Floating Decimal problem!!

Dear all,
Dear all,
I wrote a java application to manipulate some data format transferring. I can run it on Windows with jdk 1.3. But when I ran it on Red Hat, I got such problem:
Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NumberFormatException: -0.715
at java.lang.FloatingDecimal.readJavaFormatString(FloatingDecimal.java:1213)
at java.lang.Double.valueOf(Double.java:183)
at java.lang.Double.<init>(Double.java:258)
at MethodEvaluation.ReadDataIn(MethodEvaluation.java:259)
at MethodEvaluation.RunLCV(MethodEvaluation.java:67)
at MethodEvaluation.main(MethodEvaluation.java:29)
I'm very confused! Why the same program and the same data set got different results !?
Please help me to resolve this problem! Thank you!

It might have to do with locale settings and the decimal delimiter's being . or ,

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    it does not shows in float type.
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    <input type="text" name="code" size="5" maxlength="5">
    <input type="text" name="Description" size="65">
    <input type="text" name="DrAmount" size="12" >
    <input type="text" name="CrAmount" size="12" >
    <SELECT name="type">
    <option value="" selected></option>
    <option VALUE="C">C</option>
    <option VALUE="O">O</option>
    <option VALUE="OI">OI</option>
    <option VALUE="OR">OR</option>
    <option VALUE="S">S</option>
    <option VALUE="SB">SB</option>
    <option VALUE="SG">SG</option></select>
    <input name="pct" type="text" size="6" maxlength="5" >
    jsp page:
    <%@ page
         import = "java.io.*"
         import = "java.lang.*"
         import = "java.sql.*"
         String Code,Description,Dr_Amount,Cr_Amount,Pct,Type, sql1 ;
         ResultSet results;
         PreparedStatement sql;
              Connection conn=DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:odbc:pf","scott","ttlscott");
                   int gl_code;
                   Float db_amt,cr_amt,gl_pct;
                   String gl_descr, gl_type;
                   boolean     doneheading = false;
    Statement s=conn.createStatement();
    Code = request.getParameter("code");
    Description = request.getParameter("Description");
    Type = request.getParameter("type");
    PreparedStatement pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(
    ("INSERT INTO gl_mast VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?,?)"));
    pstmt.setString(2, request.getParameter("Description"));
    pstmt.setString(5, request.getParameter("Type"));
                   sql = conn.prepareStatement("SELECT * FROM gl_mast WHERE gl_code = '" + Code + "'");
                   results = sql.executeQuery();
                        if(! doneheading)
                             out.println("<table border=2>");
                             doneheading = true;
    gl_code = results.getInt("gl_code");
    gl_descr = results.getString("gl_descr");
    db_amt = results.getFloat("db_amt");
    cr_amt = results.getFloat("cr_amt");
    gl_type = results.getString("gl_type");
    gl_pct = results.getFloat("gl_pct");
                        out.println("<BODY bgColor=blanchedalmond text=#008000 topMargin=0>");
                        out.println("<P align=center><FONT face=Helvetica><FONT color=fuchsia > <BIG>GL MASTER INFORMATION</BIG></FONT></P>");
                        out.println("<P align=center>");
                        out.println("<TABLE align=center border=1 cellPadding=1 cellSpacing=1 width=\"75%\">");
                        out.println("<TD>Code No.</TD>");
                        out.println("<TD>Dr. Amount</TD>");
                        out.println("<TD>Cr. Amount</TD>");
                        out.println("<tr><td>" + gl_code);
                        out.println("<td>" + gl_descr);
                        out.println("<td>" + db_amt);
                        out.println("<td>" + cr_amt);
                        out.println("<td>" + gl_type);
                        out.println("<td>" + gl_pct);
                        out.println("No matches for " + Code);
              catch (SQLException s)
                   out.println("Dupliacte Entry<br>");
         catch (ClassNotFoundException err)
              out.println("Class loading error");
    HTTP Status 500 -
    type Exception report
    description The server encountered an internal error () that prevented it from fulfilling this request.
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for JSP
    An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /gl_master/gl_save.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\abhi\org\apache\jsp\gl_005fmaster\gl_005fsave_jsp.java:100: incompatible types
    found : float
    required: java.lang.Float
    db_amt = results.getFloat("db_amt");
    An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /gl_master/gl_save.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\abhi\org\apache\jsp\gl_005fmaster\gl_005fsave_jsp.java:101: incompatible types
    found : float
    required: java.lang.Float
    cr_amt = results.getFloat("cr_amt");
    An error occurred at line: 13 in the jsp file: /gl_master/gl_save.jsp
    Generated servlet error:
    D:\Program Files\Apache Software Foundation\Tomcat 5.0\work\Catalina\localhost\abhi\org\apache\jsp\gl_005fmaster\gl_005fsave_jsp.java:103: incompatible types
    found : float
    required: java.lang.Float
    gl_pct = results.getFloat("gl_pct");
    3 errors
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.0.30 logs.
    Apache Tomcat/5.0.30

