Focus Management Problems in JDK 1.4.0

Hallo all,
I have a severe problem in focus management. I inherited an applet designed in JDK 1.2.2 using focus events to generate calls in the correcponding server application. Now I'm trying to port this applet to JDK 1.4.0 for some good reasons such as character sets for eastern europe. But the focus management is complety changed and all attempts where stopped by bugs and workarounds for bugs in JDK 1.2.2 which are not valid in JDK 1.4.0.
At the moment I'm searching a way to veto all focus events generated before "now" but accepting all generated after "now". Unfortunately no time stamps were supported for FocusEvents. By the way, "now" is the situation I find the server call while executing a focusLost on a component.
Have anybody an idea how I can build a VetoableChangeListener blocking all FocusEvents generated before a special moment?
Thanks for kinds of hints or answers!

The problem you are having is that jdev doesn't support the new beta..I have the same problem and I am currently compiling and executing from the command line
I heard there is a workaround but I have never found it

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    if still not working try textArea.setRequestFocusEnabled(true); and then try requestFocus();

  • Focus manager - transfer focus problem

    Have three main components in my application that handles the tab and shift tab orders through a focus manager
    The problem arises when I open a dialog window and have a bunch of TextFields and the focus manager is looking at my tabs. My Dialog components is nothing to do with my main components so I had to return true or false for my handleTab and handleShiftControlTab methods to tell me weather it's one of my main components. In other words, return ture if one of my main focused component and false otherwise
    In the processKeyEvent method, the code for transfer focus doesn't work.
    I'am trying to say if it's one of my main handle focus components, consume the key event because it was handle by the tab methods, otherwise the focus component should transfer focus to the next component
    The problem is focusedComponent.transferFocus() is not doing anything.
    What could be the problem?
    Abraham Khalil
    public class MyFocusManager extends FocusManager {
       public MyFocusManager() {
       private StoreTree getStoreTree() {
          return MainFrame.getInstance().getStoreTree();
       private MessageTable getMessageTable() {
          return MainFrame.getInstance().getMessageTable();
       private MailContentPanel getMailContentPanel() {
          return MainFrame.getInstance().getMailContentPanel();
       private void setStoreTreeFocus() {
          StoreTree storeTree = getStoreTree();
       private boolean setMessageTableFocus() {
          MessageTable messageTable = getMessageTable();
          if (messageTable.getRowCount() > 0) {
             return true;
          else {
             return false;
       private void setMailContentPanelFocus() {
          MailContentPanel mailContentPanel = getMailContentPanel();
       private boolean handleTab(Component focusedComponent) {
          if (focusedComponent instanceof StoreTree) {
             if (!setMessageTableFocus()) {
             return true;
          if (focusedComponent instanceof MessageTable) {
             return true;
          if (focusedComponent instanceof MailContentPanel) {
             return true;
          else {
             return false;
       private boolean handleShiftControlTab(Component focusedComponent) {
          if (focusedComponent instanceof StoreTree) {
             return true;
          if (focusedComponent instanceof MailContentPanel) {
             if (!setMessageTableFocus()) {
             return true;
          if (focusedComponent instanceof MessageTable) {
             return true;
          else {
             return false;
        * Override processKeyEvent() to force the tab/shift-tab to the next/previous
        * component that I desire in the application
       public void processKeyEvent(Component focusedComponent, KeyEvent e) {
          if (e.getKeyChar() == KeyEvent.VK_TAB && e.getID() == KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED) {
             boolean myHandleFocusComponent = false;
             if (e.isShiftDown() || e.isControlDown()) {
                myHandleFocusComponent = handleShiftControlTab(focusedComponent);
             else {
                myHandleFocusComponent = handleTab(focusedComponent);
             if (myHandleFocusComponent) {
             else {
                // Doesn't do transfer to next component?
          else {
             super.processKeyEvent(focusedComponent, e);

    Can you please do some screen grabs to illustrate the problem?
    My thoughts go to the possibility of your editing a JPEG that JPEG decompression "block" artifacts, or maybe a pattern of noise in your image.
    I just tried selecting a subject using the new feature then doing a Refine Edge and didn't see a problem...

