Flex 2, FDS 2.5 and CF 8

Hi everyone,
I am starting to retract my brain from an intense 2 days to
figure out how to use Flex with Coldfusion. I am using Coldfusion 8
Beta (this part is good, don't need help for CF itself). I am also
using Flex Builder 2 (with chart but this not the topic). I
installed FDS 2.5 before to install ColdFusion 8 but I think CF8
have is own FDS or something like that... anyway, it might help to
mention it!
Well, I tried HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebSer vice -
NOTHING WORKS!!! Argh! Did I mention I spent 2 days? ;-)))
Well, I start with the basic: a login form with an email (as
a username) and a password to be validated. I have a CFC to do the
validation and return a simple message (string): "OK' when it is
valid and a custom message when it is not valid; depending if it is
the password and/or the email which is not valid.
I always got an error. Since the error is different depending
of the method I use, I will explain the latest method I used in
this message and try to concentrate on that method specifically!
The method is WebService and here is the error:
faultString:'HTTP request error'
faultDetail: 'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
bubbles:false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
text="Error #2032: Stream Error .
URL: http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc'
Any help will be very useful!!!
P.S.: I succeed only to execute a HTTPService when I call a
XML file, but nothing from ColdFusion. :-(

I successfully used ColdFusion to generate XML as a response
to an HTTPService request in an mxml file, but only after turning
off debug output on ColdFusion Server. (The debug output was being
appended to the XML response and causing a similar error as what
you are seeing.) I don't know if that helps. I am having a problem
figuring out how to pass a variable in the HTTPService request.
Can't figure out if it gets passed in as 'Request.<variable>'
or what. But I can at least provide an example that works if you
don't need to pass any values to the CFML template.

Similar Messages

  • Flex 2, FDS 2.5 and CF 8: Still can't execute any kind of WebService!!!

    Hi everyone,
    I am starting to retract my brain from an intense 2 days to figure out how to use Flex with Coldfusion. I am using Coldfusion 8 Beta (this part is good, don't need help for CF itself). I am also using Flex Builder 2 (with chart but this not the topic). I installed FDS 2.5 before to install ColdFusion 8 but I think CF8 have is own FDS or something like that... anyway, it might help to mention it!
    Well, I tried HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebSer vice - NOTHING WORKS!!! Argh! Did I mention I spent 2 days? ;-)))
    Well, I start with the basic: a login form with an email (as a username) and a password to be validated. I have a CFC to do the validation and return a simple message (string): "OK' when it is valid and a custom message when it is not valid; depending if it is the password and/or the email which is not valid.
    I always got an error. Since the error is different depending of the method I use, I will explain the latest method I used in this message and try to concentrate on that method specifically! The method is WebService and here is the error:
    faultString:'HTTP request error'
    faultDetail: 'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
    bubbles:false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
    text="Error #2032: Stream Error . URL=http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc"].
    URL: http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc'
    Any help will be very useful!!!
    P.S.: I succeed to execute a HTTPService only if I call a XML file.

    You can connect Flex to CF with out the use of LCDS(FDS)<br />So a better place to look for answers to you question would be the Flex forums.<br />with that said make sure your Flex project is setup to use Coldfusion Flash Remoting Services.<br /><br />Then create a remote object in your mxml file<br /><mx:RemoteObject<br />      id="serv"<br />      destination="ColdFusion"<br />      source="path.toYour.cfc" <br />      showBusyCursor="true">  <br />     <mx:method name="nameOfFunctionOnCFC" result="resultHandlerFunction(event)" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.message)"/><br />   </mx:RemoteObject><br /><br />create the handler function<br /><br />private function resultHandlerFunction(event:Event):void{<br />     //do something with your results<br />}<br /><br />then make the call to the service<br /><br />serv.nameOfFunctionOnCFC(email,password);<br /><br />that should work if your paths to your CF server is correct.<br /><br />Russ

