-fllvm-llc-opt is ignored in -O3 without -emit-swf

I've been figuring out why FlasCC doesn't allow me to use my AS3 library through inline assembly, and I seem to have isolated the cause. The content of -fllvm-llc-opt isn't passed over to llc.exe when using -O3 gcc flag and -emit-swf is not specified.
As a result, I can't use inline as3 with anything practical in source files that produce abc binaries instead of swf immediately.
The question is: is this a bug, intended operation, or me doing something wrong?
    Open samples/12_Stage3D/Makefile and remove -emit-swf parameter from compiler's command line.
    Try building this sample.
    Observe lots of compiler errors (1).
    Change -O4 to -O3 in the makefile and build.
    Observe everything builds correctly now.
    Add the following inline AS3 to the main function in stage3d.cpp: inline_as3 ("import flash.display.Sprite; var s:Sprite = new Sprite(); stage.add( s );" );
    Build. Observe a compilation error (2).
    Revert makefile changes and build. Observe the project builds even with the inline AS3 added.
Errors (1):
Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Stage.
import flash.display.Stage; var thiz:Stage = as3_id2rcv[i17].val; try { thiz.addEventListener(as3_id2rcv[i1].val, as3_id2rcv[i10].val, i6, i5, i4); i1 = -1 } catch(e:*) { i1 = as3_valAcquireId(e) }
Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Stage3D.
import flash.display.Stage3D; var thiz:Stage3D = as3_id2rcv[i14].val; try { thiz.requestContext3D(as3_id2rcv[i7].val, as3_id2rcv[i1].val); i1 = -1 } catch(e:*) { i1 = as3_valAcquireId(e) }
Errors (2):
Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: Sprite.
import flash.display.Sprite; var s:Sprite = new Sprite(); stage.add( s );
Why fllvm-llc-opt?
What made me think this has something to do with fllvm-llc-opt. When I looked into compiler stack trace at point 3 (O4, no swf), it seemed normal:
LLVM ERROR: Failed to run /cygdrive/c/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr /bin/llc with args: -jvmopt -Xmx1500M -ascopt=-import -ascopt=C:/Work/ExternalLibrariesSource/FlasCC/1.0.0/samples/12_Stage 3D/AGAL.abc -as3tmp1 /cygdrive/c/Users/ilyal/AppData/Local/Temp/cc7gFxoR.lto.1.as -as3tmp2 /cygdrive/c/Users/ilyal/AppData/Local/Temp/ccMuEJqb.lto.2.as -jvm=C:\Work\ExternalLibraries\Java\jre7u9\x64\bin\java -filetype=obj C:\Users\ilyal\AppData\Local\Temp\ccd6t0cN.lto.bc -o C:\Users\ilyal\AppData\Local\Temp\cc69MRPb.lto.abc
LLVM ERROR: Failed to run C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Java/jre7u9/x64/bin/java.exe with args: -Xmx1500M -jar C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/asc2.jar -merge -md -abcfuture -AS3 -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/builtin.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/shell_toplevel.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/BinaryData.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/Exit.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/LongJmp.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/ISpecialFile.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/IBackingStore.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/IVFS.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/CModule.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibrariesSource/FlasCC/1.0.0/samples/12_Stage3D/AGAL.abc -d C:/Users/ilyal/AppData/Local/Temp/ccMuEJqb.lto.2.as C:/Users/ilyal/AppData/Local/Temp/cc7gFxoR.lto.1.as -outdir . -out output
But at point 8 (O3, no swf, inline as3), there is no -import AGAL.abc in compiler command line anymore, which causes inline assembly to fail compiling:
cc1plus: error in backend: Failed to run /cygdrive/c/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr /bin/llc with args: -jvm=C:\Work\ExternalLibraries\Java\jre7u9\x64\bin\java -filetype=obj C:\Users\ilyal\AppData\Local\Temp\cccFkuSo.o -o C:\Users\ilyal\AppData\Local\Temp\cccFkuSo.o -jvmopt -Xmx1500M
LLVM ERROR: Failed to run C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Java/jre7u9/x64/bin/java.exe with args: -Xmx1500M -jar C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/asc2.jar -merge -md -abcfuture -AS3 -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/builtin.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/shell_toplevel.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/BinaryData.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/Exit.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/LongJmp.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/ISpecialFile.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/IBackingStore.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/IVFS.abc -import C:/Work/ExternalLibraries/Flascc/1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/CModule.abc -d C:/Users/ilyal/AppData/Local/Temp/LLVM_7072/alctmp-687794.as C:/Users/ilyal/AppData/Local/Temp/LLVM_7072/alctmp-687793.as -outdir . -out output
Sorry for the wall of text. I hope the fix will be shorter than this explanation

Bumping the thread, because the issue is still very annoying. Passing "-ascopt=-import -ascopt=foo.abc" to gcc/g++, where foo.abc is a custom-built library, doesn't work unless -O4 compilation option is used. It should, but it doesn't.
I may have found the workaround. It's -emit-llvm option that seems to be the culprit. Adding it to compiler options makes it compile inline AS3 blocks in a non-strict mode, and thus eliminating the need to pass -fllvm-llc-opt when compiling C++ sources containing inline AS3 with custom classes.
Go to sample 12_Stage3D and replace:
    "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++" AGAL.cpp -c -emit-llvm &> AGAL.txt
    "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++" AGAL.cpp -c &> AGAL.txt.
The build will fail, because suddenly the AS3 compiler will start caring about compile-time type checks (see error output in AGAL.txt).

