Can anyone tell me how to find the "window system's
standard proportionally spaced font" for Windows NT?
Is this the font specified in the Control
Panels:Display Properties:Appearance Tab for the
Message Box?
Send instant messages & get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Firefox fonts are changed through firefox
edit: When you say ugly, do you mean a bad font, or a fuzzy/blocky font? If you're using gnome/kde, check if Anti-Aliasing is enabled
Last edited by heleos (2008-08-14 19:16:29)

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  • Beginner font questions

    These are some beginner font questions if someone has the time/patience.
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    Powerbook G4 Ti   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    1. I gather from looking at Font Book that when I'm
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    Yes, you can just put it in Users/username/Library/Fonts (or Library/Fonts for all users).

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    I want to left align my Prompts on my form but using Tahoma or Verdana the alignment is always off. I fixed it by using a monospace font like Courier but is there a way to get these other more standard fonts to left align properly? (i don't want to right align them)
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    No question is a dumb question. :-)
    To left align prompts, you go to the canvas and select the several that you want to align. Then all you do is click the 'Align Left' icon on the editing toolbar at the top of the canvas (or use pull-down Arange, Align Objects, Horizontally-Align Left). If the web display is not left-aligned, you may also need to open the property palette on the items with the prompts, and set the Prompt Alignment property to Start. You should NOT need to fuss with a monospaced font once you do this.
    I don't think Forms downloads fonts. Instead there is a font translation process where a font that is similar is selected.
    Just a note... I don't use Forms 9i or 10g, only 6i (both c/s and web), so my answer may not be right on.

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    2) /System/Library/Fonts
    Thanks for any help.

    Fonts in the user font folder will only be available to that user. It really doesn't make much sense unless you have a font in your handwriting that another user wouldn't need. I do know that Microsoft will install fonts in the current user's folder. At least then you know what installed them :~)

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    Hi rosy,
    Welcome to the discussions and the AppleWorks forum.
    This is more an OS X question than an Appleworks one, and you may get a more definitive reply by pisting in the Tiger forum.
    ".sit" is a suffix that identifies a file compressed using Stuffit, the 'standard' compression application for Mac under OS 9 and earlier. To open these you need the free download of Stuffit Expander.
    If your older fonts are TrueType (which most of the scaleable ones will be) they should be useable in Tiger. Bit Map fonts (any that showed some sizes in black and others in outline in the Font menu on your older Mac) may not be useable in OS X.

  • Adobe Illustrator CC (Fonts Question)

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    1.  Does subscription to Adobe Illustrator CC includes a font account (Typekit)?  If so which one?
    2.  Can I use these fonts with my illustrations, graphics, icons, webdesign, banners, logos and sell them?  Can I use these for commercial purpose?
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    Adobe has sold you a license to use the fonts included with the software when you purchased / rented their software.  As I understand it, Type Kit would be separate from the initial install of things like Illustrator and InDesign.  When you purchase a font, you buy the license to use it.  Commercially.  Personally. They're yours with some limitations.  You'd have to read the license agreement to find out what you can do and cannot do with the fonts.  Once you've used the fonts in an illustration, the artwork becomes your property and you are the owner of the copyrights.  Typically, if you'd used a font in your artwork, you would "Create Outlines", thereby converting the font into artwork.  This should be done on a copy of the original artwork that uses the original "live" font.  You sell and distribute the "Outlined" version and keep the original "Live" version for future edits if necessary.  As you move forward with your venture, you should contact a copyright lawyer and discuss your situation with him/her.  Your artwork distributed online will open you up to a slew of vulnerabilities, not to mention piratting ( illegal copying ).  And, you must definitely apply with the US Copyright Office for official copyrights to your artwork.  At a minimum, read the license agreement Adobe supplies you with concerning fonts and font usage.  Also, consider joining The Graphic Artist Guild, NY and getting their handbook which includes details regarding your rights, copyrights, legal issues, etc.

  • Mac system font question!

