Flipping a vector image

How come there is no way to flip an entire vector image in fireworks?
There only seems to be an option in photoshop to do this:
http://help.adobe.com/en_US/photoshop/cs/using/WSfd1234e1c4b69f30ea53e41001031ab64-7638a.h tml
Fireworks only has Modify -> Canvas -> Rotate (but no Mirror/Flip option). Only option seems to be to flip
all the elements individually and move them.

Hi John,
Linda is right but you needn't group your vectors. Just select them and then use Modify >> Transform >> Flip Horizontal or Flip Vertical or Any of the Rotate commands. An alternate and easier way to do this is via Right Click >> Transform >> Flip Horizontal. Many users don't realize that common commands can be found on the right click menu :-)
- Anita

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    As far as I can see there are three sets of pink strokes, and I guess you wish to use the outermost one and have it form one continuous path round everything and in the hole between the letters.
    Presuming you have the other strokes under control, you may be able to copy everything to the top of the stacking order and then, with all the copies selected, Pathfinder>Unite to get that compound path with pink stroke and no fill, which you may then split into one path for the outside and one path for the hole if needed.

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    A pdf can contain both vector and raster data. Any images in your design would be raster. The settings for the pdf determine how to handle the raster data. One way it can compress the images is to store the images as jpg.
    If the service is expecting a vector file, then there can not be any raster data in that file.
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    Changing text to an image should never be considered since there is no content for the SEO spiders and the images will slow your page download time to a crawl.
    This page shows web safe fonts and also how you need to use hosted fonts if you want something different...
    The above method uses an HTML snippet and, since this is fairly cumbersome, is only suitable for adding features like special headings. It does allow you to add text shadow using CSS rather than all these wasteful PNG images.
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    Hi Bob, thanks very much for this info. I figured there was a checkbox hidden somewhere...
    I tried all of the cropping options and although it seems like this would be a fix, it's unfortunately not fully resolving the issue.
    The option that gets me closest is "crop to art." However, as you can see from the sample below, there's still a pretty large gap at the bottom, as well as a small one at the left side. (The top and right actually are cropped to the art, as requested.)
    Do you have any other suggestions of things I can try? Or does anyone else have any ideas?
    Thanks again,

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    Using Windows 8, up-to-date InDesign CC, and Acrobat Pro, Illustrator CS6 ver.16.2.0 64bit
    I have no idea what the printer uses.

    Where does the fault lie? - in an environment where they (the newsprinter) collect up front, have no responsibility for quality and arrogantly believe, perhaps correctly, that you'll be back with another paying job in the future.
    Check the file you sent via Acrobat Preflight or Output Preview for RGB elements.
    Check the file you sent via Acrobat Preflight - Checks - For Transparency Used
    Do any of these elements off color involve rgb or interact (with or near) any transparency?
    (InDesign could show these attributes via the links panel or a Live Preflight. Both can be (probably should be in your case) changed via the PDF Export)

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    Would depend on what the text is made of, but as Scott said it's most likely outlined and you are meant to use a completely new text object.

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    I just did a banner for a local plumbing contractor and used InDesign to
    create it. I placed a vector drawing on the banner and masked it off
    using a frame right to the edge of the banner.
    I exported a PDF but the printe came back asking for an Illustrator
    file. Fine, it's just one line of text anyway and the drawing so I open
    it in Illy and it looks fine. Resave and the guy comes back telling me
    that his RIP can't handle the masked image. All I can say is thank
    heavens for the eraser tool in Illustrator. It would have taken me
    forever to fix this with the pen tool.
    So, apparently there are reasons (I didn't see any point in grilling the
    guy about his workflow, it was a one-off and I'll likely never have to
    work with him again) to crop instead of mask. So it's either the eraser
    in Illy or rasterize the thing in Photoshop and crop it there.

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    Hello all ! New to the forum and pretty new to captivate over here ! I just wondered if you could help me with something ! How to make a flip-book like image effect ? There is an example on slide 3 of this Captivate example : http://www.adobe.com/products/captivate/educators/include/softskills_training/modal.html?w idth=752&height=440    Any help would be great !  And.. why is it everytime I press Enter it it drops the whole paragraph instead of making a new line ?   Thanks !
    I noticed the link doesn't seem to work,http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/captivate/
    The presentation I mean is called "soft skills training"
    Any help would be  great !

    Hi Scott.
    As far as I know, that is not a function built into Cp5.  It looks like some kind of flash animation/widget built otuside Captivate and then imported.
    If someone else knows otherwise, please chime in.  Or if that widget can be downloaded somewhere, I'd love to take a look at it.

  • Page flipping with Volatile Image.  Need help :)

    Hello all,
    Could someone point me to a nice tutorial which specifically addresses setting up page flipping with Volatile Images as the buffer? I haven't had any trouble with the generic BufferStrategy way of doing things, but it looks like the absolute fastest way to go is page flipping. Any info on this subject would be appreciated. I am a student who is making his first attempt at setting up a fullscreen video game...well if you want to call it that! :) I am shooting for Pong as a first project!
    Please feel free to send me the info at [email protected], and thanks much.