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    Paul Bade

    i am doing the same work. Can you post the code of virtual keyboard and how you are finding which window is having focus among all the visible windows? I am having the same focus problems with linux OS
    i would appreciate please send a mail to [email protected]

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    Here my method
    void jTextField1_focusLost(FocusEvent e)
    if( jTextField1.getText().equals(""))
    The window hangs.
    I think it is a bug in the JDK.
    I do not find a solution.
    Somebody can help me.

    First you set focus on the JTextField, then you show a dialog.
    This will not work the way you intend.
    Turn the order of the statements around and try again.
    Also, this is not the recommended way to validate input.
    Set an InputVerifier in your text field. That way the field cannot looses focus until the field is valid.

  • Performance problems with jdk 1.5 on Linux plattform

    Performance problems with jdk 1.5 on Linux plattform
    (not tested on Windows, might be the same)
    After refactoring using the new features from java 1.5 I lost
    performance significantly:
    public Vector<unit> units;
    The new code:
    for (unit u: units) u.accumulate();
    runs more than 30% slower than the old code:
    for (int i = 0; i < units.size(); i++) units.elementAt(i).accumulate();
    I expected the opposite.
    Is there any information available that helps?

    Here's the complete benchmark code I used:package test;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
    import java.util.Iterator;
    import java.util.LinkedList;
    import java.util.Vector;
    public class IterationPerformanceTest {
         private int m_size;
         public IterationPerformanceTest(int size) {
              m_size = size;
         public long getArrayForLoopDuration() {
              Integer[] testArray = new Integer[m_size];
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
                   testArray[item] = new Integer(item);
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (int index = 0; index < m_size; index++) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getArrayForEachDuration() {
              Integer[] testArray = new Integer[m_size];
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
                   testArray[item] = new Integer(item);
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (Integer item : testArray) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getArrayListForLoopDuration() {
              ArrayList<Integer> testList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (int index = 0; index < m_size; index++) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getArrayListForEachDuration() {
              ArrayList<Integer> testList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (Integer item : testList) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getArrayListIteratorDuration() {
              ArrayList<Integer> testList = new ArrayList<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              Iterator<Integer> iterator = testList.iterator();
              while(iterator.hasNext()) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getLinkedListForLoopDuration() {
              LinkedList<Integer> testList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (int index = 0; index < m_size; index++) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getLinkedListForEachDuration() {
              LinkedList<Integer> testList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (Integer item : testList) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getLinkedListIteratorDuration() {
              LinkedList<Integer> testList = new LinkedList<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              Iterator<Integer> iterator = testList.iterator();
              while(iterator.hasNext()) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getVectorForLoopDuration() {
              Vector<Integer> testVector = new Vector<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (int index = 0; index < m_size; index++) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getVectorForEachDuration() {
              Vector<Integer> testVector = new Vector<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              for (Integer item : testVector) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
         public long getVectorIteratorDuration() {
              Vector<Integer> testVector = new Vector<Integer>();
              for (int item = 0; item < m_size; item++) {
              StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
              long start = System.nanoTime();
              Iterator<Integer> iterator = testVector.iterator();
              while(iterator.hasNext()) {
              long end = System.nanoTime();
              return end - start;
          * @param args
         public static void main(String[] args) {
              IterationPerformanceTest test = new IterationPerformanceTest(1000000);
              long arrayForLoop = test.getArrayForLoopDuration();
              long arrayForEach = test.getArrayForEachDuration();
              long arrayListForLoop = test.getArrayListForLoopDuration();
              long arrayListForEach = test.getArrayListForEachDuration();
              long arrayListIterator = test.getArrayListIteratorDuration();
    //          long linkedListForLoop = test.getLinkedListForLoopDuration();
              long linkedListForEach = test.getLinkedListForEachDuration();
              long linkedListIterator = test.getLinkedListIteratorDuration();
              long vectorForLoop = test.getVectorForLoopDuration();
              long vectorForEach = test.getVectorForEachDuration();
              long vectorIterator = test.getVectorIteratorDuration();
              System.out.println("Array      for-loop: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, arrayForLoop) + "% ("+getDuration(arrayForLoop)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("Array      for-each: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, arrayForEach) + "% ("+getDuration(arrayForEach)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("ArrayList  for-loop: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, arrayListForLoop) + "% ("+getDuration(arrayListForLoop)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("ArrayList  for-each: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, arrayListForEach) + "% ("+getDuration(arrayListForEach)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("ArrayList  iterator: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, arrayListIterator) + "% ("+getDuration(arrayListIterator)+" sec)");
    //          System.out.println("LinkedList for-loop: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, linkedListForLoop) + "% ("+getDuration(linkedListForLoop)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("LinkedList for-each: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, linkedListForEach) + "% ("+getDuration(linkedListForEach)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("LinkedList iterator: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, linkedListIterator) + "% ("+getDuration(linkedListIterator)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("Vector     for-loop: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, vectorForLoop) + "% ("+getDuration(vectorForLoop)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("Vector     for-each: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, vectorForEach) + "% ("+getDuration(vectorForEach)+" sec)");
              System.out.println("Vector     iterator: " + getPercentage(arrayForLoop, vectorIterator) + "% ("+getDuration(vectorIterator)+" sec)");
         private static NumberFormat percentageFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
         static {
         private static String getPercentage(long base, long value) {
              double result = (double) value / (double) base;
              return percentageFormat.format(result * 100.0);
         private static NumberFormat durationFormat = NumberFormat.getInstance();
         static {
         private static String getDuration(long nanos) {
              double result = (double)nanos / (double)1000000000;
              return durationFormat.format(result);

