FontExplorer woes

I work for a magazine and have about 1500 fonts that I manage using Linotype FontExplorer X 1.2.3. Only Mac OS fonts are installed in my system folder; the rest are in a separate folder on my hard drive and managed by FontExplorer.
Until Monday, it worked fine. On Monday afternoon, FontExplorer began hanging upon startup and then persistently trying unsuccessfully to connect to our Mac server-based network (to which I was already connected, and which continued to work fine to access Word, Quark, etc. files). FontExplorer keeps coming up with a box saying "Connection failed This server may not exist or it is not operational at this time. Check the server name or IP address and your network connection and try again."
The result of FontExplorer hanging and having to be force quit is that my fonts are not activated when I try to open Quark documents that require those fonts. That means I can't do my job.
I have found that if I created a new user account on my Mac, FontExplorer worked fine, so it seems there is some setting in my administrator account that has changed that is conflicting with Font Explorer. Prior to this problem with Font Explorer, I had not installed new software and changed no preferences, nor made any changes to the computer that I was aware of. (12 hours prior, I had been working on the computer with no problems at all, but something somehow changed from shut down the evening before and startup the next day.)
I have since:
- deinstalled FontExplorer with Appcleaner and reinstalled, after each of the following steps -- No luck.
- deleted all fonts that were not system fonts -- No luck: in the times when FontExplorer boots up enough to show me the window before it hangs, all of the fonts I originally had continue to be listed
- did an erase and install of Leopard, CS3, Office, Quark, FontExplorer. I backed up and restored only the absolute essentials: mail files, documents, iTunes library, iPhoto library, Address Book and iCal. No luck.
- tried using FontNuke 1.1.5 to reset font caches -- No luck.
- searched for and found shell scripts to run that clear font caches by user -- No luck.
- searched for and found Terminal commands to open the window that contains cache and temporary folders, and then deleted them -- No luck.
- used Font Book to determine if there were conflicts with any fonts and then deleted those fonts. Here again, Font Book continued to show some of the fonts that I had deleted. I deactivated all but the system fonts. No luck.
- booted up in safe mode and tried running FotExplorer -- No luck, same problem.
- zapped the PRAM (couldn't hurt, huh?) -- No luck.
- repaired permissions (at several points throughout the process, including after every single reinstallation of system software and Office, CS3, etc.)
That's it. There's nothing left that I know to do. Does anybody, ANYBODY at all, have any suggestions? This can't possibly be as hard as I've made it to solve...

I can't help with the font problems (see Font Management in OS X for details on that); however, since the problem doesn't exist in the new account and, assuming that the new account is an admin account, this is what I suggest you do to resolve the conflict/corruption in the original account.
While logged into the newly created admin account, backup the bad account's folder, delete the bad account, selecting the save data option, recreate the bad account using the same username/password combo, log out and back into the recreated original account. If the problem's solved, open the saved data dmg file in /Users/Deleted Users/, open the /Library/Preferences/ folder from the saved data, open the current /Users/restored account/Library/Preferences/ folder, and slowly copy plist files from the saved data folder to the current one that don't exist in it. Log out and back in to ensure there's no conflict and things still work correctly. Resolving conflicts or identifying corrupt plist files is a laborious process. Good luck.
See for more details on this process.

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    The spinning ball of death as we used to call it is often caused by a lack of RAM, it is hard to be sure as I am not working on your machine, but sometimes things can be improved with additional RAM, it makes it seem like a whole new computer.
    A lot of your problems sound like stuff that can be fixed easily enough, and although frustrating things happen here and there with updates. It sounds like you are in fairly good spirits with it all, I would suggest just researching a bit more into maintenance you can do to help maintain the computer and educate yourself a bit more (sounds like you already have learned quite a bit along the way) and you will find a lot of these issues take you a few seconds to rid yourself of. I would start by making sure you are repairing permissions regularly and running the most up to date software. If a lot of problems persist, try creating a second user that is a "test" user to see if the problem is replicated on that user (don't delete your other one, but if you do find the problem not on the other user, you might have a corrupt user, however you don't have to lose all your emails there are plenty of ways to back it up and import it in, or even just bring the entire Mail folder from your library over to the new user). Another thing you can do if you find a lot of system problems is archive and install the OS, it takes a bit of time, but doing it overnight shouldn't be an issue, and you won't lose any of your stuff.

