtf...
    Processing DATCAP.rtf...
    Removing watermarks...
    Processing DATCAP.rtf...
    Collecting Topics' Information...
    Processing DATCAP.rtf...
    Removing broken jumps...
    Finished preparing in 4 sec(s)
    Generating WinHelp system...Microsoft (R) Help Compiler
    HCRTF 4.03.0002
    Copyright (c) Microsoft Corp 1990 - 1995. All rights reserved.
        HC4004: Warning:
    datcap.rtf is not an RTF (Rich Text Format) file.
        HC4009: Warning:
    The Topic ID "Data_Capture_Operations" specified in the Project files as the Default Topic does not exist.
    3 Topics
    0 Jumps
    0 Keywords
    0 Bitmaps
    Created C:\DOCUME~1\jkmalone1\Local Settings\Temp\RHTemp12\Datcap.hlp, 13,205 bytes
    Compile time: 0 minutes, 0 seconds
    0 notes, 2 warnings
    Finished compiling WinHelp in 6 sec(s)
    Compilation complete.
    WinHelp (WinHelp 4) was built successfully:
    C:\Documents and Settings\jkmalone1\My Documents\My RoboHelp Proj
    There has to  be something causing this...it ran quickly this am but failed with the above Warning errors.  The file is not successful although it built a sort of Help...one definition of one word....and nothing else.
    Thank you for taking an interest...this has me so puzzled.

  • I can't create pdf files from word 2003 files in acrobat 9 pro any more

    Until recently, i was able to make pdf files from word 2003 documents using the "create pdf from file" in acrobat 9 pro. Combining several word documents into 1 pdf was also a piece of cake.
    Now, this doesn't work any longer. If i want to select the files, office 2003 files are no longer listed in the supported file formats.
    See the picture below

    Try running a Repair Installation on Acrobat (via the Help menu).

  • Printing microsoft word 2003 document and pdf created from the document are different

    I created a microsoft word 2003 document with jpg pictures and printed it on my HP Inkjet printer. I then created a pdf by saving as a pdf from the microsoft word 2003 document. The settings for images were 300 dpi and zip compression. The pdf file created was ~3 MB whereas the word document was ~250 KB. It looked fine on the screen but when I printed it the jpg pictures from the pdf were very dark and not very desirable. When I printed it on my HP Color laser 2600n printer I couldn't see the difference in the jpg pictures.
    I am creating the pdf files to send to the online publisher lulu.com to print. I have used the settings to create the pdf they recommend from their website; however they aren't real clear in the information they give for the recommended settings.
    My question is why would the print out be so awful using the HP Color Ink Jet printer since it is very good for printing pictures?

    There are many reasons, but most revolve around the color space and coding for the colors. Acrobat uses 8 bit RGB.

  • Hyperlinks in a PDF document converted from Word 2003

    I have a large document for our state's mathematics vocabulary. It has internal hyperlinks to help someone navigate the document. I created it in Word 2003 and converted it to PDF using the tool in the menu bar. When finished, the PDF document has some working hyperlinks near the beginning (about a third of them), but most of the links (in the last two-thirds) do not work. I have also tried doing the conversion from Adobe Acrobat Professional 8 (8.1.4), but I get the same results. Can someone help me solve this problem so the PDF document has all working links? Thanks.

    Yes, you can create a script in Acrobat that loops through the links and adjusts the link's "rect" property to suit your needs. You'll want to consult the Acrobat JavaScript Reference, and look at the doc.getLinks method in particular: http://livedocs.adobe.com/acrobat_sdk/9.1/Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp/JS_API_AcroJS.88.479.html
    along with the Link object properties: http://livedocs.adobe.com/acrobat_sdk/9.1/Acrobat9_1_HTMLHelp/JS_API_AcroJS.88.802.html
    Post again if you get stuck.
    I don't know what control you have over this on the InDesign side of things. You may want to ask in one of the InDesign forums if you haven't already.

  • Acrobat 9 Pro - Problems converting word 2003 to pdf

    When I print word to pdf, the resulting pdf document has missing text and paragraphs.  The only way I seem to be able to fix this is to uninstall and reinstall the original software.  It is driving me mad.  I have done this about 20 times now.
    Can any one PLEASE help.

    Hi there
    It doesn't seem to matter how I do it, whether it is creating pdf by file print method or convert to pdf.
    It also happens when I print as pdf through MYOB.
    Windows XP Professional with SP3, Word 2003 with SP3 as part of Microsoft Office Pro 2003 and Acrobat 9.0 Pro Extended - Version
    Am getting pretty desperate.  Would really appreciated your help.
    I have attached a page for your reference.  All the coloured rectangles should contain text as per the first.
    Kind regards

  • Converting pdf to Word 2003 in Acrobat 9 Pro

    I am using Acrobat 9 Pro.  I want to convert pdfs to Word 2003.  I have followed the instructions to export to Word, but when I get to the dialog box that selects the conversion method, I choose Flowing, which is recommended, and click OK, and I get an error message that my PDF document may be corrupt.  This happens with every pdf, whether it is a form downloaded from the internet or a text document I have created myself.  If I try to convert to RTF instead, it makes the "conversion", but in doing so, it creates a file containing an image that is not editable -- it does not create a plain text, editable file.
    Is the problem that I am using Word 2003?  Word 2003 is not on the list of file formats to which the pdf can be exported, but when I get to that screen, I choose Workshare PDF in Word (which I believe I read somewhere is the correct choice for conversion to Word 2003) as my selection and it gets me to the "conversion method" screen (which gets me to the corruption error message). Again, even if I choose rtf, I do not get an editable document.
    Any ideas???

    Something to try -
    Export the PDF to RTF.
    Open the RTF file with Word Pad.
    Save As (perhaps to a new filename -- 'something_bis.rtf')
    Open this file with MS Word.
    Not particularly surprising that the PDF you posted behaves poorly when 'worked' with Acrobat.
    It is an output of Ghostscript.
    Compounding the awkwardness of export is the fact that the PDF is not a Tagged PDF.
    A significant raison d'etre for Tagged PDF is to support export of PDF content to a word processor application.
    Be well...

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