  • Flex 2, FDS 2.5 and CF8

    Hi everyone,
    I am starting to retract my brain from an intense 2 days to
    figure out how to use Flex with Coldfusion. I am using Coldfusion 8
    Beta (this part is good, don't need help for CF itself). I am also
    using Flex Builder 2 (with chart but this not the topic). I
    installed FDS 2.5 before to install ColdFusion 8 but I think CF8
    have is own FDS or something like that... anyway, it might help to
    mention it!
    Well, I tried HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebSer vice -
    NOTHING WORKS!!! Argh! Did I mention I spent 2 days? ;-)))
    Well, I start with the basic: a login form with an email (as
    a username) and a password to be validated. I have a CFC to do the
    validation and return a simple message (string): "OK' when it is
    valid and a custom message when it is not valid; depending if it is
    the password and/or the email which is not valid.
    I always got an error. Since the error is different depending
    of the method I use, I will explain the latest method I used in
    this message and try to concentrate on that method specifically!
    The method is WebService and here is the error:
    faultString:'HTTP request error'
    faultDetail: 'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
    bubbles:false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
    text="Error #2032: Stream Error .
    URL: http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc'
    Any help will be very useful!!!
    P.S.: I succeed to execute a HTTPService only if I call a XML

    Sorry, I made a mistake as the error mentioned before is not
    a real error. It was an error because the service of ColdFusion 8
    was not really stopped!
    It has no error:
    Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
    Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108472), coldfusion
    07/12 14:36:40 warning Unable to open
    07/12 14:36:41 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2930
    07/12 14:36:42 info No JDBC data sources have been configured
    for this server (s
    ee jrun-resources.xml)
    07/12 14:36:42 info JRun Web Server listening on *:8501
    07/12 14:36:42 info Deploying enterprise application
    "Adobe_ColdFusion_8" from:
    07/12 14:36:42 info Deploying web application "Adobe
    ColdFusion 8" from: file:/C
    07/12 14:36:44 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition
    07/12 14:36:44 user JSPServlet: init
    07/12 14:36:44 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition
    07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
    07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion:
    Starting application s
    07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM
    version = 1.6.0_01-
    07/12 14:36:45 Information [main] - Starting logging...
    07/12 14:36:45 Information [main] - Starting license...
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 8
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Developer Edition enabled
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting crypto...
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting security...
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting scheduler...
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting WatchService...
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting debugging...
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting sql...
    07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Pool Manager Started
    07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting mail...
    07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting runtime...
    07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - CORBA Configuration not
    07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting cron...
    07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - [Synchro PrivateDNS Basic
    Data] has run once
    before, and will not be scheduled.
    07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting registry...
    07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting client...
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting xmlrpc...
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting graphing...
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting verity...
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting archive...
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting document...
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting eventgateway...
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting Event Backend
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Initialized
    EventRequestDispatcher with a Th
    read Pool size of 1.
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Initializing
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting Event Gateways.
    07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting FlexAssembler...
    07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - Starting .NET...
    07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - Starting Monitoring...
    07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - ColdFusion started
    07/12 14:36:50 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion:
    application services a
    re now available
    07/12 14:36:50 user CFMxmlServlet: init
    07/12 14:36:50 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build:
    07/12 14:36:50 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
    07/12 14:36:52 user CFSwfServlet: init
    07/12 14:36:53 user CFCServlet: init
    07/12 14:36:53 user FlashGateway: init
    07/12 14:36:53 user MessageBrokerServlet: init
    07/12 14:36:56 user CFFormGateway: init
    07/12 14:36:56 user CFInternalServlet: init
    Server coldfusion ready (startup time: 19 seconds)

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    as an Image. It plays once and stops. Then I can not replay it. I
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    var c:MovieClip = swfLoaderHeaddress1.content as MovieClip;
    <mx:SWFLoader x="53" y="116" width="206" height="255.3"
    It does not work.
    I have not created the .swf animation, I am not sure how it
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    ActionScript) its developed in Flash?

    One way is she has to add some AS code to the animation, or
    you can do it yourself.
    In swf there must be something like this:
    var connReciever:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    connReciever.client = this;
    function myFunction(parameter:SomeClass):void {...}
    And in Flex:
    var connSender:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    connSender.send("fromFlexToSWF", "myFunction", [..args]);
    The other way: in case with just play/stop there is a way to
    resolve this by using that Flex Component Kit (or maybe "Flex Skin
    Design Extension", i do not remember), it is something like she
    just adding labels to animation frames then she exports it with
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    Hi I have a problem I have downloaded Flex SDK 4.1 16076 and added to my sdk list in Flex Builder. I can compile my program fine except when I change files the flash imports are removed and the code hints don't have any knowledge of flash.display and other base classes such as Movieclip and Sprite. As soon as a manually paste the imports into my class files it compiles again but can't be doing with copying imports back in every time I change a class file.
    It didn't do this on version 4.0.0 - I have added   -static-link-runtime-shared-libraries=true to compiler arguments as I did have a problem with it firstly compiling about FontAsset.
    Does anyone know why? Do I have to add another swc in?