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    -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=$(call nativepath,AGAL.abc) \
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    -fllvm-llc-opt=G:/Application/cygwin/home/Vincent/demoTest/two.abc \
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    Can specify at most 1 positional arguments: See: G:\Application\cygwin\home\Vincent\flascc\sdk\usr\bin\llc.exe -help
    collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
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    Hi badwolfgirl,
    I agree with quinn that merged cells can lead to many problems. Here is a table with no merged cells
    Two Header Rows, one Header Column and one Footer Row.
    I have used Cell Fills (colours) to distinguish Quizzes, Tests, Final Exam and Projects.
    Formula in Footer B8
    if the SUM of C is 0 (zero), insert "" (NULL) to make it appear blank. Else insert 100xSUM(C)/SUM(D) to show the % score.
    Formula in C8
    Formula in D8
    Select B8 to D8 and drag the yellow Fill Handle to the right.
    If you want the appearance of merged cells, you can delete the contents of B1 and D1, then show No Border to the left and right of C1
    And so on for EFG etc.
    The cells are still there (to avoid problems down the track.
    Edited to rearrange paragraphs. Ian.

  • How to include a SWC using custom Console?

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    I also have a custom com.adobe.flascc.Console implementation which imports and uses com.test.Foo from the Foo.swc library.
    I've managed to get my SWF to compile without a problem, but I get the following run-time error:
    VerifyError: Error #1014: Class com.test::Foo could not be found.
    Here's how I've setup the compile:
              $(ASC) -merge -md -abcfuture -AS3 -optimize -strict \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/builtin.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/playerglobal.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/BinaryData.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/ISpecialFile.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/IBackingStore.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/IVFS.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/InMemoryBackingStore.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/PlayerKernel.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/CModule.abc) \
                        -import $(call nativepath,$(FLASCC)/usr/lib/C_Run.abc) \
                        -li $(call nativepath,./aslibs/Foo.swc) \
                        -le $(call nativepath,./aslibs/framework.swc) \
                            Console.as -outdir . -out Console
    test.swf: Console.abc
              $(CCC) -jvmopt=$(JVMARGS) -Wall -g -O0 -fno-exceptions -o test.swf \
                        main.cpp \
                        -lAS3++ \
                        -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-li \
                        -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=$(call nativepath,./aslibs/Foo.swc) \
                        -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-le \
                        -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=$(call nativepath,./aslibs/framework.swc) \
                        -symbol-abc=Console.abc \
                        -emit-swf \
    I've also attempted adding -no-swf-preloader assuming that the problem was linkage in the first frame, but this did not work either.
    If I only use asc2.jar to generate a SWF (using the -li and -le options), it works, but I need access to the libraries via flascc Console.
    Any ideas?
    Matt Bolt

    Thanks for the response and the suggested work-around! This solution worked exactly as you described and was precisely the result I was looking for.
    --- Some Follow Up Ranting and Questions ---
    Was the behavior I mentioned in my previous post a bug? It seems like the issue may be due to the following:
    * Compiling .as to .abc referencing a swc will simply refer to the contents of the swc to resolve external references and there's nothing in the abc itself referring to the external library (Could be way off here).
    * Compiling .as to .swf will resolve fully.
    * Because we compile Console to abc first, we lose the ability to resolve external references before going to SWF.
    If the above statements are correct, then -li and -le behave identically when compiling to .abc, and the behavior mentioned in my previous post would make sense.
    What is strange to me is that the ASC provides a way to compile to .abc but no way to link .abc and output a swf. Perhaps it's because of the loss of data that occurs (full resolution tracks dependencies in memory).
    I'm not sure that what I'm claiming is even remotely close to the truth, but it seems accurate based on my observations. If anyone knows for sure, please feel free to set me straight.