  • Lightroom (ACR 4) color management problems

    Lightroom (or ACR 4) has some color management problems. When I develop a DNG into Photoshop (sRGB) everything looks great. Then I proof colors for the web (monitor RGB) the reds become oversaturated. I don't see this problem when I develop the same DNG using Bridge (ACR 3).
    Any picture that I develop using LR that looks great in Photoshop, becomes way too red when published on the web.
    Whats going on here?

    I have confirmed this finding using Photoshop CS3 beta - same problem in converting to the web - too red!

  • Flash Builder 4 Beta 2 ---- Data Management Problem

    Flash Builder 4 Beta 2 ---- Data Management Problem
    I have a simple datagrid, a PHP service and a MySQL database. When I run the code I get multiple(7) records returned to the datagrid.  Once I enable Data Management and run the exact same code, I only get 1  record returned.
    Is there a setting in Data Management that affects the number of records returned?
    Here is the MXML code I am testing. 
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Application xmlns:fx=""
                         xmlns:mx="library://" minWidth="1024" minHeight="768" xmlns:carasgndataphp="services.carasgndataphp.*">
                      import mx.controls.Alert;
                      var inptdata:String = "1";
                      protected function dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                            getAsgnDataResult.token = carAsgnDataPHP.getAsgnData(inptdata);
                <s:CallResponder id="getAsgnDataResult"/>
                <carasgndataphp:CarAsgnDataPHP id="carAsgnDataPHP" fault=" + '\n' + event.fault.faultDetail)" showBusyCursor="true"/>
                <!-- Place non-visual elements (e.g., services, value objects) here -->
          <mx:DataGrid x="115" y="91" id="dataGrid" creationComplete="dataGrid_creationCompleteHandler(event)" dataProvider="{getAsgnDataResult.lastResult}" width="558" height="298">
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="A" dataField="numAsgn"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="T" dataField="numTopic"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="U" dataField="numUnit"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="P" dataField="numProblem"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="TP" dataField="PType"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="P" dataField="numSeqPresent"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="F" dataField="numSeqFeedback"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="D" dataField="numDelay"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="ID" dataField="idAsgnData"/>
                      <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="IDP" dataField="idProblem"/>

    Data Mangement expects unique values for id property.This issue may occur when you select 'Identity' property in Data Mangement wizard which is not unique in the Table.For eg:, you have selected 'name' field as identity property. And your MySQL database table has multiple rows with identical values for 'name' column.
    Can you verify if you have similar setup?

