Flex Builder 3 New Project

I am trying to get Flex Builder 3 setup but having some
problems configuring it to communicate with the app server. I had
this working once but cannot get it back. Flex builder is installed
on my XP machine and CF is installed on my Redhat 5 box with
Here are my steps:
1. Create new flex project
2. Project Name: myfirstflex.
3. Project location: N:\myfirstflex (mapped to samba share)
This is actually /var/www/html/myfirstflex on the RH box.
4. Application Type: Web Application(runs in Flash Player)
5. Server Technology: Coldfusion. Use remote access service
is checked. LCDS is selected at the moment but does not seem to
matter which one is selected.
6. Server Location: Standalone
7. Coldfusion Root Folder: O:\WEB-INF\flex (samba share on RH
box) This is actually /opt/coldfusion8/wwwroot/WEB-INF/flex.
8. WebRoot: N:\myfirstflex (same as step 3)
9. Root URL:
Upon on validation I get " Invalid root. The WEB-INF/flex
folder must contain either flex-config.xml or services-config.xml."
Like I said I had this working once but cannot get it back. Does
anyone see something I am overlooking?

I'd love to help because I know how frustrating it is to get
it working. Unfortunately, I run CF locally and IIS as the web
server. However, maybe my settings will spark something that you
can use:
2. myFirstFlex
3. C:\Documents and Settings\[useraccount]My
4. Web application/
5. Coldfusion/ColdFusion Remoting
6. Standalone
7. c:\coldfusion8
8. c:\inetpub\wwwroot
is what works for me

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    I'd love to help because I know how frustrating it is to get
    it working. Unfortunately, I run CF locally and IIS as the web
    server. However, maybe my settings will spark something that you
    can use:
    2. myFirstFlex
    3. C:\Documents and Settings\[useraccount]My
    4. Web application/
    5. Coldfusion/ColdFusion Remoting
    6. Standalone
    7. c:\coldfusion8
    8. c:\inetpub\wwwroot
    is what works for me

  • Flex for a New Project?

    I'm launching a new project and I'm considering using Flex.
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    b. Designate style elements
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    We are introducing a new feature in Flex 2.0.1 that's due out
    early next year. The feature is called "Modules" and it was
    discussed at this year's MAX 2006. You can read more about it on
    Roger Gonzalez's blog:
    - check the "Modular Applications" articles. I think this will go a
    long way to making the reusable parts you are talking about.
    Flex does not build things from instructions unless they are
    written in ActionScript. We have customers that do create dynamic
    interfaces based on data loaded from a database, so it is possible.
    But if you have pre-built templates and all you need to do is
    change certain aspects at runtime, it should be pretty easy with
    Flex. Take a look at the Flex documentation, especially the part
    about the Flex framework and how Flex sources are compiled into
    You style Flex components using style sheets (CSS files).
    This also includes specifying skins for components if you decide to
    give something a whole new look.
    I'm a bit biased here, but I think using ColdFusion (version
    7.0.2) with Flex 2 is very easy. But it depends on your needs,
    budget, deployment, etc. WIth CF 7.0.2 and Flex Builder 2 you get
    wizards to be build both CFC (ColdFusion components) and matching
    ActionScript objects so that you exchange objects, not just data,
    between Flex and CF.
    WebServices can also be used (with CF, too). This gives you
    more choices to the backend. If you have a large amount of data or
    it is complex, consider Flex Data Services as that has data
    management capabilities.
    Flex 2 has localization capabilties. You create a 'resource
    bundle' in various languages and build SWFs for each one. When the
    end user choses their preference, take them to the page that loads
    the appropriate SWF.

