[Flex 4] calculate component width/height inline or with bindable function

What I want to achive is something like these two examples (it doesn't work, it's just the idea):
1) Inline
<s:Group id="main" width="100%" height="100%" minWidth="950" minHeight="650">
     <s:Group width="100%" height="{if (main.height < main.minHeight){return (main.minHeight-footer.height;)} else {return (main.height-footer.height;)}}">
     <s:Group id="footer" width="100%" height="50">
2) somehow define the calculation outside in a function maybe like this:
[Bindable] (like this seems to work but the compiler throws error that there should be event name specified like this [Bindable(event="someEvent")], but then it doesn't work)
public function calcHeight():Number{
     if (main.height < main.minHeight){
          return (main.minHeight-footer.height);
     } else {
          return (main.height-footer.height);
<s:Group id="main" width="100%" height="100%" minWidth="950" minHeight="650">
     <s:Group width="100%" height="{calcHeight()}">
     <s:Group id="footer" width="100%" height="50">
This should be something very simple... but I've been googling for this for 2 hours now and I couldn't find what I was looking for. Help please

In order for the first option (inline) to work you might use short variant of if-else:
height="{main.height &lt; main.minHeight ? main.minHeight - footer.height : main.height - footer.height}"
Note the &lt; sequence: since MXML is just an XML file, < and > (and other symbols) have special meaning and must be escaped. But this is an ugly looking code and you should avoid that.
Now to atchieve that you can use option 2: create a function. The reason it does not work for you is that to bind a function, you need a custom event. In your case you sould listen for propertyChange events on main.heigh, main.minHeight and footer.height properties or resize event on main and who knows what else. This is unnecessary and difficult.
If my understanding of what you are trying to atchieve is correct, this should do the trick.
<s:Group id="main" width="100%" height="100%" minWidth="950" minHeight="650">
      <s:VerticalLayout gap="0" horizontalAlign="justify"/>
   <s:Group height="100%">
   <s:Group id="footer" height="50">
Or you could do it like this (I prefer this variant):
<s:Group id="main" width="100%" height="100%" minWidth="950" minHeight="650">
   <s:Group width="100%" top="0" bottom="0">
   <s:Group id="footer" height="50" bottom="0" width="100%">
As you can see, no data binding or listening to all sorts of events and dispatching custom ones is needed. Proper use of containers and layouts can save your day.
P.S. You should really look at things in a simpler way somehow.