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    I have seen these issues with both formerly created files and fresh new files.
    I have tried the following based on feedback from Font Explorer staff:
    Refresh your Spotlight database
    1. Quit all applications other than FontExplorer X
    2. Choose Tools > Refresh Spotlight Database
    Clean your font caches
    1. Quit all applications other than FontExplorer X 2. Choose Tools > Clean Application Font Caches (check all available checkboxes)
    3. Choose Tools > Clean System Font Caches (requires restart)
    Still after trying this multiple times, the errors continue and even get more random.
    I have also tried this based on their feedback:
    go to FONTEXPLORER X PRO -> PREFERENCES -> ADVANCED and make sure that "Automatically deactivate fonts which have not been activated by the system" is NOT set to never.
    Then click on TOOLS and clean all font caches. Then reboot the system.
    The auto-activation is using a new Apple technology (called Core Text), which unfortunately does not work correctly with some of the Adobe and Quark applications when keeping the fonts permanently activated. We are currently working on an update, and the next version of FontExplorer X Pro will fix this issue.
    This has also not work. Can anyone help me?

    Here is the official work-around for this problem.
    1. Locate "FontExplorer X" in Applications
    2. Right-click on "FontExplorer X" and select "Show Package Contents"
    3. Navigate to /Contents/Helpers/
    4. Double-click "" or right-click and "Open" to launch it manually. This is needed only once, afterwards the plugins will work normally.
    Please make sure you open the version with the "-3" suffix, the other one does not fix the problem.

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    If you want to Commit changes at every record level in a Multi-Record Block, you may have to write the following triggers at the block level :-
    1) Key-Down
    2) Key-Up
    3) You will also have to handle Mouse Events
    i.e When-Mosue-Click etc
    In each of these triggers, issue a commit statement :-
    Trigger Name :- KEY-DOWN [ Defined at Block Level ]
    Trigger Code
    The Commit_Form statement will display a message for the user to COMMIT transaction to the DB.

