Font mask question

im using a hollow font for a logo, so the main font color
only colours the
i can give the text color by placing it over a layer of the
chosen color,
but of course the rectangle of color shows beyond the font...
is there a way to mask or hide this area so only the layer
behind the font

Here is one way to do this - usually as soon as I post an
answer like
this, Linda, Stephane or the like will chime in and with a
few clicks
get the same effect. :)
So here is one way to do it:
1. Select font - type.
2. Select the word(s) and do a copy and paste to create an
3. Select the copy and go to Modify > Flatten Selection
4. Select the Bucket tool and pick the color you wish for the
5. Make sure the Paint Bucket Tool options has 75 (or so) for
6. click on the areas you want to fill a couple times each so
the color
will spread a bit past the borders.
7. Select the original text bring it to the front and
position over the
Flattened selection
One draw back to this technique is that you have to redo all
of the
above if you decide to make changes to that text.
Mark wrote:
> hi
> im using a hollow font for a logo, so the main font
color only colours the
> edges...
> i can give the text color by placing it over a layer of
the chosen color,
> but of course the rectangle of color shows beyond the
> is there a way to mask or hide this area so only the
layer behind the font
> shows?
> thanks

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    Hi. The way I'd do it would be to use the font metrics to find the length of a string and draw a rectangle and then drawstring over the rectangle. If you want an example, I can post it although I suspect theres a better way.

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    Uh...  Kappy, I've got every font on my machine (except for /System/Library/Fonts fonts) in subdirectories inside the assorted Fonts/ directories.  This is a subset of FontFolio11 that we use for editorial:
    cathy% ls -l ~/Library/Fonts/User_cathy_Library_Fonts/FontFolio11Pagination
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x@  6 cathy  staff  204 Dec 13 16:04 Franklin Gothic Std
    drwxrwxr-x@  7 cathy  staff  238 Aug 24  2010 HelFracAP
    drwxrwxr-x@  9 cathy  staff  306 Dec 13 16:04 HelFracAP-Bold
    drwxr-xr-x@ 25 cathy  staff  850 Dec 13 16:04 Helvetica LT Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 11 cathy  staff  374 Dec 13 16:04 ITC Berkeley Oldstyle Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 19 cathy  staff  646 Dec 13 16:04 ITC Century Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 19 cathy  staff  646 Dec 13 16:04 ITC Cheltenham Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 23 cathy  staff  782 Dec 13 16:04 ITC Franklin Gothic Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 11 cathy  staff  374 Dec 13 16:04 ITC Galliard Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 10 cathy  staff  340 Dec 13 16:04 ITC Legacy Sans Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 10 cathy  staff  340 Dec 13 16:04 ITC Legacy Serif Std
    drwxr-xr-x@  7 cathy  staff  238 Dec 13 16:04 Melior LT Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 10 cathy  staff  340 Dec 13 16:04 Memphis LT Std
    drwxr-xr-x@ 10 cathy  staff  340 Dec 13 16:04 New Century Schoolbook LT Std
    drwxr-xr-x@  4 cathy  staff  136 Nov 29  2010 OCR A Std
    drwxr-xr-x@  4 cathy  staff  136 Nov 29  2010 OCR B Std
    -rw-r--r--@  1 cathy  staff   48 Nov 29  2010 fonts.list
    Notice that they are ALREADY in directories!

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    Thank you!

    Yes, as Michael pointed it to you, you are seeing your edit below the arm layer, and Photoshop processes layer from top to bottom.
    See these documents:
    See also all these Key concepts:

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    Nothing wrong with that either !
    In the interests of science and bad family entainment (which I know Mike likes to inflict on relatives. Sorry Mike, had to throw that in, still get a laugh when I think about that post) ... there is more than one way to skin the cat
    Mike - if you wanted to use a matte and not a mask then you'll want to composite the image you want to use in the screen part of the tv using that part of the tv.
    You'll want the "black" portion of your screen to be white. Then you'd use on another layer above that white "matte" the image or layer of video you want to appear.
    So you'd have your tv box on one layer- then your white screen on anther layer - then an image/video above using Travel Matte Luma from the composite mode.
    It's quick - but offers less cntrol, imo.
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    The following appeared on the console log after a back-up session. I've seen it once before and have no idea what it means or how to fix or avoid it in the future. I was hoping someone with a little more "Font Savvy" could explain this. Thanks!
    2007-01-25 19:37:05.428 Maxtor Button Monitor[546] CFLog (0): WARNING: CFSTR("/Applications/Maxtor OneTouch\252 Manager") has non-7 bit chars, interpreting using MacOS Roman encoding for now, but this will change. Please eliminate usages of non-7 bit chars (including escaped characters above \177 octal) in CFSTR().
    Power Mac G4/1GHz   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   Maxtor 120GB internal,Maxtor 300 GB External Firewire Drive

