FM for creating relations bewtween 2 BP (IS-U)

how i can create relation between 2 bp?
thank you.

DATA: db_update      TYPE REGEN-DB_UPDATE,
      muster_kun     TYPE EKUND-MUSTER_KUN,
      TYPE           TYPE BUS000FLDS-TYPE,
      bpkind         TYPE BUS000FLDS-BPKIND,
      GROUP          TYPE TB001-BU_GROUP,
      upd_onl        TYPE REGEN-KENNZX,
      no_xinit       TYPE REGEN-KENNZX,
      xinit          type regen-kennzx,
      p              type isu01_partner_data,
      EMAIL          TYPE ADR6-SMTP_ADDR,
      rec_partner    type bapiisubpd,
      rec_partner_x  type bapiisubpdx,
      r_partner_new  type bapibppara-partner,
      rec_return     type bapiret2,
      rec_address    type bapiisubpa,
      rec_address_x  type bapiisubpax,
      rec_adruse     type bapiisubpau,
      rec_adruse_x   type bapiisubpaux,
      rec_bank       type bapiisubpb,
      rec_bank_x     type bapiisubpbx,
      rec_ccard      type bapiisubpc,
      rec_ccard_x    type bapiisubpcx,
      rec_email_on_a type bapiadsmtp,
      rec_extension  type bapiparex,
      rec_rltypes    type bapiisubpr,
      rec_tel_on_a   type bapiadtel,
      rec_tax        type bapibus1006tax,
      tab_adruse     like rec_adruse     occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_adruse_x    like rec_adruse_x   occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_address     like rec_address    occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_address_TMP like rec_address    occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_address_x   like rec_address_x  occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_bank        like rec_bank       occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_bank_x      like rec_bank_x     occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_ccard       like rec_ccard      occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_ccard_x     like rec_ccard_x    occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_email_on_a  like rec_email_on_a occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_extension   like rec_extension  occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_rltypes     like rec_rltypes    occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_tax         like bapibus1006tax occurs 0 with header line,
      tab_tel_on_a    like rec_tel_on_a   occurs 0 with header line,
      ls_auto         type isu01_partner_auto,
      rltypes         like bup_partnerroles occurs 0 with header line,
      t_rltyp         like tbz0-rltyp occurs 0 with header line.
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'ReferenceCustomer'   muster_kun.
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'Type'                TYPE.
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'BusinessPartnerKind' bpkind.
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'Group'               GROUP.
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'EMailAddress'        email.
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'Telephone'           tel_number.
  SWC_GET_TABLE   CONTAINER 'RoleType'            t_rltyp[].
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'UpdateOnline'        upd_onl.
  SWC_GET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'NoFirstScreen'       no_xinit.
if no_xinit = 'X'.
  clear xinit.
  xinit = 'X'.
refresh rltypes.
loop at t_rltyp.
  rltypes-rolecategory = t_rltyp.
  append rltypes.
* provide business partner data
CLEAR: LS_aUTO, rec_partner, rec_partner_X.
      call function 'ISU_S_PARTNER_PROVIDE'
          x_partner                      = PARTNER
          x_wmode                        = '1'
          x_no_dialog                    = 'X'
         y_auto                          = ls_auto
       not_found                       = 1
       partner_in_role_not_found       = 2
       foreign_lock                    = 3
       not_authorized                  = 4
       invalid_wmode                   = 5
       different_type                  = 6
       general_fault                   = 7
       others                          = 8.
if sy-subrc = 0 and not ls_auto is initial.
rec_partner-bpkind = LS_AUTO-ACT-BPKIND.
rec_partner_x-bpkind = 'X'.
rec_partner-name_first = NAME_FIRST.
rec_partner_x-name_first = 'X'.
rec_partner-name_last  = NAME_last.
rec_partner_x-name_last  = 'X'.
rec_partner-soc_secure = soc_secure.
rec_partner_x-soc_secure = 'X'.
tab_address_x-XDFADR     = 'X'.
tab_address-XDFADR       = 'X'.
tab_address_x-CITY1      = 'X'.
tab_address-CITY1        = LS_ADDRESS-CITY1.
tab_address_x-POST_CODE1 = 'X'.
tab_address_x-STREET     = 'X'.
