Flex menubar help

Hi All,
I've developed a flex menu system for my Portal but noticed
something strange when i click on it. After it first loads, i'm
able to see the popup menu but upon clicking a second time the
popup menu is rendered above the menubar instead of below. not sure
what im doing wrong here?


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  • Is there an emailing function I can use in Flex? Help this poor noob.

    My boss just gave me a Flex project that displays a database worth of data in the browser. After making a selection (a selection counts as picking any number of columns or rows), a user can right click on the table where the selection was made and click the "Email Selected" menu option on the right click menu. This has all been done for me.
    My job is to take all the selected rows (irrespective of what columns have been selected) and take their "E-mail" field (i.e.,  the address that is in the column called "Email") and send an email to all these addresses (populate the BCC field with the email addresses), I guess in their default email client. Right now all that happens is a pop up comes up (similar to the JavaScript Alert) that says "Lets email these guys!" and I am supposed to make it a mailto popup. Any ideas? I am a complete novice in every respect to Flex and Flash programming, so saying I am in over my head right now is an understatement.
    I would really, really, really appreciate any help with this.
    (If you need more info on what it is that I am doing, please don't hesistate to ask for a clarification)
    EDIT #1: After some researching it turns out I am working with a datagrid and I just tried using the selectedIndex property of the datagrid that I am working off, but it only returns the row of the first selected row of the multirow selection. How would I know the row number of the first and last row selected?

    There is a tutorial here on using APA format with Microsoft Word on a Mac:

  • Flex 3 :Help needed in implementing View States

    I am new to Flex , i am trying to understand View States , tried for one hour but got confused .
    (Basically by seeing the examples i understood the concept , but failed to implement ) 
    Please help .
    Assume my requirement is at the load of the page , i want to show an Login Button and a Chnage State Button (common button) only .and when the Change State button is clicked on ,i want to show the Register Button .
    So for this i made two Forms , and a common button .
           <mx:Form id="RegForm">
                <mx:Button label="RegFormButton" id="RegFormButton"/>
            <mx:Form id="loginForm">
                        <mx:Button label="LoginButton" id="loginButton"/>
    <!-- A common button for both the States-->
      <mx:Button label="Change State"
    <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml" currentState="Register">
    <mx:State name="Register">         
    <mx:SetProperty   target="RegForm"   value="Register"/>
    <mx:State name="loginForm">
    <mx:SetProperty   target="loginForm"   value="Login"/>
    ( I think some how i can write the Logic to chnage to the current state to loginForm when user clicks with some inline code , but please tell me At the start of the page please tell me why I am not able to show the Register.

    sorry for posting a dumb question .
    I realized my mistake .

  • CF 9.01 Upgrade breaks Flex Gateway - Help!!!!

    I have an AIR app which is using DataServicesMessaging with subtopics enabled.  I can create the Consumer in AIR but when I subscribe, I get the following error:
    "Error","cfthread-0","08/31/10","21:03:35",,"CATALOG_ATTRIBUTES_831AE0FE-B7D2-90A5-87AD-CA C5E01116D9: Event handler exception."
    flex.messaging.MessageException: Event handler exception.
    at coldfusion.flex.CFEventGatewayAdapter.allowSend(CFEventGatewayAdapter.java:376)
    at flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager.addSubtopicSubscribers(Subscription Manager.java:330)
    at flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager.addSubtopicSubscribers(Subscription Manager.java:311)
    at flex.messaging.services.messaging.SubscriptionManager.getSubscriberIds(SubscriptionManage r.java:264)
    at flex.messaging.services.MessageService.pushMessageToClients(MessageService.java:495)
    at coldfusion.flex.CFEventGatewayAdapter.send(CFEventGatewayAdapter.java:250)
    at coldfusion.eventgateway.flex.FlexMessagingGateway.outgoingMessage(FlexMessagingGateway.ja va:204)
    at coldfusion.runtime.CFPage.SendGatewayMessage(CFPage.java:269)
    at cfCatalogService2ecfc315059253$func_CFFUNCCFTHREAD_CFCATALOGSERVICE2ECFC3150592531.runFun ction(C:\inetpub\wwwroot\staging9sites\staging9si\com\pmdm\suppliers\services\CatalogServi ce.cfc:110)
    at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:472)
    at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod$ArgumentCollectionFilter.invoke(UDFMethod.java:368)
    at coldfusion.filter.FunctionAccessFilter.invoke(FunctionAccessFilter.java:55)
    at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.runFilterChain(UDFMethod.java:321)
    at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invoke(UDFMethod.java:220)
    at coldfusion.runtime.UDFMethod.invokeCFThread(UDFMethod.java:201)
    at coldfusion.thread.Task.invokeFunction(Task.java:274)
    at coldfusion.thread.Task.run(Task.java:140)
    at coldfusion.scheduling.ThreadPool.run(ThreadPool.java:201)
    at coldfusion.scheduling.WorkerThread.run(WorkerThread.java:71)