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    HP – Warranties Woes & Hard Drive Headaches.
    Dear Internet Community (I.C)
    I need your help.
    I would like to know if I’m being unreasonable in my expectations or is Hewlett Packard (HP) not living up to its both moral & legal obligations as a good corporate citizen & what it alleges to be – a Customer Focused Global Computer Services company.
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    Part 1 :
    I purchased an HP Touch Smart a few years ago, I registered the product & warranty with them & over the years have received have received numerous emails stating “buy this, upgrade now”.
    But I don’t recall ever receiving an “WARNING – Critical Failure Issue (CFI) apply attached patch immediately” email while under warranty. Why is this relevant?
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    Ø HP buys said HD’s from Seagate
    Ø Seagate finds a problem with firmware in HD’s & advises HP & supplies a fix
    Ø HP knows which Customers have these HD’s, because you know what goes into your machines – right ? - see below
    Ø HP FAILS to send email to Customers with the fix (a simple email with attachment would solve problem) or issue recall.
    Ø HP even offers previously to fix problem FOC & puts fix on its Website - but only if the Customer knows somehow of the problem.
    Ø Should the Customer intuitively& telepathically know of problems in HP Products in advance before it fails, because of course HP is not telling their Customers.
    Problem or Outcome: My HD has bricked itself & will not operate as I never received notice of the firmware fix at any time either in or out of warranty.
    Paul Boshoff - G M -Personal Systems Group- HP NZ (PB- GMPSG) says
    “It would be very difficult, if not impossible, for any computer vendor to proactively notify it’s customers of component-level updates”
    “Failures of the kind you’ve experienced are usually related to a specific batch of serial numbers and often those component serial numbers aren’t available when the user is registering that particular computer.”
    Now let me know if you think I’m wrong, but it sounds like HP does not know what goes into its machines or at the very minimum does not keep track of this.
    HP, a Global Computer Services company cannot possibly be expected to track what goes into its machines. HP apparently does not record or match the serial number of the HD with the machine it goes into.
    If Ford & Toyota can track & record what tyres go on which make & model of their cars which are in the millions each year & can recall cars dating back 8-10 years just case of a manufacturers component malfunction why can’t HP link & record the HD details.
    I can just hear it now “I’m sorry we don’t know which engine we put in your car”.
    And let’s be real clear here – we are not talking about some small screw at the back of a PC – Along with the CPU & the RAM, the Hard Drive is pretty much up there in the top 3 of important components of any computer.
    I.C – Do you feel
    ü That fills you with confidence in HP products & services ?
    ü Should HP be required to tell its customer of CFI’s with its products – particularly while under warranty?
    ü Has HP tried to limit their liability & cost by directly NOT telling Customers of CFI’s while under warranty?
    Part 2 :
    When your HD bricks itself – apparently all is not lost – some very clever person has found a solution so you can get the HD going long enough to apply the firmware fix & then your HD is a good as new – Here is the link that spells it out with pics
    You’ll see the relevance of this shortly.
    After much messing about I received the following email from PB- GMPSG : “I have escalated your issue and have just received the go-ahead to repair your unit at our cost. We will be utilizing our own, authorized service provider to re-install the original hard-drive and to run the software fix on that unit.” (This guy most likely earns a six figure salary & isn’t able to sign off $200 fix).
    NOTE : it does not limit or restrict what type of fixes will be used & also at this time HP was aware of both the Seagate fix & above fix.
    I delivered the PC & bricked HD into the HP Authorised Repair Centre (ARC) as requested –their ticket instructions read “do firmware update…HP to incur costs. NO COST to customer”.
    Obviously it’s not rocket science but you need the HD going before you can apply any firmware fix including this one – HP knew that to get the HD going they would need a special fix to enable them to apply the Seagate fix.
    After all this is not an isolated case & I did point out to HP that they would need the fix I supplied (or something similar HP approved or designed if that made them more comfortable) prior to their offer of fixing the HD.
    HP said their ARC’s had all the right software for fixing their machines. In addition I have been told on several occasions, the ARC’s are the bee’s knees, the cat pajamas, the whiz kids of the PC service world “The first port of call for the repair centre agent is to download all the latest service advisory notices and updates. This is a very fundamental part of the repair process and one that we spend a great deal of time emphasizing with our authorised repair centres” Keep this in mind.
    A week later I received a call from Peter Gasporaratos, HP CS Melbourne (poor guy – caught in the middle) & stated “there is nothing else we can do for you”. When I asked if they had applied the fix he said “its not our responsibility.. its not part of our guidelines.. the ARC does not practice unauthorised methods..& this ARC will not go down this path”
    Ironically the day before, Barry from the ARC said “we can attempt it, but we will charge you too”. So HP’s own ARC will do it, but there will be a cost – but hang on a minute, didn’t PB- GMPSG say “to repair your unit at our cost. We will be utilizing our own, authorized service provider to re-install the original hard-drive and to run the software fix on that unit” & HP CS put on the instructions “HP to incur costs. NO COST to customer”.
    I.C – Do you feel
    ü HP have said they will fix it at NO COST to me, regardless of what the fix entails ?
    ü Should HP honour this commitment ?
    ü Would you do business with a company that says one thing & does another & does not honour its commitment ?
    ü That given the bricking fault did not need to happen if HP had been proactive in letting their customers know of the firmware issue & this is not an isolated case– shouldn’t they then be responsible in finding or developing a fix for getting the HD going long enough to apply the firmware fix if they are not going to use other recognised fixes.
    So that’s it – what do you think I.C. ?
    Would you want HP computers & servers controlling the Traffic Lights, Air Traffic Control, Patient records & Medications at Hospitals knowing that HP will not tell these organisations that there is CFI with their products & they could suddenly lose everything. All dead while they try to find a back up computer with all the data – god forbid if President Obama’s “football” is powered by an HP – Nuclear War before we know it.
    But seriously – I would love your feedback – Am I being unreasonable in asking them to honour their commitment for a $200 fix ?
    And of course HP being a Customer Focused Global Computer Services company, would welcome your feedback.
    Here are a couple of the players contact details who would love to hear from you :
    ü Keith Watson – CEO –HP NZ -I initially contacted him & he thanked me for bringing it to his attention, then nothing.
    Email : [email protected]
    ü Paul Boshoff - G M -Personal Systems Group- HP NZ – well of course you now know who he is now – he would love feedback.
    Email : [email protected]
    ü Jessica Rangi – She’s the Spokes person/PR/Marketing for HP NZ & has just help launch HP new PC range in NZ – She would love your feedback as it might impact on her marketing & she is quoted as having helped out in warranty situations before & has worked at HP head office.
    Email : [email protected]
    ü Meg Whitman - President and Chief Executive Officer of HP Global
    Email : [email protected]
    They would all like to hear from you J
    J Thanks for being patience & reading through to the end – now it’s up to you
    L buy HP Products & Services or not.
    L Do HP deserve your hard earned money if you now believe they aren’t going tell you about problems with their Product & Services.
    Be kind to one another & take care.
    P.S - I sent this blog to HP for fact & quote checking prior to uploading (I gave them over a week to reply) – the silence was deafening from HP.