tab_address-STREET       = LS_ADDRESS-STREET.
tab_address_x-HOUSE_NUM1 = 'X'.
tab_address_x-COUNTRY    = 'X'.
tab_address-COUNTRY      = LS_ADDRESS-COUNTRY.
tab_address_x-TEL_NUMBER = 'X'.
tab_address-TEL_NUMBER   = tel_number.
tab_address_x-E_MAIL     = 'X'.
tab_address-E_MAIL       = EMAIL.
APPEND tab_address_x.
*upd_onl = 'X'.
type = '1'.
group = '0001'.
*   ==============================================
*   ==============================================
*                    PARTNER      =
                    type         = type
                    group        = group
                    refcustomer  = 'SDKUNDE'
                    partnerdata  = rec_partner
                    partnerdatax = rec_partner_x
*                   TESTRUN      =
                    accept_error = 'X'
         importing  return       = rec_return
                    new_partner  = r_partner_new
         tables  taddress              = tab_address
                 taddressx             = tab_address_x
                 tbankdata             = tab_bank
                 tbankdatax            = tab_bank_x
                 tccarddata            = tab_ccard
                 tccarddatax           = tab_ccard_x
                 rltypes               = tab_rltypes
                 extensionin           = tab_extension
                 ttaxdata              = tab_tax
                 telefondatanonaddress = tab_tel_on_a
                 e_maildatanonaddress  = tab_email_on_a
                 tadruse               = tab_adruse
                 tadrusex              = tab_adruse_x.
if not rec_return-type = 'E'.
       wait = 'X'.
      businesspartner1               = partner
      businesspartner2               = r_partner_new
      relationshipcategory           = 'ZDISP2'
*     RELATIONSHIPTYPE               =
*     VALIDFROMDATE                  = SY-DATLO
*     VALIDUNTILDATE                 = '99991231'
*     XDFREL                         =
*     RETURN                         =
       wait = 'X'.
    call function 'ISU_S_PARTNER_CHANGE'
        x_partner            = r_partner_new
*        X_VALDT              =
        x_upd_online         = 'X'
*        X_NO_DIALOG          =
*        X_AUTO               =
*        X_OBJ                =
*        X_NO_OTHER           =
*        X_REL_KZ             = 'X'
*        X_MUSTER_KUN         =
*        X_TESTRUN            =
*        Y_DB_UPDATE          =
*        Y_EXIT_TYPE          =
*        Y_NEW_PARTNER        =
*      TABLES
*        XT_RLTYPES           =
*        NOT_FOUND            = 1
*        FOREIGN_LOCK         = 2
*        NOT_AUTHORIZED       = 3
*        CANCELLED            = 4
*        INPUT_ERROR          = 5
*        GENERAL_FAULT        = 6
*        OTHERS               = 7
commit work and wait.
** call change service function (no commit)
*call function 'ISU_S_PARTNER_CREATE'
*     exporting
**          x_partner       = partner
**          x_upd_online    = upd_onl
*          x_upd_online    = SPACE
*          x_type          = type
*          x_group         = group
**          x_first_screen  = xinit
*          x_muster_kun    = muster_kun
*          x_bpkind        = bpkind
**           X_NO_DIALOG     =
*           X_AUTO          = ls_auto
**           X_WINDOW        =
*          x_rel_kz        = 'X'
*    importing
**         y_db_update     = db_update
*         y_exit_type     = exit_type
*         y_new_partner   = p
**    tables
**         xt_rltypes      = rltypes
*      exceptions
*           existing        = 1
*           foreign_lock    = 2
*           not_authorized  = 3
*           input_error     = 5
*           general_fault   = 6
*           others          = 7.
*if sy-subrc <> 0.
*  if sy-subrc = 1.
**     existing
*    exit_return 1000 sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
*  elseif sy-subrc = 2.
**     foreign lock
*    exit_return 1001 sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
*  elseif sy-subrc = 3.
**     not authorized
*    exit_return 1002 sy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.
*  else.
**     other error
*    swc_refresh_object self.
**   set initial objectkey
*    clear object-key.
*    swc_set_objectkey object-key.
*    exit_return 1003 text-s00 space space space.
*  endif.
if exit_type = 'CANC'.
*   cacelled
swc_set_objectkey r_partner_new.
* put export parameters to container
  SWC_SET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'DatabaseUpdate' db_update.
  SWC_SET_ELEMENT CONTAINER 'Partner' r_partner_new.
* attributes may have changed, force new read from DB
swc_refresh_object self.

