Folder & collection state/colour/tagging

There is an extensive thread on this topic already - s_to_simplify_navigation_cataloguing - so I won't repeat it all here, but the continued absence of any way to keep track of what state I've left each folder of photos in is a source of constant annoyance and inefficiency in my workflow, as I often have up to 10 sets of unprocessed photos on the go, and I have to rely on manual methods (e.g. post it notes or renaming folders) to remind myself where I am with each one.
Addressing this in LR4 would have a huge positive impact on my productivity and organisation - please consider doing so, it's disappointing and surprising that it's not already present in the LR4 beta.

There is an extensive thread on this topic already - s_to_simplify_navigation_cataloguing - so I won't repeat it all here, but the continued absence of any way to keep track of what state I've left each folder of photos in is a source of constant annoyance and inefficiency in my workflow, as I often have up to 10 sets of unprocessed photos on the go, and I have to rely on manual methods (e.g. post it notes or renaming folders) to remind myself where I am with each one.
Addressing this in LR4 would have a huge positive impact on my productivity and organisation - please consider doing so, it's disappointing and surprising that it's not already present in the LR4 beta.

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  • Edit region teal colour tag "editableregion" is messing up layout.

    Hi I have developed a Photoshop layout.
    I carved up vertical menu bar (6 options) and made three different buttons for different states. up down pressed
    so I can calculate 6 x button height (52) and 138 width.
    So i have an area of   312 x 138
    So I create a slice of this size.
    So i save for web
    Now when in dreamweaver i create template ..
    Now for the navigation area of size  312 x 138  i create a div and then i insert a editable region.
    I get a bulky teal coloured tag at top
    Finally i create my navigation bar and insert 6 images. ... but the bottom is being push by what seems to be the height of the bulky tag.
    Any suggestions please

    Sure, you can turn off the invisible items, and turn them back on when you need them. Go to View > Visual Aids > Invisible Elements and turn them off.
    They only mess up the Design View, they should not be messing up your actual Live View or Browser View.

  • HT2493 Could someone please explain colour tags?

    I do not understand the use of colour tags on my Macbook air. Could someone please explain?

    The colours are incidental. They are NOT labels any more. You will be frustrated if you try to use Tags to visually find your files.
    The advantages of tags are this: you can add as many tags to a file as you like. They provide additional metadata so that you can query your file system. In a typical hierarchical file sytem (folders, subfolder), a file can only be in one place (unless you use aliases).
    If I have "Cheeses > France > Soft" as my folders, I can put all the French soft cheese into one folder. But all the English soft cheese are in England > Soft. So what if I want to list ALL the soft cheeses, not just the ones from France? By tagging all the files with "Soft", I can then click on the Tag Smart Folder and list the soft cheeses in both countries' folders all at once.
    If used creatively, you could have ALL the files in your Documents folder in one big heap, and then only view subsets of them according to their Tags. Tags represents a complete alternative to using folders to sort your files.
    In a sense, a subfolder is simply a Tag in a tree-like structure.
    So, instead of trying to visually find some files in a list using coloured labels, you can now query the file system by creating Smart Folders that give you a list of files that match your query: files with Tag X, in folder Y, of type PDF, bigger than 2 MB, containing the word "trumpet".
    Visually scouring a folder for files is not as efficient as directly querying the system, even if it is engrained and familiar.

  • How to use collect statement properly

    In PBID table , i will get 4 rows for a material . I will get the corresponding values of bdzei from the same table . Now i will pass this bdzei into pbhi table. then i will get some 200 rows of data. I have to sum up the field plnmg , by grouping the laeda field of pbhi. In short, i need to know the sum of pbhi-plnmg for a particular pbhi-laeda . I know a way to do it. But i want to know how to use the COLLECT statement for this purpose. My output should contain oly 1 line for 1 material ..
    PBID table                      
    Matnr   BDZEI
    p4471   457
    PBHI table
    BDZEI     LAEDA         PLNMG
    1002     06.08.2004     0.000          
    1002     06.08.2004     83.000
    457      07.08.2004     12.000          
    457     07.08.2004     24.000
    Reqd O/p
    MATNR   LAEDA        PLNMG
    p4471  06.08.2004    83
    p4471  07.08.2004    36
    Hope u understood my situation .please help me out ...
    Thanking you in advance ..

