Flex, CF, SQL project

I have project in (web development) Flex ColdFusion and SQL. I need someone to work on that project from beginning to end. I want a person who I can email if there is a problem and the problem is fixed in 24 hour period. The project hasn't started yet but will start real soon.
But if you are interested then please let me know your hourly rate. I like the idea of invoice and will pay based on the same...
This is for the person who can give attention to my project if not daily at least every other day.... So please think and let me know if interested...

Root folder:
Where X:\ is actually a drive on your server. Use C:\ D:\ or
E:\ if you run LCDS on your dev machine. In my case, X:\ is a Samba
connection to a Linux drive on my server where LCDS is installed.
Root URL:
E.g if you installed JBoss on your dev machine, use
Context root:

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  • PL/SQL 101 : Cursors and SQL Projection

    PL/SQL 101 : Cursors and SQL Projection
    This is not a question, it's a forum article, in reponse to the number of questions we get regarding a "dynamic number of columns" or "rows to columns"
    There are two integral parts to an SQL Select statement that relate to what data is selected. One is Projection and the other is Selection:-
    Selection is the one that we always recognise and use as it forms the WHERE clause of the select statement, and hence selects which rows of data are queried.
    The other, SQL Projection is the one that is less understood, and the one that this article will help to explain.
    In short, SQL Projection is the collective name for the columns that are Selected and returned from a query.
    So what? Big deal eh? Why do we need to know this?
    The reason for knowing this is that many people are not aware of when SQL projection comes into play when you issue a select statement. So let's take a basic query...
    First create some test data...
    create table proj_test as
      select 1 as id, 1 as rn, 'Fred' as nm from dual union all
      select 1,2,'Bloggs' from dual union all
      select 2,1,'Scott' from dual union all
      select 2,2,'Smith' from dual union all
      select 3,1,'Jim' from dual union all
      select 3,2,'Jones' from dual
    ... and now query that data...
    SQL> select * from proj_test;
             ID         RN NM
             1          1 Fred
             1          2 Bloggs
             2          1 Scott
             2          2 Smith
             3          1 Jim
             3          2 Jones
    6 rows selected.
    OK, so what is that query actually doing?
    To know that we need to consider that all queries are cursors and all cursors are processed in a set manner, roughly speaking...
    1. The cursor is opened
    2. The query is parsed
    3. The query is described to know the projection (what columns are going to be returned, names, datatypes etc.)
    4. Bind variables are bound in
    5. The query is executed to apply the selection and identify the data to be retrieved
    6. A row of data is fetched
    7. The data values from the columns within that row are extracted into the known projection
    8. Step 6 and 7 are repeated until there is no more data or another condition ceases the fetching
    9. The cursor is closed
    The purpose of the projection being determined is so that the internal processing of the cursor can allocate memory etc. ready to fetch the data into. We won't get to see that memory allocation happening easily, but we can see the same query being executed in these steps if we do it programatically using the dbms_sql package...
    CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE process_cursor (p_query in varchar2) IS
      v_sql       varchar2(32767) := p_query;
      v_cursor    number;            -- A cursor is a handle (numeric identifier) to the query
      col_cnt     integer;
      v_n_val     number;            -- numeric type to fetch data into
      v_v_val     varchar2(20);      -- varchar type to fetch data into
      v_d_val     date;              -- date type to fetch data into
      rec_tab     dbms_sql.desc_tab; -- table structure to hold sql projection info
      dummy       number;
      v_ret       number;            -- number of rows returned
      v_finaltxt  varchar2(100);
      col_num     number;
      -- 1. Open the cursor
      dbms_output.put_line('1 - Opening Cursor');
      v_cursor := dbms_sql.open_cursor;
      -- 2. Parse the cursor
      dbms_output.put_line('2 - Parsing the query');
      dbms_sql.parse(v_cursor, v_sql, dbms_sql.NATIVE);
      -- 3. Describe the query
      -- Note: The query has been described internally when it was parsed, but we can look at
      --       that description...
      -- Fetch the description into a structure we can read, returning the count of columns that has been projected
      dbms_output.put_line('3 - Describing the query');
      dbms_sql.describe_columns(v_cursor, col_cnt, rec_tab);
      -- Use that description to define local datatypes into which we want to fetch our values
      -- Note: This only defines the types, it doesn't fetch any data and whilst we can also
      --       determine the size of the columns we'll just use some fixed sizes for this example
      dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)||'3a - SQL Projection:-');
      for j in 1..col_cnt
        v_finaltxt := 'Column Name: '||rpad(upper(rec_tab(j).col_name),30,' ');
        case rec_tab(j).col_type
          -- if the type of column is varchar2, bind that to our varchar2 variable
          when 1 then
            v_finaltxt := v_finaltxt||' Datatype: Varchar2';