    When requesting assistance, please provide the complete model name and product number of the HP computer in question. HP/Compaq makes thousands of models of computers. Without this information it may be difficult or impossible to assist you in resolving your issue.
    The above requested information can be found on the bottom of your computer or inside the battery compartment. Please do not include your serial number. Please enter the model/product information into HP's Online Consumer Support page and post it here for our review.
    I doubt the hard drive would be covered by buying an extended warranty after the fact. There is also no reason to buy a new hard drive from HP. Almost any 2.5" hard drive on the market will work in your computer. You will need your personal HP Recovery Disc set to return the computer to a factory like state. If you didn't create these discs, you will need to order a set.
    If you have any further questions, please don't hesitate to ask.
    Please click the white KUDOS star to show your appreciation
    {------------ Please click the "White Kudos" Thumbs Up to say THANKS for helping.
    Please click the "Accept As Solution" on my post, if my assistance has solved your issue. ------------V
    This is a user supported forum. I am a volunteer and I don't work for HP.
    HP 15t-j100 (on loan from HP)
    HP 13 Split x2 (on loan from HP)
    HP Slate8 Pro (on loan from HP)
    HP a1632x - Windows 7, 4GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6130y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6320y - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240
    HP p7-1026 - Windows 7, 6GB RAM, AMD Radeon HD 6450
    HP p6787c - Windows 7, 8GB RAM, NVIDIA GT 240

  • All fonts missing in Linotype Fontexplorer X

    Can anyone help? I use Linotype FontExplorer X for font management (I have 1900+ fonts installed but have less than 100 active at any one time). I have been using it successfully for years, mainly, with Indesign (also Photoshop & Illustrator - CS4). I last used InDesign 12 days ago with no problems but when I opened a regularly used file today, my fonts were missing. I opened Linotype and every font except the system fonts is missing. I use Time Machine so have restored the User/FontExplorer X/Font Library folder but is there any way to tell Linotype where the fonts folder is without having to reinstall each font individually, I tried restarting Linotype but it didn't locate the folder.
    Thanks in advance

    That 'gulp' worries me!
    I've just 'Time Machined' back to Sept 2009 and those 3 files are the only ones that ever show up in that location.
    The .db file is 1.9mb and last modified/accessed last night when I restored the Font Library folder and reinstalled a few fonts to make sure it worked.
    Are the other files you listed important?  Is it a problem that I don't have and seem never to have had them?
    I thought once I had restored the Font Library all would be ok, I'm just looking for a way to tell Linotype where the Font Library folder is so I don't need to install all the fonts and delete the ones it's not recognising (I'm thinking of something like the 're-link' for an image in InDesign when you move something to a different location)