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    I've logged an Enhancement request on this.
    I don't believe it's possible to change it from the Entity or Relationship dialog, as it's not updatable in these dialogs.
    What you can do is change it in the Relational Model, and then reverse engineer the change back to the Logical Model.

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    05         ZBD1                       ZPK1
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    Hi Ravi,
    the number of sales area possible would be 6 sales area,
    yes you can of course use the common master data functionality
    After creating the organizational structure and relevant master records you want to use as the masters, that is, in the distribution channels and divisions you are going to use as a reference, you can group distribution channels and divisions separately for master data (which combines customer master and material master records), group condition records, or both master data and condition records.
    Letu2019s say you have a product range that is not different for the four different distribution channels you have (the channels could be telesales, retail, industry, and wholesale.) Neither is there a difference in the customersu2019 details when they purchase through one or the other. Thus, you will not want to create a multiple of four views of customer master and material master records. Merely create the customer master records and material master records in one of the distribution channels, such as retail. Then assign the other distribution channels you created in the organizational structure setup to this one.
    Donu2019t forget this means you can only create or change master data in the distribution channel that is being referenced. In the scenario above, this means you can only change data for the retail distribution channel. Even if you should access a customer or material master in change mode, press F4 (possible entries), and select telesales, industry, or wholesale, you will receive a message u201CSales area is not defined . . . u201D
    The same is true for the sharing of conditions. If conditions are shared, you need only create a condition in the distribution channel or division you are using as the reference. Obviously, this only pertains to conditions that have the distribution channel and/or division in their key, such as a price based on sales area
    Revert if helpful
    Mohit Singh

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    Hi Mike,
    According to your description, my understanding is that you want to get the details of the related items in New Item form.
    I recommend to edit the new item form in InfoPath and use repeating table to display the related items based on the value in the lookup column.
    Here are the detailed steps:
    Edit the new item form(listB for example) in InfoPath and then add the related list(listA for example) including all the details you need as external data source to the form.
    Choose the secondary data source added in step1 in Fields panel and then expand dataFields, then right click d:SharePointListItem_RW and select Repeating Table to insert the secondary data source added in step1 as repeating table to the form.
    Right click d:SharePointListItem_RW in the Fields panel and select Rules, then click New and select Formatting in Rules panel.
    Click None under Condition in Rules panel, then select ID field in the repeating table in the first box, select is not equal to in the second box, then choose Select a field or group in the third box and select Main under Fields, then click the lookup field
    in the form and then click OK.
    Select Hide this control under Formatting in Rules panel.
    Forum Support
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Subscriber Support, contact
    [email protected]
    Victoria Xia
    TechNet Community Support

  • Is it possible to have 2 mail programmes on my macbook pro? one for business related emails and one personal. I dont want all the emails in one mail programme!

    Is it possible to have 2 mail programmes on my macbook pro? one for business related emails and one personal. I dont want all the emails in one mail programme. At the moment i have 2 personal email address being sent to my mail but because of receiving huge numbers of work emails it would be good to keep them seperate, what is the best way of doing this?

    if i use the one mail programme can it separate the incoming mail from the different email accounts into 2 folders without me having to do it manually?
    Yes, you can.  Nearly all email software can do this.  It involves creating two folders and a Rule for each folder.
    Maybe call one folder Personal Mail, the other Work Mail (Apple Mail calls folders Mailboxes).  One Rule would route all mail from your personal email account into the Personal Mail folder; the other Rule would route all mail from your work email account into the Work Mail folder.  It's actually easy to do, all you have to do is click a few things and the rule is set up.  Once the Rule is written you can also apply it to existing messages already downloaded to your Mac.
    In Apple Mail, Rules are under Preferences > Rules.  Follow the prompts to create a rule like this:
    If = Any
    Account = my Personal account (select the name of your personal email account)
    Perform the following actions: Move Message to Mailbox = my Personal Mail (select the name of your Personal Mail folder (aka mailbox))
    This rule says,  "take any message that comes in from my Personal Account and move it to my Personal Mail mailbox (folder)"
    Create a similar rule for your Work email.

  • Syntax for creating foreign key across users in a database

    There are two user present A,B.They are granted all privileges.Now in USER A, there is a table PARENT whose primary key is PARENT_NO.In USER B I have created a table CHILD whose primary key is CHILD_NO.
    In the CHILD table of USER B, I want to create a foreign key relation to the PARENT table of USER A.For this I have created a column CHILD_PARENT_NO in the CHILD table.If anybody knows the syntax please post the syntax for creating the required foreign key relationship?

    Please post your code. Cut'n'paste from SQL*Plus like this...
    SQL> conn a/a
    SQL> desc t1
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    COL1                                               NUMBER
    COL2                                               VARCHAR2(10)
    SQL> grant references on t1 to b;
    Grant succeeded.
    SQL> conn b/b
    SQL> create synonym a_t for a.t1;
    Synonym created.
    SQL> alter table test add constraint fk foreign key (n) references a_t(col1);
    Table altered.
    SQL> Note that Oracle will translate the synonym anyway...
    SQL> select constraint_name, r_owner, r_constraint_name
      2  from  user_constraints
      3  where table_name = 'TEST'
      4  /
    FK              A       T1_PK
    SQL> By the way, this ...
    GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES TO B;... is a mindbendingly unsafe way of proceeding. In real life you would have given user B the power to utterly destroy your database. It's always easier to start with good habits than to break bad ones so please get used to granting only the minimum set of privileges necessary.
    Cheers, APC

  • Function Module for creating Functional Location BOM and Equipment BOM

    Hi All,
    Is there any function module for creating and changing Functional Location BOM and Equipment BOM ???