    TABLES: pbid,
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_pbid OCCURS 0,
          matnr LIKE pbid-matnr,        " Material
          status TYPE c LENGTH 4,       " For distinguishing materials from pbid and pbim .. will contain space for PBID and 'PBIM' for PBIM
          bdzei LIKE pbid-bdzei,
          laeda LIKE pbhi-laeda,
    end of it_pbid.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_pbim OCCURS 0,
          matnr LIKE pbid-matnr,        " Material
          status TYPE c LENGTH 4,       " For distinguishing materials from pbid and pbim .. will contain space for PBID and 'PBIM' for PBIM
          bdzei LIKE pbim-bdzei,
          laeda LIKE pbhi-laeda,
    end of it_pbim.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_pbid_pbim OCCURS 0,
          matnr LIKE pbid-matnr,        " Material
          laeda LIKE pbhi-laeda,        " Reduction Date
          dbmng LIKE pbhi-dbmng,        " Planned quantity in the data base
          plnmg LIKE pbhi-plnmg,        " Planned quantity
          status TYPE c LENGTH 4,       " For distinguishing materials from pbid and pbim .. will contain space for PBID and 'PBIM' for PBIM
          mblnr LIKE mseg-mblnr,        " Material Doc Number
          pbfnr LIKE pbid-pbdnr,        " Plan Number
          maktx LIKE makt-maktx,         " Matl Desc
          aenam LIKE pbhi-aenam,        " User Changed
          erfmg LIKE mseg-erfmg,        " Qty Invoiced
          budat LIKE mkpf-budat,        " Invoice date
          bdzei LIKE pbid-bdzei,        " Independent requirements pointer
          werks LIKE pbid-werks,        " plant
          pirrednqty TYPE i,            " PIR Reduction Quantity        = pbih-plnmg - pbih-dbmng
          diff TYPE i,                  " Difference
          slno TYPE i,                  " Sl No
    END OF it_pbid_pbim.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_allrows OCCURS 0.
            INCLUDE STRUCTURE it_pbid_pbim.
    DATA: END OF it_allrows.
    *DATA: BEGIN OF it_final OCCURS 0.
           INCLUDE STRUCTURE it_pbid_pbim.
    *DATA: END OF it_final.
    DATA: BEGIN OF line,
          matnr LIKE pbid-matnr,        " Material
          laeda LIKE pbhi-laeda,        " Reduction Date
          plnmg LIKE pbhi-plnmg,        " Planned quantity
          maktx LIKE makt-maktx,        " Matl Desc
          dbmng LIKE pbhi-dbmng,        " Planned quantity in the data base
          mblnr LIKE mseg-mblnr,        " Material Doc Number
          pbfnr LIKE pbid-pbdnr,        " Plan Number
          aenam LIKE pbhi-aenam,        " User Changed
          erfmg LIKE mseg-erfmg,        " Qty Invoiced
          budat LIKE mkpf-budat,        " Invoice date
          bdzei LIKE pbid-bdzei,        " Independent requirements pointer
          werks LIKE pbid-werks,        " plant
          pirrednqty TYPE i,            " PIR Reduction Quantity        = pbih-plnmg - pbih-dbmng
          diff TYPE i,                  " Difference
          slno TYPE i,                  " Sl No
          status TYPE c LENGTH 4,       " For distinguishing materials from pbid and pbim .. will contain space for PBID and 'PBIM' for PBIM
    END OF line.
                OF LINE
              WITH DEFAULT KEY.
    DATA ITfinal LIKE ITfinal1.
    DATA: BEGIN OF it_dates OCCURS 0,
          date TYPE sy-datum,
    END OF it_dates.
    DATA: l_slno TYPE i.
    DATA: l_zebra TYPE c.
          s_werks FOR pbid-werks obligatory.
          s_matnr FOR pbid-matnr.
          s_pbdnr FOR pbid-pbdnr.
          s_laeda FOR pbhi-laeda obligatory.
          c_print type checkbox.
    SELECT matnr bdzei FROM pbid INTO (it_pbid-matnr, it_pbid-bdzei) WHERE werks IN s_werks AND matnr IN s_matnr AND pbdnr IN s_pbdnr.
      it_pbid-status = 'PBID'.
      APPEND it_pbid.
    move-corresponding it_pbid to it_pbid_pbim.
    Append it_pbid_pbim.
    SELECT matnr bdzei FROM pbim INTO  (it_pbim-matnr,it_pbim-bdzei) WHERE werks IN s_werks AND matnr IN s_matnr AND pbdnr IN s_pbdnr.
      APPEND it_pbim.
    Append it_pbid_pbim.
      LOOP AT s_laeda.
        it_dates-date = s_laeda-low.
        APPEND it_dates.
      DATA: l_startdate LIKE sy-datum.
      IF s_laeda-high EQ space.