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      i use cs4 make as3 loader from SharedObject.getLocal, load flex make swf file, so width/height is not Ok
    load cs4 make swf file is Ok,
    // copy right china summer xiatian qq 11602011
      import flash.net.SharedObject;
      import flash.utils.ByteArray;
      import flash.display.*;
      import fl.controls.*;
      import flash.net.URLRequest;
      import flash.net.URLRequestMethod;
      import flash.system.ApplicationDomain;
      import flash.system.LoaderContext;
      import flash.net.*;
      import flash.utils.*;
      import flash.external.ExternalInterface;
      import flash.system.*;
      // http://as3corelib.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/src/com/adobe/crypto/MD5.as
      import com.adobe.crypto.MD5;
      import flash.events.*;
          public class MyCacheLoader extends Sprite
              public function MyCacheLoader()
                  Security.exactSettings = true;
                  function getStr(s:String):String
                     return ExternalInterface.call("(function(){return window['" + s + "'];})")  || '';
                  function MyLog(s:String):void
                      // ExternalInterface.call("(function(){var o = document.getElementById('myLog');o.value += '" + s + "' + '\n\n';})");
                      ExternalInterface.call("(function(){top.alert('" + s + "');})");
                      // myTestTxt.text = myTestTxt.text + s + "\n\n";
                  var bLoadSwf:Boolean = true;
                  var parm:Object = loaderInfo.parameters;
                  // parm["u"] = "/xuicore/test/myTest.swf";
                  // parm["v"] = "4.4";
                  var szUrl:String = parm['c'] + "/CMHS?jsessionid=" + parm['s'] + "&CMHS=GetOutSpFile&rmpath=rs/&rmf=" + parm["u"] + ".swf",
                      szVer:String = parm["v"], szName:String = parm["u"];// "X" + MD5.hash(parm["u"]);
                  var loader:Loader = new Loader();
                  var so:SharedObject = SharedObject.getLocal(szName);
                  loader.x = loader.y = 0;
                  function showSwf(byteArray:ByteArray):void
                    // MyLog("开始显示处理: " + byteArray.length);
                    if(0 >= byteArray.length)return;
                    bLoadSwf = false;
                    // loader.visible = false;
                    var context:LoaderContext = new LoaderContext(false,ApplicationDomain.currentDomain);
                    // context.allowLoadBytesCodeExecution = true;
                    loader.loadBytes(byteArray, context);
                  function displaySwf():void
                     var oData:Object = so.data;
                     // MyLog([szVer, oData.version].join(" = "));
                     if(szVer == oData.version)
                       showSwf(so.data.swf as ByteArray);
                     else downloadSwf();
                  var ldr:URLStream = new URLStream();
                  function downloadSwf():void
                      bLoadSwf = true;
                      // MyLog(szUrl);
                      var ur:URLRequest = new URLRequest(szUrl);
                      ur.data = new Date().getTime();
                      ur.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
                  function configureListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
                      dispatcher.addEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, unLoadHandler);
                  function removeListeners(dispatcher:IEventDispatcher):void {
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, completeHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(HTTPStatusEvent.HTTP_STATUS, httpStatusHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.INIT, initHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(IOErrorEvent.IO_ERROR, ioErrorHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.OPEN, openHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(ProgressEvent.PROGRESS, progressHandler);
                      dispatcher.removeEventListener(Event.UNLOAD, unLoadHandler);
                  function loaded(e:Event):void{
                          loader.x = loader.y = 0;
                          loader.content.y = loader.content.x = 0;
                          var s:String = "", k:String, obj:Object = loader.content;
                          // for(k in obj)s += k + " = " + obj[k] + ";";
                          // obj.width = "100%", obj.height = "100%";
                          // MyLog([obj.width, obj.height].join(", "));
                          loader.x = -180;
                          loader.scaleX = 1.83;
                          loader.scaleY = 1.05;
                          // loader.content.height = stage.stageHeight;
                          // loader.scaleContent = true;
                          // loader.content.width = stage.width,loader.content.height = stage.height;
                          // loader.content.stage.stageWidth = stage.stageWidth,loader.content.stage.stageHeight = stage.height;
                          // loader.content.stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";
                            // loader.x = loader.content.x = 0;
                            var fullWidth:Number = loader.content.width;
    var fullHeight:Number = loader.content.height;
    var stageWidth:Number = loader.content.loaderInfo.width;
    var stageHeight:Number = loader.content.loaderInfo.height;
    var fixOffStageScaleX = fullWidth / stageWidth;
    var fixOffStageScaleY = fullHeight / stageHeight;
                            loader.content.scaleX = fixOffStageScaleX,loader.content.scaleY = fixOffStageScaleY;
    // loader.content.width = stage.width * 1.59;loader.content.height = stage.height * 1.15;
                            // loader.content.width = stage.stageWidth,loader.content.height= stage.height;
                            // loader.width = stage.stageWidth,loader.height= stage.height;
                            // loader.content.stage.scaleMode = "exactFit";                       
                          }, 3000);
                  var _byteArray:ByteArray = new ByteArray();
                  function completeHandler(event:Event):void {
                          if(0 < _byteArray.length)
                             so.data.swf = _byteArray;
                             so.data.version = szVer;
                             try{so.flush();}catch (e:Error){}
                          else removeListeners(ldr);
                          bLoadSwf = false;
                          ldr = null;
                          // loader.visible = true;
                          // loader.content.width = (height / loader.content.height) * loader.content.width;
                          // loader.content.height = (width / loader.content.width) * loader.content.height;
                          if(isNaN(loader.content.width) || 0 >= loader.content.width)
                             loader.content.width = stage.stageWidth;
                             loader.content.height = stage.stageHeight;
                          }, 4000);
                          // width=loader.content.width;  height=loader.content.height;
                          // MyLog("显示处理完毕");
                  function httpStatusHandler(event:HTTPStatusEvent):void {
                      // MyLog("httpStatusHandler: " + event);
                  function initHandler(event:Event):void {
                      // MyLog("initHandler: " + event);
                  function ioErrorHandler(event:IOErrorEvent):void {
                      // MyLog("ioErrorHandler: " + event);
                  function openHandler(event:Event):void {
                      // MyLog("openHandler: " + event);
                  function progressHandler(event:ProgressEvent):void {
                      // MyLog(bLoadSwf + ": progressHandler: bytesLoaded=" + event.bytesLoaded + " bytesTotal=" + event.bytesTotal);
                        var urlStream:URLStream = event.currentTarget as URLStream;
                        while (urlStream.bytesAvailable)
                           urlStream.readBytes(_byteArray, _byteArray.length);
                  function unLoadHandler(event:Event):void {
                      // MyLog("unLoadHandler: " + event);
    flex code:
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" horizontalAlign="left" layout="absolute"