    Tables for Eq., BOM: EQST, STKO, STPO.
    Tables fro Fun., Loc., BOM: TPST, STKO, STPO.
    You can use FMs: CS_BOM_EXPL_TPL_V1, CS_BOM_EXPL_EQU_V2 & CS_BOM_EXPL_MAT_V2 for extracting the appropriate BOM related data.
    And for the Alternatives please check the customizing or check with your respective Module experts for the appropriate configuration.
    Hope this helps.
    Best Regards, Murugesh AS

  • Query for create manual tabular form using apex collection using item textfield with autocomplete

    can we create a manual tabular form inside item textfield with autocomplete ?
    how it is possible?
    with Apex_item API used for this item.
    i used this code for creat  cascading select list
    select seq_id,
            p_idx                       =>   1,
            p_value                     =>   c001,
            p_query                     =>   'SELECT C001 D
         , C002 R
    WHERE COLLECTION_NAME = ''col1''',
            p_attributes                =>   'style="width:150px" onchange="f__name(this,parseInt(#ROWNUM#));"',
            p_show_null                 =>   'Yes',
            p_null_value                =>   null,
            p_null_text                 =>   '- Select name -',
            p_item_id                   =>   'f01_'|| LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0'),
            p_item_label                =>   'Label for f01_#ROWNUM#',
            p_show_extra                =>   'NO') name,
            p_idx                       =>   2,
            p_value                     =>   c002,
            p_query              =>   ' SELECT null d, null r FROM dual WHERE 1 = 2
            p_attributes                =>   'style="width:150px"',
            p_show_null                 =>   'Yes',
            p_null_value                =>   null,
            p_null_text                 =>   '- Select name -',
            p_item_id                   =>   'f02_'|| LPAD (ROWNUM, 4, '0'),
            p_item_label                =>   'Label for f02_#ROWNUM#',
            p_show_extra                =>   'NO')name2,
    from apex_collections
    collection_name = 'COLLECTION1'
    It is fine .
    but i want item in tabular form  textfield with autocomplete and remove select list. my requirement is using textfield with autocomplete select a employee name and second item textfield with autocomplete display dependent perticular employee related multiple task.
    how it is created.i have no idea related textfield with autocomplete.Please help me....

    I understand that the add row button is currently doing a submit.
    To not submit the page you need a dynamic action on the page.
    Does the javascript function addRow do what you want?
    Otherwise have a look at the following two threads Add row in manual tabular form using dynamic action and Accessing Tabular Form & Add Elements to Collection without Page Submit.
    You're process could be something like:
    Add the new values to the collection using the idea's in the second thread and at the same time add the new row.
    And as second action refresh your tabular form.
    If you get stuck set up what you have done on using the tables from the demo application.


    Dear Experts,
    Is there any separate t code available to MASS MAINTENANCE FOR MATERIAL-RELATED EXCISE DUTIES FIELDS ?
    I got this POINT from ECC 6.0 features in Solution browser.
    Please help me on this.
    Functionality Enhancements
    Provides a specific transaction for mass maintenance of material related excise duties fields
    Business Benefits
    Mass maintenance can now be performed in one step for material-relevant excise duties fields, instead of maintaining the excise duties fields in each material master record separately.

    Dear Ravi,
    I have already created LSMW for this in Material master and J1ID.
    But i have checked in ECC 6.0 feature, there they are mentioning New t code is available for MASS maintenance of excise duty fields.


    Dear Experts,
    Is there any separate t code available to  MASS MAINTENANCE FOR MATERIAL-RELATED EXCISE DUTIES FIELDS ?
    I got this POINT from ECC 6.0 features in Solution browser.
    Please help me on this.
    Functionality Enhancements
    Provides a specific transaction for mass maintenance of material related excise duties fields
    Business Benefits
    Mass maintenance can now be performed in one step for material-relevant excise duties fields, instead of maintaining the excise duties fields in each material master record separately.

    Dear Ravi,
    I have already created LSMW for this in Material master and J1ID.
    But i have checked in ECC 6.0 feature, there they are mentioning New t code is available for MASS maintenance of excise duty fields.

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