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    You must include in library:

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    Dear forum members:
    currently I am evaluating the possibilities of next-generation GUI technologies, such as JavaFX, Silverlight and Flash/Flex, for a new project. To get a basic understanding of JavaFX's concepts, I worked through the available online text and video tutorials, and all the treated topics seem quite obvious/comprehensible to me +as long as one is only confronted to relatively static GUI component hierarchies+. But, as a newbie, some questions concerning more dynamically defined GUIs (i.e. dynamic JFX scripting*) still remain.
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    +2. Concerning the ShopOwner's GUI with its design and preview mode (and knowing that the latter mode will be the GUI version presented to the shop clients in another JFX module):+
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    3. Concerning the "Shop Model", would I optimally create JFX classes or even Java Beans to bind to?
    4. And finally: What would be your recommended way (software architecture) to fulfill this task in JavaFX?
    Do there already exist some JFX components (dynamic forms/survey authoring modules, etc.) that persue a similar task and that I didn't find yet?
    As the clarification of the above-mentioned issues are very important for me, I hope that you more experienced users can help me, pointing me to a practicable approach.
    Thank you very much for any help and constructive tips in advance.
    Best regards
    Martin Meyers

    Q1: Do I optimally need 2 different custom components for each treated concept, or do I have just 1 component with 2 internal modes (design & preview/usage)??
    E.g., (a) FormSpec widget composed of LabelSpec, TextBoxSpec, ChooseBoxSpec,... widgets each having their preview pendants
    Form, Label, TextBox, ChooseBox, etc.
    +(b) only Form widget composed of Label, TextBox, ChooseBox widgets, but all having a "design/preview execution mode".+
    Closer to (b), I think, though each widget doesn't need to be modified to have design and preview modes. Instead, each widget can be wrapped within a Group to provide the design/preview functions without modifying the widget itself.
    The technique is as follows. Given a sequence of widgets (Nodes, really), for each widget, wrap it in a Group that contains that widget but with an overlay Rectangle in front of it. The Rectangle can be semi-transparent, or fully transparent if you prefer. (In the example below I've made it a semitransparent color to make its location obvious as well as to provide a highlight that signals design mode.) The overlay Rectangle is set up so that its dimensions will exactly track the dimensions (bounds) of the widget behind it. I've set blocksMouse to true so that when it's present, the overlay traps events and prevents interaction with the widget. There is a boolean variable previewMode, controlled by a CheckBox, that controls the visibility of these overlay rectangles. I've also added a bit of code to track mouse events on the overlay rectangles so that you can move the widgets around when you're in design mode.
    Note that the visible variable differs from transparent, i.e. opacity == 0.0. If a node is visible but is transparent, it is still eligible to receive events; whereas if visible is false, it does not receive events.
    Here's some code that illustrates this technique. I'll answer your other questions in a subsequent post.
    import javafx.stage.Stage;
    import javafx.scene.*;
    import javafx.scene.control.*;
    import javafx.scene.input.*;
    import javafx.scene.layout.*;
    import javafx.scene.shape.Rectangle;
    import javafx.scene.paint.Color;
    var previewMode = true;
    var lastX:Number;
    var lastY:Number;
    function wrap(n:Node):Node {
        Group {
            content: [
                Rectangle {
                    opacity: 0.2
                    fill: Color.web("#ffff00")
                    x: bind n.boundsInParent.minX
                    y: bind n.boundsInParent.minY
                    width: bind n.boundsInParent.width
                    height: bind n.boundsInParent.height
                    visible: bind previewMode
                    blocksMouse: true
                    onMousePressed: function(me:MouseEvent) {
                        lastX = me.x;
                        lastY = me.y;
                    onMouseDragged: function(me:MouseEvent) {
                        n.layoutX += me.x - lastX;
                        n.layoutY += me.y - lastY;
                        lastX = me.x;
                        lastY = me.y;
    var controlList:Node[] = [
        Button {
            layoutX: 140
            layoutY: 20
            text: "Button1"
            action: function() { println("Button1 clicked!"); }
        Slider {
            layoutX: 30
            layoutY: 60
            min: 0
            max: 100
            override var value on replace {
                println("Slider value is now {value}");
        Label {
            layoutX: 50
            layoutY: 100
            text: "Non-interactive label"
        CheckBox {
            layoutX: 40
            layoutY: 140
            text: "CheckBox"
            override var selected on replace {
                println("CheckBox is now {if (selected) "checked" else "unchecked"}");
    Stage {
        title: "Design vs Preview Mode"
        width: 400
        height: 250
        scene: Scene {
            content: [
                CheckBox {
                    layoutX: 10
                    layoutY: 10
                    text: "Preview Mode"
                    selected: bind previewMode with inverse
                Panel {
                    content: for (n in controlList) {