    You should always have separate workspaces for separate versions of Flash Builder.
    Flex 3 and Flex 4 have some large differences.  You will probably want to spend some time reading about migrating by searching on Google.  Here is a good place to start: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flex3and4_differences.html

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    <mx:DataGrid id="DGG"
            <mx:Object scheduledDate="4/1/2006"/>
    <mx:Button id="SetBut"
               label="Set Array as Data Provider"
               click="SetDP(); AddBut.visible = true;"
    <mx:Button id="AddBut"
               label="Add a column!"
            import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            public var MyAC:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection([{scheduledDate: "4/1/2006", homeTeam: "Chester Bucks"}]);
            public function SetDP():void
            public function AddCol():void
                MyAC.addItem({scheduledDate: "4/5/2007", homeTeam: "Long Valley Hitters", Umpire: "Amanda Hugenkis"});
                DGG.columns.push(new DataGridColumn("Umpire"));
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    How to add Column to Adobe flex mx:DataGrid in mxml and/or actionsctpt?
    (You can put this code in Flash or AIR app - it will compile with no errors, but will not add any columns=( )

    Change this:
                 public function SetDP():void
                    MyAC.addItem({scheduledDate: "4/5/2007", homeTeam: "Long Valley Hitters", Umpire: "Amanda Hugenkis"});
                public function AddCol():void
                    var dgc:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("Umpire");
                    var ca:Array = DGG.columns;
                    DGG.columns = ca;

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    but only in a few appear on the compute.
    What causes the pattern to be narrow?
    Conflict is a software problem or system? 

    Read on about JNI.
    This has nothing to do with JSF. In the future please post JNI related questions at the JNI forum.

  • Flex Data Services JOTM, JTA and JMX downloads

    I am not a Java developer. I am an Information Architect/UI
    Designer and up until a few months ago, I designed GUIs using MS
    Studio.Net -- Tomcat is a little different IIS, to say the least.
    I have downloaded the trial software of Flex Builder 2 and
    Flex Data Services to test it with intent to purchase.
    I was getting real happy with Flex Builder 2. Breezing
    through the "Getting Started" and all the tutorials. Absolutely
    Love it.
    Then along comes Flex Data Services. This application has
    bought me to a screeching halt.
    I've downloaded the files according to the instructions at:
    I placed the files in my webapps directory running on tomcat.
    However, according to the instructions at:
    I need to download additional applications in order to
    correctly use FDS. I have tried to download the JOTM 2.0.10.tgz
    without success. When I try to unzip the file (I am running
    Windows XP Professional), I get the following error:
    "Error reading header after processing 0 entries."
    I've tried to download three different versions of JOTM, no
    luck. Our Java developer suggested that I save the "tar" file as a
    "zip" file and try to open it after download. However, when I try
    to open the archive in WinZip it returns this error:
    "Cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive.
    If you downloaded this file, try downloading the file again."
    Both of these errors occur when trying to open the downloaded
    JOTM 2.0.10.tgz and JOTM 2.0.8.tgz files.
    How can I get these applications? Has anyone had any success
    in downloading these files from:
    The downloaded archive files are empty. I can not run any of
    the Data Service samples.
    When I tried at:
    A service error prompt returns: "Unable to access
    UserTransaction in Dataservice".
    I'm assuming this is because the JOTM (et. al) is not on my
    box, because the archive is empty when I try to open it in WinZip.
    Also, while I was reading the installation instructions for
    Tomcat at:
    it seems pretty complicated for a non-Java programmer to
    understand. I asked one of our 6-year veteran Java developers here
    to help me with this and he said it was a pretty a complicated
    process for someone w/o Java programming experience. I thought it
    was geared towards front-end developers. But he did say that if I
    can't download the JOTM, I won't be able to do whatever it is that
    Flex Data Services is supposed to do. I say the latter because I am
    still in the "Getting Started" manual going through the last of the
    tutorials (which is the Flex Data Services distributed application
    tutorial) before I start reading "Using Flex", so I'm not really
    sure what lessons I will be doing that require FDS to work
    correctly on my box.
    Do I really need the FDS to build interactive applications in
    Flex Builder?
    I appreciate your answers. Thanks in advance.

