Flipping clips in imovie

I flipped some video clips that I took with my digital camera using Quick Time Pro. However when I import them to imovie it keeps coming back to the way I originally shot them even after I saved the changes. What am I doing wrong?

Hi sonogirl - when you save the flipped movie in QT Pro, a new file is created. Are you sure you imported the right one? They will both have the same name.
Incidentally, you may find that there is a problem with the audio when you import to iMovie, as your little movie will probably be in MPEG format which is not fully compatible with iMovie.
Let us know how you get on.

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    Hello dj2cntry,
    Thanks for using Apple Support Communities.
    Please see the following support article to see how to rotate your clip in iMovie:
    iMovie (2013): Rotate a clip
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    The only objection I have ever seen to this procedure is people complaining that their QuickTime movie from iMovie has to be rendered in FCE before FCE can use it, and this takes a bit of extra time. Well, that's true, unless you export your video from iMovie in a form that FCE can use natively. Then it doesn't need to be rendered at all--it's just as though you had imported it from the camera directly into FCE. Most people don't know how to set up iMovie to do that.
    Here's how I do it: (this is iMovie 4; I assume other versions are the same), Select Share > QuickTime and choose Expert Settings. On the next screen, select Export: Movie to QuickTime Movie, and click the Options button. In the Movie Settings window that this brings up, on the upper (video) part of it, under the Video checkbox, click the Settings button there, and for Compression Type choose DV/DVCPRO-NTSC, and under Compressor Quality, move the slider to Best, and click OK. Under the Sound checkbox, click Settings, and then choose Linear PCM, Stereo, and 48.000 kHz for Sound Settings. Under Render Settings, choose Qualty: Best. Just below that, uncheck the "Prepare for Internet Streaming" box. Then click OK, and the window will go away, and you're ready to export.
    Give the video a name, and a place to save to, then click SAVE. The QuickTime movie that results from this can be dropped straight into FCE and requires no rendering; it works just as though you had imported it directly into FCE from your camera.
    Tom B.

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    Nowhere is it advertised that iMovie is compatible with FCP.
    One is a consumer format, with less features, like lack of timecode. The other is a professional format, which relies heavily on timecode.
    Yes, output to tape from imovie, then capture with FCP.
    #20 Using iMovie to Capture for FCP edit
    Shane's Stock Answer #20:
    iMovie handles the media differently from FCP, specifically where audio is concerned. So it is not a recommended workflow. Here's why...
    iMovie captures using DV Stream (.dv) standard which does not use timecode. That is a big disadvantage over the way that FCP captures in that you can't go back and recapture the material at a later date if you need to revisit a project.
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    "There's no need to fear, UNDERDOG is here!"

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    Thank you

    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

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    There are other apps that can to time shifting, or speed effects.
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    This feature is not available in Adobe Edge animate. You can not export as image from Edge animate.
    Publish options available in edge describe here
    Edge Animate Help | Publish your content

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    Can I edit out the middle of a video clip in iMovie?
    What must I do?
    Basically you have three options:
    1) If the clip is in the "Event" window, simply select (i.e., set and adjust if necessary "in" and 'out" points) the segment you want and transfer it to your "Project" window and place it where you want it.
    2) If the clip is already in the "Project" window, simply select (i.e., set and adjust if necessary "in" and 'out" points) the segment you want to keep...
    a) and press the "Split" option in the edit menu (or the "Split Clip" option in the context menu) to divide the clip into three segments. Then select each of the segments you don't want and press the "Delete" key to remove them from the "Project" window.
    b) or, even easier, simply press the "Trim to Selection" option in the "Edit" menu.
    All of these work flows do not physically remove anything from the "Event" but merely perform a non-destructive edit of the project for the purpose of later output.

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