                   Float db_amt,cr_amt,gl_pct;
    found : float
    required: java.lang.Float
    db_amt = results.getFloat("db_amt");The messages are self-explainatory. You are having objects of type Float. and the ResultSet.getFloat() would return float.

  • Query Decimal problem

    Hello experts.
    I have a problem with decimal on a query that its used in a VDT.
    In the dev system it works fine, but when I transport it to Prod system, the decimals doesn't represent fine.
    An example:
    dev system         prod system
    2,50 UN               3 UN
    Does anyone help me on this.
    Vitor Ramalho

      If you are not getting the decimal values let us say 2,50 instead of 2.50 then what you need to do is go to your user profile in production and select defaults tab and select the required decimal notation. The report should now show the values 2, 50 as 2.50.
    Hope it helps.........

  • Binary to Decimal problems

    Ok to give a background to why i am writing this and so everyone has a better understanding of exactly what it is that i want it to do it goes like this.... My girlfriend got a message from a friend that was all in ones and zeros, and no its not because something on one of the mail servers is messed up he meant for it to be that way. But through the process of converting the 8 digit binary numbers into decimal values so that the corresponding ANSI character could be found I decided that it was taking to damn long so i would just write a prog to do it for me and then i could send back an annoying long message to that guy with ease. Only there is a catch over the summer i went from hotshot for a newb to a newb without a clue, i more or less didnt write a single line of code over 4 months and now i am having problems.
    I wanted to write a program that could-
    -convert long strings of chars into all 8 digit binary code
    -as well as convert large blocks of 8 digit binary back into ANSI letter values and then ANSI characters
    -I want it to use a frame and have a relativly simple usage procedure
    Now that you know what i set out to do I can show you how far i got -
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.awt.GradientPaint.*;
    public class BinaryToDec extends JFrame implements ActionListener
         // member variables
         JButton quit;
         JButton color;
         JButton convert;
         JLabel     label11_5, labelPassingWord;
         JTextField inputBinary, outputDecimal;
         Color      colorStore;
         String drawString;
         String bin;
         public BinaryToDec()
              drawString = "";
              setTitle("Binary to Decimal");
              quit= new JButton("DONE");
              color= new JButton("Bkgnd Clr");
              convert= new JButton("Convert to Decimal");
              label11_5 = new JLabel("Enter a Binary Number");
              inputBinary = new JTextField(25);
              labelPassingWord = new JLabel("Your Deciaml Equivilant");
              outputDecimal = new JTextField(25);
         }// end of constructor
         public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent evt)
                   System.out.println("Quit Caught");
                   int choice = JOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(null , "You Pressed " + evt.getActionCommand() + " are you sure?"
                        , "Close Frame",JOptionPane.YES_NO_OPTION);
                   if(choice == 0)
                   if (evt.getSource() == color)
                        Color color = Color.lightGray;
                        color = JColorChooser.showDialog(BinaryToDec.this,"Choose a color",color);
                   if (evt.getSource() == convert)
                        bin = inputBinary.getText();
                        int strLength = bin.length();
                        int pos1=0, pos2=7;
                        String temp = "";
                        String Decimal1 = "";
                        String Decimal2 = "";
                        int binLength = 8;
                        int count = 0;
                                  temp = bin.substring(pos1,pos2);
                                  Decimal1 = Convert(temp);
                                  Decimal2 = Decimal2 + "" + Decimal1;
                                  pos1 = pos1 + binLength;
                                  pos2 = pos2 + binLength;
                             }while((strLength/8) >count);
         }//end of actionPerform
         public void paint( Graphics g)
         public String Convert(String a)
              int ctr=1, decimal=0;
              for (int i = a.length()-1; i>=0; i--)
              if(a.charAt(i)=='1')      decimal+=ctr;
              String converted = "" + decimal;
              return converted;
         public static void main(String args[])
              System.out.println("Binary to Dec");
              BinaryToDec in = new BinaryToDec();
         }// end of main()
    }// end of class FrameExample1
    OK so other than that i decided to play with some of the paint functions i more or less stayed on task, at first i had it just convert 8 digit binary nums into decimal form using this -
              int ctr=1, decimal=0;
              for (int i = a.length()-1; i>=0; i--)
              if(a.charAt(i)=='1')      decimal+=ctr;
    which i found in someone elses post and made some changes to, thank you someone whoever you are i hope you see this, anyways,.. then i decided i wanted it to check the length of a string and divide it by 8 assuming that it it a perfect block of 8 digit nums and then cut it into substring and go through the proccess of converting the binary to deciaml one piece at a time. I did it more or less, well it compiles right but whenever you put in more than one 8 digit binary number it ends up giving you some really strange decimal numbers and i cant seem to figure out why the hell it is doing this.??? I was hoping that some one could help me out.
    If you read this far than thanks for taking the time on my post :)