    I agree with you about the process of getting FDS installed
    and working. I recommend that you try Christophe Coenraets FDMS
    tutorial. The JOTM files are in "tar" format, and so I think you'll
    have to extract them using a "tar" utility. This is included with
    any Unix variant, and so I asked someone at work to extract the
    files; on Windows I think you'll have to find a free "tar" program.
    I downloaded jotm-2.0.10.tar from the JOTM Sourceforge. Use
    parameters "-xf" if the tar file is not compressed, or "-zxf" if it
    is compressed. Good luck!

  • Flex Application architecture with web and air interface both using common components.

    We have a flex based e-learning application. It uses HTTP REST service and webservice to communicate with ASP.Net application to fetch and store data.
    We now want to develop an adobe air version of the user interface, which the students can download on their desktop as well as mobiles (Android, others).
    What would be a good architecture for such an application which has both web and windows interface. I can see that we can reuse almost 80% of the code of our web version. But I do not want to copy and create a new windows app from the flex web app. I would want to have both co-exist.
    Let me know a good article that I can read on this.

    I dug deeper and found the concept of Shared Common Library. I am trying to implement that.

  • Flex mobile project: web root and root path for a remote web service?

    Hi all,
    i'm trying to set up the testdrive tutorial for flex mobile project, with flash builder 4.5
    and php data.
    I've uploaded the files on my remote web space (e.g. http://mywebsite.org, and the
    test file is http://mywebsite.org/TestDrive/test/test.php... and it works
    correctly)... But when i'm setting properties of the project, i don't know what
    to write into the web root and root path fields... I thing root path is simply
    http://mywebsite.org... and whatever i write in the other fields (output folder
    too) i have errors when i click on "validate configuration"...
    What should i put into those fields? is zend framework (and gateway.php)
    strictly necessary?
    As you can see... i'm a bit confused....
    Many thanks for any help

    I thought it was a simple question...
    No advice?

  • Flex mobile project standalone flex server resets to J2EE and can not change

    Developing an Android mobile project with FB 4.5. Set original project-->properties-->flex server to standalone with coldfusion as server.  After setting web root, Root URL and Coldfusion root folder app works fine with CF. Sometime during development, flex server gets set to J2EE and CF access halts.  Go back into project-->properties-->flex server and reset server to 'standalone' with original settings.  click Apply or OK and assume that it is reset but it does not.  Go back into flex server settings and it is still J2EE.  I have seen this issue before and can not resolve it or find any other threads where there is a resolution to this.  My only way to continue is to start a new mobile project, import the files and continue.  This is not an acceptable way to design any mobile project!!  HELP!!

    Developing an Android mobile project with FB 4.5. Set original project-->properties-->flex server to standalone with coldfusion as server.  After setting web root, Root URL and Coldfusion root folder app works fine with CF. Sometime during development, flex server gets set to J2EE and CF access halts.  Go back into project-->properties-->flex server and reset server to 'standalone' with original settings.  click Apply or OK and assume that it is reset but it does not.  Go back into flex server settings and it is still J2EE.  I have seen this issue before and can not resolve it or find any other threads where there is a resolution to this.  My only way to continue is to start a new mobile project, import the files and continue.  This is not an acceptable way to design any mobile project!!  HELP!!

  • Flex 4.5.1, iOS and videos

    It is possible to play rtmp (or http dynamic streaming) on an iOS flex application ?

    Dear drkstr_1
    I used your code in Flash Builder 4.6 with FMS 4.5 but it is only work on iPad simulator, i checked both RTMP and HTTP protocol but nothing happen
    My video format are f4v,flv,mp4
    this is the code i used:
            width="500" height="300">
                        bitrate="150" />
                        bitrate="500" />
                        bitrate="1000" />
    </s:VideoDisplay >

  • Flex Bug? s|global and mx|global conflict with eachother!