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    That is not a question that we can not readily or authoritatively respond to here since the font in question was not licensed from Adobe.
    The American Typewriter fonts bundled with MacOS are indeed visible to and usable within Adobe applications. In fact, I did try creating an InDesign document using all six styles of that font on my Mac system. I also successfully exported PDF/X-4 from InDesign and the fonts embedded without a problem.
    However, all that means is that Apple (or the foundry from which Apple licenses the font) have not put any physical security in place to prevent font embedding within PDF (or EPS or PostScript). That having been said, you would need to obtain the actual license for the font from Apple to determine if they or their vendor has any restrictions against such commercial use.
    If you had licensed the font from Adobe, the answer would have been that you could embed the fonts and use them as you described. You could not embed them in an HTML stream or with an application program for dynamic use (such as with an iOS or Android application). But as part of a static logo, you would be good to go.
    You need to see if Apple has its font licenses on its website to ascertain what their restrictions, if any, are. If the license is not on their website, you may need to contact Apple's legal department.
                 - Dov

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    SO my questions here are as follows:
    do I ALWAYS need to EXTRACT fonts from the fonts folder in the package and place in my computer when I have this situation?

    Make sure the name of the fonts folder in the package is Document Fonts and ID should automatically use them without other intervention with a few exceptions. First, it doesn't work with Type 1 fonts. Second, Mac format fonts are not cross-platform compatible, so .dfont or Mac TrueType will not work on Windows.

  • Kozuka Font Question

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    First question is, 'are you sure'? It might be there after all, just not in the place in the font list you would expect.
    InDesign does not display all fonts in alphabetic order. Instead, they are grouped by major writing system support: Latin (probably the bulk of your font list), then Arabic, Hebrew, Korean, Chinese, and a couple more. Most people would expect "Kozuka" to be in the bulk list, but it's way, way, way down at the end, in a huddle with other "outlandishly weird" fonts.

  • 10.6.5 font question

    I have resolved a bunch of font problems I was having since upgrading to 10.6.5 by archiving and installing 10.6 and re-upgrading.
    I now have alot more fonts in the computer section and some duplikcates which font book isn't resolving.
    Here is a simple question:
    for a font like Courier where I have a font suitcase in user>Library>Fonts
    and a .dfont in System>Library>Fonts
    1) which should I keep - dfont or suitcase?
    2) Should I a) remove from inside FontBook or b) delete from folder in Finder and then rebuild FontBook cache.
    Tommy Banana

    My apologies -- I just noticed that I do have some font suitcase files in /Library/Fonts & probably elsewhere & they are supported in OS X. When I check them with Font Book, the "Show Font Info" function says they contain Truetype fonts. I'm pretty sure they are leftovers from the Classic OS days; I've probably discarded the ones not compatible with OS X.
    All I can really tell you is the fonts in /System/Library/Fonts generally are best left alone but you will get better advice about this from other users that know more than I do about that subject.
    But regarding installing Snow Leopard, it does not do an archive and install -- there is no archive containing deactivated previous versions of OS files & other items like there was with that option in earlier OS versions. A better name for the Snow Leopard version might be "Replace & Install," although that applies only to the new files that come with the OS. Everything else is left in place, except possibly for certain incompatible items that are moved to an "Incompatible Software" folder at the root of the drive.
    That might explain where some of your duplicate fonts came from.

  • Keynote - font question

    Apologies, I'm using Keynote for the first time, can anyone advise...
    If I prepare a keynote doc, save it as Powerpoint for my client and pass it along, will the fonts be ok that I have used, I mean will they show up ok if the presentation is shown on any other computer (like a PDF?)
    hope to hear from you

    Simple question - does iWork (Pages, Numbers and Keynote) have the font "Times New Roman"?
    TNR is automatically part of OS X 10.6 and is available for all apps.

  • Fonts question

    I'm running 10.7.5 on a Mac Pro with 12 gigs of ram. I have the app font book which hosts all my fonts. As of today I have 635 fonts on my system, this is because I do web design and development so from doing epubs , photoshop, Illustrator, Flash and other apps I have accumulated all these fonts. So my question is will all the fonts slow my Mac Pro down? Is there a way to clean up anything font wise?

    The more fonts you have active, the more RAM they take up. True of any OS. The other of course is your font lists will take longer to appear in apps when you're selecting a font.
    As far as cleaning up, separate your fonts into their uses. Web, epubs, etc., and only open (activate) the sets you need for the work you're doing. Close (deactivate) that set when you're done.