    Did you try to decode that message by hand and verified that it really is encoded the way you think it is?
    Here some code to try
    public static void decode(String fileIn, String fileOut) {
            try {
            FileReader in=new FileReader(fileIn);
            PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(fileOut);
            char[] buffer=new char[8];
            int i;
            do {
                i=in.read(buffer, 0, 8);
                if(i==8) {
                    out.write(Integer.parseInt(new String(buffer),2));
            } while(i==8);
            } catch (Exception e) {}
        public static void encode(String fileIn, String fileOut) {
            try {
            FileReader in=new FileReader(fileIn);
            PrintWriter out=new PrintWriter(fileOut);       
            int i;
            while( (i=in.read()) >= 0 ) {
                String str=Integer.toBinaryString(i);
                for(int j=str.length(); j<8; j++)
            } catch (Exception e) {}

  • Fill floating KF problem

    In extractor and ODS I have key figure type floating.
    Sometimes extractors return value '0' for this field.
    In such cases, in update rules,   I fill KF using FM CONVERT_TO_LOCAL_CURRENCY.
    Problem is when I read value '4.1' i get '4.099999996E00' in KF instead '4.100000006E00'.
    How to resolve this problem?

    Hi Kumar
    It is not reporting problem but calculating.
    I use this KF to calculate another.
    This small difference give disparity in large values.
    1.000.000 x 1,1 = 1.100.000
    1.000.000 x 1,0999999996E+00 = 1.099.999
    I must insert to KF value 1,1000 not 1,099999999.

  • Decimal Problem in fields

    In Export invoice we are entering currency in USD.When we enter the value it accepts 3 decimal places.But it is stored as 2 decimal places in table.
    Eg.2.059 USD in invoice screen
    but in table 20.59 USD.
    What is the problem?where we can rectify this error?

    It will be stored with two decimal places. No issues with that. when you display this on your report, you have to specify the currency as USD and your issue will be resolved.
    write: v_amount to v_amount currency 'USD'.
    I am quoting from the help of the write statement below.
    This addition defines currency-dependent decimal places for the output of data objects of data types i or p. For all other data types, except for f, the addition is ignored. For cur, a three-digit, character-type field is expected that contains a currency key from the column CURRKEY of the database table TCURX in uppercase letters. The system determines the number of decimal places from the column CURRDEC of the respective row in the database table TCURX. If the content of cur is not found in TCURX, two decimal places are used. The following applies for numeric data types:
    In the case of data types of type i, a decimal separator is inserted at the position determined by cur and the thousands separators are moved accordingly.
    In the case of data objects of type p, the decimal places defined in the definition of the data type are ignored completely. Irrespective of the actual value and without rounding actions, the decimal separators and the thousand separators are inserted at the positions in the numbers determined by cur.
    In the case of data objects of type f, the addition CURRENCY has the same effect as the addition DECIMALS (see below). Here, the number of decimal places is determined by cur.
    If the addition CURRENCY with length specification * or ** is used after AT, it is used first and the output length is determined from the result.
    The addition CURRENCY is appropriate for the display of data objects of type i or p without decimal places, whose contents are currency amounts in the smallest unit of the currency.
    The output of the WRITE statement is "123456,78".
    DATA int TYPE i VALUE 12345678.