  • Problem with Flex Builder 3

    Hey Experts,
    I tried creating Flex Library Project in Flex Builder 3. No issues so far. Everything works fine. When the day ends, I close Flex Builder (without closing the project as it restores them during next launch). I had to close it...I can't keep the system running. Global warming you know...Next day when I launched Flex Builder, I could see my project there. However, when I open Project Properties dialog box, I get some errors while trying to open Flex Library Build Path or Flex Library Compiler pages. The error says "The currently displayed page contains invalid values."
    C'mon man you gotta be kidding me. Yesterday you didn't say anything. What's the matter with you today. By the way, I didn't change anything in properties. How could I? I am unable to open it...
    Does anyone understands Flex Builder's logic here?

    Mate the first thing I tried was this...
    If you want to see the problem, try crating a Flex Library Project in Flex Builder 3. Create couple of classes and close Flex Builder without closing the project. Re-launch Flex Builder and try to open Project -> Properties -> Flex Build Path or Project -> Properties -> Flex Compiler. You should be able to see the problem.

  • [svn] 3120: When you point Flex Builder at a local sandbox trunk build, it couldn' t generate the html-templates folder correctly for new projects so we moved all the html templates up one level and removed the html-templates directory and adjusted build

    Revision: 3120
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-09-05 10:44:10 -0700 (Fri, 05 Sep 2008)
    Log Message:
    When you point Flex Builder at a local sandbox trunk build, it couldn't generate the html-templates folder correctly for new projects so we moved all the html templates up one level and removed the html-templates directory and adjusted build.xml's to accommodate the directory change
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:
    Removed Paths:

    Remember that Arch Arm is a different distribution, but we try to bend the rules and provide limited support for them.  This may or may not be unique to Arch Arm, so you might try asking on their forums as well.

  • FLEX Builder Pro 3 New Flex Project cannot configure J2EE

    I have FLEX Builder Pro 3 installed on a Windows XP machine.  LiveCycle Data Services is installed (with Tomcat) on a Linux RHEL 5 machine.  When trying to create a new FLEX project and configuring a J2EE server am very confused on what to put in Root Folder and Root URL.  I have tried various paths on the Root Folder (with a drive mapped through windows and also with just using the servername) and keep getting the error message:
    Invalid root. The WEB-INF/flex folder must contain either flex-config.xml or services-config.xml.
    I've located the flex-confing file in the tomcat5\webapps\ROOT\WEB-INF directory, but still get the error.
    Please any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Are your new classes referenced from the old code? Mxmlc employs a questionable form of "as-needed" linking, so classes that are not referenced from the main application are not even compiled. This referencing requirement is recursive; that is, any classes that are to be included have to be referenced from the main application, or from classes referenced by the main application, or from classes referenced by classes referenced by the main application, and so on. But if your new classes are not referenced at all from the old code, they will be ignored.

  • Creating a project in Flex Builder for the Hybrid Store sample Application

    Hi all,
    How to create a project in Flexbuilder for the hybrid store
    sample application.
    I downloaded the source code of hybridstore application,
    Now i have to create a project for it to run that application
    in my system,
    will you please tell me how to create a project for this
    I have also read the readme.html file. but i could not follow
    exactly what they are saying.
    what i did is, I unzipped the source code into a folder
    I opened the flexbuilder : File -- new -- flexproject ( i
    have selected) then i have given name to my file (hybridstore) ,
    and set the path to the hybridstore folder where the source code
    but it as created hybridstore.mxml file also.
    it is not working.
    will you please till me how to create project for this
    I have created project for other samples like restaurent
    finder, dashboard. they are working fine.
    I got problem with this sample only.
    Thanks in advance

    thanks for your reply,
    I have tried to open using file import, but still it is not
    in the readme file for this application , contains how to
    Creating a project in Flex Builder for the Hybrid Store
    Name your default application catalog.mxml.
    Prevent Flex Builder from generating an HTML wrapper: select
    Project > Properties. Select the Flex Compiler page, deselect
    the Generate HTML wrapper file option .
    Create a Run configuration for your project but deselect the
    Use defaults option and instead assign the Run setting to the
    hybridstore.html in your project's bin directory.
    To enable debugging of the Hybrid Store application you must
    create a copy of hybridstore.html. Open it in an editor (you can
    right-click on the file and select Open With > Text Editor).
    Find the line that says "src", "catalog" and change it to "src",
    "catalog-debug". Assign the Debug setting to this new HTML file.
    As i am new to flex , i could not know how to do this.
    please help me how to do this.