        l_startdate = s_laeda-low + 1.
          IF l_startdate <= s_laeda-high.
            it_dates-date = l_startdate.
            APPEND it_dates.
            it_dates-date = sy-datum.
          l_startdate = l_startdate + 1.
      LOOP AT it_pbim.
        LOOP AT it_dates.
          it_pbim-laeda = it_dates-date.
          it_pbim-status = 'PBIM'.
          MODIFY it_pbim TRANSPORTING laeda status.
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING it_pbim TO it_pbid_pbim.
          APPEND it_pbid_pbim.
      l_zebra = 'X'.
      DATA: l_toterfmg LIKE mseg-erfmg.
      DATA: l_erfmg LIKE mseg-erfmg.
      data: l_totpir type i.
      LOOP AT it_pbid.
        move-corresponding it_pbid to it_pbid_pbim.
           append it_pbid_pbim.
        SELECT SINGLE maktx FROM makt INTO (it_pbid_pbim-maktx) WHERE matnr = it_pbid-matnr.
        MODIFY table it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING maktx.
        SELECT aenam laeda FROM pbhi INTO (it_pbid_pbim-aenam,it_pbid_pbim-laeda) WHERE bdzei = it_pbid-bdzei AND aenam = 'Abbau-'.
           MODIFY TABLE it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING aenam laeda. " debug here
        select single sum( dbmng )  sum( plnmg ) FROM pbhi INTO (it_pbid_pbim-dbmng,it_pbid_pbim-plnmg) WHERE bdzei = it_pbid-bdzei AND aenam = 'Abbau-' and laeda = it_pbid_pbim-laeda..
           MODIFY TABLE it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING dbmng plnmg. " debug here
        it_pbid_pbim-pirrednqty = it_pbid_pbim-dbmng - it_pbid_pbim-plnmg.
           MODIFY table it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING pirrednqty.
        IF ( it_pbid_pbim-laeda IN s_laeda AND it_pbid_pbim-aenam EQ 'Abbau-' ).
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING it_pbid_pbim TO it_allrows.
          append it_allrows.
        ELSEIF NOT it_pbid_pbim-laeda IN s_laeda.
              delete it_pbid_pbim index sy-tabix.           " debug here
      LOOP AT it_pbim.
        move-corresponding it_pbim to it_pbid_pbim.
           append it_pbid_pbim.
        SELECT SINGLE maktx FROM makt INTO (it_pbid_pbim-maktx) WHERE matnr = it_pbim-matnr.
           MODIFY table it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING maktx.
        SELECT aenam laeda FROM pbhi INTO (it_pbid_pbim-aenam,it_pbid_pbim-laeda) WHERE bdzei = it_pbim-bdzei AND aenam = 'Abbau-'.
           MODIFY TABLE it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING aenam laeda. " debug here
        select single sum( dbmng )  sum( plnmg ) FROM pbhi INTO (it_pbid_pbim-dbmng,it_pbid_pbim-plnmg) WHERE bdzei = it_pbim-bdzei AND aenam = 'Abbau-' and laeda = it_pbid_pbim-laeda..
           MODIFY TABLE it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING dbmng plnmg. " debug here
        it_pbid_pbim-pirrednqty = it_pbid_pbim-dbmng - it_pbid_pbim-plnmg.
           MODIFY table it_pbid_pbim TRANSPORTING pirrednqty.
        IF ( it_pbid_pbim-laeda IN s_laeda AND it_pbid_pbim-aenam EQ 'Abbau-' ).
          MOVE-CORRESPONDING it_pbid_pbim TO it_allrows.
          append it_allrows.
        ELSEIF NOT it_pbid_pbim-laeda IN s_laeda.
              delete it_pbid_pbim index sy-tabix.           " debug here
    sort it_allrows by matnr laeda status.
    **********************************ALL ROWS************************
    loop at it_allrows.
      line-matnr = it_allrows-matnr.
      line-laeda = it_allrows-laeda.
      line-plnmg = it_allrows-plnmg.
      line-dbmng = it_allrows-dbmng.
    line-mblnr = it_allrows-mblnr.
    line-pbfnr = it_allrows-pbfnr.
      line-maktx = it_allrows-maktx.
    line-aenam = it_allrows-aenam.
    line-erfmg = it_allrows-erfmg.
    line-budat = it_allrows-budat.
      line-bdzei = it_allrows-bdzei.
    line-werks = it_allrows-werks.
      line-pirrednqty = it_allrows-pirrednqty.
      line-diff = it_allrows-diff.
      line-slno = it_allrows-slno.
      line-status = it_allrows-status.
      collect line into itfinal1.
    loop at itfinal1 into line.
      collect line into itfinal.
        write: / line-matnr, line-plnmg, line-dbmng,line-laeda,line-status..
    skip 4.
    loop at itfinal into line.
      write: / line-matnr, line-plnmg, line-dbmng,line-laeda,line-status..