  • Using external AS3 classes in a FlasCC SWC

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    I have managed to build an API that uses regular built-in types, like Number, uint.  However, when I try to pass in or out a class type of my own creation, I had build problems building my swf.
    I figured it out, and I thought I would share it.  Perhaps Adobe could include this example in a blog, or in the next set of SWC samples, so that people know how to do this.
    File Bob.as
    package me {
         public class Bob {
              private var _x : int;
              public function Bob() {}
              public function set x( val:int ) : void {
                   _x = val;         
              public function get x():int {
                   return _x;
    2) Compile in FlashBuilder to Bob.swc
    3) Create Library.cpp
    #include <AS3/AS3.h>
    #include <AS3/AS3++.h>
    using namespace AS3::local;
    var impl_make_Bob( int count )
         var ns = internal::new_Namespace("me", 35);
         var className = internal::new_String("Bob");
         var cc = internal::getlex(ns, className);
         var bob = internal::construct(cc);
         var xProperty = internal::new_String("x");
         var newX = internal::new_int( count );
         internal::setproperty(bob, xProperty, newX);
         return bob;
    void thunk_makeBob() __attribute__((used,
         annotate("as3sig:public function thunk_makeBob(count:int):Bob"),
    void thunk_makeBob() {
         int local_count;
         AS3_GetScalarFromVar(local_count, count);
         var retVal = impl_makeBob(local_count);
         AS3_CopyVarxxToVar(as3Val, retVal);
    int main() {
    4) Use FlasCC to Compile the Library.cpp to SWCLibrary.swc (me.SWCLibrary)
    #Using the same environment as the FlasCC_1.0.0 samples, compile with a Makefile,
    T01: check
         "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++" $(BASE_CFLAGS) \
              -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-le -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=E:/myProject/myLibrary/Bob.swc \
              -O4 Library.cpp -emit-swc=me.SWCLibrary -o SWCLibrary.swc -lFlash++ -lAS3++
    include ../Makefile.common
         rm -f SWCLibrary.swc *.bc *.abc *.exe
    5) Create a new Wrapper.swc that embeds (merges) Bob.swc and SWCLibrary.swc , in FlashBuilder
    package me{
         public class WrapperFlascc {
              import me.SWCLibrary.CModule;
              import me.Bob;
              public static function makeBob( count : int ) : Bob {
                   return me.SWCLibrary.thunk_makeBob(count);
    NOTE: It may not be best to embed Bob.swc , if Bob.swc had classes that aren't referenced by Wrapper.swc or SWCLibrary.swc .  They could be lost.  Instead, link it in the final swf.
    This Wrapper.swc can then be used as normal in a FlashBuilder project.  I am not creating a C++ app, but rather using flasCC as an alchemy replacement.
    Perhaps there was a better way?  Anyway, I hope this helps someone.

    Shortly after I posted my question, I realized I had to check "Export for runtime sharing" for each object.
    -- Brian

  • Passing arguments with spaces through to asc.jar

    According to the docs, we can pass arguments through to llc using -fllvm-llc-opt.  Additionally, with llc we can pass arguments through to asc.jar using -ascopt.  Let's say I want to define an AS3 variable in my flascc swf/swc.  asc.jar says that I can do this using "-config <ns::name=value>".
    So it seems like I should be able to do this:
    gcc ... -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-config CONFIG::RELEASE=true
    But this doesn't work, as the "-config" parameter takes its next argument via a space and not an equals, which throws the whole thing off.  gcc thinks its another argument.  Trying it with spaces like this:
    gcc ... "-fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-config CONFIG::RELEASE=true"
    also doesn't work.  The toolchain outputs:
    LLVM ERROR: Failed to run /usr/bin/java with args:
    -Xmx1500M -jar /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/asc2.jar -merge -md -abcfuture -AS3
    -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/builtin.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/playerglobal.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/BinaryData.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/Exit.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/LongJmp.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/ISpecialFile.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/IBackingStore.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/InMemoryBackingStore.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/IVFS.abc -import /Users/asimmons/FlasCC_1.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/lib/CModule.abc
    -config CONFIG::RELEASE=false -d /var/folders/cn/hjz9nbt53bdfpn1rzn6wdb900000gr/T//ccQPoczK.lto.2.as /var/folders/cn/hjz9nbt53bdfpn1rzn6wdb900000gr/T//ccZDGxMF.lto.1.as -outdir . -out output
    As you can see, the "-config" command made it to asc.jar.  What I think is happening is that its being passed to asc.jar as one argument (not two).  For example, I can copy-paste this command into bash and it will work-- just not when done from gcc.
    So: how do I pass arguments with spaces through to asc.jar?

    I believe you should be able to do this by splitting it across two fllvm-llc-opt flags:
    gcc ... -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-config -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=CONFIG::release=true
    The Makefile in the 12_Stage3D sample that ships with the FlasCC SDK demonstrates this.

  • Interop problems and questions

    I am trying to interface our engine with flash through flascc, but I encounter some problem with the interop.
    I see that there is three way to do interop. The inline assembly way, (inline_as3() macro) and two more C++ way.
    The as3/as3++.h way
                        AS3::local::var propertyName = AS3::local::internal::new_String("x");
                        AS3::local::var newValue = AS3::local::internal::new_int(100);
                        AS3::local::internal::setproperty(mc, propertyName, newValue);
    And the Flash++.h which wrap all the flash api with C++ object.
    The inline_as3 way is nice, it's more readable than the as3/as3++.h way, I would prefer the Flash++.h way, but it would do okay for my need. I can compile basic example with int for example, but as soon as I use flash api classes :
    Error: Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant: MovieClip.
    var foo:MovieClip;
    The code provoking this was :
                        inline_as3("import flash.display.MovieClip;\n"
                                                      "var foo:MovieClip;\n"::);
    The as3/as3++.h way work great, but is the less elegant to me, I need to marshall every variable and I can't call directly the functions and properties, I need to query them and pass them to the call/call_v function afterward. It works great and I will fallback to it if I can't use the two other options, but I'd rather not to. Also the var marshalling/function query overhead seems to be less performant than the inline_as3 way. Maybe I am wrong about this last point, since I don't know the details about the implementation. Maybe this marshaling/query thing is done either way, one manually and the other by the compiler or flash runtime. Do I suffer a performance hit by going this way?
    The last way seems like the best way to me. Auto-completion from my ide, easily readable, statically typed, etc. But, we have a couple of problem with it.
    -The swc double in size (Which isn't a deal breaker to me, I know that there isn't much to do, but still... it's double)
    -The link time go through the roof, it cripple our workflow a bit.
    -The biggest problem, I can't take the swc outputed by flascc and merge it with another swc using compc.
    The last step of our makefile is merging a normal swc with a flascc swc. I could work around it and just use both swc separately, but it works great with the first two interop way I don't see why using Flascc++ should prevent it. It result in a insanely long compc step, that abort after 10 minutes with this error :
    Error: Java heap space
    -Do you have an idea why I can't use flash.display classes with inline_as3? (I tried with MovieClip, Sprite and Graphic.)
    -Is the as3++.h way less performant than the other two ?
    -Do you have an idea why I can't merge my two swc with compc when I use Flash++.h classes?
    Sorry, I was wrong.  I do not merge two swc with compc, I just add a AS3 class to it, like this :
    "$(FLEX)/bin/compc" -include-libraries=$(BUILD_PATH)/temp.swc -include-classes=EntityHolderMovieClip -source-path . -debug=true -o $(BUILD_PATH)/BaconBox.swc