  • SL 10.6.1 and FontExplorer 1.2.3: ll fonts are "Not available"

    After worked fine for weeks, my Mac Pro 2008 quad 2.8 Ghz with 6 Gb ram does not recognize my fonts anymore, just the default system. I can't add neither opentype or truetype or post script. I've cleaned font cache, preferences, sets, reinstalled FontExplorer without luck.
    Again, if I install fonts (not in FontExplorer but in Finder) I can see the preview but they are not available in all softwares.
    Any idea about the cause?

    Hi antonio-milano & welcome to the forums:
    I've cleaned font cache, preferences, sets, reinstalled FontExplorer without luck.
    Have you used Apple's FontBook to validate the suspect fonts?

  • FontExplorer and Quark6.5

    Has anyone used FontExplorer and Quark6.5,
    Ive installed FontExplorer and it installs in Xtension in Quark6.5 for activation, it says it will be a bit slower than Quark7,
    However it causes all my quarks users to crash quark and then it corrupts their Quark preferences folder,
    It also seems to prevent them opening files they have already created.
    Anyone else had any problems?

    Yes. Linotype FontExplorer does work with network home directories, but it does so in an unusual way, which explains the behavior you're describing.
    Here's how it works: Font Explorer stores information about its database (sets, smart sets, etc.) in ~/Library/Application Support/Linotype. With a network home directory, some of the contents of this folder are redirected to /Users/Shared on the startup volume of the client Mac.
    Thus, if Sally logs in to the same computer she used, FontExplorer should appear "correctly" - that is, in the state in which she left it.
    However, if Sally logs in to another computer, that won't be the case. Her symbolic link will point to an empty folder, which will either present the setup assistant and "lose" all of the fonts.
    With all this in mind, I should note that the fonts themselves - if you chose to manage fonts by copying/moving - are in Sally's network home directory on the server.
    My recommendation is this: FontExplorer is a great tool, best suited for designers or other professionals who will be working with a "user per computer" model. Storage of font sets in terms for FontExplorer are effectively a per-user and per-computer "preference." For an academic environment, I recommend Font Book.

  • Intel mini RAM woes...

    Ok, I'm pretty saavy when it comes to most things computer related but maybe I'm missing something on this one. I bought my Intel mini with the stock 512mb of RAM and decided I wanted to upgrade to 2gb. The price of RAM is fairly steep right now so I decided I would do this one stick at a time. I purchased my 1GB stick to get me going from Crucial (due to their reputation). I used their memory advisor to make sure I was ordering the correct memory for my machine and verified the memory matched what I ordered before it was installed. I installed the 1gb stick with one of the original 256mb sticks thinking I would maximize what I had available until I was able to purchase my second stick. After doing so I had nothing but problems. I kept getting spontaneous shutdowns and when booting up it would reboot itself sometimes 2 or 3 times before I could finally get to the desktop. So, I'm stumped. I've gone through and double checked that the memory was seated right, ran TechTool Pro 4, ran the Apple hardware test, reset my pram, reset my smc and even took out my 256mb stick to see if having an unmatched pair could be the issue. Everything looked fine and all tests passed. According to Crucial's website it is not "necessary" to have a pair of sticks in the mini to run properly. It even says I should be able to run different speeds and chip capacities. I was still getting the same result just the 1gb Crucial stick by itself. I have since put my 2 original 256mb sticks back in and all seems to be well. I know there is a possibility that I got a bad stick of RAM but I definitely have my doubts based on Crucial's reputation. I know how to handle computer components so I also highly doubt that I damaged the RAM. Is there something I'm missing? Do I need to have a matching pair of sticks (size and speed)? I'm racking my brain on this one, hopefully someone will be able to shed some light on my dilemma.