          -- if the type of the column is number, bind that to our number variable
          when 2 then
            v_finaltxt := v_finaltxt||' Datatype: Number';
          -- if the type of the column is date, bind that to our date variable
          when 12 then
            v_finaltxt := v_finaltxt||' Datatype: Date';
          -- ...Other types can be added as necessary...
          -- All other types we'll assume are varchar2 compatible (implicitly converted)
          v_finaltxt := v_finaltxt||' Datatype: Varchar2 (implicit)';
        end case;
      end loop;
      -- 4. Bind variables
      dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)||'4 - Binding in values');
      null; -- we have no values to bind in for our test
      -- 5. Execute the query to make it identify the data on the database (Selection)
      -- Note: This doesn't fetch any data, it just identifies what data is required.
      dbms_output.put_line('5 - Executing the query');
      dummy := dbms_sql.execute(v_cursor);
      -- 6.,7.,8. Fetch the rows of data...
      dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)||'6,7 and 8 Fetching Data:-');
        -- 6. Fetch next row of data
        v_ret := dbms_sql.fetch_rows(v_cursor);
        -- If the fetch returned no row then exit the loop
        exit when v_ret = 0;
        -- 7. Extract the values from the row
        v_finaltxt := null;
        -- loop through each of the Projected columns
        for j in 1..col_cnt
          case rec_tab(j).col_type
            -- if it's a varchar2 column
            when 1 then
              -- read the value into our varchar2 variable
              v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||rpad(v_v_val,20,' '),',');
            -- if it's a number column
            when 2 then
              -- read the value into our number variable
              v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||to_char(v_n_val,'fm999999'),',');
            -- if it's a date column
            when 12 then
              -- read the value into our date variable
              v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||','||to_char(v_d_val,'DD/MM/YYYY HH24:MI:SS'),',');
            -- read the value into our varchar2 variable (assumes it can be implicitly converted)
            v_finaltxt := ltrim(v_finaltxt||',"'||rpad(v_v_val,20,' ')||'"',',');
          end case;
        end loop;
        -- 8. Loop to fetch next row
      end loop;
      -- 9. Close the cursor
      dbms_output.put_line(chr(10)||'9 - Closing the cursor');
    SQL> exec process_cursor('select * from proj_test');
    1 - Opening Cursor
    2 - Parsing the query
    3 - Describing the query
    3a - SQL Projection:-
    Column Name: ID                             Datatype: Number
    Column Name: RN                             Datatype: Number
    Column Name: NM                             Datatype: Varchar2
    4 - Binding in values
    5 - Executing the query
    6,7 and 8 Fetching Data:-
    1     ,1     ,Fred
    1     ,2     ,Bloggs
    2     ,1     ,Scott
    2     ,2     ,Smith
    3     ,1     ,Jim
    3     ,2     ,Jones
    1     ,3     ,Freddy
    1     ,4     ,Fud
    9 - Closing the cursor
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    So, what's really the point in knowing when SQL Projection occurs in a query?
    Well, we get many questions asking "How do I convert rows to columns?" (otherwise known as a pivot) or questions like "How can I get the data back from a dynamic query with different columns?"
    Let's look at a regular pivot. We would normally do something like...
    SQL> select id
      2        ,max(decode(rn,1,nm)) as nm_1
      3        ,max(decode(rn,2,nm)) as nm_2
      4  from proj_test
      5  group by id
      6  /
            ID NM_1   NM_2
             1 Fred   Bloggs
             2 Scott  Smith
             3 Jim    Jones
    (or, in 11g, use the new PIVOT statement)
    but many of these questioners don't understand it when they say their issue is that, they have an unknown number of rows and don't know how many columns it will have, and they are told that you can't do that in a single SQL statement. e.g.
    SQL> insert into proj_test (id, rn, nm) values (1,3,'Freddy');
    1 row created.
    SQL> select id
      2        ,max(decode(rn,1,nm)) as nm_1
      3        ,max(decode(rn,2,nm)) as nm_2
      4  from proj_test
      5  group by id
      6  /
            ID NM_1   NM_2
             1 Fred   Bloggs
             2 Scott  Smith
             3 Jim    Jones
    ... it's not giving us this 3rd entry as a new column and we can only get that by writing the expected columns into the query, but then what if more columns are added after that etc.
    If we look back at the steps of a cursor we see again that the description and projection of what columns are returned by a query happens before any data is fetched back.
    Because of this, it's not possible to have the query return back a number of columns that are based on the data itself, as no data has been fetched at the point the projection is required.
    So, what is the answer to getting an unknown number of columns in the output?
    1) The most obvious answer is, don't use SQL to try and pivot your data. Pivoting of data is more of a reporting requirement and most reporting tools include the ability to pivot data either as part of the initial report generation or on-the-fly at the users request. The main point about using the reporting tools is that they query the data first and then the pivoting is simply a case of manipulating the display of those results, which can be dynamically determined by the reporting tool based on what data there is.
