Folder icon colour change

My folder icons have suddenly changed from the usual pale blue to deep, royal blue. I have no idea why! Can anyone help? I'd like to change them back.

In fact it's G5, 10.6.8 now that I look (still Snow Leopard though).
It's just the folder icons that have changed colour, not the entire shade of the screen. My folders on Mail have also changed to royal blue; the folders in my Bookmarks in Firefox are still pale blue, but some of the icons for individual websites in Bookmarks have disappeared and been replaced by an empty box shape with a dotted line round it. All very strange.
I have tried logging out and back in but that doesn't have any effect.
I suppose it's no big deal but I just can't work out why it's happened!
Thanks for your help.

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    You should be able to, get info on your home folder. Click on it then type Command + i, you will see a little icon in the top left click it and press the delete key. Although I am curious to why it has changed?
    No it shouldn't effect your programs, and No you should never rename your home folder. If there are any changes to any of your programs what would happen is they would act like they did the first time you opened them. All customizations would not exist as well as all content you added would be gone.
    Hope that helps,
    Message was edited by: westongallagher

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    This litte app, Folder Text Labeler
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    I think the right way of doingthis indeed is skinning. I would try to
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    The icon displays correctly as I want in my PC, I suggest you rebuild the icon cache in your system, then test the issue again.
    this IconCache.db file is located at: (you need to show hidden files)
    delete the files, reboot.
    Or rebuild in this way, kill the Explorer.exe with Taskmgr then run those commands:
    cd /d %userprofile%\AppData\Local
    attrib –h IconCache.db
    del IconCache.db
    start explorer
    This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you.
    Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on these sites.
    Yolanda Zhu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Are yu saying the wallpaper for the lock screen and/or home screeen changed?

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    Apple doesn’t routinely monitor the discussions.
    Send Apple feedback. They won't answer, but at least will know there is a problem. If enough people send feedback, it may get the problem solved sooner.
    Mail/Provide Mail Feedback

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    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

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    What finally worked for me!
    My internal Mac hard drive is my “filing cabinet” with all folders installed by Lion (Applications, Users, System, and Library) plus my personal folders and data in each visible when I click on and open the harddrive. My internal Mac hard drive icon is on my desktop. After a restart the file and folder icons inside most of the first level of my personal folders would shrink and rearrange themselves.
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    BTW I use a mouse….
    Right clicked on the internal hard drive icon on my desktop. (Note: “Out of the box “ when you startup with Lion the first time the Mac Hard Drive probably will not be visible on the desktop and you have to reveal it!)
    In the dialogue box that opened I selected and clicked on “Get Info.”
    A long window opened. We looked at Sharing & Permissions at the very bottom of the window. In the “You have custom access” window my log in name was not there. This was the culprit!!! But the box was grayed out.
    At the lower right hand corner of the long window I clicked on the padlock to open it.
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    The grayed out area of the Sharing & Permissions box immediately darkened.
    I clicked on the plus sign at the bottom left hand corner of the long window.
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    Back at the lower right hand corner of long window, clicked on the open padlock to close it and lock the settings.
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    Any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    Did you check the value of the margin-left of the text?
    You can set negative margin values if necessary.
    <pre><nowiki>#PlacesToolbarItems .toolbarbutton-text { margin-left: -2px !important; }</nowiki></pre>
    Add .bookmark-item[container] if you only need this for folder items
    <pre><nowiki>#PlacesToolbarItems .bookmark-item[container] .toolbarbutton-text { margin-left: -2px !important; }</nowiki></pre>

  • Change folder icons in Acrobat X Portfolios?

    Will I be able to change foder icons an an Acrobat X portfolio? Other file icons too?

    Yes and no. Adobe has an SDK for creating custom portfolios (which would include creating folder icons). Information can be found here:    However, this requires additional tools to accomplish (ie Flash Builder).
    If the changes you want to make are fairly minimal (e.g. changing the color, size, etc) you could always try entering a feature request.

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    Using Adobe Acrobat Pro 9
    Is there any way to use a customized graphic/jpg for the Folders icon?
    When I have my portfolio grouped in folders, I want to be able to visually show something about that folder (insert JPG), not just a picture of a folder...

    Here's another discussion:
    This discussion sets forth two approaches, and I have made both of them work in their own way. So my question is more or less answered -- more or less, because the approach that is most satisfactory is the one that you outline in that discussion, but it seems only able to set a custom icon to a new folder ("Target").
    Please enlighten me if I'm missing something, but is there a way of making the "target" folder a pre-existing folder with another custom icon? What I really want to do is to change a folder icon, not create a new folder with a custom icon.
    What's so frustrating is that I can open two folders with different custom icons and drag their invisible icon files back and forth (changing the icons), but I haven't found a way to do that with a script.
    Thanks very much for your help.
    2.7G5 AND OTHERS   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

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    'Click the icon in the upper-left corner of the Info window to select it.'
    It just will not let me click and select the item.
    Can anyone suggest a reason for this?
    Many thanks

    Is this a folder that was created by the system during an install, or a folder that you just created?
    Is it on the desktop or inside another folder?
    You should only need to click on the folder icon top left Get Info window once to select should glow slightly to indicate it is selected.
    Go to the Applications folder and do a get info and select, then use the keyboard to copy cmd-c....then go to a folder you've created and select and hit cmd-v to paste....the special icon that is used for the Applications folder should the be the icon on the folder you created.
    Message was edited by: K T

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