    No I wasn't, I can see why it is a problem, but even when I am using it, it doesn't work. Here is my call to g++ :
    "/cygdrive/c/flascc/sdk/usr/bin/g++" ../../../BaconBox/Components/Flash/MovieClipHolder.cpp -c -Werror -Wno-write-strings -Wno-trigraphs -DTINYXML_USE_STL -I../../.. -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-import -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=C:/flascc/sdk/usr/lib/playerglobal.abc -I../../../libraries/FreeBSD/i686/include -o ../../../build/BaconBox/Components/Flash/MovieClipHolder.o
    I compile all my .cpp as .o before linking them together.
    It does work when I add the -emit-swf option (but afterward my link phase crash for obvious reason).

  • Debug build for sample'12_Stage3D'

    i want to debug sample'12_Stage3D'.
    I can't debug..
    at first, i built with "-g -O0" as follows.
    "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++"  AGAL.cpp -c -emit-llvm &> AGAL.txt
    "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++" $(BASE_CFLAGS) -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=-import -fllvm-llc-opt=-ascopt=$(call nativepath,AGAL.abc) -I. AGAL.o stage3d.cpp AGAL.abc -lAS3++ -lFlash++ -g -O0 -flto-api=exports.txt -symbol-abc=Console.abc -swf-size=320x480 -emit-swf -o stage3d.swf
    at this time , i made stage3d.swf. but when i execute stage3d.swf on flashplayer , it happen runtime error as follows.
    ''ReferenceError: Error #1065: variable F__ZN3AS32ui3com5adobe5utils17AGALMiniAssembler4_newEb  is not defined. ''
    i can't debug.
    next, i try to compile AGAL,cpp with  ''-g -O0'' as follows..
    "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++"  AGAL.cpp -c -g -O0  &> AGAL.txt
    but i failed to compile.
    cc1plus: error in backend: Failed to run /cygdrive/c/Users/Shunsuke/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/bin/../../usr/bin/ llc with args: -O0 -jvm=C:\Windows\system32\java -filetype=obj C:\Users\Shunsuke\Desktop\Portal\Project\FlasCC_1.0.0\samples\12_Stage3D\AGAL.o -o C:\Users\Shunsuke\Desktop\Portal\Project\FlasCC_1.0.0\samples\12_Stage3D\AGAL.o -jvmopt -Xmx1G
    LLVM ERROR: Failed to run C:/Windows/system32/java.exe with args: -Xmx1G -jar C:/Users/Shunsuke/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/asc2.jar -merge -md -abcfuture -AS3 -import C:/Users/Shunsuke/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/builtin.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/shell_toplevel.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/BinaryData.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/Exit.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/LongJmp.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/ISpecialFile.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/IBackingStore.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/IVFS.abc -import C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/sdk/usr/lib/CModule.abc -d C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/cygwin/tmp/LLVM_5712/alctmp-150476.as C:/Users/***/Desktop/Portal/Project/FlasCC_1.0.0/cygwin/tmp/LLVM_5712/alctmp-150475.as -outdir . -out output
    C:\Users\Shunsuke\Desktop\Portal\Project\FlasCC_1.0.0\cygwin\tmp\LLVM_5712\alctmp-150475.a s:8096
    Error : Type was not found or was not a compile-time constant:  PerspectiveMatrix3D。
    import com.adobe.utils.PerspectiveMatrix3D; var thiz:PerspectiveMatrix3D = as3_id2rcv[i2].val; try { thiz.orthoOffCenterRH(f1, f3, f0, f4, f6, f5); i1 = -1 } catch(e:*) { i1 = as3_valAcquireId(e) }
    What should i do?

    next, i try to compile AGAL,cpp with  ''-g -O0'' as follows..
    "$(FLASCC)/usr/bin/g++"  AGAL.cpp -c -g -O0  &> AGAL.txt
    When you removed -emit-llvm from parameters of g++ you've got it to produce action script bytecode. Therefore, you have to import AGAL.abc to action script code can be compiled successfully. Unfortunately, there is a strange issue mentioned here. So, do not remove -emit-llvm.
    but when i execute stage3d.swf on flashplayer , it happen runtime error as follows.
    ''ReferenceError: Error #1065: variable F__ZN3AS32ui3com5adobe5utils17AGALMiniAssembler4_newEb  is not defined. ''
    You've got this error because some functions or other symbols can be renamed at the link time optimization stage (see the "Optimizing SWFs and SWCs" section of the FlassCC Reference Guide). To fix the problem in the easiest way just remove -flto-api=exports.txt parameter from the final g++ invocation. This will prevent optimizer from renaming symbols.