    2) The other answer is to write dynamic SQL. Because you're not going to know the number of columns, this isn't just a simple case of building up a SQL query as a string and passing it to the EXECUTE IMMEDIATE command within PL/SQL, because you won't have a suitable structure to read the results back into as those structures must have a known number of variables for each of the columns at design time, before the data is know. As such, inside PL/SQL code, you would have to use the DBMS_SQL package, just like in the code above that showed the workings of a cursor, as the columns there are referenced by position rather than name, and you have to deal with each column seperately. What you do with each column is up to you... store them in an array/collection, process them as you get them, or whatever. They key thing though with doing this is that, just like the reporting tools, you would need to process the data first to determine what your SQL projection is, before you execute the query to fetch the data in the format you want e.g.
    create or replace procedure dyn_pivot is
      v_sql varchar2(32767);
      -- cursor to find out the maximum number of projected columns required
      -- by looking at the data
      cursor cur_proj_test is
        select distinct rn
        from   proj_test
        order by rn;
      v_sql := 'select id';
      for i in cur_proj_test
        -- dynamically add to the projection for the query
        v_sql := v_sql||',max(decode(rn,'||i.rn||',nm)) as nm_'||i.rn;
      end loop;
      v_sql := v_sql||' from proj_test group by id order by id';
      dbms_output.put_line('Dynamic SQL Statement:-'||chr(10)||v_sql||chr(10)||chr(10));
      -- call our DBMS_SQL procedure to process the query with it's dynamic projection
    SQL> exec dyn_pivot;
    Dynamic SQL Statement:-
    select id,max(decode(rn,1,nm)) as nm_1,max(decode(rn,2,nm)) as nm_2,max(decode(rn,3,nm)) as nm_3 from proj_test group by id order by id
    1 - Opening Cursor
    2 - Parsing the query
    3 - Describing the query
    3a - SQL Projection:-
    Column Name: ID                             Datatype: Number
    Column Name: NM_1                           Datatype: Varchar2
    Column Name: NM_2                           Datatype: Varchar2
    Column Name: NM_3                           Datatype: Varchar2
    4 - Binding in values
    5 - Executing the query
    6,7 and 8 Fetching Data:-
    1     ,Fred                ,Bloggs              ,Freddy
    2     ,Scott               ,Smith               ,
    3     ,Jim                 ,Jones               ,
    9 - Closing the cursor
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    ... and if more data is added ...
    SQL> insert into proj_test (id, rn, nm) values (1,4,'Fud');
    1 row created.
    SQL> exec dyn_pivot;
    Dynamic SQL Statement:-
    select id,max(decode(rn,1,nm)) as nm_1,max(decode(rn,2,nm)) as nm_2,max(decode(rn,3,nm)) as nm_3,max(decode(rn,4,nm)) as nm_4 from proj_test group by id order by id
    1 - Opening Cursor
    2 - Parsing the query
    3 - Describing the query
    3a - SQL Projection:-
    Column Name: ID                             Datatype: Number
    Column Name: NM_1                           Datatype: Varchar2
    Column Name: NM_2                           Datatype: Varchar2
    Column Name: NM_3                           Datatype: Varchar2
    Column Name: NM_4                           Datatype: Varchar2
    4 - Binding in values
    5 - Executing the query
    6,7 and 8 Fetching Data:-
    1     ,Fred                ,Bloggs              ,Freddy              ,Fud
    2     ,Scott               ,Smith               ,                    ,
    3     ,Jim                 ,Jones               ,                    ,
    9 - Closing the cursor
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Of course there are other methods, using dynamically generated scripts etc. (see Re: 4. How do I convert rows to columns?), but the above simply demonstrates that:-
    a) having a dynamic projection requires two passes of the data; one to dynamically generate the query and another to actually query the data,
    b) it is not a good idea in most cases as it requires code to handle the results dynamically rather than being able to simply query directly into a known structure or variables, and
    c) a simple SQL statement cannot have a dynamic projection.
    Most importantly, dynamic queries prevent validation of your queries at the time your code is compiled, so the compiler can't check that the column names are correct or the tables names, or that the actual syntax of the generated query is correct. This only happens at run-time, and depending upon the complexity of your dynamic query, some problems may only be experienced under certain conditions. In effect you are writing queries that are harder to validate and could potentially have bugs in them that would are not apparent until they get to a run time environment. Dynamic queries can also introduce the possibility of SQL injection (a potential security risk), especially if a user is supplying a string value into the query from an interface.
    To summarise:-
    The projection of an SQL statement must be known by the SQL engine before any data is fetched, so don't expect SQL to magically create columns on-the-fly based on the data it's retrieving back; and, if you find yourself thinking of using dynamic SQL to get around it, just take a step back and see if what you are trying to achieve may be better done elsewhere, such as in a reporting tool or the user interface.
    Other articles in the PL/SQL 101 series:-
    PL/SQL 101 : Understanding Ref Cursors
    PL/SQL 101 : Exception Handling

