Footer has moved to top of page

The Footer has moved to the top of the page. Any idea why?
Longstaff Longstaff

You could add the following to the .footer class css...
That would force it to sit on the bottom of the browser view port, no matter how large the viewer opens their screen.

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  • My Index and contact page has moved my top nav up

    I only changed my contact styles on my Index page and now my top nav has gone to the top. On my contact page I added two images so I understand I need to add some code to do with that but not sure how to get it back correct.
    When I veiw my contact page through my wamp server though it all looks fine that's why I uploaded it onto the live server.  Does anyone know why that should be?  Can someone help please?
    <div id="outer">
    <div id="wrapper">
                        <div id="logo">
                      <img src="images/banner1.jpg" />
              <div id="social-media-icons">
                          <li><a href=""><img src="images/icons/facebook.jpg" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href="£"><img src="images/icons/rss.jpg" /></a></li>
                  <li><a href=""><img src="images/icons/twitter.jpg" /></a></li>
                  <li><img src="images/icons/youtube.jpg" /></li>
             <div id="contact">
         <p><span class="big-blue">Bristol Equestrian Service</span><br>
         Tel: 0117 9190060 / 07900538697<br>
         Email: [email protected]<br>
          [email protected]</p>    
            ><div id="topnav">
                          <li><a href="index.html">Home</a></li>
                    <li><a href="stablesandfieldshelters.html">Stable and Field Shelters</a></li>
                    <li><a href="pricelist.html">Price List</a></li>
                    <li><a href="gallery.html">Gallery</a></li>
                    <li><a href="contactus.html">Contact Us</a></li>
                        <div id="banner">
                      <img src="images/newbanner.jpg" />
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    /* Color Legend */
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    Oops sorry copied it all!
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               font-family:Monotype Corsiva;

  • Help! My main content has moved outside of my page and ruined every other page in the site....

    I am new at using dw and building sites and now I came accross a problem that I can't figure out. I was going to add new content to one of my pages in my site and this happened above. I quickly exited before saving and when I reopened the file it remained in the same place. Now along with this page being like this, the rest of my site was affected in the same manner. If anyone has any solutions to this problem or reasons for this to happen please let me know asap. Thank you.

    Altruistic Gramps wrote:
    I feel that 2013 is the year to concentrate on RWD, there are many screen sizes available at this moment with many more to come. Excluding any of these users from comfortably viewing the site, immediately depreciates the value of the site.
    I feel you are probably correct but personally I don't like reponsive design. (It's clever but it has its drawbacks) I don't know how other people browse around the net but for me I'm contantly adjusting the width of my browser window and it becomes very annoying when elements are popping up and disappearing from view all the time. I find it disorientating on a personal level and quite annoying, a bit like I do when an unexpected pop up window suddenly launches itself on you.
    I prefer to see sites that have a dedicted 'alternative' for smaller devices BUT I appreciate that I'm probably going to be proved wrong on this one.
    RWD is not something I'm concentrating on at the moment, especially if the site is rather big or has a complex layout, which could have several different templates to accomodate the design structure. A few pages using the same design structure is pretty easy to manage so its something I would maybe think about in those circumsatnces.
    Having said that I see Murray has made a splendid job at a pretty complex and big site he has produced recently. I don't see him around here to often any longer because I wanted to ask him what sort of a nightmare it was to manage, or not.

  • Footer to be printed on first page alone

    Hi we have a requirement(Documaker 11.4) stating that footer has to be printed on Page 1 alone even when it overflows to multiple pages, instead of printing on all other pages. We have tried using delimageoccur(-1) but when content is restricted to one page the footer is not printed. We have even tried with Preimage DAL but we are unable to set the position of the images correctly. There are almost 10-12 images in the footer section and with different triggers. Is there any option where we can make this happen.
    Many Thanks

    I am assuming what you mean by overflow is that form rolling to multiple (more than 1 page) pages based on the sections that are emitted. Unless, we give the Copyonoverflow flag for the footer section, Documaker places the footer only on the first page if coded at the top of the form in the form definition (.FOR File). However it just reserves that space as a footer area on the other pages. If you would need the footer only on the first page and if you have coded the footer section on top of the Form definition, can you just check if Copyonoverflow property in the Form Section Options is set. If so, you may remove and give a try.
    Please do let me know if this is solving your problem. Thank you.

  • Footer items moving up the page.

    Hi i have just upgraded to v3 build 645 and now items in my footer are moving up the page. Here is the site its the black tabs on the sides. This is what it should look like I have tried it grouped and ungrouped.

    Hey everyone,
    We are aware of one issue where, if Muse has to recreate an image in the footer on the master page, it will get pushed up the page. We are actively working on fixing the issue, but in the meantime there are a few things you can do. When Muse has to change the image, either because of a large size difference, an effect (shadow, glow, or bevel), rounded corners, or rotating the item, we will render the image with these effects to ensure proper behavior across different browsers. You can remove these properties on the image to fix the issue, and you can add them using an editor outside of Muse if the effect is something in particular you are going for.
    Sorry for the inconvience. As I said, we are working on getting a fix for this issue.

  • When I try to open any kind of links, the page first shows me "the document has moved" and then goes on to some advertisement page.

    When I follow any kind of links or try to open something in another window or new tab, the browser first shows the white page with text "the document has moved", and then moves to advertisement page of some sort. Usually in the small box where the page description is it says "Jump". I don't know how to disable it, it is really irritating.