  • Float Drop Problem

    I'm having a float drop issue with my layout. I've read
    several articles on this but can't figure it out, because my layout
    isn't just 3 columns.
    Here's the problem:
    *I have a <div> for my logo, floated left, then I have
    a <div> for a banner heading floated right.
    *I then have a top horizontal navbar, also a <div>, no
    *below this I have my three columns (side bar-float left,
    contents-float left and right bar-float right).
    The problem is that Dreamweaver is showing a float drop error
    on the navbar div.
    I just don't know what to do to fix this and I've spent
    several days trying to figure it out. I'm using IE6 which is where
    the problem is supposed to occur, but the page displays correctly,
    so I can't actually see the error.
    My web site is not up so I can't provide a link but here is
    some of the code.
    #wrap {
    background: #999966;
    color: #303030;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 780px;
    #banner_logo {
    float: left;
    width: 190px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: #cccc99;
    padding: 10px;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #FFFFFF;
    #banner_text {
    width: 550px;
    float: right;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: #cccc99;
    padding: 10px;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #FFFFFF;
    * html #navbar {
    height: 1px;
    #navbar {
    width: 758px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    #navbar ul {
    margin: 5px 0px 5px 5px;
    padding: 0px;
    text-align: center;
    #navbar li {
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 8pt;
    padding-right: 50px;
    display: inline;
    <div id="wrap">
    <div id="banner_logo"><img
    src="../Images/logo_smaller2.png" alt="logo" width="174"
    height="100" /></div>
    <div id="banner_text">
    <h1 align="center">Attic 2 Basement Home
    <h2 align="center">905-286-9586</h2>
    <div align="center"><span class="sub_head">Each
    home inspection is performed as if it were our
    own!</span><br />
    <span class="sub_head">Your peace of mind is our
    <div id="navbar"> - HERE'S WHERE THE FLOAT DROP ERROR
    <li><a href="../about_us.html">About
    <li><a href="../Contact_us.html">Contact
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="SideNavBar" -->
    <div id="avmenu">
    <li><a href="#">LINK </a></li>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable --><!--
    TemplateBeginEditable name="SideBar" -->
    <div id="right_side_bar">
    <h3>Book Your Inspection</h3>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable --><!--
    TemplateBeginEditable name="MainContent" -->
    <div id="content">
    <h2>Page Heading Here</h2>
    <p>Content here</p>
    I would appreciate any direction offered!
    Thanks so much,

    I'm having a float drop issue with my layout. I've read
    several articles on this but can't figure it out, because my layout
    isn't just 3 columns.
    Here's the problem:
    *I have a <div> for my logo, floated left, then I have
    a <div> for a banner heading floated right.
    *I then have a top horizontal navbar, also a <div>, no
    *below this I have my three columns (side bar-float left,
    contents-float left and right bar-float right).
    The problem is that Dreamweaver is showing a float drop error
    on the navbar div.
    I just don't know what to do to fix this and I've spent
    several days trying to figure it out. I'm using IE6 which is where
    the problem is supposed to occur, but the page displays correctly,
    so I can't actually see the error.
    My web site is not up so I can't provide a link but here is
    some of the code.
    #wrap {
    background: #999966;
    color: #303030;
    margin: 0 auto;
    width: 780px;
    #banner_logo {
    float: left;
    width: 190px;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: #cccc99;
    padding: 10px;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #FFFFFF;
    #banner_text {
    width: 550px;
    float: right;
    height: 100px;
    background-color: #cccc99;
    padding: 10px;
    border-bottom: 3px solid #FFFFFF;
    * html #navbar {
    height: 1px;
    #navbar {
    width: 758px;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    text-decoration: none;
    #navbar ul {
    margin: 5px 0px 5px 5px;
    padding: 0px;
    text-align: center;
    #navbar li {
    list-style-type: none;
    font-size: 8pt;
    padding-right: 50px;
    display: inline;
    <div id="wrap">
    <div id="banner_logo"><img
    src="../Images/logo_smaller2.png" alt="logo" width="174"
    height="100" /></div>
    <div id="banner_text">
    <h1 align="center">Attic 2 Basement Home
    <h2 align="center">905-286-9586</h2>
    <div align="center"><span class="sub_head">Each
    home inspection is performed as if it were our
    own!</span><br />
    <span class="sub_head">Your peace of mind is our
    <div id="navbar"> - HERE'S WHERE THE FLOAT DROP ERROR
    <li><a href="../about_us.html">About
    <li><a href="../Contact_us.html">Contact
    <!-- TemplateBeginEditable name="SideNavBar" -->
    <div id="avmenu">
    <li><a href="#">LINK </a></li>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable --><!--
    TemplateBeginEditable name="SideBar" -->
    <div id="right_side_bar">
    <h3>Book Your Inspection</h3>
    <!-- TemplateEndEditable --><!--
    TemplateBeginEditable name="MainContent" -->
    <div id="content">
    <h2>Page Heading Here</h2>
    <p>Content here</p>
    I would appreciate any direction offered!
    Thanks so much,

