FLVPlayback Runtime Poster/Preview Image

I cannot find an ActionScript 3 code example anywhere on how to load a PNG file as a flvplayback preview image and add it in at runtime." Assigning the preview property with the string of the PNG file refrence like 'video.preview = "previewimg.png"' does nothing. Does anyone know who to assign in ActionScript 3 a PNG file as preview file.

My preview image assigned in the IDE will not be exported to the swf file during the publishing of the fla file. The initial video screen is black rather than showing the preview/poster image for the movie. But on some Adobe websites it says that a preview image can be assigned using ActionScript which would make the preview image visible at runtime. But I have not seen any code on how to actually do that. Just assigning a value to the preview property of the FLVPlackback component does not do the job. It seems there is a black hole of information on this.

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  • CS4 - Render preview image not scaled and position properly

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    It produces videos int he following format:
    1.0 square pixel
    29.97 fps
    I created a sequence corresponding to these settings. When no effects are added to the clip in the sequence, playback is fine in the sequence preview panel.
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    when playing:
    Image above shows both clips are at the same frame. No effects applied beside a title.
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    4. Suggestions, comments?
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    Thank you all.
    Sorry if my english is not perfect, it's not my main langugage.

    @John T Smith:
    already searched for the answers, but withiout success.
    @Ann Benns:
    Thanks for the advice. I will try that tonight.
    In the meantime, I found a post about a guy who had the same issue as me:
    http://goprouser.freeforums.org/changed-question-about-adobe-premiere-resolution-t1492-20. htm
    The post ends in 2010 with: "WOOHOO!!  I finally got it (mysteriously) to work again!"
    I will try to send him an email.
    Thanks for your help. If anyone has more suggestions or ideaas, they are more than welcome!

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    Before I share the app I use I have something to say.
    You have lousy forum etiquette. You constantly post asking things you could easily do research for yourself, both here in the Apple Discussion forums and on the web. You rarely show any appreciation for the help people give to you by marking their posts as Helpful or Solved. In fact you rarely even return and mark your original posts as Answered, you just ignore them and move on to post another question. You obviously don't read the links people provide because you ask another question that has usually been answered in the link.
    You received a printed User Guide with your Mac and there is a Help utility in the Finder, as well as many OS X and 3rd party apps, in the Help Menu, that answers many of the questions you post. There is a Google search box in the upper right corner of every Safari window that has a toolbar, I, and I'm sure others here who assist you, often find the answers in barely a minute by typing the topic in that search box and pressing enter.
    Most of the apps you ask about are available at Version Tracker. It also has a search box. Plus the apps are arranged in topics, as well as the newest postings.
    Please go back and mark all your previous posts that are answered, as well as, show some appreciation to the folks who helped you with answers and suggestions.
    I use ThumbsUp. It is free, a Universal binary and available on Version Tracker. Go to the Preferences/Create and choose the Icons for Originals. Then you can highlight groups of photos and just drag & drop them on the ThumbsUp Icon in your Apps folder and it will open and start creating a Photo Icon for each photo. Small groups are almost instant. I have done as many as 150 in one drag & drop.

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    Ok, interesting to hear. Thank you.
    But it never felt like Safari would do it automatically. And beside, why should the cache be "full" by sometime? There's enough space on the drive.
    But here's a solution I just found out for now:
    After deleting the cache (and I guess it would also work for single sites without an recent preview image) I just opened the page again and let it fully load. Then the preview image is back again.
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    Future solution idea for Apple:
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    So thank you Carolyn for you help here! : )

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    It's highly unusual for thsi probelm to occur on Mac. Are you sure that the import window is set for full screen rather than the simplified view. See screen shot below. The button with red border is used to toggle between full screen and simple view.

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    Yes, I saw your post on that one ... at least some incremental progress is being made ...
    There's an area of Discussions (available only to the level 4 or 5 users) where we can post information about trouble we see out in the "public" forums ("Notable New Technical Issues"). I've been updating a thread on this issue with your progress so far with this. (I'm not sure if the Safari developers watch that though ... but just in case, I've been stashing info about this there.)
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    Have a look at this tutorial: http://web.archive.org/web/20081012122149/http://www.monkeyflash.com/flash/poster_frame_fo r_flash_video/
    If you still have questions, ask again.

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    Initially I could find no cause. Then I tried right click - Edit and on the affected images, always get this warning:
    "Image Cannot Be Edited - This photo was previously edited with another application or with an early version of Iphoto. Duplicate this photo to edit it." and a "Duplicate To Edit" Button is displayed. 
    The external Editor defined for iPhoto is Adobe Photoshop Elements.
    Now, I reckon the MUST be others out there affected by this same apparent Preview bug, yet my searches have not revealed any answers.  Also seems impossible to find a contact number for adobe???

    Start '''[https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/troubleshoot-firefox-issues-using-safe-mode Firefox in Safe Mode]''' {web Link} by holding down the '''<Shift ''(Mac Options)'' >''' key, and then starting Firefox. Is the problem still there?

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    Especially important if I've put the item in the wrong folder and what to locate it without multi-steps. iMac OS X 10.5 was more useful.
    Old OSX Spotlight function automatically displayed path/location within the machine:  e.g. desktop/folder/sub-folder/item.
    Can I make Spotlight show the path?