    loader from SharedObject.getLocal, use SharedObject.getLocal cache bytearray swf data is ok,
    so, Can be seen as not with urlstream
    loader.loadBytes(byteArray, context);
    as3 cs4
    flex sdk

  • [svn] 3411: * Change layout-related width/height, explicit width/height, measured width/height properties from post-scale to pre-transform.

    Revision: 3411
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-09-29 16:44:01 -0700 (Mon, 29 Sep 2008)
    Log Message:
    * Change layout-related width/height, explicit width/height, measured width/height properties from post-scale to pre-transform. yay!
    * Flex3 containers are updated to support the new behavior.
    * Repeatedly scaling a component can differ from before, since we no longer accumulate rounding errors.
    * The change is gated by a version flag, in compatibility mode these properties don't change.
    Reviewed by Glenn, Ely
    Modified Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/containers/utilityClasses/BoxLayout.a s
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/containers/utilityClasses/CanvasLayou t.as
    Added Paths:
    flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/framework/src/mx/containers/utilityClasses/PostScaleAd apter.as

    I am sorry to have to point out to you that you have changed SpryMenuBasicSkin.css so much that it is impossible to render any assistance.
    To start with, the menubar has an ID of MenuBar, yet in the CSS I only see this referenced as a CLASS as in
    .MenuBar  {
    font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; /* Specify fonts on on MenuBar and subMenu MenuItemContainer, so MenuItemContainer,
    MenuItem, and MenuItemLabel
    at a given level all use same definition for ems.
    Note that this means the size is also inherited to child submenus,
    so use caution in using relative sizes other than
    100% on submenu fonts. */
    font-weight: normal;
    font-size: 16px;
    font-style: normal;
    border-color: #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff #ffffff;
    border-style: none none none none;
    I would suggest to start again.
    Once you have done that, supply a link to your site and we will assist you further.

  • Problem with width/height of swfloader

    I am loading in a swf file via swfloader and I want the dimensions to be 600x300:
    <mx:SWFLoader id="loader1" width="600" height="300"/>
    In the loaded swf file, everything is layed out based on the dimensions.  I check the dimensions in the actions of the the first frame of the timeline.  When the swf file is embedded in html, this.stage.width is equal to 600.  However, when I load it via the SWFLoader above, this.stage.width is the size of my browser window.
    Why is this?  Is there a way to force it to stick to the dimensions set by SWFLoader?

    I figured out the problem.  Turns out there is only one stage and that is the stage of the flex application.  I went around this by adding a function to the embedded swf that allows me to resize it.  I'm not sure how I would have gotten around it if I did not have control over that file, but that is a  moot point for now.

  • How to calculate the real height of the text in RichEditableText control?

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    When I try to get the value of contentHeight propery of this class even after compositionComplete event has fired, I get incorrect content height (so called "estimated" height). I was able to obtain the correct value only ater I set verticalScrollPosition to a value beyond this estimated content height thus causing the class to calculate real text height. Here is a code snippet.
    public class ViewerController extends RichEditableText
    public function loadText(){
       var tf:TextFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(LONG_XML_FILE_WITHOUT_PICTURES_GOES_HERE as XML, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
       tf.addEventListener(CompositionCompleteEvent.COMPOSITION_COMPLETE, compositionComplete);
       tf.addEventListener(StatusChangeEvent.INLINE_GRAPHIC_STATUS_CHANGE, pictureLoaded);
       this.textFlow = tf;  
       this.verticalScrollPosition = 0;  
       this.textFlow.flowComposer.composeToPosition(); // I assume this makes the control calculate the real size of the text
    private function pictureLoaded(event:StatusChangeEvent):void {
    private function compositionComplete(event:CompositionCompleteEvent):void {     
    But what if I want to know the real height BEFORE I scroll to the very bottom of the text (or before even displaying this component)?