    excellent article. However there is one thing which is slightly erroneous. You don't need a type to be declared in the database to fetch the data, but you do need to declare a type;
    here is one of my unit test scripts that does just that.
    v_Return Cci_Standard.ref_cursor;
    type getcardapplattrval_recordtype
    Is record
    (cardappl_id ci_cardapplattrvalue.cardappl_ID%TYPE,
    tag ci_cardapplattrvalue.tag%TYPE,
    value ci_cardapplattrvalue.value%TYPE
    getcardapplattrvalue_record getcardapplattrval_recordtype;
    PN_CARDAPPL_ID := 1; --value must be supplied
    fetch v_return
    into getcardapplattrvalue_record;
    dbms_output.put_line('Tag =>'||getcardapplattrvalue_record.tag);
    dbms_output.put_line('Value =>'||getcardapplattrvalue_record.value);
    exit when v_Return%NOTFOUND;
    end loop;

  • Error while creating New flex data services project

    Error: Invalid server root. flex-config.xml or
    flex-enterprise-services.xml must exist in the WEB-INF/flex folder
    within the server root.
    Trying to create flex data services project with Weblogic8.1
    as the j2ee server, but am geting the above error in the screen
    where i point to the root of the server.
    I did deploy flex on weblogic.
    I would appreciate any help.
    Thank you

    Hi Nj,
    Thanks for you reply, I did point root folder to WEB-INF
    folder(which contains flex folder). My WEB-INF folder is in the
    weblogics "c://bea/userprojects/applications/appname/"
    this the value in the root folder field "
    Let me know if am doing anything wrong.
    thank you

  • Inserting/manipulating PDF in Flex 3 AIR project?