  • How to Ignore  the signal?

    Insert a number if the number of digits of that number is greater than its average return true else false.
    So what i'd like to know , (and btw sorry about the other questions) how can it ignore the signal ?
    e.g: number_aux = 53 -> this will be: Number of digits: 2
    Media = (5 +3) / 2 = 4
    ( 2 < 4 ) then return false. now i'd like to find a way to insert -53 (negative) and the output must be the same (false) ignoring de signal "-"
    here is my code:
    In this code if u inserted a negative ( -6 or -53) the output is always true because e takes in mind the signal . How do i tell him to ignore it?
          int number _aux =Integer.parseInt(... ....etc
                                              int sum = 0;
              int count = 0;
              int media;
              while (number_aux != 0){
              int digit = number_aux % 10;
              number_aux  /= 10;
              sum += digit;
              if(number_aux  >= 0) count++;
              media =(int) (sum / count);
              return (count > media);thank you so much.

    I already used my brain LOLO , if new the answer i
    would not be here ask for help lol.
    shiver You forgot to add three or more exclamation marks.
    give me a hint , how to ignore the signal without
    that method ( using my code)If I'd give you any number, how would you do it? What would there conditions and formula be? Think about that. Programming isn't magic. It's finding a step-wise solution to a problem and writing it down.

  • Ignoring entity references

    Does anyone know how to get the xmlparser wto ignore(pass through without decoding) character entity references?
    I'm using XML as a mechanism to move inserts, updates, and deletes from non-oracle databases into Oracle. The
    XML is put in an A.Q. and then parsed on the Oracle side into sql statements.
    We have entity references like &deg; that we would like the parser to leave alone. We could then insert the reference
    into the database and Web browsers would decode it at retrieval time. Note - we are not using the 9i XML datatype to
    store this data - it is parsed into varchar columns. Currently the parse knows only about the 4 or 5 standard references.
    When it sees one that is not in the DTD it pukes.

    Entity reference means that you use some encoding that does not have
    e.g. character � then you must declare entity references in dtd like:
    <!ENTITY uacute     "�"> <!-- LATIN SMALL LETTER U WITH ACUTE -->
    and in xml:
    but if you have the character in xml like this
    then you must add encoding to <?xml version="1.0" encoding="some-enc-that-has-eacute">accordingly.
    Anyway, to get rid of these kind of problems you should stick to utf-8 :-)
    BTW. Did I answer the right question?

  • How to move /opt for more disk space

    /opt is 87% full. Have about 10gb sitting on /export/home. Need to somehow move the /opt onto the /export/home without having to reinstall the apps in the /opt folder. Can someone please advise if this can be done.

    /opt is 87% full. Have about 10gb sitting on
    /export/home. Need to somehow move the /opt onto the
    /export/home without having to reinstall the apps in
    the /opt folder. Can someone please advise if this can
    be done.You can make the next :
    create a directory /export/home/new_opt
    cd /opt
    cp -rp * /export/home/new_opt
    then rename /opt (temporally to try that it runs ok ) to
    /opt_vell and
    create a soft link
    ln -s /export/home/new_opt /opt
    This is momentaneously it will run ok, but it's not too elegant ;)
    Meanwhile you remake your filesystem structure it's a good idea.

  • [Solved]pacman doesn't like ' =' in depends for pure package

    Trying to install the pure programming language package available here.
    $ makepkg -s
    ==> Making package: pure 0.60-1 (Tue Aug 12 19:22:57 EDT 2014)
    ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
    ==> Installing missing dependencies...
    error: target not found: llvm<=3.4
    ==> ERROR: 'pacman' failed to install missing dependencies.
    PKGBUILD file:
    # -*- shell-script -*-
    # Contributor: Mikko Sysikaski mikko.sysikaski at gmail dot com
    # Updated by Stephen Diehl - [email protected]
    # Maintainer: Alastair Pharo asppsa at gmail dot com
    # Maintainer: Albert Graef <[email protected]>
    pkgdesc="Pure is a modern-style functional programming language based on term rewriting."
    arch=("i686" "x86_64")
    depends=('llvm<=3.4' 'gmp' 'mpfr' 'readline')
    makedepends=('make' 'gcc')
    optdepends=("pure-docs: online documentation"
    "w3m: access to help in interactive mode"
    "emacs-pure-mode: editing Pure files from Emacs"
    "texmacs-pure: embedding Pure sessions in TeXmacs")
    groups=(pure-complete pure-base)
    build() {
    cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
    ./configure --prefix=/usr --without-elisp --without-texmacs --enable-release
    make || return 1
    # check that the interpreter is working
    make check || return 1
    package() {
    cd $srcdir/$pkgname-$pkgver
    make DESTDIR=$pkgdir install || return 1
    # llc in LLVM 3.4 is broken; these will work with both LLVM 3.3 and 3.4
    cd $srcdir/llvm-3.3-tools/$CARCH
    cp llc opt $pkgdir/usr/lib/pure || return 1
    I have installed for now by simply removing the
    requirement but only out of frustration. I'm at a loss as to why pacman would be complaining, I see the bit about 'LLVM 3.4 is broken' but for one, 3.4 is already installed from [extra] and for two, 3.3 ought to meet the criteria. All help/explanation appreciated.
    Last edited by luisrayas3 (2014-08-18 20:06:03)