  • Power management problems

    A couple of weeks ago I installed quite a few of the patches in the recommended list.
    Since then, I get the following message repeated continually in the console window:
    DPMSSet: Invalid argument
    Power management problems
    I'm runnig solaris 8 on a ultra 5. I looked in the power.config file and in the startup scripts, but couldn't find any reference to "DPMSSet." Any ideas on the cause and solution of the message?
    I never use the powerd daemon, so killing the process seems to eliminate the messages.
    Gerhard Kuhn
    [email protected]

    Check whether all the supported patches are installed.
    A couple of weeks ago I installed quite a few of the
    patches in the recommended list.
    Since then, I get the following message repeated
    continually in the console window:
    DPMSSet: Invalid argument
    Power management problems
    I'm runnig solaris 8 on a ultra 5. I looked in the
    power.config file and in the startup scripts, but
    couldn't find any reference to "DPMSSet." Any ideas on
    the cause and solution of the message?
    I never use the powerd daemon, so killing the process
    seems to eliminate the messages.
    Gerhard Kuhn
    [email protected]

  • [flexcoders] Error #2025 - UIMovieclip and Focus Manager

    Hello Everybody,
    I'm getting a runtime Error #2025 when I try to use an UIMovieclip into a Flex Application.
    The issue happens when the key tab is pressed and It seems has being caused by the Focus Manager.
    I found some threads over the internet but nothing really concret that could give me some idea about how to solve it.
    ArgumentError: Error #2025: The supplied DisplayObject must be a child of the caller.
    at flash.display::DisplayObjectContainer/getChildIndex()
    at mx.core::Container/getChildIndex()
    at mx.containers::Panel/getChildIndex()
    at fl.managers::FocusManager/::getChildIndex()
    at fl.managers::FocusManager/::sortByDepth()
    at fl.managers::FocusManager/::sortByTabIndex()
    at Array$/Array::_sort()
    at Array/
    at fl.managers::FocusManager/::sortFocusableObjectsTabIndex()
    at fl.managers::FocusManager/::sortFocusableObjects()
    at fl.managers::FocusManager/::keyDownHandler()
    Any help will be welcome
    Best Regards,
    Eduardo Dias

    I don't know if we've figured this out yet.  If you can come up with a simple test case, file a bug so we can take a look.
    Alex Harui
    Flex SDK Developer
    Adobe Systems Inc.

  • Ora Apps Concurrent Manager problem

    Here Ora Apps 11i running on a NT server. For some reason Concurrent Manager Service ORAConcMgr terminated and it is
    not starting up even if i rebooted the machine. Now unable to get any reports etc. from the system. The error thrown while
    starting the service is :
    Could not start the ORAConcMgr Service
    Error 1058 : The service cannot be started , either be it is disabled or it has no enabled service.
    Can anyone tell anything useful about it.

    Hi Regarding the concurrent manager problem.
    Could you please try to be specific on your error like 1st of all are you able to start the concurrent manager?
    If so what is the status?
    If not what is the status can you let me know the status so that i work out some thing to solve the problem.
    Thanks and Regards
    email:[email protected]

  • I have a color management problem.  I have OS X v 10.5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, and an Epson Stylus Photo R800.  I want to print images I have scanned on a Epson Perfection 1660 Photo and corrected in Photoshop and get the colors accurate.

    i have a color management problem.  I have OS X v 10.5, Adobe Photoshop Elements 6, and an Epson Stylus Photo R800.  I want to print images I have scanned on a Epson Perfection 1660 Photo and corrected in Photoshop and get the colors accurate.