    I've read as much as I can find about dropping a PDF into my
    Flex 3 AIR project, but the information is scarce and I understand
    it's a very new (not fully baked) feature.
    Can anyone describe what component to use to drop a PDF into
    my AIR project? I need to manipulate the PDF from within AIR and
    would prefer not to abstract through the HTML Container object
    (e.g. calling JS through the HTML Container object).

    looks like your equipmentArray is empty. Put a breakpoint inside that method to see if there is any data.

  • Get the Portal User in Flex through webmodule project

    Hai All
    I have created the Flex project and then imported in NWDS through webmodule project . How do i get the portal log on user in Flex through webmodule project like what we will get in webdynpro java or webdynpro abap with the following code in init() method
    IWDClientUser wduser=WDClientUser.getCurrentUser();
    com.sap.security.api.IUser user=wduser.getSAPUser();
    What should i write in Flex init() method to get the portal log on user or is it possible to the portal log on user in flex?
    HOW  TO GET THE <User.LogonUid> from LOG ON PORTAL USER into FLEX
    Kindly help me.
    Dhinakaran J
    Edited by: J Dheena on Sep 16, 2009 10:45 AM
    Edited by: J Dheena on Sep 16, 2009 2:41 PM
    Edited by: J Dheena on Sep 17, 2009 7:53 AM

    Have you been able to find this? Please let me know.

  • Load Flex/Flash Builder project in Flash Professional CS5

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    As it turns out we got Flash Prof for our team, but it may look like we actually need Flash builder to build lots of UI related stuff..

    Specifically, I want to use flex chart in CS5. Is there a way to do this?
    Message was edited by: bart2335658
    And flex ui

  • New Flex Data Services Project

    Hi all,
    When creating new Flex Data Services Project i found this
    "Unexpected attribute 'url' found in 'endpoint' from file:
    and i don't know what it means.

    Hi Nj,
    Thanks for you reply, I did point root folder to WEB-INF
    folder(which contains flex folder). My WEB-INF folder is in the
    weblogics "c://bea/userprojects/applications/appname/"
    this the value in the root folder field "
    Let me know if am doing anything wrong.
    thank you

  • [svn] 1376: eclipse projects: added a flex-flextasks Java project

    Revision: 1376
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-04-23 17:22:58 -0700 (Wed, 23 Apr 2008)
    Log Message:
    eclipse projects: added a flex-flextasks Java project
    * If you are going to work on flex-flextasks, you need an additional Classpath variable: ANT17_JAR which should point to an appropriate ant.jar on your system (since we don't keep an ant.jar checked into lib).
    Modified Paths:
    Added Paths:

    Hi Yair
    It appears that WLS only supports mapping a directory to a jar in APP-INF/lib/
    C\:/runtime-New_configuration/Common/bin = APP-INF/lib/Common.jar
    but NOT to a jar in WEB-INF/lib.
    Engineering will look into it sometime to fix it.
    Workaround Suggested:
    As a workaround, you can include the Java/Utility project as part of the EAR and set as dependent J2EE module to the Web project.
    Hope this helps.

  • Do you want to contribute to the Flex open source project?

    We'd like to gauge community interest in contributing to the Flex open source project. Please take this 15 minute survey and be thorough in describing what your particular interests are. Please provide your contact information so that in the future we can reach out to you and keep you informed about our open source developments. We look forward to hearing from you!

    Hi daslicht,
    im also very interrested to know the answer.
    But im afraid they wont because it uses code from other proprietary tools.
    And even if the community get flash catalyst source code, it will be useless (in a sens) mainly because the synergy with other Adobe Tools will not be maintained. And for me it was the main power of Flash Catalyst.
    And knowing that, i think it is more easy for Apache community to create a new tool from scratch not linked to Adobe's tooling chain.
    It could be a Flex app!!
    For you information, the design view from Flash Builder has also been discontinued by Adobe. But in that case its a flex app incorporated in Flash Builder so theres good chances that Adobe will donate it to Apache community.
    So why not use the design view as a base for a Flash Catalyst like tool? by making it a standalone tool or designers.