    luisrayas3 wrote:
    isn't it?? I would consider 3.4.2 == 3.4 from a versioning perspective and therefore also 3.4.2 <= 3.4
    edit: also worth noting that it does work anyhow with 3.4.2
    Nope, doesn't work that way. Try it yourself.
    % vercmp -h
    usage: vercmp <ver1> <ver2>
    output values:
    < 0 : if ver1 < ver2
    0 : if ver1 == ver2
    > 0 : if ver1 > ver2
    % vercmp 3.4.2 3.4

  • Photoshop and Word Projects Stalling and or Freezing

    Ironically,  this  problem I'm going tod escribe   has happend twice since I started to submit it at 6:10 am and again at 7:09 am this morning. Luckily, I copied it befoe  closing Safari and restarting:
    Recently I've noticed that my Mac is not running as efficiently as usual. In particular, it has been stalling  while I am working in Photoshop or MS Word (or as just happened again, inSafari). Although  I usually can get it moving again without restarting —  just by clicking on either the desktop or Safari, my guess is that it will only get worse  with time unless I fix the problem. Since some incidents are immediately followed by a report from Safari, I've assumed that emptying its cache and  trashing  its preferences are the obvious places to start, but am embarrassed to admit that although I've searched everywhere (including inside the preference folder in the Library), I can't find either item.
    Basic information about the MAC, Safari, MS Word and PS  is as follows:
    The MAC: The  basic 21.5" desktop  Mac . . .  ( 2.7 GHz Intel Core i5 /OS 10.8.3) . . .just celebrated its first birthday last month.  Although the desktop is filled with files and folders, "About This Mac" shows that 863.5 GBs of its 999.356 GBs are still unused.
    Safari: Version 6.0.3 (8536.28.10)
    Adobe Photoshop: CS6; version 13.0 x64
    MS Word: Mac 2008; version 12.3.2
    I realize there's at least one OS update for the Mac, but have opted to ignore it, because I believe in the old saying, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it" —  and when it comes to the update, it fixes apps I don't use. MS Word also was re-released just after I bought my current Mac. Not knowing  when it would reach the stores,  I contacted MS to see if there were any other versions (newer than the  one that came with Office 2008)  that were compatible with Mac OS 10 and they recommended the downloadable upgrade (available when I called)  for which I was still eligible . ..and which has worked perfectly until now.
    One problem with these stalls and freezes is that on those occasions when just clicking on the desktop or Safari does not work, I have to restart PS or Word.  Luckily, when I do, all open documents are recovered, whether previously saved or not. But if they weren't saved, when recovered, they are listed with document numbers but no names. Since I usually don't want to break my train of thought by stopping to stop resave them with names before returning to the project I was working on when everything stopped, the list of recovered files gets longer exponentially — probably slowing down the working speed of the apps even further.
    I recognize the need for better "housekeeping," but need to know if anything else has to be corrected first — and if so, how to attack it.

    Having a lot of files on a Mac desktop can slow it down, though I don't think it would cause it to lock up in just a few programs. I think you'd more likely see it no matter what program you have open.
    Download & run Etrecheck: http://www.etresoft.com/etrecheck
    Post the results of its scan here - it just looks through your machine and reports back with details of the hardware and software that are on the machine.

  • Interpret footage default?

    whenever i bring in an image sequence the interpret footage dialog is
    always at 30fps which makes it necessary for me to change it to 23.976
    or whatever i'm working at. how do i change the default for this? i searched
    help but didn't see it. also perused the preferences but must have missed it
    there too.