    If you're using Windows, then your picture is already most likely
    being stored as volatile. You should look for an article on the
    web discussing Java rendering internals as of 1.4 do a search for
    "java automatic images" you'll probably find some useful info.
    But if you insist you can just fire up a debugger and
    play with it until you finally figure out what it's doing..
    You just need to do a createVolatileImage as opposed to createImage
    when creating your buffers.. make sure to use
    createBufferStrategy(2) (or if you want to be totally sure print out
    the capabilities of the buffers available and select one that you
    know for sure supports back and front buffers that are "truly"
    it turns out in my experience on win2k that using normal "automatic"
    images via Component.createImage() are faster than volatiles perhaps
    because I tend to do alot of scaling ops which are not as of yet
    here's some stuff that might help you:
    good luck!
    static public void printBufferCapabilities(BufferCapabilities bc) {
    System.out.println("Printing Buffer Capabilities: ");
    if (bc.isFullScreenRequired())
    System.out.println("Full screen is required");
    System.out.println("Full screen is required");
    if (bc.isMultiBufferAvailable())
    System.out.println("MultiBuffering is available");
    System.out.println("MultiBuffering is not available");
    if (bc.isPageFlipping())
    System.out.println("PageFlipping is available");
    System.out.println("PageFlipping is not available");
    ImageCapabilities ic = bc.getBackBufferCapabilities();
    if (ic.isAccelerated())
    System.out.println("BackBuffer is accelerated");
    System.out.println("BackBuffer is not accelerated");
    if (ic.isTrueVolatile())
    System.out.println("BackBuffer is truly volatile");
    System.out.println("BackBuffer is not truly volatile");
    ic = bc.getFrontBufferCapabilities();
    if (ic.isAccelerated())
    System.out.println("FrontBuffer is accelerated");
    System.out.println("FrontBuffer is not accelerated");
    if (ic.isTrueVolatile())
    System.out.println("FrontBuffer is truly volatile");
    System.out.println("FrontBuffer is not truly volatile");
    static public void printImageCapabilities(ImageCapabilities ic) {
    System.out.println("Printing Image Capabilities: ");
    if (ic.isAccelerated())
    System.out.println("Image is accelerated");
    System.out.println("Image is not accelerated");
    if (ic.isTrueVolatile())
    System.out.println("Image is truly volatile");
    System.out.println("Image is not truly volatile");
    static public void printFlipContents(BufferCapabilities.FlipContents flip) {
    if (flip == null) { System.out.println("Dude your flip is flipping NULL!"); return; }
    if (flip.equals(BufferCapabilities.FlipContents.BACKGROUND))
    System.out.println("Flip Contents are BACKGROUND");
    else if (flip.equals(BufferCapabilities.FlipContents.COPIED))
    System.out.println("Flip Contents are COPIED");
    else if (flip.equals(BufferCapabilities.FlipContents.PRIOR))
    System.out.println("Flip Contents are PRIOR");
    else if (flip.equals(BufferCapabilities.FlipContents.UNDEFINED))
    System.out.println("Flip Contents are UNDEFINED");
    else System.out.println("Where the hell did you find this flipping Flip Contents, now flip off!");
    static public void printElapsedTime(String desc, long start, long stop ) {
    long s = stop - start;
    double elapsed = (double) s/1000;
    System.out.println("The elapsed time for "+desc+" :"+elapsed);
    public static void chooseBestDisplayMode(GraphicsDevice device) {
    DisplayMode best = getBestDisplayMode(device);
    if (best != null) {

  • Small Bug in Flash 8: loading swf that´s a vectorized image in many layers

    Hi! There´s a small bug in flash 8. If you load a swf
    that it´s a vectorized image in many layers, when you give it
    an action in onLoadInit, like mc.onRelease, the mc don´t
    "catch" that action. You can try loading an image (it works), a lot
    of swf (it works), but with this kind of swf the actions onRelease,
    onPress, etc... don´t work.
    I´ll make a different vectorized image to make it works
    (if there is only one layer it works)

    Seems odd it will only run once. Usually if a cache problem
    you get the same
    results even when you update the movie or server scripts.
    If it is
    http:// it is not local even if from the browser
    Verify the html is validated.
    Check to see if this applies to all swfs. Create a simple
    hello world swf
    that connects to a JSP script that returns a simple value to
    Flash. If that
    seems to work, then the problem is in the JSP or
    Actionscripting coding.
    Check you can load the JSP script repeatedly using a direct
    call to it on
    the browser line using
    Lon Hosford
    Flash, Actionscript and Flash Media Server examples:
    May many happy bits flow your way!
    "srikanth_s_india" <[email protected]> wrote
    in message
    news:e6obld$lfb$[email protected]..
    > Thanks for the article link.
    > I can't provide the URL as it is within our application
    which requires
    > logging
    > in. However, one more interesting thing about it is that
    it always works
    > for
    > the first time (in the browser/machine) but not from the
    next time.
    > My doubt is whether it is because of the caching? When
    it loads for the
    > first
    > time, the HTML and SWF files load from our server and
    hence are allowed to
    > communicate with our JSP. However, when it loads the
    subsequent times, it
    > probably loads from the cache and hence considered as a
    local file and not
    > allowed to communicate with our JSP file which is on the
    > Can anybody tell me how to enable a local SWF file to
    load SWF files from
    > the
    > Internet & access URLs from the Internet in Flash 8

Maybe you are looking for