    Press option-command and the path is displayed at the bottom of the little preview window.  Press command-return and the enclosing folder opens. 

  • Previewing images in forms 11g from the server

    Hi All,
    i need your help in this issue please
    i've just migrated my application from forms 6i to forms 11g
    there is a function in my application that i used that previewed images that exists on a network drive that are used in an image gallary
    now i don't have this setup as the application is hosted on the weblogic server
    i want an alternative method that i can use to preview the images from the server
    the old way was:
    read_image_file('.\default_image.jpg','any','preview.image_preview'); --this shows a default image if no image was selected
    if :search_results.file_path is not null then     
         read_image_file(:preview.image_path||'\'||:search_results.file_path,'any','preview.image_preview');     -- this shows the image that we retreived it's name from the database but it exists on the file system
    end if;
    i've configured the webutil but i don't know what method to use
    also another functionality that i lost in the migration is opening a browser window to preview the final article that the editor entered using my application
    the old way was:
         url varchar2(1000);
    WIN_API_SHELL.WinExec('"C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\IEXPLORE.EXE" '||url||'',
    Exception when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    now ithe WIN_API_SHELL is not working as i'm on the server side and i don't know the alternative
    please advice

    Hello Nivin
    If you want to read an file from local drive or from netwrok drive then before reading images please make sure that do you have full rights and have you mapped that network drive .
    after that you use read_image_file built in(). secondly you configure WEBUTIL package.
    please visit the following link for configuring webutil.
    I configured my webutil package from this link and its worked fine.

  • I am unable to get same preview image colors in Bridge and Lightroom

    I am unable to get same file preview in Bridge and Lightroom. The Lightroom preview image (in both the Library and Develop) is more de-saturated. But the exported/saved jpegs match. If I try to match the Lightroom preview image to the Bridge preview image, the resulting Lightroom  export colors are off. I have tried this with images with no changes and with changes and the result is the same. I have Lightroom 5.6 and CR 8.6. I am using the latest version of Bridge.
    I contacted Adobe support and followed all instructions to try to fix but the problem remains. This comment was made after several solutions were tried, including updating Lightroom. :
    Adobe: there would be little difference in case of preview of Bridge CC and Lightroom 5. However, after exporting it would be same. Both use different technology at the background and work in a different way. The preview which you see in lightroom is not the actual image but incase of Bridge you see the actual image ( original ). That's the reason there is a color variation between previews.
    Me: But how can I then use the Lightroom preview to get accurate colors when processing a RAW file? If I do adjustments to the RAW file in Lightroom it looks different when exported. That doesn't seem to make sense when Lightroom is designed for photograhy
    Adobe: Please check in develop module of lightroom.
    Me: Nothing changes in the develop mode. The image looks the same as in the preview/Library mode.
    This screenshot shows the unmodified images in Develop (Lightroom) and ACR (Bridge). The color differences are significant.
    Lightroom exported jpeg file, unmodified from preview image in Develop (which looks like Bridge preview image not the Lightroom preview)
    Bridge saved jpeg file, unmodified from preview image in ACR
    Any suggestions on what I need to do to Lightroom to make it show accurate colors. If not, I don't see any point in using it to process files.
    Thanks, Marie

    Bridge is just a browser. It displays according to the embedded color profile but assumes sRGB for all untagged images.
    In Lightroom library previews use Adobe RGB and in Develop the working space is Pro Photo RGB.
    The real question is why use both Bridge and Lightroom. Stick to one, not both.

  • Printing Questions - "Poster" - One image on multiple sheet of paper (to create an enlargement)

    Tried to find this in the archives - apologies if this has already been answered. Kindly reply with that link and I won't ask you to chew your cabbage twice...
    On my older PC, I used to be able to print an image in "poster" mode, which essentially let me print and enlarge an image by printing it across multiple pages (e.g. 4, 6, 9 pages.) Since I'm a painter, this was an easy way for me to print out an image - and enlarge it - from which I could tape the pages together to create the enlargement. I then could use that rough poster-enlargement-on-multiple-sheets-of-paper to trace on to my canvas. (And my photographer friends have already pointed out the ease of which to actually print poster size images, but I don't need that expense or hassle for my purposes. I basically want an enlargement to trace onto a larger size canvas to paint on.)
    Since I just got a new Mac, I've downloaded PSE9 Mac trial, but can't for the life of me figure out how to replicate what I used to do on my PC, granted with an older version of PSE.
    Hoping this makes sense - and hoping against hope that someone can nudge me in the right direction...
    BTW - IF this does make sense, AND I can do on the Mac or the newer version of PSE - anybody got an idea for a workaround? (Short of buying PS CS5...?)

    Thanks so much! Of course you're right - and this does the job perfectly! Thank you so much for the prompt replay, explained clearly, and very helpful! You've really helped me move onto items which I've really wanted to do!
    Very gratefully,

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    Here is a link to my blog: http://www.hoopography.com. You can see how there is only one image. I I want to talk about multiple items, I need to create an image in Pages and put them all together. I would really like to break out of the one box (placeholder) mold. I feel so constrained in iweb right now. I think I have done a lot with my blog, but I am always looking to learn more about iweb and improve my blog. Thanks for any help!!!

    what's the url of your blog? I'd like to check it out. I'm always interested in learning more about iWeb to improve my blogs. Mine are: http://www.hoopography.com and http://www.wnysportscards.com

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