    SDN is not your code factory, please research yourself before posting, maybe ask whoever handed you this requirement?
    Thread locked.

  • Calculate accurate datagrid height with variableRowHeight and without any empty row

    hi ,
    how can i calculate accurate datagrid height with variableRowHeight="true" and without getting any empty row.
    Currently i am calculating datagrid height on updateComplete event of datagrid as follows:
    public function onUpdateComplete() : void
    datagrid.height= datagrid.measureHeightOfItems(0, this.datagrid.dataprovider.length)+this.datagrid.headerHeight;
    with following datagrid properties:
    dataProvider="{dataArrayCollection}" width="100%" rowCount="{dataArrayCollection.length}"
    id="datagrid" updateComplete="onUpdateComplete()" paddingLeft="0" paddingRight="0" paddingTop="0" paddingBottom="0"
    fontSize="12" wordWrap="true" variableRowHeight="true" verticalScrollPolicy="off" >
    With this approach the issue is, i am getting scrollbar on datagrid's container. I want scrollbar for datagrid instead of its container so that i can have only rows to be scrollable and not the header. Also, if i set verticalScrollPolicy of datagrid as "auto", i get empty rows.
    So,is there any way to have datagrid with following properties:
    variable row height
    no empty rows
    word wrap for headers as well as for rows
    Scrollbar for grid i.e. header should remain fix ,only rows should be scrollable
    no horizontal scrollbar


  • Swfloader and accessing width/height

    I have an AS3 swf that I'm trying to embed within a Flex 3 application.  The problem is that I need to know the size of the available width/height from inside the swf.  When the swf is embedded in a webpage, I can easily access this by stage.stageWidth, but in the case of an embedded swf, this doesn't work because the stage is of the entire application and not just my swf.  Is there anyway in my embedded swf to figure out these values?

    If the embedded SWF was loaded via SWFLoader, then  this.parent.parent.parent.width (and height)  from within the embedded SWF will give you what you want.

  • [svn:osmf:] 15262: Updated unit test for MediaPlayers new default width/ height.

    Revision: 15262
    Revision: 15262
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2010-04-07 13:54:32 -0700 (Wed, 07 Apr 2010)
    Log Message:
    Updated unit test for MediaPlayers new default width/height. FM-300.
    Ticket Links:
    Modified Paths:

    To Neoreborn:
    If I understand right, Shale only provides some mock core JSF objects and extends JUnit so that you can do junit test to your java classes.
    What I concern is to test Pages(JSP) rather than java classes. I want to assert component attribute values within all lifecycle including rendered HTML script. Currently, there isn't any good tools to do this kind of JSP Unit test, am I right?

  • SWFLoader width height Issue

    When I use the SWFLoader to load an swf from a URL it is not
    using the
    sizes specified in the SWFLoader component that is loading
    it, the swf
    seems to initially load at whatever size the actual swf is,
    but after
    the swf has been downloaded fully then the SWFLoader jumps to
    width/height I specified, so basically all swfs I load start
    out huge
    then after sever seconds shrink to the size I want them to
    be. has
    anyone else seen this or know how to remedy this issue?
    (also the element in the swf that animate say from outside
    original swf stage width/height show out way outside the
    bounds of the
    size specified)
    //set the source(within a function)
    <mx:Canvas id="swfplaycontainer" width="452" height="252"
    horizontalCenter="0" verticalCenter="0">
    <mx:SWFLoader id="swfplayer" width="100%"
    Also tried with no Canvas...
    <mx:SWFLoader id="swfplayer" width="452" height="252"
    Thanks, Tim
    specified size does not take effect until fully loaded swf

    hmm, well I tried explicitly setting the widht/height of the
    SWFLoader to no avail, I just tried the scaleContent, it also did
    not work ;-( I cannot hide the SWFLoader until complete event
    because these are long swf animations(they are tutorial videos in
    swf format) some seem to take 30-60 seconds to fully load(depending
    on network traffic). They do start playing quite well immediately
    but the size is messed up until complete, but I would think and
    explicit size on the SWFLoader should be the definitive answer.