    I used the ColorSync utility to verify, and it came back with this report:
    /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter/PrintingModule/SPR800_Core.plugin/Contents /Resources/ICCProfiles/SPR800 Standard.icc
       Tag 'dmnd': Tag size is not correct.
    /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Profiles/Recommended/CoatedFOGRA27.icc
       Tag 'desc': Tag size is not correct.
    /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter/ICCProfiles/Standard.profiles/Contents/Res ources/Epson IJ Printer.icc
       Tag 'dmnd': Tag size is not correct.
    /Library/Printers/EPSON/InkjetPrinter/PrintingModule/SPR800_Core.plugin/Contents /Resources/
    I did not know what to do next.  At the bottom of the window it said to go to to find a tutorial.  I got a message saying that link does not work.  Tried to find the tutorial by searching at, but could not seem to locate it.  Does anyone know what the report above means and what I should do about it?  
    Also, how to find that tutorial?
    Re Using RGB all the way through, When I print from Photoshop Elements, I select Adobe RGB, Photoshop Manages under "Color Handling", Relative Colometric  under "Intent" and "ColorSync" i the Epson printer box.  Do you mean to do something different in this sequence?

  • Tutorial for solving some media manager problems

    Hey gang,
    Hopefully me posting this isn't bad forum etiquette, but I recently published a tutorial that details some fixes and "best practices" for properly importing media and getting rid of some pesky media manager errors:
    Full disclosure: I get something like a $0.01 per page view, but I'm not expecting to get rich. I just wanted to spread the word because I know lots of people experience Media Manager problems.
    Feedback is definitely welcome!
    Matt Lyon

    I think it's just a great article and is of more value than 1 cent I just offered by reading the article...

  • Print Color Management Problem ?

    I have a print color management problem I cannot solve. It reminds me of the print color management problem I had over a year ago when the compatibility conflict between LR and MAC Leopard produced horrible prints. I have Snow Leopard now and been out of the country for some months and yesterday when I tried to make some prints the same problem reemerged. So I downloaded current drivers (and ICCsfor Premium Luster) from Epson and LR 2.6 and spent a good part of the day with Martin Evening's book. I followed (I think) his instructions to make the basic print step by step but the prints still were terrible. My problem is with the color management pop up in the print settings dialog -- it says "color matching" not color management and I cannot check either "no color management " if I want LR to control the process (Kelby)  or check "color sync" if I want my Epson R800 take over. I have no idea where the "color management" pop up went. I'm clueless as usual and probably omitting a step because of frustration or brain numbness. Any help would be appreciated. WJS

    The settings in Lightroom are simple. and contain in the Print Job panel in the Print module. You either select manage in printer (and then select the profile in the printer drivers) or select the profile here and then turn of all colour management in the printer drivers. The second option will usually produce the best results. What you don't want is to have the profile selected in both LR and the printer drivers, so if the driver doesn't have an option to turn of colour management then you may be forced down the first route. However it would be an unusual decision for a printer manufacturer to make drivers that can't turn off colour management, so you may wish to ask how to do it to your printer manufacturer or check the printers handbook.

  • WL60 Management problems

    I am new to WebLogic and am charged with understanding how to make it work.
    I have figured out a great deal, however there are several problems I keep
    running into:
    1) When I change a .war file for a configured application, occasionally I
    start getting classNotFound exceptions when I try to execute the servlets.
    There aren't any new classes, just changes to existing ones. Once I restart
    the server all is well.
    2) Sometimes when I start my server I get 'Found no context for "GET /
    HTTP/1.1". This should not happen unless the default context failed to
    deploy'. This happens every time I try to access the server, even through
    the console. I am completely hosed and can't do anything.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Check whether all the supported patches are installed.
    A couple of weeks ago I installed quite a few of the
    patches in the recommended list.
    Since then, I get the following message repeated
    continually in the console window:
    DPMSSet: Invalid argument
    Power management problems
    I'm runnig solaris 8 on a ultra 5. I looked in the
    power.config file and in the startup scripts, but
    couldn't find any reference to "DPMSSet." Any ideas on
    the cause and solution of the message?
    I never use the powerd daemon, so killing the process
    seems to eliminate the messages.
    Gerhard Kuhn
    [email protected]

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