Flex Javascript IE7

I define a method in Flex. In asp.net page, i use javascript
to call it. Just pass the string to Flex and display.
In firefox2, the page has no error information, but the Flex
didn't display the string. when I fresh this page, Flex work good,
it display the String.
In IE7, the page display a error information "Object doesn't
support this property or method",click "No", Flex display nothing.
After fresh this page, Flex work good too.
By the way, i google some information about it
(https://bugs.adobe.com/jira/browse/SDK-9681), but i could not fix

Post some code, maybe?

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    <script language = "JavaScript" type="text/JavaScript"
    var jsReady = false;
    function isReady()
    return jsReady; //to set up communication with Flex
    function pageInit()
    // Record that JavaScript is ready to go.
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    Hey Tracy! Thanks for replying!
    Here is the ExternalInterface code. I am working on Yahoo
    API. So you will find some API calls there.
    public var question:Question;
    public function myFunc(s:String):void
    var keyword:String;
    params.results = 50;
    params.type = "resolved";
    searchService.searchQuestionsByTerm(s, params);
    private function setupCallbacks():void
    private function isContainerReady():Boolean
    var result:Boolean = ExternalInterface.call("isReady");
    return result;
    public function startUp():void //initial call made hwn the
    application starts
    var isAvailable:Boolean = ExternalInterface.available;
    if (ExternalInterface.available)
    var containerReady:Boolean = isContainerReady();
    if (containerReady)
    // If the container is ready, register the SWF's functions.
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    // Define the Event Listeners for the Answer Service
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    you'll have to do an external call to your javascript in the template file, from your flex application.
    here's an example of flex<-> javascript communication
    here's an example of how to do a hit counter using PHP instead of Javascript

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    Edited by: user7711237 on Sep 23, 2009 5:00 AM

    This is a very interesting question. Please pardon my limited knowledge of OBPM and Flex, but it sounds like there are a couple of options.
    1. PAPI - build an external web app with Flex front end and a server server-side component that uses PAPI (or PAPI WS) for integration with OBPM
    2. JSP - this is a lot more hacky (if at all possible) - build custom JSPs using the standard OBPM taglibs, etc., and Flex app. Then use Flex / JavaScript interaction to invoke submit the from on the JSPs.
    Here are a few links for #2
    It almost sounds like #1 might be a good long-term solution for complex UIs, while #2 would fit better for a smaller and more simple Flex UI that need to be developed quickly. Hope others might offer better suggestions.

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    Flex and Java developers are required to work on Morgan Stanley Matrix.
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    I apologize for delayed response. Yes, in general you can move Java EE applications to Oracle Java Cloud Service and move the corresponding data to Oracle Database Cloud Service. But you need to make sure that your application fits the surface area exposed by Java Cloud Service. You can check that in couple of ways: (1) when you try to deploy your application in our cloud, it will run a whitelist process that will indicate if you are using features/APIs that are currently unavailable in the cloud. Your can run the whitelist offline using the Java Cloud Service SDK. The SDK zip has a help file that explains how to run the whitelist. (2) You can read the chapter in our documentation that explains what is available in Java Cloud Service today. Here is the link http://docs.oracle.com/cloud/CSJSU/feat_implement.htm#CSJSU7149
    Once you determine that your application can fit within the surface area of the Java Cloud Service, you can deploy it. You can move you data as explained here -- http://docs.oracle.com/cloud/CSDBU/develop.htm#CSDBU204
    Hope that helps.

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    I think you will need to import the catalyst fxp into flash or flash builder and add action script to invoke the javascript.
    These two links may be of use
    I hope that helps

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        //Opening file to get counter value
        $fp = fopen ("counter.txt", "r");
        $count_number = fread ($fp, filesize ("counter.txt"));
                <title>Counter number</title>
                $ImgPath="imgs/";    //Path of image folder
                $counter = (int)($count_number) + 1;
                $count_number = (string)($counter);
                $len = strlen($count_number);
                while($len!=$i && $len!=0)
                    echo "<img src=".$ImgPath.$count_number[$i].".jpg alt=\"You are visitor number $count_number\" width=20 Height=22>";
                $fp = fopen ("counter.txt", "w");
                fwrite ($fp, $count_number);
    if yo konw please answer me its very urgent....

    you'll have to do an external call to your javascript in the template file, from your flex application.
    here's an example of flex<-> javascript communication
    here's an example of how to do a hit counter using PHP instead of Javascript

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    It is recommended to install both to ensure that Flash will work in as many browsers/third party apps as possible.  Apps like skype, microsoft office, adobe reader that use Flash Player may require the active X flash player.  Most browsers use the normal plugin.

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    Thank you.

    I'd recommend sticking with ExternalInterface until/unless it is insufficient.  ExternalInterface is nice because of its simplicity. You can call JavaScript from ActionScript and vice versa; nothing fancy or complicated to get in the way.
    The following documentation may be helpful:
    Let me know if that helps...
    Ben Edwards

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    I am new to Flex, Javascript, and Action Script so please be
    very detailed in your response...

    Try navigateToURL(). Please find more details in the below
    Hope this helps.