  • Error: The folder does not contain a valid Flex Builder Project.

    HI All,
    My first Post here. I am new to Flex Hardly 10 days old. I
    want to open the flexstore project in flex builder 3 and could not
    able to do so.
    What I did: file->import->.... got the error msg as
    "The folder does not contain a valid Flex Builder Project".
    also tried file->import->general->..... same error
    I need your Help guys
    I downloaded the sample project from
    Thanks in Advance

    "shakeb66" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gknbn8$av9$[email protected]..
    > HI All,
    > My first Post here. I am new to Flex Hardly 10 days old.
    I want to open
    > the
    > flexstore project in flex builder 3 and could not able
    to do so.
    > What I did: file->import->.... got the error msg
    as "The folder does not
    > contain a valid Flex Builder Project".
    > also tried file->import->general->..... same
    error msg.
    > I need your Help guys
    > I downloaded the sample project from
    Try creating a new Flex project and dragging the files from
    the zip into the
    src folder. You may find that you need to rearrange things a
    bit, depending
    on how they set up the project, but this should get you

  • Flex Builder 3 under Eclipse - project .settings problem

    I've been experiencing some odd problems with a project using FlexBuilder 3 plug-in with Eclipse.
    The first problem I've noticed is that a file under the .settings dir has a red 'x' beside it. The offending
    file is org.eclipse.jst.common.project.facet.core.prefs. I've left the file as is until I understand how it became corrupt.
    The second problem is that .as and .mxml files are no longer being opened in the Flex Builder editor -
    the are being opened in TextPad, which it the default editor outside of Flex Builder. I've tried all of the available
    editors and none of them work under Flex Builder.
    The third problem is that when I try to create a new Flex Builder project from New->Project-> there is no
    option for a FlexBuilder project.
    The Flex Development perspective is visible in the top right hand corner as usual. When I select Open Perspective
    there is no Flex perspective.
    Should I just reinstall the FlexBuilder plugin?

    Hi Peter,
    It has not been fully tested yet but a few of us are using
    it. If you see any issues in Eclipse 3.3RC4 with FB3 Plugin, please
    file a bug in our new public bug system:

  • Tutorial for creating a J2EE project with "Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 " ?

    I'm trying to set up a Flex environment with:
    Flex Builder 3 Beta 3 stand alone
    WTP (from eclipse update manager)
    LCDS 2.5 (with JRun)
    JBoss 4.2.2GA
    At this moment I successful installed everything (but not set up). I added WTP at Flex Builder3 (with the eclipse update manager). I copied the two flex-tomcat files in jboss.
    Then in Flex Builder 3 I created a new Flex Project. In the wizard first window, I selected J2EE, Livecycle and WTP. Then in the next window I need to configurate the J2EE server.
    I couldn't find any information/tutorial for this window? Is there a tutorial for this?
    This window ask me:
    Target Runtime: I created a new one for JBoss 4.2.2 (during this process flex builder asked me to add a project but actually I'm creating this project so I hadn't any project to add (??)).
    ContextRoot: name of the project I'm creating (default). Is it good?
    Content Folder: the default is "WebContent". Is it good?
    Flex War File: What is that? Where do I find it?
    Thanks a lot,

    The settings you mention all sound fine, but the I believe the Flex War file may be what you referred to as the flex-tomcat files (specifically the one should be called flex.war from the install folder).
    You don't need to deploy the flex.war file to JBoss manually, when you create a project, you just select the file in the wizard and it is extracted and used as a template for the new project. In fact, it may cause a port conflict with your project if you do deploy manually it (unless you tweak some of the config files), so it's probably worth removing it from the deploy folder if you did put it there. The other file, flex-admin.war, can stay without causing issue.
    The closest to a tutorial that I am aware of is if you search "New Flex Project" in the help system, it talks about what each of the options should be when creating LCDS projects.