    The following appeared on the console log
    after a back-up session. I've seen it once before and
    have no idea what it means or how to fix or avoid it
    in the future. I was hoping someone with a little
    more "Font Savvy" could explain this. Thanks!
    2007-01-25 19:37:05.428 Maxtor Button Monitor[546]
    CFLog (0): WARNING: CFSTR("/Applications/Maxtor
    OneTouch\252 Manager") has non-7 bit chars,
    interpreting using MacOS Roman encoding for now, but
    this will change. Please eliminate usages of non-7
    bit chars (including escaped characters above \177
    octal) in CFSTR().
    Power Mac G4/1GHz
    Mac OS X (10.3.9) Maxtor 120GB
    internal,Maxtor 300 GB External Firewire Drive
    Sorry.. in my haste to post this question I inadvertently accessed the wrong forum. My apologies.

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    So ive searched the forums here and I've found a bunch of answers to most of my questions... however I'm still having an issue with my website masking.
    I built a site for my mothers store
    However when you go to the site it shows my mac address.
    I bought the domain through godaddy... and under the forwarding section I enabled Masking and set my Masking Title to
    I also setup some Masking Meta Tags and keyword tags.
    I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... any help would be great.
    I also have the site setup through not sure if that tidbit of info helps.
    Oh and under Forwarding what is 301 Moved Permanetly and 302 Moved Temporarily?
    Thanks again

    Forwarding tells the domain what url to display.
    I believe what you are need to look at is "cname"
    You should be able to find related posts.
    Also there is information here:
    With godaddy you can do it yourself in your account area.
    They also have good support.
    Actually the above url has a specific reference to godaddy setup.
    good luck
    Message was edited by: Chuck Usher

  • Bonehead layer mask question:  CS5

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    I am running PS CS5 on a Macbook Pro.
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    The top layer is a black & white adjustment layer with mask.
    Opacity is set to 50%
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    Do I need to activate any other settings to make this happen?

    Good advice above, but one more thing (sorry for a very basic question):  Have you targeted the mask?  You have to click on it before you can paint on it.
    Just reviewing...  With your Opacity at 50% your image will still have some color, and painting black on the layer mask will hide the effects of the Black & White layer and reveal more color.
    If you're still having trouble, please capture your entire screen, save as a JPEG, and post it here using the little "camera" icon just above the edit box.  Usually people can home right in on what's wrong by seeing the various Photoshop indicators on the screen.

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    This is the Power View forum.
    Try asking here:
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • Clipping mask question 2.

    Hello, so about a week ago I was having some trouble with my clipping mask I had posted a question Here about it. Over the week I believe i see what the problem maybe but i do not  know how to fix it (once again) This is what I mean:
    As you can see in the image above, there are little pixels around the image after i finished coloring and erasing my mess. (i used a wacom tablet to do this by the way.)
    In this image I created a clipping mask over the image above and i began "shading." But the color went over once again. I Believe it has something to do with those little pixels.
    May someone please help me by telling me why those little pixels are There and how i can get rid of them. Also If you have an idea at why the mask is not working also let me know as well

    I suspect you are flat out going about things in the wrong way.  I can't see reason you'd need or want to clip layers to achieve what you are doing.  The spill is probably anti-aliasing from the brush or erasor.  Niether tend to achieve 100% coverage with one pass. 
    Rather an use the erasor,  much better to make a selection and add a layer mask.  This will produce a hard edged editable layer. 
    Try drawing your lines on a roughing out layer, and then colouring on an underlying layer using different layers for each colour.  When done, Ctrl (Cmd) click the colour fill layer which will load its outline as a selection.  You can then go Edit > Stroke with black on a new layer higher up the stack.

  • Feathered selection, transparency, mask question

    1) On a transparent canvas, fill a feathered selection at 100% opacity.
    2) Cmd-click layer icon to load the selection (of the pixels).
    3) Add its Layer Mask.
    When I Enable/Disable the Layer Mask, the pixels change (the border changes).
    This does not happen when a similar selection is made on a non-transparent canvas.
    What is going on with the transparency and the Mask that I am missing? That is, why does Mask change the image?
    OS 10.5.8, PSCS4

