Flex 2, FDS 2.5 and CF8

Hi everyone,
I am starting to retract my brain from an intense 2 days to
figure out how to use Flex with Coldfusion. I am using Coldfusion 8
Beta (this part is good, don't need help for CF itself). I am also
using Flex Builder 2 (with chart but this not the topic). I
installed FDS 2.5 before to install ColdFusion 8 but I think CF8
have is own FDS or something like that... anyway, it might help to
mention it!
Well, I tried HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebSer vice -
NOTHING WORKS!!! Argh! Did I mention I spent 2 days? ;-)))
Well, I start with the basic: a login form with an email (as
a username) and a password to be validated. I have a CFC to do the
validation and return a simple message (string): "OK' when it is
valid and a custom message when it is not valid; depending if it is
the password and/or the email which is not valid.
I always got an error. Since the error is different depending
of the method I use, I will explain the latest method I used in
this message and try to concentrate on that method specifically!
The method is WebService and here is the error:
faultString:'HTTP request error'
faultDetail: 'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
bubbles:false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
text="Error #2032: Stream Error .
URL: http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc'
Any help will be very useful!!!
P.S.: I succeed to execute a HTTPService only if I call a XML

Sorry, I made a mistake as the error mentioned before is not
a real error. It was an error because the service of ColdFusion 8
was not really stopped!
It has no error:
Listening for transport dt_socket at address: 5005
Starting Macromedia JRun 4.0 (Build 108472), coldfusion
07/12 14:36:40 warning Unable to open
07/12 14:36:41 info JRun Naming Service listening on *:2930
07/12 14:36:42 info No JDBC data sources have been configured
for this server (s
ee jrun-resources.xml)
07/12 14:36:42 info JRun Web Server listening on *:8501
07/12 14:36:42 info Deploying enterprise application
"Adobe_ColdFusion_8" from:
07/12 14:36:42 info Deploying web application "Adobe
ColdFusion 8" from: file:/C
07/12 14:36:44 INFO License Service: Flex 1.5 CF Edition
07/12 14:36:44 user JSPServlet: init
07/12 14:36:44 INFO Starting Flex 1.5 CF Edition
07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: init
07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion:
Starting application s
07/12 14:36:45 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion: VM
version = 1.6.0_01-
07/12 14:36:45 Information [main] - Starting logging...
07/12 14:36:45 Information [main] - Starting license...
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Invalid ColdFusion 8
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Developer Edition enabled
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting crypto...
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting security...
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting scheduler...
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting WatchService...
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting debugging...
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Starting sql...
07/12 14:36:47 Information [main] - Pool Manager Started
07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting mail...
07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting runtime...
07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - CORBA Configuration not
07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting cron...
07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - [Synchro PrivateDNS Basic
Data] has run once
before, and will not be scheduled.
07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting registry...
07/12 14:36:48 Information [main] - Starting client...
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting xmlrpc...
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting graphing...
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting verity...
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting archive...
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting document...
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting eventgateway...
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting Event Backend
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Initialized
EventRequestDispatcher with a Th
read Pool size of 1.
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Initializing
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting Event Gateways.
07/12 14:36:49 Information [main] - Starting FlexAssembler...
07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - Starting .NET...
07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - Starting Monitoring...
07/12 14:36:50 Information [main] - ColdFusion started
07/12 14:36:50 user ColdFusionStartUpServlet: ColdFusion:
application services a
re now available
07/12 14:36:50 user CFMxmlServlet: init
07/12 14:36:50 user CFMxmlServlet: Macromedia Flex Build:
07/12 14:36:50 INFO Macromedia Flex Build: 87315.134646
07/12 14:36:52 user CFSwfServlet: init
07/12 14:36:53 user CFCServlet: init
07/12 14:36:53 user FlashGateway: init
07/12 14:36:53 user MessageBrokerServlet: init
07/12 14:36:56 user CFFormGateway: init
07/12 14:36:56 user CFInternalServlet: init
Server coldfusion ready (startup time: 19 seconds)

Similar Messages

  • Flex 2, FDS 2.5 and CF 8: Still can't execute any kind of WebService!!!