  • Using Flex with Microsoft Project

    I am absolutely brand new to FLEX. What I saw on the Adobe
    site was a data chart that could be drilled down to expose
    additional layers of "contriburory detail" for the master graph.
    What I am wondering is if it is possible to do something
    similar using Micrsoft Project Data as the basis. MS Project will
    allow users to save the file as XML. So, all the data should be
    available in a form understandable to FLEX.
    Here's the tricky part (and I can add more detail if needed).
    Project will create a summary line (at some level of indentue) and
    show you a calculated %Complete such as 47%. So, level of indenture
    1 I have the major summary tasks of the project at various status
    of %Complete. I believe FLEX can make some type of bar or pie chart
    out of that for me. What I want to do is click on a "Level1"
    indenture and have it expose the Level2 indure that contributes to
    that 47%. Then drill on one of the Level2's to Level3 .... to Level
    This needs to be accomplished in "stand alone" fashion so the
    ultimate user can launch a desktop application and tell the
    application the name of the Microsoft Project XML file. We will not
    be able to use Client/Server ... client side only with the file
    located either locally or at least on a network drive.
    Can this be done? Has anyone looked at a MS Project XML
    schema to see if there is sufficeint information available?
    OK, now the blunt truth. It ain't %Complete that I care
    about. What I care about is BCWS, BCWP, ACWP, %Complete, and a few
    other parameters. These are the "Earned Value Fields". If you do
    not know what they are, don't worry about it just now .... it is
    really all just time phased data.
    Can anyone give me some advice or an opinion? TIA.

    Pls check out these links below for this info -
    Adobe Flex with RFC - 
    Binding Data through function module in adobe to display charts
    How to connect to SAP Database from a Adobe flex application?
    Adobe flex and Sap
    Adobe Flex within SAP NetWeaver Developer

  • Flex 3 builder project setting with server on another box

    I have a livecyle DS (or BlazeDS) server which is different from my workstation where I am writing flex codes using flex builder 3. When creating a new flex 3 project, I need to specify Root folder/Root URL/Context root in "Configure J2EE SErver" screnn. It seems this screen is always assuming the server is runing on the same box as the workstation I am writing flex code. Is it the case? Or is possible  to develop flex apps where the server is located on another box?

    when any file in the project is saved, it builds and outputs
    to the info below. when i run it, it points to the root url posted
    as far as the HOSTS file, it has the normal localhost
    loopback. which is fine in this case.
    the source code in the main.html is generated from the HTML
    Wrapper section in the Flex Compiler settings under the project
    i think this is a local IIS issue.
    under the flex project settings i have:
    Flex Server -> Root Folder:
    Flex Server -> Root URL:
    -> which point to root folder under IIS
    Felx Build Path -> Output Folder ->
    if i run the app from within Flex(Project Run Button) or from
    a local http link, it hangs; however, if i launch the main.html
    file directly from the file system, it launches in the browser and
    works fine.
    the thing is, it use to work fine and when i added something
    like a background gradient for the app it broke. i know that sounds
    silly, but it is what it is. so now, i have to launch it from a
    shortcut to the main.html file.
    with all of that said, that points to IIS, yes?
    thanks for your input...i appreciate it.
    UPDATE - if i reboot it works again. i'm pretty sure it's
    something in IIS. stopping and restarting the web services doesn't
    help either. only a reboot. weird.

  • Flex to SQL server

    I am very new to Flex.
    I am trying to connect Flex to remote SQL server database.
    I have seen few blogs but getting confused.
    Can someone post an example to connect to remote SQL server database, get the data to xml and populate datagrid/list from it.
    I am using Flex 4.
    Thanks a lot..