  • Issue while using Collect statement in program

    Hi friend's,
    i have some issue regarding Collect statement..
    Issue is somthing like this,i have created a structure and internal table and work area with same type,
    u can look in below code..i wann to collect 'enmng' f'ield value whose matnr,charg,mvt type ,aufnr,rsnum are same but rspos and lgort are differnt for this i need to collect 'ENMNG' field value can any one tel me what to not collectng value instead of this it append entire row...
    types: begin of ty_resb,
            rsnum   type resb-rsnum,                "Resrvation Number
            rspos   type resb-rspos,                "item position
            xloek   type resb-xloek,                "Item Deleted  if = 'X'
            matnr   type resb-matnr,                "Material Number
            lgort   type resb-lgort,                "Storage location  'REJT'
            charg   type resb-charg,                "Batch No
            enmng   type resb-enmng,                "Quantity withdrawn should be greater then '0'
            enwrt   type resb-enwrt,                "Value Withdrawn
            aufnr   type resb-aufnr,                "Order
            bwart   type resb-bwart,                "Movement type
       end of ty_resb.
    data:tt_resb  type table of  ty_resb ,
          tt_resb1 type table of ty_resb ,
          tt_resb2 type standard table of ty_resb ,
          ts_resb type ty_resb,
          ts_resb2 type ty_resb,
          ts_resb1 type ty_resb.
    **move data to another internal table
    tt_resb1[] = tt_resb[].
    sort tt_resb  by rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr .
    sort tt_resb1 by rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr.
    DELETE adjacent duplicates from tt_resb  comparing rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr .
    DELETE adjacent duplicates from tt_resb1 comparing rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr.
    loop at tt_resb into ts_resb .
    read table tt_resb1 into ts_resb1 with key rsnum = ts_resb-rsnum rspos = ts_resb-rspos matnr = ts_resb-matnr
                                                charg = ts_resb-charg aufnr = ts_resb-aufnr binary search.
    if ts_resb1-bwart = '261' .
        move ts_resb1-aufnr to ts_resb2-aufnr.
        move ts_resb1-matnr to ts_resb2-matnr.
        move ts_resb1-charg to ts_resb2-charg.
        move ts_resb1-bwart to ts_resb2-bwart.
        move ts_resb1-enwrt to ts_resb2-enwrt.
        move ts_resb1-lgort to ts_resb2-lgort.
        move ts_resb1-enmng to ts_resb2-enmng.
        collect ts_resb2 into tt_resb2.
    clear ts_resb.
    shaikh khalid.