    Thanks for your help!  Here's what I've got in my messaging-config.xml:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <service id="message-service"
            <adapter-definition id="cfgateway" class="coldfusion.flex.CFEventGatewayAdapter" default="true" />
            <adapter-definition id="actionscript" class="flex.messaging.services.messaging.adapters.ActionScriptAdapter"/>
            <adapter-definition id="jms" class="flex.messaging.services.messaging.adapters.JMSAdapter"/>
        <!-- ======================================== -->
        <!--  ColdFusion Messaging Gateway            -->
        <!-- ======================================== -->
        <destination id="ColdFusionGateway">
            <adapter ref="cfgateway" />
                    Star ('*') means gatewayid is found in the 'gatewayid' message header.
                    To restrict this destination to a specific gateway, enter its ID here
                    If ColdFusion is running on a different host, enter that here.
                    Default is to expect ColdFusion and Flex to share the same web application.
    You must enter 'localhost' if CF and Flex are not in the same web app.
                    List the IP addresses of CF machines allowed to send messages to this destination
                    If not set, the default is to allow only this computer to connect.
                    Credentials to pass along in the headers as CFUsername/CFPassword.
                    It is generally better to use setRemoteCredentials() API on client.
                    You can add general Flex Messaging network and server properties here.
    <!-- You should use the ColdFusion specific channels -->
                <channel ref="cf-polling-amf"/>
        <destination id="clientNotifierGateway">
        <adapter ref="actionscript"/>
        <channel ref="java-amf"/>
    Here's my gateway CFC:
    <cfcomponent output="false">
       <cffunction name="onIncomingMessage" access="remote" returntype="any">
             <cfargument name="event" type="struct" required="true"/>
          x = structNew();
          x['body'] = event.data;
          x['destination'] = "ColdFusionGateway";
          x['headers'] = structNew();
          x.headers['username'] = "System";
          x.headers['DSSubtopic'] = event.data.headers.DSSubtopic;
          x.lowercasekeys = "yes";
      <cfreturn x/>
    <cffunction name="allowSend" access="public" returntype="boolean">
    <cfargument name="subtopic" type="any" required="true"/>
    <cfreturn true/>
    <cffunction name="allowSubscribe" access="public" returntype="boolean">
    <cfargument name="subtopic" type="any" required="true"/>
    <cfreturn true/>

  • Menubar Help

    Hello could you please help me.
    The Menubar at the top of the screen does not display the Spotlight Icon, Accounts Icon, Volume and Time Info anymore and instead remains blank at the top right.
    I've gone into System Preferences and turned on the Data/time etc. to display in the Menubar but the options are disabled.
    Is there anyway for me to return these icons back to the topright of the menubar. The rest of the menubar works fine though.
    Richard Brown.

    Hi, David.
    You wrote: "Any ideas why the combo update wouldnt be fixing thigns for me?"Some elements in the Combo Updates are not full replacements for current code but delta updates to code. "Code" is often distributed as bundles — multiple files contained within a single icon that is actually a folder — can have multiple components. They presume you have at least a correct set of base components. There are bits of Mac OS X that have not changed since 10.4.0(initial release).
    As an educated guess based on having once reviewed some of the documentation re: installers, if the Front Row hack replaced bits that were otherwise unchanged since 10.4.0 — due to a change to them in the Front Row updates in order to support Front Row — then you may not have the base elements the Combo Update expects given other aspects of your system. The Installer scripts can decide what is installed based on a variety of factors. So, an installer script may look at your system, see something that informs it your Mac did not ship with Front Row, and install bits assuming that, but other bits altered by the Front Row hack are still present or not updated by the Combo Update.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

  • Spry MenuBar Help

    Is there anyway to get the Spry MenuBar to align and work properly in each of the table cells, like the menu below it? I have placed each of the main buttons (home, core IT, option IT, biography and help) into a separate <td> cell. It's really annoying me, I spent around 5 hours yesterday just trying to get it to work, and it works outside of the table cell, but it appears like that inside <td> cells. =/
    Also, the error messages that popup on screen are confusing. Both of the files required are uploaded and in the same directory as all the other scripts. =/