    Hi everyone,
    I am starting to retract my brain from an intense 2 days to figure out how to use Flex with Coldfusion. I am using Coldfusion 8 Beta (this part is good, don't need help for CF itself). I am also using Flex Builder 2 (with chart but this not the topic). I installed FDS 2.5 before to install ColdFusion 8 but I think CF8 have is own FDS or something like that... anyway, it might help to mention it!
    Well, I tried HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebSer vice - NOTHING WORKS!!! Argh! Did I mention I spent 2 days? ;-)))
    Well, I start with the basic: a login form with an email (as a username) and a password to be validated. I have a CFC to do the validation and return a simple message (string): "OK' when it is valid and a custom message when it is not valid; depending if it is the password and/or the email which is not valid.
    I always got an error. Since the error is different depending of the method I use, I will explain the latest method I used in this message and try to concentrate on that method specifically! The method is WebService and here is the error:
    faultString:'HTTP request error'
    faultDetail: 'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
    bubbles:false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
    text="Error #2032: Stream Error . URL=http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc"].
    URL: http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc'
    Any help will be very useful!!!
    P.S.: I succeed to execute a HTTPService only if I call a XML file.

    You can connect Flex to CF with out the use of LCDS(FDS)<br />So a better place to look for answers to you question would be the Flex forums.<br />with that said make sure your Flex project is setup to use Coldfusion Flash Remoting Services.<br /><br />Then create a remote object in your mxml file<br /><mx:RemoteObject<br />      id="serv"<br />      destination="ColdFusion"<br />      source="path.toYour.cfc" <br />      showBusyCursor="true">  <br />     <mx:method name="nameOfFunctionOnCFC" result="resultHandlerFunction(event)" fault="Alert.show(event.fault.message)"/><br />   </mx:RemoteObject><br /><br />create the handler function<br /><br />private function resultHandlerFunction(event:Event):void{<br />     //do something with your results<br />}<br /><br />then make the call to the service<br /><br />serv.nameOfFunctionOnCFC(email,password);<br /><br />that should work if your paths to your CF server is correct.<br /><br />Russ

  • Flex 2, FDS 2.5 and CF 8

    Hi everyone,
    I am starting to retract my brain from an intense 2 days to
    figure out how to use Flex with Coldfusion. I am using Coldfusion 8
    Beta (this part is good, don't need help for CF itself). I am also
    using Flex Builder 2 (with chart but this not the topic). I
    installed FDS 2.5 before to install ColdFusion 8 but I think CF8
    have is own FDS or something like that... anyway, it might help to
    mention it!
    Well, I tried HTTPService, RemoteObject, WebSer vice -
    NOTHING WORKS!!! Argh! Did I mention I spent 2 days? ;-)))
    Well, I start with the basic: a login form with an email (as
    a username) and a password to be validated. I have a CFC to do the
    validation and return a simple message (string): "OK' when it is
    valid and a custom message when it is not valid; depending if it is
    the password and/or the email which is not valid.
    I always got an error. Since the error is different depending
    of the method I use, I will explain the latest method I used in
    this message and try to concentrate on that method specifically!
    The method is WebService and here is the error:
    faultString:'HTTP request error'
    faultDetail: 'Error: [IOErrorEvent type="ioError"
    bubbles:false cancelable=false eventPhase=2
    text="Error #2032: Stream Error .
    URL: http://localhost:8501/iDashboard/login.cfc'
    Any help will be very useful!!!
    P.S.: I succeed only to execute a HTTPService when I call a
    XML file, but nothing from ColdFusion. :-(

    I successfully used ColdFusion to generate XML as a response
    to an HTTPService request in an mxml file, but only after turning
    off debug output on ColdFusion Server. (The debug output was being
    appended to the XML response and causing a similar error as what
    you are seeing.) I don't know if that helps. I am having a problem
    figuring out how to pass a variable in the HTTPService request.
    Can't figure out if it gets passed in as 'Request.<variable>'
    or what. But I can at least provide an example that works if you
    don't need to pass any values to the CFML template.

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    var c:MovieClip = swfLoaderHeaddress1.content as MovieClip;
    <mx:SWFLoader x="53" y="116" width="206" height="255.3"
    It does not work.
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    One way is she has to add some AS code to the animation, or
    you can do it yourself.
    In swf there must be something like this:
    var connReciever:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    connReciever.client = this;
    function myFunction(parameter:SomeClass):void {...}
    And in Flex:
    var connSender:LocalConnection = new LocalConnection();
    connSender.send("fromFlexToSWF", "myFunction", [..args]);
    The other way: in case with just play/stop there is a way to
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    Does anyone know why? Do I have to add another swc in?