    Hi Shaikh,
    I have added new declarations as highlighted below and new lines within your loop:
    Execute your program in debug mode and see what happens to the internal tt_collect I added. The collect will sum the fields enmng for all entries that  have same value on the fields matnr,charg,mvt type ,aufnr,rsnum.
    Question from me: what do you want to do with the collected/Summed up entries?
    types: begin of ty_resb,
            rsnum   type resb-rsnum,                "Resrvation Number
            rspos   type resb-rspos,                "item position
            xloek   type resb-xloek,                "Item Deleted  if = 'X'
            matnr   type resb-matnr,                "Material Number
            lgort   type resb-lgort,                "Storage location  'REJT'
            charg   type resb-charg,                "Batch No
            enmng   type resb-enmng,                "Quantity withdrawn should be greater then '0'
            enwrt   type resb-enwrt,                "Value Withdrawn
            aufnr   type resb-aufnr,                "Order
            bwart   type resb-bwart,                "Movement type
       end of ty_resb.
    data:tt_resb  type table of  ty_resb ,
          tt_resb1 type table of ty_resb ,
          tt_resb2 type standard table of ty_resb ,
    types: begin of ty_collect,
      rsnum   type resb-rsnum,
      matnr   type resb-matnr,
      charg   type resb-charg,
      bwart   type resb-bwart,
      aufnr   type resb-aufnr, 
      enmng   type resb-enmng,
           end of ty_collect.
    data: tt_collect type table of ty_collect,
          ts_collect type ty_collect.
          ts_resb type ty_resb,
          ts_resb2 type ty_resb,
          ts_resb1 type ty_resb.
    **move data to another internal table
    tt_resb1[] = tt_resb[].
    sort tt_resb  by rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr .
    sort tt_resb1 by rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr.
    DELETE adjacent duplicates from tt_resb  comparing rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr .
    DELETE adjacent duplicates from tt_resb1 comparing rsnum rspos matnr charg bwart lgort aufnr.
    loop at tt_resb into ts_resb .
    read table tt_resb1 into ts_resb1 with key rsnum = ts_resb-rsnum rspos = ts_resb-rspos matnr = ts_resb-matnr
                                                charg = ts_resb-charg aufnr = ts_resb-aufnr binary search.
    if ts_resb1-bwart = '261' .
        move ts_resb1-aufnr to ts_resb2-aufnr.
        move ts_resb1-matnr to ts_resb2-matnr.
        move ts_resb1-charg to ts_resb2-charg.
        move ts_resb1-bwart to ts_resb2-bwart.
        move ts_resb1-enwrt to ts_resb2-enwrt.
        move ts_resb1-lgort to ts_resb2-lgort.
        move ts_resb1-enmng to ts_resb2-enmng.
        collect ts_resb2 into tt_resb2.
         move-corresponding ts_resb1 to ts_collect.
         collect ts_collect into tt_collect
    clear ts_resb.
    clear ts_collect.

  • Problem in collect statement

    i have requirement to get all unique entries from table .if i am getting duplicate record then i need to add qunatity field which i have define like rlbes-anfme.
    my internal table is :
    11 name1 23.00
    22 name2 1,324.00
    11 name1 10.00
    I want output in this way
    11 name1  33.00
    22 name2 1,324.00
    i tried to use collect statement but the problem is its not working on character type field.
    if  i use packed field then i am not able to upload my file because i am getting quantity filed 1,2344.00 this way.( instead of 1325.00)
    please give me any solution.

    Try this..
    Create another internal table which has the same structure of your internal table.
    Sort the internal table.
    SORT ITAB BY field1 field2.    " Give the appropriate field names.
    <b>* process the internal table which has the records.</b>
    Sum up the quantity.
       V_MENGE = V_MENGE + ITAB-ANFME.  " Quantity field.
    Move the first two fields.
    At the end of the record..append the record.
       AT END OF FIELD2.     " Give the corresponding field name.
         CLEAR: V_MENGE.