    Sounds like Malware.
    Install, update, and run these programs in this order. '''''(Not all programs detect the same Malware.)''''' They are all free for personal use, but some have limited functionality in the "free mode" - but those are features you really don't need to find and remove the problem that you have.<br />
    ''Note: If your Malware infection is bad enough and you are mis-directed to URL's other than what is posted, you may have to use a different PC to download these programs and use a USB stick to transfer them to the afflicted PC.''
    Malwarebytes' Anti-Malware - [] <br />
    SuperAntispyware - [] <br />
    AdAware - [] <br />
    Spybot Search & Destroy - [] <br />
    Windows Defender: Home Page - []
    If these don't find it or can't clear it, post in one of these forums for specialized malware removal help: <br />
    [] <br />
    [] <br />
    [] <br />

  • Right handed page in document has moved up

    I am working on a document provided to me by my client. There are 120 pages within the document. Page 53 has moved up about 1/4 of an inch next to the left page 52. None of the other pages in the document appear to have moved like this one. I checked the master pages and they are situated right next to one another as they should be.
    Is there a way that I can fix this?

    Sound like it used Page Tool.
    Select Page Tool from tools bar, then click on the page and hold down Alt key and press mouse and drag the page to align with other page.
    An other option from page panel insert a new page at the start of the document, after that delete this page.

  • Right side page has moved up 1/4"  alongside left handed page

    I am working on an InDesign catalog project. I have come upon a right-handed page where the entire page has moved up about 1/4" next to the left sided page. I checked the master pages and they are fine. All the other pages in the document are okay as well. They are all aligned correctly.
    Any idea how to correct this?

    This forum is actually about the Cloud as delivery, not about using individual programs
    If you start at the Forums Index
    You will be able to select a forum for the specific Adobe product(s) you use
    Click the "down arrow" symbol on the right (where it says ALL FORUMS) to open the drop down list and scroll



    Hello DATHU1983,
    Are you referring to the section "Design the Visit page?"  If so, can you tell me what time in the video you start having problems?  Is it at the beginning of the video when the presenter goes into the Page Properties and adjusts the height of the page?
    Thank you for any additional detail.  Also, I want to confirm that you are using the Muse CC version and not a previous version of Muse?
    Thank you,
    Ed Sullivan

  • How to Create a "FAQ" page where the top of page has all the Hyperlinks

    On iWeb, how do I Create a "FAQ" page where the top of page has all the Questions as Hyperlinks.
    The hyperlinks would not actually link to a separate page, but would automatically scroll the page to the spot where the question is answered.
    An good example is below: &Itemid=2
    Thanks for your help!

    As is pointed out what you would like to do is old fashioned Anchors, real easy on a conventional site but not so easy in iWeb.
    I made an FAQ by just making questions followed by answers and increasing font size and using bold to make the questions stand out so it is easy to use.
    Much more work for you but will approximate what you are trying to achieve is this: On the FAQ page make your list of questions each of which you will make into a hyperlink to go to another page. For every question add a blank page to write the answer on. Uncheck the relevant box so that that page does not appear in the navigation bar. Write your answer on that page then under it make a hyperlink back to the FAQ page. The page would also by default have the normal navigation menu at the top, but adding a "Close Window" or "Back To FAQ" link that is actually just a hyperlink to the FAQ page is helpful for site visitors.
    While a lot of work to make the extra pages it should work well and solve your problem.
    The simplicity of iWeb soon provides problems as soon as you want to do more than the basics offered.

  • My page has moved to the right of the screen so I do not have a full centre page. How do I move the page back to the centre of the screen. There is no bottom scroll bar for me to move the page to the left of the screen. Hope this makes sense

    The picture on my screen has moved over to the right hand side and I want it to be in the centre. How do I move it back as I do not have a scroll bar at the bottom of the page to do this and am unable to drag it back. Hope this makes sense!

    Its a toolbar thing. I got rid of my Babylon toolbar and it sorted it out!

  • Could you please tell me how to delete a bookmark on the top of page (it has a space for four bookmarks). Thanks

    Could you please tell me how to delete a bookmark on the top of page (it has a space for four bookmarks). Thanks

    To delete a bookmark from your bookmark toolbar, point at the bookmark with your mouse or trackpad, then right-click on it (press the right-hand button on your mouse or trackpad) and choose "Delete" from the pop-up menu.
    For other ways of deleting bookmarks, see '''[[Deleting Bookmarks]]'''.

  • Is there any way to delete a page listing on the top of the IWeb site. I created a page which has links to the other pages, so I don't need all of them listed on top...

    Is there any way to delete a page listing on the top of the IWeb site. I created a page which has links to the other pages, so I don't need all of them listed on top...

    Better ask in the iWeb forum.
    Answer : inspector > first icon from the left > uncheck 'Display navigation menu'
    For future reference, also look at the other icons.

  • If the program has a write statement   at   the top  & the TOP-OF-PAGE

    Q]      We know that START-OF-SELECTION  is triggered by the 1st   writr statement. Now if the program has a write statement   at   the top  & the TOP-OF-PAGE too is written explicitly  which also contains write statements-----what will be the effect?

    i will order of events
    see first of all initialization event gets triggred and then at selection screen triggres and then it goes to start of selection and if it found any list processing statement then it goes to top-of -page event and after executing all the statements it returns back to the start of selection event
    just i will give one test case to u execute it u will know one thing
    give one write statement in the initialization event and in the start of selection of give one write statement see what happns u can find different different things just try i will expalin u the concept..
    plzz reward if it is useful...
    plzz dont forget to reward..
    if u want any concepts u can contact me on [email protected]
    plzz reward

  • My apps have all moved on top of each other in the top left corner if I drag them back every time I change page then change back they go back to the corner .what have I done

    My apps have all moved on top of each other in the top left hand corner of the page.every time I drag them back to where they are ghosting on the page ,then change page and back again they r back in the corner again help what have I done

    Try a Reset... press the home and sleep/lock buttons until you see the Apple logo, ignoring the slider. Takes about 5-15 secs of button holding and you won't lose any data or settings.

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