    Okay, new problem... I'm starting to think now that maybe my RAM woes were not RAM woes at all. I'm beginning to think that perhaps I have a failing hard drive. Right away after purchasing my Mac mini I took the original 80GB hdd out and replaced it with a brand new 120GB 5400rpm Seagate hdd. I started having these random shutdown problems and then yesterday after having my new 2GB's of RAM installed for about a week or so (and working flawlessly), I got the screen that tells me that I need to hold down the power button to restart my computer. I do so and it goes to this terminal type screen and runs through all kinds of command lines. I restarted and desktop came back up so I did a couple software updates (1 Airport update, 1 Security update). After that finishes the mini restarts and it hangs at the grey screen w/the apple. So, I shut the computer down and restarted and this time it gets to the 'OS X starting up' screen and hangs when the status bar reaches the end. So, I shut it down and restart yet again. It goes on and on like this and finally ends up getting to the desktop after roughly 6 restarts. I quickly back up everything on my computer and try a few more restarts to see the progression of the problem and try to troubleshoot. At one point I heard the hard drive click 2 times. After another round of numerous restarts I get back to the desktop and by this time alot of my programs were getting the beachball when opened and would never function (i.e. - Disk Utility, System Profiler & Safari). I put my Mac mini OS X install disc in and restarted to wipe everything out and see if my OS got messed up somewhere along the way and was causing my problems. As soon as it boots from the disc I got an error box informing me that It cannot install the OS but allows me to access Disk Utility. I erased and did a 1X pass zero out. I restarted my machine and yet again it hanged at the grey screen with the apple. I restarted a couple more times and now it just tells me it can not install the OS and shuts itself down within a few seconds of this message.
    So, this is where I'm at now... Can anyone else confirm that this sounds hard drive related vs. RAM related? The only variable that has changed recently has been the RAM and I refuse to believe that I got bad RAM twice in a row from a company as reputable as Crucial.
    Help me AndyO, you're my only hope! (yes, that was a nerdy Star Wars reference)

  • FontExplorer X Pro corrupting system fonts (mainly Helvetica)

    Yosemite, Clean Install
    I recently installed a trial of FontExplorer X Pro because I thought it was about time I moved up to a professional font management tool.  Shortly after installing it, and importing my fonts, things started to go haywire.  As you can see below,, websites ( pictured) and display a strange A-in-a-box character in place of what should be actual, legible copy.  I have been trying to work with FontExplorer's tech support but they have been unhelpful so far, not to mention it takes them days to respond.  I believe I've (so far) narrowed this down to HELVETICA and I'm sure it has something to do with Mac OS X now using Helvetica Neue throughout the System in place of what used to be Lucinda I believe
    I'm just at a loss for what to do.  I can't seem to get my system fonts back in order.  I've tried uninstalling the software, and starting over, and nothing has helped.  I can clear the Font Cache, restart, and then everything is fine...but as soon as I open a document with Helvetica Neue in it, everything else goes haywire again.  Deactivating Helvetica Neue is not an option.  I am a graphic designer, I need Helvetica for nearly everything.
    I would appreciate any suggestions at all, thank you. The timestamp is replace with these characters.
    Safari/ All the text in the login area are the same character.
    Again, in, this contact's signature is completely unreadable.

    Anyone? No one from Linotype has been able to answer my questions either.
    Like I said, the problem started after I upgraded from 10.6.6 to 10.6.8. The same issue occurs on 2 different computers both running 10.6.8, even though one of them is a fresh install.
    I've tried resetting the FontBook by booting into Safe Mode, but even that doesn't fix it. However I'm now able to add metadata and create sets, but only for system fonts (i.e. anything with a lock icon).

  • FontExplorer X Logout script

    I'm rolling out FontExplorer X to our students and need a bit of help with the scripts to move the Fontdatabase file around.
    My login script works as exspected but the logout script doesn't run at logout. It runs fine when a user is logged in
    The script is attached as a LogoutHook.
    Can someone help please??
    userid=`/usr/bin/id -u`
    userhome=`/usr/bin/id -P | cut -f9 -d:`
    mv "/Users/Shared/Linotype/FontExplorer X/$userfolder/FontDatabase.db" "$userhome/Library/Font Temp/"
    Message was edited by: nvp

    The terminal command to use would be the following:
    osascript -e 'tell application \"System Events\" to log out'
    The AppleScript line to use would be this:
    tell application "System Events" to log out
    These can be put into a login hook script ( or can be put into an AppleScript application (which can be created with the Automator utility), which then can be placed in the user's login items so it runs at login.
    The problem here is overcoming Apple's warning about automatically resuming your workflow, which appears at every logout.