  • Reg: Collect statement in internal table

       Can any one tell me wether we can use the collect statement in an internal table which has no header line
    if it can be used can anyone please send me a sample snippet
    Thanks In ADVANCE
    Guhapriyan Subrahmanyam

    Hi Guhapriyan,
    I have used the collect statement in the way as shown..
            POST1 LIKE PROJ-POST1,
            SOBID LIKE HRP1001-SOBID,
            OBJID LIKE HRP1001-OBJID,
            BEGDA LIKE HRP1001-BEGDA,
            ENDDA LIKE HRP1001-ENDDA,
            PROZT LIKE HRP1001-PROZT,
            LOB   LIKE HRP1000-STEXT,
            TEMP  TYPE P decimals 2,
            ZROLE LIKE PA0001-ZROLE,
            HOLID TYPE P decimals 2,
            LEAVE TYPE P decimals 2,
            DAYS  TYPE P decimals 2,
           END of I_ALLOCATIONS.
    ************Populate I_ALLOCATIONS **************
    Actually i had requirement like u, but this one is rather simple...
    Get the required data in an I_Table which dont require Header line..
    Later on collect this particular I_Table in other I_Table1 with the Header Line...

  • Two collect statement from internal table

    Dear Experts,
    I want populate values to two internal tables from a internal table.
    can i use two collect statement for different internal table from a single internal table.
    advise please.
    Thanks in advance.

    hi there....
    well u can very well use this thing.....
    use the two colect statements inside the loop which u will use  to read the records of the input table.
    hope it helps.
    do reward if it does.

  • Report in which collect statement .

    report in which collect statement  is used and also its purpose.

    Basic form
    COLLECT [wa INTO] itab.
    ... SORTED BY f
    COLLECT is used to create unique or compressed datsets. The key fields are the default key fields of the internal table itab .
    If you use only COLLECT to fill an internal table, COLLECT makes sure that the internal table does not contain two entries with the same default key fields.
    If, besides its default key fields, the internal table contains number fields (see also ABAP/4 number types ), the contents of these number fields are added together if the internal table already contains an entry with the same key fields.
    If the default key of an internal table processed with COLLECT is blank, all the values are added up in the first table line.
    If you specify wa INTO , the entry to be processed is taken from the explicitly specified work area wa . If not, it comes from the header line of the internal table itab .
    After COLLECT , the system field SY-TABIX contains the index of the - existing or new - table entry with default key fields which match those of the entry to be processed.
    COLLECT can create unique or compressed datasets and should be used precisely for this purpose. If uniqueness or compression are unimportant, or two values with identical default key field values could not possibly occur in your particular task, you should use APPEND instead. However, for a unique or compressed dataset which is also efficient, COLLECT is the statement to use.
    If you process a table with COLLECT , you should also use COLLECT to fill it. Only by doing this can you guarantee that
    the internal table will actually be unique or compressed, as described above and
    COLLECT will run very efficiently.
    If you use COLLECT with an explicitly specified work area, it must be compatible with the line type of the internal table.
    Compressed sales figures for each company
    The table COMPANIES now has the following appearance:
    Duck 40
    Tiger 20
    ... SORTED BY f
    COLLECT ... SORTED BY f is obsolete and should no longer be used. Use APPEND ... SORTED BY f which has the same meaning.
    The cost of a COLLECT in terms of performance increases with the width of the default key needed in the search for table entries and the number of numeric fields with values which have to be added up, if an entry is found in the internal table to match the default key fields.
    If no such entry is found, the cost is reduced to that required to append a new entry to the end of the table.
    A COLLECT statement used on a table which is 100 bytes wide and has a key which is 60 bytes wide and seven numeric fields is about approx. 50 msn (standardized microseconds).
    Runtime errors
    COLLECT_OVERFLOW : Overflow in integer field when calculating totals.
    COLLECT_OVERFLOW_TYPE_P : Overflow in type P field when calculating totals.

  • How to search for coloured tags ?

    Hi all, I have often been amazed by the speed and accuracy of Searching for Files on my MacBookPro.
    As powerful as this SEARCH facility is, recently I wanted to search for a file that I knew had a RED tag assigned to it.
    I couldnt find how to do that, it sounds so simple, but, as far as I can see, it cannot be done !!!
    I would have thought that it should be easy to do, it is quite an important and useful thing to do, to be able to add coloured TAGS to files, so why can't I search for them, by colour ?
    Please. I dont doubt that someone, somewhere knows how to do it, if so please let me know, so I can do it as well.  Thanks

    If you search in Finder, you can search for a tag in the search field.
    You can also select a Tag from the Sidebar and it will list all files with that tag.
    You can Arrange by Tags, too.
    It doesn't appear that Tags are a search criteria in the Spotlight menu, though.

