Flickering video clip

I try to play video clips (youtube) and it flickers and cant watch it,yet dvds play ok?

Please do not put the text of your entire question in the subject filed. A simple, concise, tersely condensed version will be more than sufficient. For instance, this might have been something like, "Still frame jitters."

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    Madisonman 2013

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    Do you mean manual syncing? I've been reading this thread about workaround, which aren't working for me: http://forums.creativecow.net/thread/344/21236
    But the question they are asking is the same one I am asking. Isn't this a typical situation, having multiple mics for one camera? For example, if someone filmed a concert with one camera but used both the camera audio, and ambient mic, and a mix from the board, then that would be 3 audio tracks with 1 video track. I'm in a similar situation, and I'm finding it hard to believe that FCPX isn't equipped to edit this way. There must be some way to get one video clip (with reference audio) to sync with four audio tracks.

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    However, now that the menu bar works, the video clips do not automatically play anymore and I'm not sure why.
    This is the link to my file: http://www.mediafire.com/?y7oofbwg444lnp8
    I only have one action script on the scene, which is the top layer that has [AS]stop();[/AS]
    I have two buttons on either side of the video clip:
    [AS]on (press) {
              nextScene(); play();
    on (press) {
              gotoAndPlay("SI", 1);
    This is the coding for the scrolling menu bar:
    Frame 1:
    [AS]// Photoscroller 2.0
    // Original Author: Barry Driessen
    // E-mail: barry@e-factory.
    // Upgraded by: Rob Gungor
    // Email: [email protected]
    // I don't care if u use this thingy, you don't have to
    // give me credit for it. Just knock yourself out with it!!
    // If you like it or have suggestions, just drop me an e-mail!
    // **stupid people tip**
    // to use this scroller as is --
    //copy all the frames in the timeline (by right/(control //for mac) click, copy frames)
    //then right click on your timeline  and paste frames
    //sorry if that is insulting, but when I first started this stuff, I was dumb too :-)
    // Okay... First let's set some variables......
    // Xphoto = startposition of the scoll image
    xphoto = 258;
    // Widthmovie = This variable hase to be set to the
    // same amount of the moviewidth
    widthmovie = 325;
    // Scrollspeed = The scollspeed of the image (high numbers result in slow scrolls 10=average)
    scrollspeed = 25;
    // widthphoto = the width of your scrollable image in pixels
    widthphoto = 2116;[/AS]
    Frame 2:
    [AS]// Setting the xmouse to 0 in the centre of the movie:
    xmouse = _xmouse - (widthmovie / 2);
    // Setting the speed:
    speed = (xmouse) / scrollspeed;
    // If the speed is negative, the speed will be made positive here:
    if (speed < 0) {
              speed = -(speed);
    //new function courtesy of Rob
    //basically says that if the mouse isn't betwen these two y points it won't work
    //**stupid people tip**
    //make sure that you figure out the top and bottom y points of your "photo" and insert them accordingly!
    mouseposition = getProperty("/myself", _y);
    if (_ymouse < 330) {
    if (_ymouse > 390) {
    // If the mouse moves to left, the photo will scroll to the right:
    // (That makes sense.... Doesn't it!! ;-)
    if (xmouse < 258) {
              xphoto = xphoto + speed;
    // If the mouse moves to the right, the photo will scroll to the left:
    if (xmouse > 258) {
              xphoto = xphoto - speed;
    // Checking for the left end of the image:
    if (xphoto > 258) {
              xphoto = 258;
    // Checking for the right end of the image:
    if (xphoto < -(widthphoto - widthmovie)) {
              xphoto = -(widthphoto - widthmovie);
    // Placing the moviclip (photo) on it's new postition:
    setProperty("photo", _x, xphoto);
    [AS]gotoAndPlay (2)
    // make sure this clip this in your movie when you copy it. 
    //**last stupid people tip**
    // if you copy these frames into any other frames other than 1, make sure you change the frame that it repeats (ie. if you copy these 3 action frames into 5,6,7 "gotoAndPlay (6)")--
    ///ok duh-i know. :-)
    // The mouseovers are quite simple. Just open the Movieclip "MouseOver"
    // to see how it works...
    //                                       Have fun!!!!!
    //**i realized that it's more fun when drinking beer.
    Then inside the thumbnail, to make it serve as a button:
    [AS]on (rollOver) {
    on (rollOut) {
    on (release) {
              // You can assign an actionscript to each Button in here:

    you need to remove:
    gotoAndPlay (2)
    so your video can play.  you've embedded your flv into your timeline so it only plays when the timeline plays and that goto is preventing the timeline from playing.
    of course, if you remove that the thumbnail code won't work.
    bottomline:  your project code is a mess and using an flv in a timeline is not what you should be doing.
    you should have no code attached to objects, no frame loops and no flvs embedded in a timeline.  you should attach your code to a timeline, user an enterframe loop and use an flvplayback component to play your flv(s).

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  • Sony DCR-DVD505 Handycam: Unable to get video clips, audio

    Evaluating Adobe Premier.  Hopefully helpful for other Sony DCR-DVD505 users.
    1) Get videos from Sony DCR-DVD505 handycam into Premier Elements
    2) Drag and drop various clips into Sceneline
    3) Insert menu markers
    4) Burn DVD
    Stuck in Step 1, getting video from handycam, unable to get video clips (with audio)
    First Try: NO AUDIO.
    The Sony DCR-DVD505 burns a mini-DVD (1.4 GB) while recording.  After "finalizing" the disk, the media may be imported into the computer.  Streaming was supported by Windows XP driver but is no longer supported in Windows Vista.   In fact, Vista Service Pack 2 (SP2) does not even recognize the camera as a DVD drive!  So downgraded to Vista SP1 and used the Sony Picture Motion Browser to import media into computer as MPG files.  Each MPG file is a clip (corresponding exactly to camera record on-off sequence while shooting).  Then opened up Adobe Premier Elements 8.  Used get media to import all the MPG clips into "Organize".  Dragged and dropped various clips...inserted a menu or two and...burned the DVD.  PROBLEM: VIDEO OK, BUT NO AUDIO(?!).  The MPG files on computer play fine (with audio) inside Windows Media Players.  Read all sorts of nonsense about why Adobe Premier (probably old versions) cannot work with "low-quality/compressed" MPG and needs to be a particular type AVI soo....
    Second Try: Capture VOB directly
    Forget the camera.  Insert the mini-DVD directly into computer DVD drive, create a new project and followed directions from  "Lowdown on VOB" http://forums.adobe.com/message/2117743 and "tools to convert to DVI" http://forums.adobe.com/thread/415317.  I loaded the VOB directly and dropped them into  Timeline as advised by the second post (only hitch being the first VOB pertaining to the DVD menu is not recognized and is neither needed).
    However, File > Export is always GREYED out (unusable).  And the status at bottom right seems to be looping on "Background Rendering".  DO I WAIT?  In any case, the whole video is showing up as a single continuous stream and what I want are the clips from the camera?! 
    Then I tried Prism (again as per the second forum post mentioned above).  It simply did something to process 30 minutes of video and crashed in the end without explanation - saying there was an error in conversion.
    Is this AVI conversion even a good idea?  How would I get my clips back??
    Bottomline.  My mini-DVD and imported MPGs plays fine in Windows Media Player.  However unable to extract the camera clips (with audio).

    Dawg, I have the Sony DCR-DVD305, and have been using it successfully for quite a while with PE7, with few issues, once I had a workflow nailed down.
    I believe the 505 is basically the same camera, with some additional features.
    This workflow worked for me in the past so I'll pass that along:
    Sony Browser to PC as Mpeg.
    Mpeg to Windows Movie Maker, output to DV-AVI, taking default settings.
    DV-AVI imported into PE7.
    This should also work for PE8.
    Upon getting Cyberlinks PowerDirector v7, my new workflow changed to this:
    I take the min-DVD directly from camcorder to my PC, and capture the disk via Power Director.
    PD will convert the VOB's directly to DV-AVI Type 2 on one pass.
    I then load this DV-AVI into PE7.
    (PD v7 was pre-installed on my new PC from HP, or it can be purchased from Cyberlink).
    Other options to try:
    Copy the VOB's directly from the mini-DVD to your PC and use Prism to convert these to AVI.
    Or load the VOB or Mpeg into PE, then use that to convert to AVI.
    (Export to DV-AVI with PE8 is done with SHARE/PC, not Export under the File Menu, which is greyed out).
    I've had many issues trying to work with Mpeg's and VOB's when loaded directly to PE with limited success.
    So if you can get it converted successfully to AVI outside of PE, I've found this to be a better approach.
    Post results, if any of this works for you...
    Note: One other thing, if you are working directly with VOB's to PE, especially multiple VOB's from a single DVD, you can encounter out-of-sync issues between video and audio. If this occurs, review this link from Muvipix:

  • How do i email a video clip from my iphone

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    Open Photos > select video > tap forward icon (rectangle with arrow) > Email Video.  If the video file is too large for your, or the recipient's email server, it may not get delivered.
    You need this - it's all in there:
    Message was edited by: modular747

  • JAN 4, 2012  As of the  Upgrade to   Lion,. and the  Email portion, ..   DOES NOT  allow a Video Clip to be sent via the Email  as the I-Photo is not supported by Video Clips  ( Previous Leopard  No problem  clip and drag  via Quick Time Pro to the email

    JAN 4, 2012 
    As of the  Upgrade to   Lion,.   2007  I-Mac  -   the  Email portion, ..   DOES NOT    allow a Video Clips to be sent via the Email 
    as the I-Photo is not supported by Video Clips  ( Previous Leopard ) 
    No problem  clip and drag  via Quick Time Pro to the email  and select the  Attchment  size to send. .  Depending on the 
    Size of the Video Clip  ..      Now  Lion only  Export's   1 size, .   only  and as a result . . teh  File is  TOO  Large and
    Will NOT  send via  E-Mail    ??? 
    Between the   Issue of   the   Lion,  and  Email  issues ,   and  the   Upgrade  of   I-Touch  to  5.1  from  4.2.1 
    as my  Photo  Size is  Huge ..    70,000  +  photos in the  Computer. .   and was   40,000  in the   I - Touch  .. .  
    The  New I-Touch  too will not Load the  same  as Previously  used  on  either  my  16 GB   or  32 GB   Unit . . 
              No Help . ..   so far, ..  as a Apple user   since   1996 ..    I  have Never  experieanced such  frustration    ??? 
                   (  any one have some help  if similar  experiances    ?     thank you     )

    JAN 4, 2012 
    As of the  Upgrade to   Lion,.   2007  I-Mac  -   the  Email portion, ..   DOES NOT    allow a Video Clips to be sent via the Email 
    as the I-Photo is not supported by Video Clips  ( Previous Leopard ) 
    No problem  clip and drag  via Quick Time Pro to the email  and select the  Attchment  size to send. .  Depending on the 
    Size of the Video Clip  ..      Now  Lion only  Export's   1 size, .   only  and as a result . . teh  File is  TOO  Large and
    Will NOT  send via  E-Mail    ??? 
    Between the   Issue of   the   Lion,  and  Email  issues ,   and  the   Upgrade  of   I-Touch  to  5.1  from  4.2.1 
    as my  Photo  Size is  Huge ..    70,000  +  photos in the  Computer. .   and was   40,000  in the   I - Touch  .. .  
    The  New I-Touch  too will not Load the  same  as Previously  used  on  either  my  16 GB   or  32 GB   Unit . . 
              No Help . ..   so far, ..  as a Apple user   since   1996 ..    I  have Never  experieanced such  frustration    ??? 
                   (  any one have some help  if similar  experiances    ?     thank you     )

  • IPhoto video clips does not work in iMovie

    I just installed Leopard and ilife '08 into my MAC.
    The video clips from my iPhoto library are not shown properly in iMovie. I'm only able to hear the sound of the clip but unable to watch it. when i skim through the clip, i don't see anything on the viewer, i just hear skimming through the sound. when i tried to play the clip, just the sound began to play. even the thumbnail does not show a picture of the clip, its just grey.
    Can someone help me please???