  • Floating point problem in method

    When I got a method, like moveTo(float,float), originally, it should be, for example moveTo(30.45f,100.894f). But if I passed an array which id of type float but don't have the 'f' at the back. Does this matter? An Example:
    float x1Points[]=new float[ix.length];
    float y1Points[]=new float[iy.length];
         for(int i=0;i<ix.length;i++){
    GeneralPath polygon = new GeneralPath(GeneralPath.WIND_EVEN_ODD);
    polygon.moveTo(x1Points[0], y1Points[0]);//problem here
    for ( int i = 1; i < x1Points.length; i++ ) {
    polygon.lineTo(x1Points[i], y1Points[i]);

    No, this does not matter.
    The "f" is only for numeric literal values, to indicate that the value is a float, instead of an int or double (which it is by default).
    For variables, there is no need to specify the type with a postfix letter like the "f", because the type of variables is always known; for example, the compiler already knows that you have an array of floats, so there is no need to tell the compiler again that you want to pass floats to the method.

  • Floating Point Problem

    I wish to know how can I get the floating point to two significant digit?
    like 0.012234455 to 0.01?

    public class TaDa {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            double percent = 2 / Math.PI * 100;
            System.out.printf("%.2f", percent);
    }The string starting wth % is a format string. The ".2" means you want 2 decimal
    places. The "f" means you are dealing with a floating point thing.
    There is also String.format("%.2f", percent) which will return a String - the same
    one as is printed in the example. These methods became available with Java
    1.5 and are documented here:
    (A similar printf is available in PHP).

  • Help! Expand Box, Doubled Float Margin Bug & Float Drop Problem

    My website has a title problem in line 159, 161 and 164, and I couldn't fiugre out why since my design view is TOTALL messed up in dreamweaver. However, by using google chrome broswer, webpage is still displaying fine, but not IE or firefox.. I was wondering if someone can help me take a look and give me some feedback how to fix the issue....thank you very much,

    Thank you, all errors have been fixed from w3 validation site, but I still have browser compability problem..
    Ken, do you mean removing all below underline portion under demostyle.css?
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
    <title>Unable to load page</title>
    <style type="text/css">
    #container {
              width: 50%;
              margin: 3em auto;
              font-family: Verdana, Geneva, sans-serif;
    #dwicon {
              float: left;
              margin-right: 2em;
    #error {
              padding-top: .5em;
    #desc {
    <div id="container"> <img id="dwicon" src="dw://configuration/Shared/ICE/Images/warning_icon.gif" width="32" height="32" alt="Warning" />
      <h3 id="error">Server Not Found</h3>
      <p id="desc">The page "http://localhost/resources/demos/style.css" was not loaded because Dreamweaver could not find the server "localhost". Please make sure you are connected to the internet and the server name is correct.</p>

  • Showing a floating decimal in a adf table

    hi there,
    i hava created a adf table out of a data control, the problem in the bean i have strings and a double value.
    The strings a shown, but the double value (very tiny values like 1.36E-6) are rounded to 0, but thats isnt well in my case....
    so how can i show the floating point notation???

    Where do you get the floating point numbers from? From the db via an entity object (EO) or a view Object (VO) or from an EJB?
    You only mentioned that you used a data control.
    If the values are read from the DB and your business layer uses EOs and/or VOs, you go to the model project, search the EO in question in the application navigator and double click it. Then select the 'Attributes' section of the wizzard and follow the instructions from the previous posting.

  • Decimal Problem in Document Amount..

    Greetings for the day,
    In table amount showing properly. I mean decimal showing only 2 digits but
    in my document it is showing 3 digits. Earlier it was worked properly but
    since today morning I am facing this problem. I checked in T.code OY04
    there is no option for 2 decimals hence I haven't maintained local currency
    with any of the available options(1,3 or 5). So how to set in document
    decimals as 2 digits?
    Kindly revert me back as soon as possible with your valuable suggestions.
    Thanks & Regards,

    Just check in OY01
    SU3 - User profile
    Do not give anything in OY04 - I have checked for my currecny GBP. I don't even find my currency in OY04
    It seems this setting is not needed

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