  • Hi friends i have doubt on collect statement.

    i have some problem with matnr which is repeating no.of times. so i tried using collect and selected some of the fields to collect. Now i need to collect those collected elements in to internal table and need to display those fields in an ouput. for example.
    loop at sumtab.
    matnr type s886-matnr,
    avg1 type p decimals 3,
    total type p decimals 3,
    and now using loop  i am collecting. these fields using my itab.
    loop at itab.
    move-corresponding itab to sumtab.
    collect sumtab.
    clear sumtab.
    ***here itab contains no.of other fields like qty,stock etc.
    so after here i am using ALV to display the itab.
    my problem is how to make SUMTAB fields tobe moved in itab.

    Hi Kalyan,
       The collect statement works like this . (ex)
    data: begin of itab occurs 0,
          name(10) type c,
          value(4) type n,
          end of itab.
    itab-name = 'JACK'.
    itab-value = 100.
    append itab.
    itab-name = 'PAT'.
    itab-value = 200.
    append itab.
    itab-name = 'JACK'.
    itab-value = 200.
    append itab.
    sort itab.
    loop itab.
    collect itab.
    write: / itab-name, itab-value.
    JACK 300
    PAT  200

  • Problem with Collect statement

    Hi Experts,
    I am facing a peculiar problem. Please go through the code below and it is not giving the aggregate of it_ekbe_642_pgi-menge for the same it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebeln and it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebelp.
    LOOP AT it_ekbe_642_pgi.
        it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-ebeln =   it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebeln.
        it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-ebelp =   it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebelp.
        it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-budat =   it_ekbe_642_pgi-budat.
        it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-xblnr =   it_ekbe_642_pgi-xblnr.
        it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-menge =   it_ekbe_642_pgi-menge.
        COLLECT it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot.
    Please suggest.

    Hi Shibaji Maitra ,
    Since you are aggregating the it_ekbe_642_pgi-menge for the same it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebeln and it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebelp.
    For using the Collect statement the order of the fields should be
    in proper order i.e. all the char fields come up & then after that
    all the numeric fields.Please check the sequence in your internal
    table and also the fields type of menge field.
    LOOP AT it_ekbe_642_pgi.
      it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-ebeln = it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebeln.
      it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-ebelp = it_ekbe_642_pgi-ebelp.
    it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-xblnr = it_ekbe_642_pgi-xblnr.
    it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-budat = it_ekbe_642_pgi-budat.
    it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot-menge = it_ekbe_642_pgi-menge.
    COLLECT it_ekbe_642_pgi_tot.
    Rewards points if helpful.
    Manoj Kumar

  • Error in collect statement(non-key fields must be numeric)...

    Error in collect statement(non-key fields must be numeric)...
    Hello Experts,
    I created an internal table based from a ztable. The structure of the ztable is
    as follows:
    3. TXK50 -> PRIMARY KEY
    Then the remainder of the fields(around 8 fields) are currency data types(ANBTR).
    An error is showing saying 'You can only use the collect command in a table if all of its non-key
    fields are numeric(type I,P or F).
    I searched the forum and it said that non-keys must be numeric in order for the
    collect command to work. But all of my primary keys are non-numeric.
    Below is my declaration:
    CLASS-DATA: gt_output_acq TYPE hashed TABLE OF zsd_output_acq
                                  WITH UNIQUE KEY bukrs txk50 anlkl
                                                  ktansw kostl,
                    gt_output_ret LIKE gt_output_acq,
                    wa_output_gen LIKE LINE OF gt_output_acq,
                    gt_output_net TYPE HASHED TABLE OF zsd_output_net
                                  WITH UNIQUE KEY bukrs txk50 anlkl
                                                  ktansw kostl,
                    wa_output_net LIKE LINE OF gt_output_net,
                    gt_sort_crit  TYPE SORTED TABLE OF t_sort_crit
                                  WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY bukrs kostl,
                    wa_sort_crit  LIKE LINE OF gt_sort_crit.
    FIELD-SYMBOLS: <fs_output_acq> LIKE LINE OF gt_output_acq,
                       <fs_output_ret> LIKE LINE OF gt_output_ret,
                       <fs_output_net> LIKE LINE OF gt_output_net.
    COLLECT <fs_output_acq> INTO gt_output_acq.     "Here is the error