    Here is how I use HTTPService Objects. I am new to FLEX too, only 2 months in and I am launching a pretty huge app next week...
    Anyways, first you define your HTTPService Object(s). You can do this in ActionScript or MXML. Here I am defining them in MXML, in the Declaration section of my MXML component, like so:
    1. declare HTTPService Object
            <s:HTTPService id="setSomeDataSRV"/>
            <s:CallResponder id="setSomeDataSRVResult" result="setSomeDataSRVResult_resultHandler(event)"/>
    ^ you can specify many parameters here, like URL, result, etc. These are rather empty and do not use many of the attributes available. I initialize those later, in AS3 code. You can see two objects, a HTTPService and a CallResponder. The CallResponder basically listens and receives focus after the HTTPService is invoked and run. The CallResponder has a result method, setSomeDataSRVResult_resultHandler(event). This is where the code jumps after the HTTPService is run. We will get to that in a minute.
    2. In ActionScript/CDATA script section in the same component, I have the following function:
                private function executeSomeDataWebService():void {
                    if (_someDataChanged) {
                        var params:Object = {};
                        params["UserID"] = lblUserID.text;
                        params["Parameter2"] = lblParameter2.text;
                        params["Parameter3"] = someDataNumStepper.value.toString();
                        params["Parameter4"] = _userTempType.data.tempValue;
                        setSomeDataSRV.url = "";
                        setSomeDataSRVResult.token = setSomeDataSRV.send(params); needs to be your actual Server URL. This is only example stuff.
    3. here is the result handler, in Action Script 3. This gets called back when the HTTPService is completed:
                private function setSomeDataSRVResult_resultHandler(event:ResultEvent):void {
                    Alert.show('someData web service invokation was succesful');
    I hope this can put you in the right direction. May the FLEX force be with you.

  • How save & retrive data from database using flex, coldfusion, sql server

    hi , i am very new in flex, i am trying to insert data in
    database using flex2, coldfusion, sql server. any one can help me
    please. or give me any example.

    Hi try to goto the following sites, you will get some
    direction to think
    Good Luck

  • Does Flash Builder 4 Profiler work with a Flex 4.5 project?

    This is my first post on this forum. I'm new in the world of Flex.
    I'm trying to use the Flash Builder 4 Profiler, but it stopped working properly after I switched to Flex 4.5 SDK. With Flex 4.1 SDK everything was fine.
    When I run my project under profiler I can see its live objects, but I don't see the app's window and cannot interact with it. I can see the project's icon in the dock but I see no window at all. I can run, debug the app... but profiler doesn't work.
    I've tried to create a new project with just an empty 400x400 window. I have the same problem. If I switch back to Flex 4.1 SDK, the profiler works, but not with Flex 4.5 SDK.
    Do you have any idea on how to solve this problem?
    Thank you in advance.

    I think the issue here might be that ProfilerAgent.swf is not honoured by latest player. An upgrade to FlashBuilder 4.5 or above versions should help you out.

  • Getting error when trying to deploy the SQL project after making some changes

    I’m getting the below error message, when I’m trying to deploy the project by making some changes.
    In detail, The project was deployed successfully at first time. Later I did some changes(Added 1 more table) and I tried to deploy, but it was not sucess. I'm getting the below error message
    Error message:Cannot upgrade the DAC for database CTR_FIN_FINNOTE_DB because the compatibility level is 70 or lower. Alter the database to support a compatibility level of 80 or higher
    I checked in SQL, the compatibility level is 110 which is higher than 70. 
    Can any one help me out to overcome with this.

    Try to uninstall you application and then deploy again with the new changes.

Maybe you are looking for

  • AC 5.3 RAR and Organizational rules

    Hi all, we are implementing risks based on organizational rules. It is not clear in my mind how the system manages actions that do not have authorizations objects activated (at permission levels) or have authorization object activated but without org

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    My Lumia 620 did pair correctly with my car via bluetooth. This is a Citroen C5 with NaviDrive 3D system. However, since the Black update I have the following problems: 1) I can successfully pair the 620 once, but it does not reconnect after that. 2)

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    so a long time ago, I placed a call to hp and they told me how to disable the above message that kept scrolling across the printer display.  a while back i had to restore printer to defaults and this message is back and hp can't tell me how to turn i

  • Beach ball for 20 seconds near beginning of every track

    Whenever I start a music track in iTunes, it plays normally for exactly ten seconds, then iTunes goes unresponsive and beachballs for exactly twenty seconds before becoming responsive again. The music continues playing normally while iTunes is beachb

  • Tuning this query

    Hi, Can anybody please help me in tuning this query? update tablec c set c.col1 = (select b.col1 from tableb b where c.col2 = b.col2 ) where c.col2 in (select distinct a.col1 from tablec a, tableb b where a.col2 = b.col2 and a.col1 != b.col1 ) When i