    thanks for the pointer.
    gave the file a quick once-over but didn't see anything in it about image sequences.
    couldn't figure out how to pass my 23.976 value to into that file. everythiing seemed
    to be set up for specific formats. my sequences are 3072 x 2304 (4x3) tga sequences.
    i have no idea how ae is getting the values it's using for defaults in this case or where
    in the txt file i would modify them. any further tips much appreciated. fwiw, i'll paste the
    txt file in its default form.
    thanks again,
    # "Interpretation Rules.txt"
    # Adobe After Effects Automatic Footage Interpretation
    # lines beginning with "#" are comments
    # basic format of a hard rule: {match requirements} = {set interpretation}
    # basic format of a soft rule: {match requirements} ~ {set interpretation}
    # + for each rule that matches, the interpretation is set; wild-cards ("*") allowed
    #   on both sides; wildcard match matches anything, wildcard set sets nothing
    # + multiple rules are allowed to match, later matches override earlier matches
    # + all rules are scanned in order, one rule per line
    # + rules are applied after pixel aspect ratio, alpha information, and field label
    #   information is read from a file
    # + soft rules will not override values that are specified explicitly by the file format or set by previous rules
    # width, height, frame-rate, file-type, codec =
    #     pixel aspect ratio/name, field order, conform frame-rate, alpha interp, icc profile code or profile description (one or the other), linear light
    # width & height are integer numbers
    # frame-rate is a decimal number
    # file-type is four characters in quotes (4c's)
    # codec (applicable for QT & AVI only) is also 4c's
    # to find out the file-type and/or codec 4c's for a specific type of footage,
    #    opt-click (Mac) or alt-click (Windows) on the footage in the project window;
    #    the 4c codes will appear in the last line of text by the thumbnail
    # the pixel aspect ratio is a ratio of integers (e.g. 10/11)
    #   optionally followed by a name for that ratio (e.g. 10/11/"My Aspect")
    # In After Effects CS4 (v9) we modified the Pixel Aspect Ratio's for several common formats:
    #    D1/DV NTSC From 648/720 (0.9) to 10.0/11.0 (about 0.9091)
    #    D1/DV NTSC Widescreen from 6/5 (1.2) to 40/33 (about 1.2121)
    #    D1/DV PAL From 768/720 (1.07) to 768/702 (about 1.0940)
    #    D1/DV PAL Widescreen from 64/45 (1.42) to 1024.0/702.0 (about 1.4587)
    # the field order is a single character, (F=frame, U=upper field, or L=lower field)
    # the conform frame-rate is a decimal number
    # alpha interp: (I=ignore, S=straight, P=premul/black, W=premul/white)
    #    alpha interp is ignored for footage without an alpha channel
    # icc profile is specified either by profile code which is four characters in quotes or by profile description which is a string in quotes with at most 255 characters plus quotes
    # The supported profile codes are:
    #    - working space profile: "wRGB"
    #    - embedded profile: "embe"
    #    - preserve RGB: "pRGB" (this does exactly what Preserve RGB checkbox does in Interpret Footage dialog)
    #    - sRGB: "sRGB"
    #    - Adobe RGB: "AS98"
    #    - Kodak 5218 film profile: "ginp"
    #    - SDTV NTSC: "r6nf" (SMPTE RP 145 primaries and ITU-R Rec. 709 TRCs. Black is encoded at 0 and White is encoded at 1.)
    #    - SDTV NTSC 16-235: "r6ns" (SMPTE RP 145 primaries and ITU-R Rec. 709 TRCs. Black is encoded at 16/255 and White is encoded at 235/255.)
    #    - SDTV PAL: "r6pf" (EBU Tech. 3213 primaries and ITU-R Rec. 709 TRCs. Black is encoded at 0 and White is encoded at 1.)
    #    - SDTV PAL 16-235: "r6ps" (EBU Tech. 3213 primaries and ITU-R Rec. 709 TRCs. Black is encoded at 16/255 and White is encoded at 235/255.)
    #    - HDTV (Rec. 709): "r7hf" (ITU-R Rec. 709 primaries and TRCs. Black is encoded at 0 and White is encoded at 1.)
    #    - HDTV (Rec. 709) 16-235: "r7hs" (ITU-R Rec. 709 primaries and TRCs. Black is encoded at 16/255 and White is encoded at 235/255.)
    # The profile description can be looked up either in UI (project window thumbnail info) or in a color utility such as ColorSync or it is user-defined
    # when creating a custom profile
    # linear light is an integer (0=Off, 1=On, 2=On for 32 bpc footage)
    # soft rule; assume ATSC 704x480 in any format is D1 aspect
    704, 480, 29.97, *, * ~ 10/11, *, *, *, *, *
    # NTSC rules
    # soft rule; assume 720x480 29.97fps formats are DV NTSC (lower, NTSC D1/DV aspect)
    # soft rule; assume 720x480 formats with all frame rates have NTSC DV/D1 pixel aspect ratio
    # soft rule; assume 720x486 formats with all frame rates have NTSC DV/D1 pixel aspect ratio
    # soft rule; assume 720x480 and 720x486 native mediacore formats are SDTV NTSC
    # soft rule; assume 720x480 DVCPro50 files are SDTV NTSC
    720, 480, 29.97, *, * ~ 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    720, 480, *, *, * ~ 10/11, *, *, *, *, *
    720, 486, *, *, * ~ 10/11, *, *, *, *, *
    720, 480, *, *, "dvc " ~ *, *, *, *, "r6nf", *
    720, 486, *, *, "v210" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6nf", *
    720, 486, *, *, "UYVY" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6nf", *
    720, 486, *, *, "2vuy" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6nf", *
    720, 480, *, *, "dv5n" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6nf", *
    # PAL rules
    # soft rule; assume 720x576 25fps formats are DV PAL (lower, PAL D1/DV aspect)
    # soft rule; assume 720x576 formats with all frame rates have PAL DV/D1 pixel aspect ratio
    # soft rule; assume 720x576 native mediacore formats are SDTV PAL