    1. Yes, but you must have a different menu ID and corresponding constructor for each table cell as follows
         <ul id="MenuBar">
         <!-- your menu items -->
         <ul id="MenuBar_2">
         <!-- your menu items -->
    // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2141544: #MenuBar
    var MenuBar = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar2("#MenuBar", {
          widgetID: "MenuBar",
          widgetClass: "MenuBar  MenuBarLeftShrink",
          insertMenuBarBreak: true,
          mainMenuShowDelay: 100,
          mainMenuHideDelay: 200,
          subMenuShowDelay: 200,
          subMenuHideDelay: 200
    // EndOAWidget_Instance_2141544
    // BeginOAWidget_Instance_2141544: #MenuBar_2
    var MenuBar_2 = new Spry.Widget.MenuBar2("#MenuBar_2", {
          widgetID: "MenuBar_2",
          widgetClass: "MenuBar  MenuBar_2LeftShrink",
          insertMenuBarBreak: true,
          mainMenuShowDelay: 100,
          mainMenuHideDelay: 200,
          subMenuShowDelay: 200,
          subMenuHideDelay: 200
    // EndOAWidget_Instance_2141544
    2, The online SpryWidget.js is corrupt. Upload a fresh un-corrupted version

  • Flex Project Help

    Ok on my flex app I have a place where they create a new
    client with session's, and each client has the ability to buy
    different add ons. I'm using a repeater to pull the add ons from
    the database then when checked, and submitted it will Insert the
    information back to the database. What I have, so far is when you
    click the submit button I get no errors, but it doesn't submit
    anything. My <cfmail looks like this.
    SELECT '1',407,1, id
    FROM glb_products
    WHERE id IN(0)
    As you can see I'm trying to pull the product id from
    glb_products, but its choking on that. Here is my cfc query.
    <cffunction name="NewSessionTotal" access="remote"
    <cfargument name="sessions" default="" type="String"
    <cfargument name="order_id" default="" required="no">
    <cfargument name="hosting" default="" required="no">
    <cfargument name="product_idlist" default=""
    <cfquery name="SessionTotal" datasource="omnitrac">
    FROM glb_products
    WHERE id IN(#ListAppend(arguments.product_idlist,0)#)
    And here is my flex app code.
    var SelectedSalesProducts:Array=new Array();
    var SelectedSalesProductslist:String="";
    for (var i:int = 0; i < gsalesproducts.length; i++){
    this.dataManager.NewSessionTotal(this.nsessiontotal.text,order_id,hosting.selected,Select edSalesProductslist);
    I know its the product_id code that cause everything to choke
    up, but I been working on this for 4 days and cannot find a
    solutions. Any help would be great.

    I found what was wrong. Here, is the fix :) in the flex app I
    needed to add this line
    I forgot to join my string, and array. Also the biggest thing
    I missed was on this line
    Instead of id it actually needed to be product_id

  • Need flex time help, lots of songs, lots of BPM's multiple tempos

    Newbie here, trying to finally make the switch from Pro Tolls to Logic and flex time really sold me but I'm having some growing pains that I need to speed up for my current project.
    I have about 20 songs that I need to:
    first, find the bpm for each (quickly)
    second, be able to mark them in a way that the bpm for each song would change to match the tempo track (which will fluctuate through out the editing process)
    third, some how still have control of the anchor point in flex time which seems to get locked
    In the end I am trying to create a remix of multiple songs that start off with different bpm's and fluctuating tempo.
    I am able to do most of this but I think I am missing some steps, or perhaps the order of steps, that would make this process go much faster. I have worked other programs such as Ableton Live and elastic time in Pro Tools and at times it seems I can handle whole songs better in those programs than in Logic but I'm sure it more user error than the actual program.
    I welcome any and all suggestions. Thanks.