    You should always have separate workspaces for separate versions of Flash Builder.
    Flex 3 and Flex 4 have some large differences.  You will probably want to spend some time reading about migrating by searching on Google.  Here is a good place to start: http://www.adobe.com/devnet/flex/articles/flex3and4_differences.html

  • Client variables not working in Apache and CF8

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    Client variables are not working. I can log into CF
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    or not). Any site that I work on that uses client variables behaves
    as if the variable is not defined after setting it then going to
    another page that checks for its existence. I have verified that
    client variables are set up in cf administrator.
    Thanks for any help

    Thanks a lot. I understood the mistake. Pls do not spend time on this.

  • Coexistence of CF7 and CF8 on one server

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    server, IIS6. I have installed CF8 in the multiserver configuration
    onto the same server. What I read is that for these to coexist the
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    apparently automatically does when the multiserver configuration is
    One of my questions is this - if I have CF7 using the
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    connect my CF8 instances to the external web server also?
    Another question is this - CF8 uses the webroot of
    jrun4\servers\instancename\instance-ear\instance-war . I want the
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    work when I do that. Is there anyway to point something to the
    location of the users files and have them resolve them on a

    You can get ColdFusion 7 and 8 running in both server install
    mode connected via an external webserver and also via the JRun
    multiserver setup. Here's some links to guides on doing both which
    should help. Note they'll both need some manually config file
    changing, you can't do it all with the wsconfig util.
    Server Install
    http://rickosborne.org/blog/index.php/2007/05/30/run-cf7-and-cf8-side-by-side-with-the-sam e-apache-server/

  • How to add Column to Adobe flex mx:DataGrid in mxml and/or actionsctpt?

    I have simple mxml code
    <mx:DataGrid id="DGG"
            <mx:Object scheduledDate="4/1/2006"/>
    <mx:Button id="SetBut"
               label="Set Array as Data Provider"
               click="SetDP(); AddBut.visible = true;"
    <mx:Button id="AddBut"
               label="Add a column!"
            import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridColumn;
            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
            public var MyAC:ArrayCollection=new ArrayCollection([{scheduledDate: "4/1/2006", homeTeam: "Chester Bucks"}]);
            public function SetDP():void
            public function AddCol():void
                MyAC.addItem({scheduledDate: "4/5/2007", homeTeam: "Long Valley Hitters", Umpire: "Amanda Hugenkis"});
                DGG.columns.push(new DataGridColumn("Umpire"));
    I want to add rows to my table datagrid how to do such thing?
    How to add Column to Adobe flex mx:DataGrid in mxml and/or actionsctpt?
    (You can put this code in Flash or AIR app - it will compile with no errors, but will not add any columns=( )

    Change this:
                 public function SetDP():void
                    MyAC.addItem({scheduledDate: "4/5/2007", homeTeam: "Long Valley Hitters", Umpire: "Amanda Hugenkis"});
                public function AddCol():void
                    var dgc:DataGridColumn = new DataGridColumn("Umpire");
                    var ca:Array = DGG.columns;
                    DGG.columns = ca;

  • Windows Updates Causing CFMX7 and CF8 to no longer run.

    My CFMX7 and CF8 developer's copy will no longer run on my
    computer. The only thing I've done is install window's updates.
    Now, every time I reboot, I have to restore to a date about 2 weeks
    ago. Then it will run until I have to reboot again. Then I have to
    restore again. I have no idea what to do about this. Any help would
    be appreciated.
    I have both CFMX7 and CF8 installed to run as stand alone
    concurrent systems. CFMX7 is supposed to run on port 8500. CF8 is
    set to run on 8501. And both DO run, but only when I restore after
    The only thing I can think of doing at this point is
    uninstalling both CF servers and reinstalling them. This will be a
    hastle, though, since I'll have to re-setup all my ODBC sources and
    copy my wwwroot folders, hoping I don't forget anything else that
    I'll have to reset in the adminstrators after I reinstall. This
    would be my last choice of action, but I have to act soon as this
    is interfering with my dev work with customers.
    Anyone have any suggestions?

    Zy Forever wrote:
    > Thanks Ian. Can you give me more information on this, or
    tell me where to look to find it?
    The exact location depends on what flavor of CF you have
    server, multi-home, j2ee, etc.
    But there are a collection that in CF 7 where all called
    neo-xxx.xml. I
    believe the xml file names are similar for CF 8.
    If you copy the desired xml file from your old installation
    into a new
    installation and then restart the CF server all the settings
    can be
    If you are using enterprise or development license servers
    you can also
    achieve the above using the built in CAR (ColdFusion Archive)
    feature of
    the administrator.