    # soft rule; assume 720x576 DVCPro50 files are SDTV PAL
    720, 576, 25, *, * ~ 768/702, L, *, *, *, *
    720, 576, *, *, * ~ 768/702, *, *, *, *, *
    720, 576, *, *, "dvcp" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6pf", *
    720, 576, *, *, "v210" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6pf", *
    720, 576, *, *, "UYVY" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6pf", *
    720, 576, *, *, "2vuy" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6pf", *
    720, 576, *, *, "dv5p" ~ *, *, *, *, "r6pf", *
    # D16/D4 rules
    # soft rules; assume 2880x2048, 1440x1024 formats with all frame rates D16/D4 pixel aspect ratio
    # removed from 7.0 -- remove comments to re-enable
    # 2880, 2048, *, *, * ~ 128/135, *, *, *, *, *
    # 1440, 1024, *, *, * ~ 128/135, *, *, *, *, *
    # HD / HDV rules
    # soft rule; Panasonic Varicam is 960x720
    # soft rule; Sony HDV is 1440x1080, upper field first
    # soft rule; assume HD dimensioned native mediacore formats are HDTV full swing
    960, 720, *, *, * ~ 1280/960/"HDV", *, *, *, *, *
    1440, 1080, 25, *, * ~ 1280/960/"HDV", U, *, *, *, *
    1440, 1080, 29.97, *, * ~ 1280/960/"HDV", U, *, *, *, *
    1280, 720, *, *, "v210" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    1280, 720, *, *, "UYVY" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    1280, 720, *, *, "2vuy" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    1920, 1080, *, *, "v210" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    1920, 1080, *, *, "UYVY" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    1920, 1080, *, *, "2vuy" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    # soft rule; assume HDV formats are HDTV full swing
    *, *, *, *, "hdv1" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    *, *, *, *, "hdv2" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    *, *, *, *, "hdv3" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    *, *, *, *, "hdv4" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    *, *, *, *, "hdv5" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    *, *, *, *, "hdv6" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    *, *, *, *, "hdv7" ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", *
    # assume NTSC DV is D1 aspect, lower-field
    # <obsolete rules -- superceded by soft rules above>
    # 720, 480, 29.97, "MooV", "dvc " = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # 720, 480, 29.97, "MooV", "dvpn" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # 720, 480, 29.97, ".AVI", "dvsd" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # soft rule: tag Cineon files with Kodak 5218 profile
    # remove comment below to enable
    # *, *, *, "sDPX", * ~ *, *, *, *, "ginp", *
    # soft rule: tag all Cineon files for now with Working RGB
    *, *, *, "sDPX", * ~ *, *, *, *, "wRGB", *
    # this soft rule should be the last in the list of soft rules
    # soft rule: tag all untagged footage with an sRGB profile
    *, *, *, *, * ~ *, *, *, *, "sRGB", *
    # hardware- and format-specific rules
    # Media 100 640 x 480 is square-pixel, upper-field first
    640, 480, 29.97, "MooV", "dtmt" = 1/1, U, *, *, *, *
    # Media 100 Finish 720 x 486 is D1-pixel-aspect, lower-field first
    720, 486, 29.97, "MooV", "dtNT" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # assume Matrox DigiSuite is D1-pixel-aspect, lower-field first
    720, 486, 29.97, ".AVI", "MJPG" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # assume Pinnacle Targa 3000 YUV is D1-pixel-aspect, lower-field first
    720, 486, 29.97, ".AVI", "UYVY" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # Media 100 Mac 720 x 486 is field-labeled by Media 100, and
    # can be upper or lower depending on the hardware, but
    # uncomment the next line to force D1, lower-field first
    # 720, 486, 29.97, "MooV", "dtmt" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # Avid 640x480 is square-pixel, upper-field first
    640, 480, *, "MooV", "avr " = 1/1, U, *, *, *, *
    # Avid Meridien Codec NTSC is lower-field first
    720, 486, 29.97, *, "AVDJ" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    720, 486, 29.97, *, "AVUI" = 10/11, L, *, *, *, *
    # Electric Image writes straight alpha files
    *, *, *, "EID2", * = *, *, *, S, *, *
    # OpenEXR is premultiplied by convention
    *, *, *, "oEXR", * ~ *, *, *, P, *, *
    # only adds a custom pixel aspect ratio to the popup in the Comp Settings & Interpret Footage
    # dialog boxes -- uncomment the next line to try it out
    # 0, 0, 0, "0000", * = 10/11/"Custom Aspect", *, *, *, *, *
    # rule to make red raw files available as Rec709
    # with Gamma encoded 32bit float data
    *, *, *, "R3D ", * ~ *, *, *, *, "r7hf", 0

  • Ld error

    CC /opt/dir1/a_app.o /opt/dir1/app1.o app_demo.o -o app_demo -L
    /opt/dir2/lib -lusi -lrad -ltvt -lc
    in 32bit using 4.x it works compiles ok but with forte 32bit/64buit,i
    get ld error like ELF type error.

    I scanned the C++ forum but didn't see if you had gotten this resolved. If so, ignore me.
    Without some additional information, my guess would be that you're mixing 32-bit and 64-bit object files. It is possible that one or more of your object files was compiled with a -xarch=v9 flag whilst others were not.
    You can check on what flavor an object file is by using the 'file' command:
    Example :
    % CC -xarch=v9 -c a.c
    % file a.o
    a.o: ELF 64-bit MSB relocatable SPARCV9 Version 1
    % CC -c a.c
    a.o: ELF 32-bit MSB relocatable SPARC Version 1
    if there is a mixing of 64-bit and 32-bit then you will get ELF type errors when trying to link the object files.
    % file a.o
    % file a.o

Maybe you are looking for

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