Fonts are still bolder in Mac version only

I've searched like crazy online, found this happening for some throughout many different versions, but still find no solution.
On the latest version (v23) and a few previous now, we're seeing fonts which are more bold than on any other browser. This includes text and our font icons.
Strangely, and beyond us, we have one guy here on the same FF and OSX versions who does not have this problem. We can't figure out why.
FF on Win does not have this problem.

The hardware acceleration feature can affect font weight. If you toggle it off, does that have any effect?
Firefox menu > Preferences > Advanced
On the "General" mini-tab, uncheck the box for "Use hardware acceleration when available"
You generally need to restart Firefox for this change to take effect.

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    Revision: 1384
    Author: [email protected]
    Date: 2008-04-24 07:54:58 -0700 (Thu, 24 Apr 2008)
    Log Message:
    Splitting DefineFont into the various DefineFont 1, 2, 3, etc SWF tag formats but retaining a common base DefineFont class so that embedded fonts are still retained as symbols for the SWF dictionary no matter what version of the SWF tag is used.
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    Best regards,

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    This can be a problem with the font that is used to display the text.
    You can use this extension to see which fonts are used for text that is selected (right-click context menu: Show fonts in selection).
    You can do a font test to see if you can identify corrupted font(s).
    You can try different default fonts and temporarily disable website fonts to test the selected default font.
    *Tools > Options > Content : Fonts & Colors > Advanced
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    Anything Downloaded with a Particular Apple ID is tied to that Apple ID and Cannot be Merged or Transferred to a Different Apple ID
    Apple ID FAQs  >
    You cannot Delete from your Purchase history... But... you can Hide...
    iTunes Store  >
    iCloud only Stores a Link to your Apps...

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    Snow leopard?
    Are you able to sync single part(music,contacts,etrc)?
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    Try this out:
    It worked for me

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    I don't know how you received an upgrade for iTunes.  You make it sound like it was sent to you.  At most your computer will tell you of a new version and you tell it to download it and install it.  However, a computer will not do this for a version which is incompatible.  iTunes 10.7 came out a few weeks ago but your computer would not notify you and even if it did, 10.7 would refuse to install on your computer.  So this part isn't making a lot of sense.
    Two ways to get the 'newer version' message.  One is to open your library on a computer running a newer version, and then try to open it with an older version.  Usually happens when the library is on an external and used with multiple computers.  The second way is if you have multiple versions of itunes installed on your computer.
    The newest (and likely the last) iTunes for OSX 10.5.8 is iTunes 10.6.3 which has been out for quite a while. 
    iTunes -

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    Reset the page zoom on pages that cause problems: <b>View > Zoom > Reset</b> (Ctrl+0 (zero); Cmd+0 on Mac)
    You can use one of these extensions to set a default font size and page zoom on web pages:
    * Default FullZoom Level:
    * NoSquint:

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    As soon as I tried to imported my .indd file into InDesign on my Mac, I encountered an issue with fonts. Most of the fonts that I had used in my design do not work on the Mac version. InDesign gave me the option to 'Change' to comparable fonts. I figured I would try to see how I can adjust the manuscript and make this work. I immediately encountered other issues (for e.g., Minion Pro is a font that I did manage to use with InDesign in Mac, but it would not let me use the Italics version of Minion Pro. It is important that a number of elements in my book be italics, so I need to have a font that offers the distinction (and ideally, would not make me go back in manually and re-italicize everything.)
    I spend about an hour or two researching this issue today. It seems there are a few options (including purchasing/downloading fonts and a few different software programs that handle that.) I would just like advice from those who navigated this issue on my best option/s.
    Specifically these are the fonts from my original design on my PC that are missing on the Mac version.
    Adobe Caslon Pro
    Adobe Caston Pro Bold
    Adobe Caslon Pro Italic
    Adobe Devangari Italic
    Adobe Garamond Pro
    Adobe Garamond Pro
    Adobe Garamond Pro Bold
    Adobe Garamond Pro Italic
    Constantina Italic
    Minion Pro Bold Cond
    Minion Pro Italic
    Palatino Linotype
    Palatino Linotype Italic
    If there is a free way to obtain these fonts and use them, that would be nice.  If I do obtain, or use replacements files that Mac supports, I forsee another issue: I may very well encounter the same issue down the line when I try to open my design on a PC, or if I send to the printer, and they use a PC. What about cross platform fonts that are supported by different system?
    Any advice on how to move forward would be appreciated.

    behnazutx wrote:
    The first respondent indicated that when the design is made into a PDF, then the fonts are embedded and visible across platforms. Are there any situations I should be aware of in which this isn't the case? If that statement is true or generally true, that is good news, and will make me feel a lot more OK about this process.
    I Googled "fonts that cannot be embedded in pdf" and these are the top 3 results:
    Why Some Fonts Cannot Be Embedded In PDF
    Cannot Embed font into InDesign PDF
    Adobe Acrobat X Pro * Font embedding and substitution

  • FONTS - Works fine in a MAC, requires "substitution" on PC

    Dear Folks:
    I make stuff in Photoshop CS on Mac. I open it on a PC afterwards and the fonts I've chosen are "substituted" with others by the Windows version of the same software.
    How can I get this under control? How can I tell which fonts are happy in both platforms?
    Can Font Book help?

    Hi, Raoul.
    There's info missing from your question, such as the version of Photoshop you are using on each computer, if your sending .PSD files to the PC, etc. However, assuming you're sending the .PSDs, I suspect the font substitution is occurring because you're using fonts on the Mac that are unavailable on the PC in question. You'd need to either use fonts that are common to both computers, or assure both computers have the identical fonts installed.
    Where Font Book can help is that it will tell you what fonts are installed on the Mac in the default font locations employed by Mac OS X: see "Mac OS X: Font Locations and Their Purposes." However, Adobe products also include fonts that they install in their own font-related folders, outside of the default font locations managed by Font Book.
    If the above does not help, I suggest you try yuor questions on the Adobe Photoshop Mac Forum, where Photoshop questions are answered.
    Good luck!
    Dr. Smoke
    Author: Troubleshooting Mac® OS X

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