    I'm trying to set a global font in my application. I've defined some CSS as follows:
    /* CSS file */
    @namespace s "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/spark";
    @namespace mx "library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx";
    @font-face {
         src: url('fonts/daxRegular.ttf');
         fontFamily: Dax;
         embedAsCFF: true;
    @font-face {
         src: url('fonts/daxMedium.ttf');
         fontFamily: Dax;
         fontWeight: bold;
         embedAsCFF: true;
    @font-face {
         src: url('fonts/daxRegular.ttf');
         fontFamily: DaxNoCFF;
         embedAsCFF: false;
    @font-face {
         src: url('fonts/daxMedium.ttf');
         fontFamily: DaxNoCFF;
         fontWeight: bold;
         embedAsCFF: false;
    s|global {
         font-family: Dax;
    mx|global {
         font-family: DaxNoCFF;
    So by rights all the Spark components receive the Dax font that has embedAsCFF set to true, and MX with embedAsCFF set to false. However all the Spark components, including those in the main application (Spark) are returning errors as follows:
    warning: incompatible embedded font 'DaxNoCFF' specified for spark.components::Label (Label6) . This component requires that the embedded font be declared with embedAsCff=true.
    This warning makes no sense since I've specified s|global to use Dax which has embedAsCFF set to true. The MX components are using the Dax font as expected but Spark is defaulting to Times New Roman.
    Does anyone know why this is happening? Thanks in advance.

    Bit surprised no one from Adobe has responded...
    The fix I found is to enable "Use Flash Text Engine in MX components" in the Flex Compiler and only specify "s|global" as this appears to apply to MX components too. Enabling this option allows both Spark and MX components to use the embedded font.

  • Flex View purchases with bugs and no apparent support

    I'm trying to get help with some of the flex view movies we've bought recently. The first issue that came up was a movie that wouldn't start where we left off, but always reset to the beginning. All of the other flex view movies we have will start where you stop it.
    Then we got a movie where the audio was out of sync with the video, but only in the HD version. 
    Then a couple days ago, the SD version of a movie just disappeared completely, but it was there when the movie was purchased.
    We tried chat help, but the person didn't have a clue beyond the scripted stuff, and tech help called when we were out, and the phone support says that Flex View support is online only. (But if you go to the page they suggest, there's just a basic FAQ page for Flex View, and no support link at all.
    It seems like these are individual bugs in the underlying programming, or maybe it's a fault with the set top box. In any case, looking for solutions.

    Your issue has been escalated to a Verizon agent. Before the agent can begin assisting you, they will need to collect further information from you.Please go to your profile page for the forum, and look in the middle, right at the top where you will find an area titled "My Support Cases". You can reach your profile page by clicking on your name beside your post, or at the top left of this page underneath the title of the board.
    Under “My Support Cases” you will find a link to the private board where you and the agent may exchange information. This should be checked on a frequent basis as the agent may be waiting for information from you before they can proceed with any actions. To ensure you know when they have responded to you, at the top of your support case there is a drop down menu for support case options. Open that and choose "subscribe".
    Please keep all correspondence regarding your issue in the private support portal.

  • ANE for one platform on Flex mobile project for iOS and Android

    I'm very new at Flex Mobile Projects and native extension.
    I have a big doubt... If I have an ANE that only works on iOS or Android, can I use it into a project for Android AND iOS?
    I mean, if I want to do something and I've only found and ANE that works for iOS and another ANE that works for Android, can I create only one project and depending on the device use one or another? or should I create two different projects?
    Thanks in advance

    You can set them both up and when you publish just comment out the code that does not apply, this way you still keep it as one project but you can use the ANEs as needed, I had to do this with the iAd ANE only for Apple obviously and AdMob ANE which at the time was Android only.
    //Android ANE Code
    blah blah blah
    //iOS Code
    code code code
    Now when you publish for iOS comment out the Android related stuff
    //Android ANE Code
    blah blah blah
    //iOS Code
    code code code
    Also dont forget to update your included ANEs when you publish and remove the ones that dont apply and update the XML files as needed. Its possible, but annoying, it would be nice if it was automated or could be flagged somehow so the Flash publisher would auto ignore it.

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