  • Why'o'why do they ignore Baltics?::font question

    i have a problem with fonts. and with Graphisoft's ArchiCAD 10.
    the app itself uses system's lucida grande.
    there are two types of text input in the app. one deals with text boxes placed in the drawings. here i can succesfully use any font ie lucida grande.
    the 2nd type is text fields 'within app', like project info, page names etc. here...
    in system preferences/international the languages are english and latviešu, input- latviešu (thats the only way i can input macrons (see latvian alphabet]
    ...the text fields 'within app' (which are in lucida grande) ignores the keystrokes ('+a=ā) for getting macrons. just does nothing.
    the lucida grand is unicode and there havent been (nearly) problems when using in other apps, even in ac10 text boxes. so why the app cant pick up the part of characters needed for latvian (latin extended-a(127))? one suggestion is that archicad does not support unicode. but thats illogical(isn't it?) because app recognizes basic latin part(?)
    i know that there is a problem for greek fonts in win version and it can be solved through regedit. here i searched all the content, preferences, app suport, but didnt find where/how to change app font script code.
    i know, this question should be addressed to graphisoft, but i give a try for mac gurus:)
    could the problem be solved from the 'font side'? any way to update/alter lucida grande? any way to force app to use latin extended? anything? im desperate...
    thanks in advance!
    offtopic:no surprise, while latvian is believed to be one of the archaistic languages out there;))
    iMac Intel Mac OS X (10.4.7)

    could the problem be solved from the 'font side'?
    This is your best bet I think. Your app does not support Unicode in the fields where you want to type it, so you could try installing and selecting a non-Unicode Latvian or CE font. To input you might have to use the Character Palette in Glyph mode, as it might be hard to figure out which key does what for a non-Unicode font.

  • Quick Embedded Fonts Question

    For some reason I can't seem to get any embedded fonts to show up.  Can anyone explain why the following doesn't work?
    Using the newest Flash Builder.
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <mx:Application initialize="init();" xmlns:fx="" xmlns:s="library://" xmlns:mx="library://" >
             @font-face {
                   src: url("assets/arial.ttf");
                   fontFamily: "Arial";
                   embedAsCFF: true;
                import flashx.textLayout.container.ContainerController;
                import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
                import flashx.textLayout.elements.TextFlow;
                import flash.text.engine.FontLookup;
                import flash.text.engine.RenderingMode;
                import mx.core.UIComponent;
                private var textFlow:TextFlow;
                 private var textHolder:UIComponent = new UIComponent();
                private var sprite:Sprite = new Sprite();
                private function init():void
                      var theText : String = '<TextFlow xmlns="" fontFamily="Arial" fontSize="100">Some Text Here</TextFlow>';
                      textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(theText, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
                      textFlow.fontLookup = FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF;
                      textFlow.renderingMode = RenderingMode.CFF;
                      textFlow.flowComposer.addController(new ContainerController(sprite, 500,500));

    All of this did not work for me unless I "used" the font in the RichEditableText Component by adding 'fontFamily="myFont"' as a property to the RichEditableText control, too (see the code below).
    This is kinda messy -- please, fix that, let us use fonts with confidence in Flash (finally).
    -- David
                override public function set data(value:Object):void
                    var xml:XML = <TextFlow fontFamily="Arial" fontLookup="embeddedCFF" fontSize="13" renderingMode="cff" whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve" xmlns="">
      <p color="#6a6b5b" fontFamily="_BuchMedium" fontSize="20" paragraphSpaceAfter="8" paragraphSpaceBefore="16">
        <span>Ein kritischer Blick in die Nachbarschaft:</span>
                    var textFlow:TextFlow = new TextFlow();
                    textFlow = TextConverter.importToFlow(xml, TextConverter.TEXT_LAYOUT_FORMAT);
                    textFlow.fontLookup = FontLookup.EMBEDDED_CFF;
                    textFlow.renderingMode = RenderingMode.CFF;
                    richText.textFlow = textFlow;
    <s:RichEditableText id="richText"
            fontLookup="embeddedCFF" renderingMode="cff" editable="false"/>

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