    Received this advice and responded on another forum but still need help.
    Thanks for the response!
    Had a few problems trying your suggestions.
    *"Finding BPM: select the audio region and choose from the local Arrange area menu: Audio > Detect Tempo."*
    Since it is a whole song and not just a part, such as drums, with well defined transients, it either can't detect the tempo or when it does it is wrong.
    *"Make it follow the tempo track: Use Flex Time (in the track parameters, choose a Flex mode). "*
    This would be fine if I didn't have to redefine all the transient markers as correct flex markers. Since Flex Time has problems defining the correct transient markers for complete songs it can be very time consuming.
    Maybe I'm still missing something?
    *"Third: what anchor? Do you mean the transient? Or the flex markers? You can move the transients in the Sample editor, and the Flex markers right on the track in Flex view (Click the Flex button in your toolbar)."*
    The audio region anchor in the sample edit window, the orange arrow. I think this is some how turned off after turning on flex time and I am unable to move it. I use this to line up the first beat if there is something before the music starts, such as someone speaking or a lead in with a different tempo than the song tempo, that I would still like to keep. That way I can move the region in the arrange window and it will line up according to the first beat and not the beginning of the region. Am I making any sense?

  • VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of z in mx.core.UIComponent in adobe flex  pease help me!

    While I tried to run already existing adobe AIR application in Flex Builder3 using  Flex SDK4. I got this error
    VerifyError: Error #1053: Illegal override of z in mx.core.UIComponent in adobe flex
    please anyone help me to solve it

    Try setting your target player for 10 in your compiler options. It might be compiling for flash player 9.

  • Flex Regex Help

    Hi there,
    I have a regular expression that is used to validate names in my application. It's intended to only allow alphanumeric names and spaces. My trouble started when I tried to modify it to also accept other unicode characters (umlauts and whatnot) On the java side of my app the following regex works great:
    But due to, I'm guessing, lack of support for \p in AS3's regex engine this doesn't work. Does anyone know how to modify this regular expression to allow flex to recognize valid unicode characters?
    Here's one that I also thought would work but didn't maybe this will be helpful as a starting point.
    Thanks in advance for any help.


  • Flex 15D Help reinstalling - Boot from USB

    I'm hoping someone can help.
    I have a Flex 15D (no optical drive) shipped with Windows 8.1
    At present it is completely unresponsive, taking anything up to 5 minutes to recognise that I have clicked anything, open the task manager, etc.  The task manager doesn't show anything heavy running, AV has scanned the PC and there are no infections. so I decided to go back to scratch and restart.
    OneKey simply tell me that the recovery partition has become corrupted and can't be used.
    I then bought a copy of Windows 8.1 from Microsoft, followed their instructions to create a bootable USB key and get windows 8.1 set up from the DVD onto it, but the Lenovo won't boot from USB.  I have been in the BIOS, boot from USB is set, but the boot options give me the OS booter only.
    Third attempt i went out and bought a USB DVD drive, connected that and tried to install a brand new Windows 8.1, but again the Lenovo won't acknowledge that there is a DVD drive attached (although it sees and uses it perfectly when it does finally boot into windows).
    Can anyone give me any help as to how I could reinstall the laptop?
    Moderator Note; subject edited

    Looks like you'll have to remove the hard drive, put it in a usb caddy and use another computer to get your data.

  • FLEX issue HELP needed

    I am in need of some quick help using Flex2. We are running a
    Flex w/Coldfusion, and I have a master page (products) that opens a
    detail page (product details) when you edit or double click a
    product on the master page. The issue that is hindering our entire
    process is, that the data shows up inconsistenly in the detail
    page. Sometimes that data will show up in the detail page and
    sometimes it will be blank for the same product. I used the
    coldfusion wizard to set up the entire application. The weird thing
    is that it works fine on my development machine, but when I moved
    it to the test machine the issue started happening there. I then
    installed FLEX builder on the test machine and did a build on the
    test machine so that it would mimic my dev machine, however the
    Thanks in advance,

    "dzinr38" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:gif80t$59p$[email protected]..
    >I hope I can explain this correctly. I have a Flex
    prototype in which I am
    > using viewstacks. I have some components within these
    viewstacks, and
    > those
    > components also contain viewstacks. So, if I have a
    component that has 5
    > viewstacks, and you click to another component, then
    back to the component
    > with
    > 5 viewstacks, instead of going to the 1st viewstack of
    that component, it
    > takes
    > you back where it was the last time you went to that
    screen. I want to set
    > it
    > up so that each time you go to a viewstack it goes to
    the default rather
    > than
    > the last screen you were on. Does anyone know how to do
    this? I hope it
    > makes
    > sense. Thanks!
    Use an event listener to listen for a change in the ViewStack
    and then set
    the child ViewStack index to 0.