  • Getting incorrect coordinates, width/height of page-item in actionscript.

    I am developing a Flex extension for InDesign CS5. I am trying to get the coordinates and width/height of a page-item. But, I keep getting incorrect data. Please refer screenshot. The coordinates as I see in the InDesign application are 38.8, 66.02, 117.5, 160.5.
    I used the geometricBounds method to get the coordinates and width/height, but I am getting 29.70, 40.26, 222.07, 178.11. Please refer the screenshot.
    I read somewhere that the coordinates can change with respect to the ruler settings, i.e., it depends on Ruler per Spread, Ruler per Page or Ruler on Spine. But, I couldn't find anything related to this with respect to actionscript.
    How can I get the coordinates and width/height that I see in the InDesign application through actionscript?

    @poortip87 – make a rectangle with the coordinates ActionScript is suggesting on your page together with your placed image. Then you can see how this correlates to the path points of the rectangle that holds the image.
    Further reading on geometricBounds and their relationship to other geometric properties of page items can be found here:
    Marc Autret:
    Work Around the Width/Height Gap

  • [svn] 3263: Fix a bug in LayoutItemUIC.as where explicit width/ height was affecting ILayoutItem::minSize property.

    Revision: 3263
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-09-18 16:40:14 -0700 (Thu, 18 Sep 2008)
    Log Message:
    Fix a bug in LayoutItemUIC.as where explicit width/height was affecting ILayoutItem::minSize property. It should not.
    Reviewed by Glenn
    Modified Paths:

    error dateField not selecion date 27/11/2002 ?
    This is bug flex 3 ?

  • Script to receive width, height, movie url

    I'm a complete Flash neophyte, but despite this I've been
    tasked at work with creating an actionscript for a fla file that
    will receive width, height, and URL (of a .flv file) as arguments
    so that the file can dynamically display video based on the
    arguments passed. I have to have this done by tomorrow...would
    anyone be kind enough to throw me a clue or two on how this could
    be done? I'm looking through the tutorials and documentation, but
    they all look like they're for intermediate to advanced Flash
    users. I know javascript fairly well, so I think I get the general
    concept, but I'm in the dark as to syntax, proper object and
    properties to refer to, what the function would look like or where
    to save it...
    Any help would put me way in your debt.

    function setVideo(newWidth, newHeight, newURL)
    _root.videoGizmo._height = newHeight;
    _root.videoGizmo._width = newWidth;
    //then set the filename. That will be different depending on
    what video component you are using. If you are using flash 8 and
    using the flash 8 video playback component then it will be the
    contentPath like so
    _root.videoGizmo.contentPath = newURL;
    Keep in mind that if you are using flash 8 and that's OK for
    users then then video playback component will autosize for you if
    you set its autosize property to true.

  • Calculate String Width

    Is it possible to calculate the width of a String in a certain font without needing a Graphics object? I need to calculate this before a component is displayed in order to adjust the sizes of the components. getGraphics() is returning null at this point.

    Didn't my original post answer that question?
    My control is being wrapped in a JScrollPane. I need to set the preferred size of the scroll pane based on the width of a String. If I try to do that during initialization before it is displayed, getGraphics() returns null so I get a NullPointerException.

  • Width*height vals changing in save for web ??

    Hi all
    I've opened an EPS file in illustrator cs4. And its width & height values are differing with width & height values in "save for web" option.
    For example, normally in width & height boxes shows as
    width : 247.499 pt
    height : 116.524 pt
    but in save for web
    width : 249
    height : 117
    I've checked with various figures too.

    Script lan : javascript
    thanks for ur help!
    Actually I've to resize the figure for the width 175, 525, 1400 and the height should change proportionally. So I tried, but I couldn't resize the figures using save for web. Becoz its horizontalScale & verticalScale treats values as percentage. eg. 175 treats as 175%. Then I grouped all items and changed its "width" and foud out the values' corresponding "height" values. But the problem is, exported file's values are changing nearly 3pts.
    could u help on this?