  • SAML and CF8

    A partner client asked about automatically authenticating
    users from their web site to ours using SAML. I googled for a while
    today and came across one older 6 part tutorial where most of it
    seemed to be relatively specific to CF7. Knowing all of the great
    new changes in CF8 that I now have at my disposal, is anyone aware
    of any articles or tutorials about SAML and CF8?

    A partner client asked about automatically authenticating
    users from their web site to ours using SAML. I googled for a while
    today and came across one older 6 part tutorial where most of it
    seemed to be relatively specific to CF7. Knowing all of the great
    new changes in CF8 that I now have at my disposal, is anyone aware
    of any articles or tutorials about SAML and CF8?

  • Iis7 and cf8

    I configured iis7 and cf8. The question is that, do i put my
    application under inetpub or under coldfusion 8 directory?
    Weird things happening when i put it on both locations.
    Sometimes changes dont effect etc.
    Thank you,

    Hi, I would put it under inetpub, but both are not an issue,
    you can do either one.
    What is your problem, as there should not really be any
    problem here.

  • Flex programs written in English and digital gibberish

    Flex programs written in English and digital gibberish,
    but only in a few appear on the compute.
    What causes the pattern to be narrow?
    Conflict is a software problem or system? 

    Read on about JNI.
    This has nothing to do with JSF. In the future please post JNI related questions at the JNI forum.

  • Cs3 DW, ADDT toolbox and CF8

    My fresh install is locking up.
    Is anyone actually running toolbox, DW CS3 and CF8?
    Tech support says that Toolbox is not compatible with DW8, but can't explain why it locks up even when I'm not connected (remote or testing) when I try to use the control panel.
    It seems to me that the problem is between DW CS3 and Toolbox.

    Hi Gunter
    As usual you have saved the day.
    Firstly, I renamed the WinFileCache... file, opened up DW CS3 and the problem appears to have been resolved.
    Secondly, now, that is a very interesting question regarding Daylight Savings which ended on 6th Apr, last weekend. Yesterday, 9th Apr, was the first time I had used DW CS3 since the week before last. (Have been on vacation. Now, I installed DW CS3 in Aug 2007 so yesterday was the first time it has been used since the ending of Daylight Savings last weekend. I did not experience this with DW-UD4, DW MX 2004 or DW 8 in previous years that I can recall.
    Thanks again Gunter. If you ever make it to the Antipodes I will be pleased to by you a few beers.

  • Issues with Flex3 and CF8 on Windows Vista

    Sorry for the whine, however I feel it necessary to get a few
    issues I've found with Flex3 on a Vista Laptop working with CF8
    that I've not seen documented elsewhere.
    Sony Laptop with Intel Core 2 Duo processor and 3 GB Ram.
    Running CF 8 Standard Edition, along with mySQL 5.x and
    access to a SQL Server instance on another machine on the same
    local network.
    What I am trying to do:
    A) learn flex, my background is CF with over 8 years of
    experience along with Flash AS2 along the way.
    B) put together a hello world app.
    C) use the flex/cf application wizard to build a simple
    master/detail set of selection/edit screens for one table of a
    database that I used recently on a CF8 project. To see how much
    better the UI really is on Flex and whether I could use it to retro
    fit that old application to have a better UI using flex3.
    My mini-application is set up initially in the folder
    c:/inetpub/wwwroot/mydirectory, but it does not work.
    Reason is that when run, it cannot access the flex2gateway on
    the url that the wizard puts into the app. which is
    flex2gateway does not work on a subdirectory URL on the
    default web site.
    If I access
    I get a blank screen (as expected) meaning that the flex2gatweway
    is working.
    If I access
    I get a 404.0 error (not found)
    Now, I beleive this is supposed to work, something must be
    wrong with one of the xml file setups. But I cannot find any
    documentation for it.
    Initially the flex2gateway did not work at all. I did the web
    connector thing with CF batch file and that got it working, but
    only on the base directory, not the subdirectory.
    So, to get around this issue, Luckily Vista with IE7 allows
    more than one website.. I create a whole new website that is
    accessed using
    I set this website up in the folder c:/localhost/mydirectory.
    The flex project is called mydirectory
    So we come to issue 2.
    Given the above Issue number 1, I have further frustration
    because when the Flex/Cold Fusion Application wizard builds the
    various mxml files it insists on prefixing all of the remote object
    calls with 'mydirectory.'
    e.g "mydirectory.components.cfgenerated.mycfc"
    Now, given that the web root is also the base of the project,
    this will not work.
    What actually works is: "components.cfgenerated.mycfc"
    There seems to be no way I can configure the project when
    building it to get around this issue. The only way |I can fix this
    is to manually edit all the mxml files after the wizard is
    finished. I also have to doctor the project setup for similar
    reasons. It wants all of the urls to be:
    instead of
    So obviously the wizard is not set up to handle applications
    that are based right at the web root, even though this is the only
    place that the flex2gateway can work. <snafu I guess>
    Issue 3:
    I find that the flex/Cf application wizard is set up to build
    pages based upon a certain narrowly defined way of constructing the
    source database tables. In particular it wants every table to have
    its own unique numeric id for each row, and can't handle a string
    for the primary key and have the primary key editable as well.
    Seems inflexible if you ask me. The main problem is that the
    preconditions on the table structure that the wizard can work with
    are poorly defined and documented. You obviously had to go to the
    same school of database design and the same class as the Adobe
    developers to think in the same way.
    Given that this tool is supposed to be a help to new users of
    Flex and AS3 and it is supposed to be a productivity aid, perhaps I
    should not be surprised to have had to spend over a week getting to
    grips with the wizard and learning its tricks just to get it to
    build a mind numbingly simple mini app of my own that works when
    run. Sorry Adobe, but you get a F minus on your report card for
    this one, particularly on the really bad documentation. Just as bad
    for the coding complexity of the solution to seemingly simple
    application concept.
    Bryn Parrott

