Flex 3 RichTextEditor - move controlbar to top

I want to move the controlbar of the RichTextEditor above the TextArea instead of the default of being below the TextArea.
I've been playing around with it as follows but I have a feeling I should not do this in the updateDisplayList method.
Should I do it in the initialize method?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:RichTextEditor xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml">
      import mx.controls.TextArea;
      import mx.core.UIComponent;
      override protected function updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth:Number, unscaledHeight:Number):void{
        var txt:TextArea = TextArea(super.removeChild(textArea));
        var cb:DisplayObject = DisplayObject(super.removeChild(this.controlBar as DisplayObject));
        super.addChild(new TextArea());
        super.updateDisplayList(unscaledWidth, unscaledHeight);

This doesn't work either:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:RichTextEditor xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"
      import mx.controls.TextArea;
      import mx.core.UIComponent;
      private function setupUI():void{
        var taIndex:uint;
        var cbIndex:uint;
        for(var a:uint=0;a<this.rawChildren.numChildren;a++){
            var disObj:DisplayObject = this.rawChildren.removeChildAt(a);
            this.rawChildren.addChildAt(disObj, 1);
        for(var b:uint=0;b<this.rawChildren.numChildren;b++){

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    Your whole presentational approach on that page is flawed.
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    It's a bug that occurs if you update a bootable volume via Software Update or a backup/cloning app. It's been filed. Boot into each bootable volume, move the boot volume icon to the top, and it should stay there during subsequent reboots.

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    What version of mac os x are you using?

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    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    "JBWebWorks" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gbebsd$o2p$[email protected]..
    > on IE7, when i click on a link (recordset paging next,
    last, previous) for
    > an
    > image view, is there a way to keep the browser in the
    same verticle
    > position on
    > the page, so the next image is in the same postion as
    the previous? Now,
    > it
    > moves to the top of the page after each click, so you
    have to scroll down
    > to
    > the image.

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    In this case where you want to link up 3 different sites with text or image with a primary site , you would need to hyperlink site with text on page.
    Talking about the plan, it would be :
    - Create a rectangle with text or image for 3 different sites and hyperlink them with respective urls.
    - Once user clicks on the text or image , he would land to another site.
    - For other site , you can create a header section which would be on top of the page with site name and other site links.
    If you are referring to scroll function, such as on click to link white bar would scroll , you can create this but it wont be a different site but on the same page.
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    This should be available both for purchase and for rent - can you take another look?
    Here it is: https://www22.verizon.com/OnDemand/MovieDetails/Sparkle.aspx?contentId=TVNX0016491701333300&PName=

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    You aren't speaking to the Apple Software development team here.
    To do so, you would need to go http://developer.apple.com/ get a free account.
    And submit a bug report at http://bugreporter.apple.com/

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    Instead of calling add() and remove(), please try setVisible(true) or setVisible(false) for your panels.
    Berk Can Celebisoy

  • Can't move picture to top of cell

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    1) How can I apply qualities to a picture to allow me to position it anywhere I want in a cell, the way I can easily do in my old document?
    2) How can I make this the default behavior? In other words, I want to work faster and not have to make individual settings for each and every picture I insert. Obviously, our work process should never have a "leash" unless we decide to apply a leash. That last statement is from the "Let Me Decide" committee.

    A symbol like the + one is not indexed in the Help so it's normal that you can't find it.
    The only way to search for such an object in the delivered resources is to search in the PDF User Guide delivered with every legal copy of iWork.
    The behavior of pictures inserted in a cell is perfectly defined in the Help and in the PDF User Guide.
    In the English version of the PDF it's page 148…149.
    In the Help, search for the clumsy keyword "Image"
    2) How can I make this the default behavior? In other words, I want to work faster and not have to make individual settings for each and every picture I insert. Obviously, our work process should never have a "leash" unless we decide to apply a leash. That last statement is from the "Let Me Decide" committee.
    If the program doesn't behave as you want, you are perfectly free to apply the committee statement and decide to drop it
    Yvan KOENIG (from FRANCE samedi 27 décembre 2008 13:42:19)
    PS If you drag & drop a picture directly in a cell, it will not behave as a cell's background but as an inline object in the cell's contents.
    You may reduce its size but you can't enlarge it more than the cell's size.
    From the Text Inspector, you may set the 'Inset Margin' to fit your needs.