  • FontExplorer X and Pages?

    I just installed iWork '08. I want to create a flyer template for a client so they don't have to learn Illustrator. I'm using Linotype FontExplorer X to manage my fonts, however, the only fonts listed in Pages are the System fonts. Without sending the fonts I need to Font Book, what are my options?

    Pages v5 uses a new document architecture that is incompatible with earlier releases of Pages. Still has the .pages file extension to further confuse you. If you have Pages ’09 running, and attempt to open a v5 document (e.g. double-click), you will get the following dialog. What it really means in English is that Pages '09 cannot open Pages v5 documents, and that you should upgrade to Pages v5. Since you already have done so, or you wouldn't get this message, the dialog is nonsense. There is no newer Pages ’09 version than v4.3, and it is no longer available from the OS X App Store.
    Pages v5.2.2 will periodically lose its mind, and claim that it cannot open a document created by itself. You can double-click on it until you run out of expletives, or use a right-button click and open with Pages (default) (5.2.2). This is a horrendous application.
    Pages v5.2.2 will quietly open Pages ’09 documents, and because it has 110 fewer features/functionalities than Pages ’09, it will also filter out what it does not support, and then auto-save the contents. Having a backup of your Pages ’09 documents is crucial with this behavior.
    I removed any Pages icon from my Dock. I then dragged each Pages application icon to my Dock, so that they are adjacent. With both installed, extra precaution is necessary, as any double-click on a document, will attempt to open it in Pages v5 first. Pages ’09 documents must be opened via that application's document chooser, or via a right-click, open with Pages (4.3) menu item.
    As I have posted previously, I created two new Finder tag items. A blue one that I named Pages ’09, and a yellow one that I named sh*t Pages v5. I place these tags on the respective Pages documents to avoid a train wreck, and to aid Finder searches (e.g. tag: Pages '09.)

  • Fontexplorer X Pro 4 opens fonts even when just clicking on file in finder?

    I need to find out how to make it open fonts ONLY when I OPEN a file. Right now it opens them even when I just click on a file in the finder.
    Does anyone know how to change that? The people at Fontexplorer take 4-6 WEEKS to get back to me on anything. I've given up asking there.

    You said that you - removed the Contextual Menu Items folder from Macintosh HD/Library/ Items folderThis implies to me that you no longer have any Contextual Menu Items folder in that location. I would recommend that you create and name an empty folder "Contextual Menu Items" and put it back in the location where you removed the previous folder.
    Have you recently installed an application that has a contextual menu item? If so, as I said in my previos post, you may want to uninstall/reinstall that application.
    Since I did not notice that you were new to Apple Discussions when I first posted, allow me to be the second one to give you a warm welcome.

  • 10.5.2 & Linotype FontExplorer X

    Anyone else having issues with Linotype's FontExplorer X?
    Safari refuses to load certain pages when FE is running [daringfireball, pitchforkmedia, for examples.]
    iPhoto wouldn't start up.
    Quitting FE fixes the issue, but then of course I have to use Font Book...
    I turned off extraneous fonts, cleared caches, reset safari, checked for obvious conflicts, etc.
    All to no avail. Only thing that works is quitting FontExplorer, and that seems to instantly do the trick.

    Rik Bogusz wrote:
    10.5.2 seems to have broke fontexplorer. and, what's worse, this problem seems to have taken down my cs3 apps. so far, after effects 8.0.2 and pshop 10.0.1 freeze on launch while initializing the type engine. i'll come back with any fixes
    photoshop cs3 also won't launch with fontexplorer running. it works fine once i quit fontexplorer

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