  • JOB - Coldfusion Entwickler gesucht

    Zur Verstärkung unseres internationalen und
    expandierenden Teams suchen wir, die Awanda Media GmbH Regensburg,
    hochmotivierte Entwickler (m/w), die Erfahrung im Umgang mit
    coldfusion sowie Spaß an der Erstellung komplexer
    Web-Applikationen haben.
    Der Schwerpunkt Ihrer zukünftigen Tätigkeit bei uns
    besteht in der Weiterentwicklung eines komplexen coldfusion-
    basierten Frameworks, wobei wir auch den Wünschen unserer
    namhaften Kooperationspartner RTL, Freenet, Web.de,
    Karstadt/Quelle, Google etc. nachgehen.
    Einstieg: ab sofort
    Was wir Ihnen bieten:
    -attraktive Vergütung
    -Möglichkeiten zur persönlichen und fachlichen
    -anspruchsvolle Arbeit in einem internationalen Team
    -Projekte mit namhaften Kooperationspartnern
    -freundliche, dynamische und teamorientierte Kollegen
    Sie besitzen idealerweise:
    -Begeisterung für Technik und Internet
    -hohe Motivation
    -Bereitschaft, neue Wege zu gehen und sich aktiv in Projekte
    Expertenkenntnisse in einigen der folgenden Technologien
    runden Ihr Profil ab:
    -Programmierung in coldfusion basierend auf Bluedragon 6.02
    oder CFMX 7
    -Kenntisse in der Entwicklung mit SQL Server 2000
    -Solides Linux-Wissen (Debian,Ubuntu) oder Windows
    -Java J2EE Kenntisse
    -Flash Action Script / Flex
    -Javascript im Zusammenhang mit XML.
    -Objekt-Orientiertes Denken
    Wenn IT für Sie nicht nur ein Schlagwort und
    Programmieren nicht nur Ihr Beruf sondern Ihre
    „Berufung“ ist, richten Sie Ihre Bewerbung bitte an:
    Awanda Media GmbH
    Arnulfsplatz 7
    93047 Regensburg
    Email: mscherzer [A.T.] awanda [D.O.T] de
    Web: www.awanda.de

    How about just regular job-searching sites? I don't think we
    have anything like job postings on adobe.com...

  • PDF Control

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    I've seen examples here http://www.switchonthecode.com/tutorials/flex-javascript-tutorial-simple-interaction which communicates with javascript in a browser. Also found this :http://cookbooks.adobe.com/post_Script_to_access_Acrobat_menu_items-16546.html for scripting PDFs. No idea how to use this though.
    So my question is does anyone know how to get the AIR app to communicate with an embedded PDF?

    triplespiral escreveu:
    > I've looked everywhere for the answer to no avail and am
    turning to the wealth
    > of knowledge here.
    > I have a PDF that opens in a new window. Adobe reader
    opens but depending on
    > who's system you're on, it opens up at a different
    "zoom" level. is there any
    > way to control this so it is consistent?
    > Cheers
    > Laurene
    Some useful articles about:
    Apache - PHP - MySQL - Boolean Logics - Project Management
    You must hear, always, one second opinion! In all cases.
    Let the people know if this info was useful for you!

  • Flex + BlazeDS SSL issue with IE7

    Hi there,
    Am facing an unique issue when accessing my application using https (SSL) protocol. Actually my app is configured for "secure amf" and when it fails then it hits the "amf" of blazeds.
    All is fine, when i try to open an IE window and hit the url for the first time. The client side is able to hit the server side thru secure amf and its receiving the response back from the server. But when i open another new IE7 tab/window then am getting a NetConnection issue....
    i.e, NetConnection.Failed:HTTP error is popping up eventhough it tries to access the https url..
    Let me know if any of you guys have a work around for this.
    This works fine for FF & Chrome.

    So it's definitely due to a change in Firefox, but I was able
    to find a workaround. We put headers in our flex pages so we can
    incorporate our global navigation at the top of the page.
    You're not going to believe the workaround. Here's what the
    code looked like before I fixed it:
    <script src="AC_OETags.js"
    Now, here's the fix:
    <script src="AC_OETags.js"
    <cfinclude template="common/flex_header.cfm">
    So, I either had to put the script tag in the <head>
    tag, or put it before my html declarations.
    My guess is that Firefox over SSL doesn't allow <script
    src=''> tags in the body of an html document anymore.

  • Getting Error while calling Flex function from JavaScript

    I have an aspx page, which shows charts as per dropdown selection,
    I am using flex charts for flex.In aspx page, i am calling an mxml function using javascript.below is the code for javascript in aspx.
    Javascript  code in aspx page:
    <script type="text/javascript">     
    function callApp(formid) {
        try {
                var objectChart = document.getElementById("statisticsChart");
                objectChart.myFlexFunction(formid,get('<%=HiddenDashboardWS.ClientID %>').value);
        catch (e) {
    function getDropDownListvalue() {
        var IndexValue = $get('<%=FormDropDownList.ClientID %>').selectedIndex;
        var SelectedVal = $get('<%=FormDropDownList.ClientID %>').options[IndexValue].value;
        //  alert(SelectedVal);
    Html code where dropdown control is placed
    <asp:DropDownList CssClass="combo" ID="FormDropDownList" runat="server" AutoPostBack="false"></asp:DropDownList>
    <object id="statisticsChart" classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
    height="220" width="680">
        <param name="src" value="../swf/DashboardStatisticChart.swf" />
        <param name="flashVars" value="" />
        <embed name="statisticsChart" src="../swf/DashboardStatisticChart.swf" pluginspage="http://www.macromedia.com/shockwave/download/index.cgi?P1_Prod_Version=ShockwaveFlash" height="220" width="680" flashvars=""></embed>
    Mxml code:
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" layout="absolute"  backgroundColor="white" creationComplete="initApp();" >
      public function initApp():void {
      public function myFunc(s:String,wsurl:String):void {
         Formid.text = s;
         webService.wsdl = wsurl;
    //Getdata calls webservice and gets xml data    
    //showchart() will draw chart
    Above code works perfect in ie, but in firefox, it gives An error saying “chartObject.MyFlexFunction is not a function”.
    I am getting the object in javascript in all the browsers, but not the functions!
    Does anyone has worked with this?
    Any help will be highly appreciated.
    Nirav Patel

    Found the solution from here... .html+externalinterface.addcallback+not+working&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=in
    Hope it will help others...

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