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    Is there a way, any way, in mac os x to move any window that is not to drag the top bar? I'm getting really frustrated at this stuck window.

    One thing that works sometimes is to change the resolution on your monitor. That might put the window where you can reposition it, then you can put the resolution back where you like it.

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    According to the prototype, u16* waitComplete is a returned pointer the function returns. 1 if move is complete, 0 if move is not. Maybe I am referencing it and using it the wrong way.
    In my function
    void moveSingleAxis(..)
    u16* moveComplete = (u16*)1;
    //some code
    status = flex_wait_for_move_complete(boardid, NIMC_AXIS1, NIMC_AXIS_CTRL, 10000, 20, waitComplete);
    //status is used for error checking, but irrelevant to my problem
    If I make the pointer to 0  or NULL, flex will error and say pass in null pointer . If I make the pointer to any other number it causes null reference exception error. Any help? thanks!

    oops syntax error! I put waitComplete, but it's supposed to be moveComplete as the last argument for flex_wait_for_move_complete. Just want to let you guys know that. Thanks!

  • Since iTunes8, I can't keep movie window on top?

    I've looked several times, it's CHECKED.
    Confirmed (same, and just as before) what Im trying to launch from iTunes is categorized as a movie.
    It'll only float on top in iTunes now, as opposed to before could float anywhere?
    Restarted, rebooted, etc etc, same same.

    ok, so oddly enough. right after my post itunes seemed to fix itself. the window is now on top of everything, there was no update or anything, it just fixed itself. i'm guessing it's just a "0.0" bug and i assume that they'll fix it in the next update....
    on the same note: when itunes goes to the next video on the playlist, it resizes to the original file size and centers the video window in the middle of the screen and i have to move it to it's corner and resize it which brings me to another glitch/feature.
    when i resize the window, itunes no longer stops me from resizing outside the screen! i'll grab a corner and drag it to the edge of my screen and continue on outside the screen! it doesnt stop at the edge anymore so now it takes alot more effort to resize the window!!! anyone else experiencing this? its really odd that i can pull a corner beyond my screen realestate....

  • Move clip to top level

    I've got a movieclip containing another movieclip which acts as a button. The movieclip has a drag function added to it.
    function onBoxPress( event:MouseEvent ):void
                        var boundsRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(event.currentTarget.x,0,0,stage.height);
                        event.currentTarget.startDrag(false, boundsRect);
              function onBoxRelease( event:MouseEvent ):void
    On the stage I've got several copies of this clip. It works ok: when I click and drag, the clip drags vertically. However, each clip has its own depth and sometimes a clip will drag beneath another clip. So upon clicking and dragging the clip should be moved to the top level of all duplicate clips.
    How do I move it to the front of all other clips?
    I've tried using:
    function onBoxPress( event:MouseEvent ):void
                        var boundsRect:Rectangle = new Rectangle(event.currentTarget.x,0,0,stage.height);
                        event.currentTarget.startDrag(false, boundsRect);
    I use event.currentTarget.parent here because the clip to have it's index set is the parent clip. Remember, the button which starts it all is inside that parent clip.
    But then I get an error 2025:
    Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller

    The parent is not the child of the child. Call setChildIndex on an object that is the parent of the parent.
    The whole reason you're having this problem is because you're violating good Object Oriented Design by having the child manage too much. The grandparent should be listening for the MouseDown and then managing the drag. You could have a single event handller that checks for the MouseDown and checks the Class of the target (set mouseChildren to false on the button, so the target won't be its label, for example.

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    ''dupe 0f https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/questions/910811''
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    Thank you

    Given you were having issues that prompted you to try to re-install the OS, I'm wondering if the HD has actually died.
    Have you tried re-installing using the Recovery HD (restart holding down Command+r) or via Internet Recovery (Command+Alt+r - whilst connected to the internet)?
    OS X: About OS X Recovery - Apple Support

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