    Hi Sonny
    Michael has some good insight into this.
    No matter what, these topics are definitely hard to grasp and I too have struggled with how does all the transparency, selections, layer masks, alpha channels all work together (or not) and the differences between all these names and their function. My experience is how learning works for one person may do nothing for another.  Thought I would give it a shot based on my understanding.  Sorry if this is wordy yet you ask very good and tough questions.
    First for the Transparency/Opacity
    When you create a feathered selection and fill it over a transparent background you effectively have created a transparency mask for that layer right within the artwork.  The fuzzy edge is the transition from full 100% opacity (transparency = 0) within the red square to 0% opacity outside the square (transparency=100%).  This defines one of the two transparency masks that each level can have.  The transparency mask does not get a lot of press because a thumbnail for it does not show up anywhere.   The second mask is the Layer Mask.  The total opacity is determined by multiplying the Layer Mask with the Transparency Mask (ignoring the opacity/fill sliders and Blending Options).  The effective total opacity for the layer is seen as familiar  checkerboard pattern.
    When you pressed CMD (Ctrl on PC) and clicked the artwork thumbnail, you pulled up the transparency mask up as a selection (I'll talk about the marching ants and the hard edge it portrays later on).   By copying this selection into the Layer Mask you now have effectively double masked your artwork  (Layer Mask X Transparency Mask). The transparency mask still sits within the artwork and is now duplicated as a Layer Mask.  This will make the total mask look like it has shrunk.  Why?.... Right in the middle of the transition edge of either mask you will have 50% opacity.  When you double up on the masks that same point will now have 50% x 50% = 25% opacity.  The bottom line is the the opacity edge will go through a steeper and faster transition when you have this doubling up of masks.
    If that is not what you want there are several ways to avoid this
    1) Just don't use a layer mask since the red object is already created with a smooth transparent edge within a transparent field (why do you want the layer mask?)
    2) Create the initial selection with a hard edge, move it into a layer mask, select it and then Select>Refine Edge for the Layer Mask to create a smooth transition.
    Either way you won't double up on the masks.
    Selection Mask
    The selection mask is its own beast and not associated with any particular layer.  Think of it as a mask that hovers over the entire layer stack and that it can be applied to whichever layer is active (highlighted).  The selection mask with its marching ants gives the impression that it has a hard edge.  This is misleading because anytime you have any feathering you are creating a mask with a gradual transition or a mask that on the edges has partial opacity/transparency.  Almost all the selection tools have the ability to do feathering.
    Unfortunately tyring to represent the mask edge is problematic when it is not a sharp transition.  The marching ants just represents the point in the feathering where the partial transparency of the selection =50%.  When you have no feathering the edge is sharp and the marching ants are exactly right on top of that edge.  Other than that, the marching ants are somewhere in the middle of the edge transistion.
    Clear as mud right?
    Hope that helps
    John Wheeler

  • Font Folio question

    Hi, all. I wasn't sure where else to ask this question. I've been interested in purchasing the entire Adobe library of fonts but have been confused by the various products I've seen on the web.
    There are 3 products: Font Folio 11, Adobe Font Collection, and Font Folio OT 1.0. Which Adobe product contains the most fonts? I've seen one saying it contains 2300 while another says it contains 2100, etc. I've not found a page that provides comparison between these products. Your guidance is much appreciated. Thanks.

    Thanks, John, for your reply. Here are my answers to your great questions:
    1) Because we're part of a university, we'd get the collection via an educational discount; so the price isn't a concern.
    2) Yep. I've been reading up on the technologies.
    3) I've tried to collect free, quality fonts off the web for a while, but it's time-consuming and you don't always get the best results.

  • Font substitution question

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    I have a font question. I am updating Illustrator files that were created on a different machines throughout the department. When I open a file, it says that I'm missing a font. This makes sense, because although I have the same font, it has a different name on my computer.
    Here's my issue: when I select the text with the font that needs to be changed to the one that's resident on my computer, change it to "my" version, and then save the file, the next time I open the file it gives me the same message. This happens regardless of whether I save the file to my HD or the server. Can I make it so that it doesn't always ask for that other font? So that it associates the font on my machine as the correct one? The text blocks with the "missing font" are always small little bits that I have to seek out and manually change every time I open the file... it gets tedious, and affects accuracy.
    I am using Mac OS10.6.4, the files are created in either AICS3 (running OS10.5.8) or AICS5, but this happens whether I open them in CS3 or CS5. I use Font Explorer Pro, the other machines have no font manager, which is why I like to work on my machine. (FEX hasn't released auto activation plugins yet for CS5, btw. They tell me they're working on it.)
    Anyway, thoughts and suggestions are welcome.

    Easy-peasy.  Under the font menu, "find font..." will allow you to "change all" of one font to another one.

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    Too general a question and too broad a generalization.
    Get a book (or a few) on typography. There are oldstyle and modern typefaces in both serif and sans-serif.

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