    Which version of RDP client you are using for your client?
    Does more user login at same period of time?
    As you have commented that after sticking the user can’t able to login in RDCB server, here I can suggest you to check the setting of connection broker. Also you can check that you have place the proper location path of UPD while configuring in collection configuration
    wizard. You can take a look at below article foe virtual desktop configuration.
    Deploying Virtual Desktops with Windows Server 2012
    Are you trying to use same UPD for different collection then also it might happens to occur your issue. The fact of UPD is User profile disks are for a single collection only. A user connecting to two different collections will have two separate profiles. If
    you want to synchronize settings, refer to Microsoft User Experience Virtualization. Go through this article for more understanding related to UPD.
    Working with User Profile Disks on Session-Based Desktop Deployments
    Hope it helps!

  • Flex3 and CF8

    I am a Flex newbie, experience ColdFusion user.
    I am using the trial version of Flex Builder 3 to create a
    new project (File/New/Project/FlexBuilder/Flex Project).
    In the New Flex Project window, I enter the project name,
    select "web application" as the application type, and select
    "ColdFusion" as the server technology. The "Use remote object
    access service" is checked, and "LiveCycle Data Services" is
    In the next screen - in the server location, I enter
    "Standalone" as the installation type, the webroot is
    "c:\inetpub\wwwroot," and the root url is "" (I'm using IIS, so
    I'm not using port 8500). This is the screen where I see error at
    the top - "LiveCycle Data Services is not installed at the
    specified location." But I made sure LiveCycle Data Services was
    installed when I installed ColdFusion8, and "Enable Remote Adobe
    LiveCycle Data Management access" is checked in the ColdFusion
    Administator panel.
    Also, I went back in the New Project dialog and changed the
    server option to "ColdFusion Flash Remoting", and I was able to
    create a new project. However, now I cannot connect to my
    datasources using RDS configuration - I keep getting the error
    "Unable to connect to localhost".
    What is missing? Any help on either of these topics would be
    appreciated. If I can get this to work, it would justify the
    purchase of the full version.

    I assume from your post that you installed ColdFusion 8 onto
    your local machine because you're using as your root URL.
    During the installation you have to select to install RDS (which
    isn't checked by default) AND LiveCycle Data Services; LCDS prompts
    for a serial number, but defaults to a "free" single-CPU license
    after 120 days.
    I had to completely uninstall Coldfusion 8, and reinstall
    (twice) to make sure EVERYTHING was checked/selected for Flex 3 to
    be happy. Try removing the "localhost" default entry for RDS and
    creating your own with the IP address of your PC. Since you're
    running IIS (locally, right?) then RDS should be looking on port
    80, and I think the RDS entry for "localhost defaults to using port
    8500. Once you give it your PC's IP and the password for RDS that
    you create when you installed CF8, you should be able to do a
    successful test to ensure that RDS is even listening. When you
    selected to install to IIS (rather than install CF8's own web
    services) did you also specify "All Websites"?

Maybe you are looking for