  • Why can't I import anything? "File video dimensions (width/height) too large"

    New to PP CS4 here (that will be obvious momentarily...).  I can't seem to import any footage into any project (well, at least none of the bits I've tried, and I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with them).  Every time I attempt to do so, I get the error:
    Dialog title: File Import Failure
    Error Message: File video dimensions (width/height) too large.
    This occurs with every files I've thrown at it - admittedly, they all have a lot in common, but they're not particularly exotic.
    The files are (mostly) AVI files (I know, I know...before I get jumped, I understand it's just a wrapper, etc.). The files come from two cameras:
    1. A Sony DCR-TRV20. Opening up the AVI in QuickTime Player, I see it's listed as "DV/DVCPRO - NTSC 640X480"
    2. Canon PowerShot A620. Opening up the AVI in QuickTime Player, I see it's listed as "MotionJPEG OpenDML 320x240"
    3. I somehow managed to get the AME to spit out a FLV file. That failed to import with the same error message, too.
    I tried running these files through AME, and got the same results (although never having used AME previously, I have a question on that, below).
    New project, settings are all (I think) the defaults: Preset DV-NTSC/Standard 32kHz
    New installation of PP CS4, with the 4.1 update, on a PC running Vista 32 with all the endless MS updates applied.
    Related question: I've skimmed other threads here, and noted the advice to "always convert any non-standard footage to DV-AVI Type II" before importing....however, I see no such option for that output format in AME....only generic things like "Microsoft AVI" and "Uncompressed Microsoft AVI".
    Codec issues?  I'm a little skeptical, since these AVI files play just fine in Windows if I double-click them. Does that not suggest that there's a codec there for them?  The files are from (what I believe to be) garden-variety consumer cameras (these devices are a bit old and certainly not high-end, but they're hardly exotic formats, I think). The files are small, short clips I'm attempting to use just to learn Premiere, but it gags on every one of them, every time.
    PP is so insistent that every file I throw at it has improper dimensions, but these files appear to be perfectly reasonably sized, and I assume it's operator error (I'm withholding judgement on the quality and accuracy of the error string it's presenting me).  But I'm not sure where to look for the right knob to twist.  Pretty frustrating to be stuck on Square 1 (actually, Square Zero).
    Can someone point me in the right direction?
    Please be gentle, it's my first time....

    Thanks, but....mmmm....maybe not.
    I've tried multiple settings for New Projects. Just created a new one using the preset for DV-NTSC/Widecsreen 48kHz (frame size 720 x 480, 48 kHz audio).  Exactly the same results.
    You say "To point you in a certain direction, DV from a TRV is 720x480, not 640x480."  However, according to QuickTime's Movie Inspector panel, the file is 640x480.  This clip was captured through Premiere - that wouldn't change its aspect ratio, would it?
    The files from the Canon still camera are AVI files, not still images (so I don't see how the reference to Photoshop applies, or perhaps I misunderstood your point). They are 320x240, according to QuickTime's Movie Inspector panel. If they're 320x240, wouldn't that be the same aspect ratio as 640x480?  Attempting to import them, I get the same error....
    While not exactly Hollywood quality, I just need files to play with as I attempt to learn the program, and it's not clear to me why these files should not work - other than the fact that NO files seem to work. Also, I'm not sure what your reference to "exporting" pertains to - I can't get anything imported, I'm not trying to export anything that (I'm aware of) - I'll worry about exporting once I've managed to get something, ANYTHING to import.
    I've got some PP training videos (from "you-probably-know-who.com"). Following along using their project files and their video assets (MOV files in this case), I still get the exact same error.
    So to summarize, so far, I've seen no evidence that this copy of PP can import ANY video file.
    While I'm sure I would benefit from spending more time with the fine manual, I think there's something wrong here that's not going to be addressed in the introductory documentation.  If I can't import any footage into any project, progress is going to be slow.
    How about this: is there some known-to-be-good test file I can grab and try importing that?  I've got very strong suspicions that I'll get the same error message.
    Thanks again.

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