  • [svn:fx-trunk] 12087: Dev only. Checking in Flash Builder 4 " Library Projects" for building Flex SDK SWCs in trunk.

    Revision: 12087
    Revision: 12087
    Author:   [email protected]
    Date:     2009-11-21 20:56:09 -0800 (Sat, 21 Nov 2009)
    Log Message:
    Dev only. Checking in Flash Builder 4 "Library Projects" for building Flex SDK SWCs in trunk. These projects are easier to import and do not require linked resource variables to be specified.
    Note: although the trunk does not build textLayout.swc, there appears to be a legitimate compiler error in FlowGroupElement.as as a cast is missing. I'll follow up with TLF.
    QE notes: N/A
    Doc notes: N/A
    Bugs: N/A
    Reviewer: N/A
    Tests run: N/A
    Is noteworthy for integration: No
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:
        flex/sdk/trunk/frameworks/projects/airframework/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.pref s

    Status Update - don't know if this is a bug, design flaw, install problem or my misunderstanding.
    I got it to work by first changing my Flex library to 4.5.0 - still didn't work with current
    app and update mxml files using "2.6" for their namespace versions. But I did at least
    get the popup error number 16815 - indicating an error in the update version namespace.
    By leaving my application namespace version at "2.6" and changing the update version to "2.5" ... bingo!
    I got my new update installed autiomatically.
    Is this how it's supposed to work - or are my runtimes mixed up?
    Will this work the same using the Flex 4.5.1 SDK? I'll find out shortly
    Hope this helps others.

  • Flex Builder stops compile new ActionScript classes

    Does anyone knows what could cause Flex Builder 3.4 stops compiling NEW ActionScript classes? I have been working on Flex project for a while, we have some MXML and .as files (less than 200). This morning Flex Builder suddenly stopped detecting errors in new as classes, but not so for older classes. Thanks and appreciate your help.
    - Weiping

    Are your new classes referenced from the old code? Mxmlc employs a questionable form of "as-needed" linking, so classes that are not referenced from the main application are not even compiled. This referencing requirement is recursive; that is, any classes that are to be included have to be referenced from the main application, or from classes referenced by the main application, or from classes referenced by classes referenced by the main application, and so on. But if your new classes are not referenced at all from the old code, they will be ignored.

  • Using latest FileInfo SDK, latest Flash Builder, new project crashes in latest Bridge

    I've been trying to create a custom panel in Adobe Bridge.  I downloaded the XMP-FileInfo-SDK-CS6, loaded the jar file into Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (latest version), created a new project with NO modifications, and published it to the correct Custom File Info Panels folder on Windows 7.  I then restarted Bridge, opened FileInfo in a photo, but when I navigated to the new panel that I just created, it fails to load correctly and hangs the entire application.  The only way to close the window is to restart Bridge.
    So just to be clear -- latest SDK, latest Flash Builder, latest Bridge version, new project, no modifcation, completely crashes Bridge.  The GenericPanel is about the only thing that works without problem, but it's a little too limited for what I want to do (no business logic). 
    Not very reassuring that this is going to work at all.  Has anyone else experienced this?  Is there any workaround, or update I can try instead?

    Ok, finally got this working.  Many hidden gotchas. 
    1.  You have to make a Trust File for your custom panel.  This is actually in the SDK, around page 53, so my bad -- but the problem is that there is no feedback from the Adobe application if you don't have this.  The application just hangs.  It should produce an error message "can't find trust file, etc.".  This should not be that hard to implement.
    2.  The latest Flex SDK does not seem to work in Bridge CC or other similar applications.  You have to use Flex SDK 3.x, apparently, and this is NOT in the documentation.  Not only should you set the default SDK in Flex Builder to 3.x (I'm using 3.6) but you have to edit the build.properties file to make sure it's pointing to the correct folder, eg: C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Flash Builder 4.7 (64 Bit)/sdks/3.6.0.  Fortunately Flash Builder 4.7 comes with 3.6 installed.  If you have an older version, it's likely to be completely different.
    More info in this thread: http://forums.adobe.com/thread/1114153.

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