    Hi Vijay,
    Here it is:
    CLASS-DATA: gt_output_acq TYPE hashed TABLE OF zsd_output_acq
                                  WITH unique KEY bukrs txk50 anlkl
                                                  ktansw kostl,
                    gt_output_ret LIKE gt_output_acq,
                    wa_output_gen LIKE LINE OF gt_output_acq,
                    gt_output_net TYPE hashed TABLE OF zsd_output_net
                                  WITH unique KEY bukrs txk50 anlkl
                                                  ktansw kostl,
                    wa_output_net LIKE LINE OF gt_output_net,
                    gt_sort_crit  TYPE SORTED TABLE OF t_sort_crit
                                  WITH NON-UNIQUE KEY bukrs kostl,
                    wa_sort_crit  LIKE LINE OF gt_sort_crit.

  • Collect statement not working

               My collect statement is not working. Kindly let me know what is the other way to add one filed in the loop.
    Moderator message - Please ask a specific question - post locked
    Edited by: Rob Burbank on Nov 19, 2009 9:24 AM

    Same thing i faced few days ago --. i have resolved this using following logic ... try this it will workout
    CLEAR: wa_mkpf_mseg, w_werks, w_matnr, w_lgort, w_bwart.
    LOOP AT t_mkpf_mseg INTO wa_mkpf_mseg.
    IF wa_mkpf_mseg-werks EQ w_werks AND wa_mkpf_mseg-matnr EQ w_matnr AND wa_mkpf_mseg-lgort EQ w_lgort AND wa_mkpf_mseg-bwart EQ w_bwart.
    CLEAR: wa_p_coi.
    READ TABLE t_p_coi INTO wa_p_coi WITH KEY werks = wa_mkpf_mseg-werks matnr = wa_mkpf_mseg-matnr lgort = wa_mkpf_mseg-lgort bwart = wa_mkpf_mseg-bwart.
    IF sy-subrc = 0.
    wa_p_coi-Avg Days = wa_p_coi-Avg Days + wa_mkpf_mseg-Avg Days.
    MODIFY t_p_coi FROM wa_p_coi TRANSPORTING Avg Days .
    CLEAR: wa_p_coi, wa_p_coi.
    wa_p_coi-werks = wa_mkpf_mseg-werks.
    wa_p_coi-matnr = wa_mkpf_mseg-matnr.
    wa_p_coi-bwart = wa_mkpf_mseg-bwart.
    wa_p_coi-lgort = wa_mkpf_mseg-lgort.
    wa_p_coi-Avg Days = wa_mkpf_mseg-Avg Days .
    APPEND wa_p_coi TO t_p_coi.
    CLEAR: wa_p_coi.
    w_werks = wa_mkpf_mseg-werks.
    w_matnr = wa_mkpf_mseg-matnr.
    w_lgort = wa_mkpf_mseg-lgort.
    w_bwart = wa_mkpf_mseg-bwart.
    CLEAR: wa_mkpf_mseg.

  • How to use collect statement for below

    data : begin of itab,
             n(3) type c,
          n1 type n,
          k(5) type c,
          end of itab.
    select n n1 from into itab table /zteest.
    *internal table has
    n      n1    k
    gar    100  uji
    hae    90   iou
    gar    90   uji
    hae    87   iou
    I want
    gar 190
    hae 177
    How to use collect statement as n1 is n ..?
    let me know..

    try this..
    DATA : BEGIN OF itab OCCURS 0,
    n(3) TYPE c,
    n1(3) TYPE p DECIMALS 2,
    k(5) TYPE c,
    END OF itab.
    itab-n = 'gar'.
    itab-n1 = 100.
    itab-k = 'uji'.
    COLLECT itab .CLEAR itab.
    itab-n = 'hae'.
    itab-n1 = 90.
    itab-k = 'iou'.
    COLLECT itab .CLEAR itab.
    itab-n = 'gar'.
    itab-n1 = 90.
    itab-k = 'uji'.
    COLLECT itab .CLEAR itab.
    itab-n = 'hae'.
    itab-n1 = 87.
    itab-k = 'iou'.
    COLLECT itab .CLEAR itab.

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