    Format: Apple OpenDML JPEG, 640 x 480, Millions 16-bit Integer (Little Endian), Mono, 44.100 kHz
    As post in your other topic, this looks like it should be compatible.
    I've captured video from my built-in isight camera in my MacBook. when i was trying to skim through or play the video clip in iMovie, the clip didn't appear in the side viewer. I am able to hear the voice of the clip and even see the thumbnail clearly but not in the viewer.
    This sounds like part of your original problem. Suggest you try importing the same files to an alternative platform and/or possibly an alternative user account to see if the problem is "global" on your system and "limited" to your system only. Suspect you may have a bad install or corrupted application that may simply be generating unusable "thumbnails" here. You basically need to isolate the problem to see if it is in OS and/or application. For instance, did you update to iMovie v7.1 before or after installing Leopard or better yet, have you installed all of the updates?

  • Importing video clips in AVCHD (Lite) into Aperture vs iMovie

    I'm trying to figure out which application I should use for importing and storing video clips shot on my Panasonic DMC-ZS7 camera. This camera can shoot in AVCHD (Lite) or in Motion JPEG. I use the AVCHD (Lite) format to shoot the videos with this camera.
    The two application options I currently have for importing video clips from this camera are:
    a. Aperture 3.5.1 (I'm not using iPhoto since I have Aperture).
    b. iMovie 10.0.1 (I'm not using Final Cut Pro)
    When I first got this camera, Aperture 3 did not support the AVCHD Lite codec. Back then, iMovie could import video clips shot in AVCHD Lite, but it had to transcode the AVCHD video clips into AIC (Apple Intermediate Codec). Some time later, one of the Aperture 3 updates made it possible to import AVCHD Lite into Aperture (without having to transode into an intermediate codec), so we started importing our video clips shot in AVCHD Lite (together with our photos shot by the same camera) directly into Aperture.
    iMovie 10 released in 2013 supports importing video clips shot in AVCHD Lite without having to transode them to AIC for storing these video clips in iMovie. So, now we have a dilemma that we need help with. Which application should we use going forward for importing video clips from this camera?
    When I look at the metadata for the imported videos in Aperture, I see that the format of the imported video clips is listed as H.264. However, I can't seem to be able to find any information about the format in which iMovie stores imported videos. I can "Reveal in Finder" a video that I import into iMovie, and I see the size of the file and the .mov extension assigned to the file. With video files, the extension does not always determine the codec of the file, but in my non-expert opinion, the .mov extension is not H.264; I may be totally wrong here, though. What I have noticed, though, is that a video clip imported into iMovie has the file size that is about 10% larger than the same video clip imported into Aperture.
    Therefore, I have three questions:
    1. What format is a video clip (shot in AVCHD Lite) stored in Aperture 3.5.1 and in iMovie 10.0.1
    2. Which format (the one used by Aperture or the one used in iMovie) is better suited for transoding AVCHD videos into? The balance of the quality and file size is the main consideration for us.
    3. Which applications would you personally prefer using for importing video clips to and why?
    I do want to use some of these video clips to make home videos in the future, utillizing iMovie. However, it seems I can still store the raw footage in Aperture and access this raw footage from iMovie to be able to create an iMovie project and a final home video. One of the concerns is that if we keep importing our video clips into Aperture, the Aperture library could grow beyond the size that Aperture can support and we may end up losing our photos due to the database corruption. Is this a real risk?
    Thank you!

    I had the same question recently. Go to the right of this box and a little above, into the Search Discussions window. Type in this: Is MPEG2 the answer
    You will find my question, and the great answers I got. Follow those directions and you will be all set!

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    When you move or copy the compound clips with their events into an external drive all the events should be there. Not clear on why you want to move them into a single event. You can drag and drop from one event to another.
    Why are you using compound clips? You can simply copy the project from each machine with used media onto the external drive and that should do it.

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    I recently upgraded keynote after installing os x maverick.
    When I opened my previous keynote presentation, the new keynote asked to upgrade the movie quality.
    And you have to click this option, otherwise the video clips will only come out as pictures.
    But now, some of the video clips doesn't work.  The thing is, I do not have the original video files as these are presentations given to me by others.
    What's next for me?

    Having the same problem, would greatlyu appreciate a fix. does it matter if one upgrades to the iOS or Mac Keynote options?

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    My Mac won't open video clips from my iphone in iphoto in iphoto since upgrading to Snow Leopard. Usually I just used to double click and the video clip would open, now nothing happens.  Help please.

    Can you access the material via the Finder or Image Capture (in your Applications Folder) ?

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