  • XML, Flex, e4x --- help needed

    I am trying to understand why I am unable to output the value
    in an Alert or using "mx.utils.ObjectUtil"
    I have the following XML that is returned from a RemoteObject
    call. This data is then used in a <mx:Tree>
    - <company name="ABC Company">
    <contact id="2" name="John Doe" />
    <contact id="3" name="Jane Doe" />
    - <company name="Z Systems">
    <contact id="4" name="Mark Doe" />
    The tree uses the "change" attribute and fires of a method
    call. Below is this method.
    public function treeChanged(event:Event):void {
    This code works fine, but when I try to swap out @name for
    @id, because I ultimately am trying to populate a "detail" form
    with more detailed information. So using @name gives me the name of
    the contact, but I really want the id and the way I have it, just
    does not work for some reason when I use @id or @contactid
    Any help appreciated.

    Hi Westside, i got a quite similar problem with a
    <id></id> node in my XML.
    my xml looks like this:
    var metaData:XMLList = myxml.item.(creation=="lastmonday")
    -> 1 result
    var metaData:XMLList = myxml.item.(id=="12345xyz") -> 0
    result (!!)
    This is very very annoying, i cannot identify the item node
    by it's <id> child now!
    I can guess Flex has a problem with the term "id" because id
    is a general object property, but this really should not
    appear here.
    Would be nice if you could post a solution for this problem
    when you find one.
    Thank you.

  • Execute dos commands in flex. Help !

    I have the following dos command to start and stop screen recording from command prompt and it works flawlessly !!
    vlc  dshow:// :dshow-vdev="None" :input-slave=screen://  :screen-fps=10 --screen-width=640 --screen-height=480 --screen-top=144  --screen-left=192  :sout=#transcode{vcodec=WMV2,vb=1600,scale=1,acodec=wma2,ab=64,channels=1,samplerate=1102 5}:std{access=file,mux=asf,dst=c:/check_cj.wmv}  --high-priority && vlc screen:// --one-instance -I dummy  --dummy-quiet --extraintf rc --rc-host localhost:8088 --rc-quiet  --screen-follow-mouse --no-video :screen-fps=15 :screen-caching=300  --sout=#transcode{vcodec=h264,vb=400,fps=5,scale=1,width=1024,height=768,acodec=none}:dup licate{dst=std{access=file,mux=mp4,dst=C:/capture_final.mp4}}
    How can i run  this from the air application. Can any one provide me the exact code ??? I tried it via native process but ended up with a error. Please help !

    have you tried running cmd.exe and adding that command as arguments to the native process running cmd.exe?  That is the next thing I would try.

  • Flex datagrid help

    I have a datagrid which is showing the products and their
    decsription , price etc. I want to do this: When a user select one
    item in the datagrid it will show the components in a small window
    or something , those are not showing in the datagrid. I populate
    the datagrid from a sql server table by remote object. How can I do
    this ? Please help. I am a newbe.. Thanks in advance.

    Right. Here's my DataGrid:
    <mx:DataGrid width="876" height="264" id="myDataGrid"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Last Name"
    dataField="lName" width="150"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="First Name" id="fName"
    dataField="fName" width="150"/>
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Phone" dataField="Phone"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Vehicle"
    You'll notice the
    dataProvider="{userRequest.lastResult.enter.reg} which is where you
    get the data from the SQL database.
    Now, you'll see this:
    <mx:TextArea x="103" y="9" width="177" height="19"
    id="fNameText" text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.fName}"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="103" y="35" height="19" width="177"
    id="lNameText" text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.lName}"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="103" y="61" height="19" id="phoneText"
    <mx:TextArea x="103" y="87" height="19" width="177"
    id="emailText" text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.Email}"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="344" y="9" height="19" width="209"
    text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.Address}" id="addressText"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="344" y="35" height="19" width="209"
    text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.City}" id="cityText"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="344" y="61" height="19" width="209"
    text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.State}" id="stateText"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="344" y="87" height="19" width="82"
    text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.Zip}" id="zipText"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="605" y="10" height="18" width="109"
    text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.Date}" id="dateText"/>
    <mx:TextArea x="605" y="35" height="19" width="109"
    text="{myDataGrid.selectedItem.Time}" id="timeText"/>
    Notice the {myDataGrid.selectedItem.****}, the ****'s are the
    name of the database field you passed in from SQL.
    Basically what that did was I had a DataGrid with only 4 of
    the values showing that I wanted, then had a separate panel where
    the other fields displayed.

Maybe you are looking for