
Hi All,
Job is in single column.
But Footnote flow with reference number at the bottom of every page using Document Footnote options and word doc file.   //working fine
My question, is it possible in a single column book footnote only comes in two columns(within the single text frame or seperate frame)
Any option using script or manual.
please refer the screenshot
Could anyone give solution.

The first place I check for anything relating to InDesign’s limited note-handling capabilities is Peter Kahrel’s site, where he calls the kind you need “Inline footnotes.”  Peter is kind enough to credit me with publicizing a simple workaround that requires a trick but no scripting, which he further developed with a couple of scripts.  The workaround involves creating a special, indented paragraph style for the 2nd (or later) note(s) on a line, defined with zero leading.  Applying that attribute complicates fiddling with the note in layout view, making the Story Editor particularly handy.

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    Your question was already asked and answered in a thread entitled : Reference same footnote
    The answer is : you can't.
    Yvan KOENIG (VALLAURIS, France)  mercredi 9 janvier 2011 18:10:30
    iMac 21”5, i7, 2.8 GHz, 4 Gbytes, 1 Tbytes, mac OS X 10.6.8 and 10.7.2
    My iDisk is : <>
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    before submitting them to the community

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    #2 Import that shell document into your iPad, say with email "open using Pages."
    #3 Save that shell document as your sour dough starter so to speak.
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    #5. Edit the shell sentence and footnote to a real sentence and footnote in new document.
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    If you are talking about notes to the financial statements, not simply a few little footnotes, you should consider iWork as a suite of applications that work together. Spreadsheets are spreadsheets, they are meant to have tables and charts, not a lot of text. Pages is probably the better choice for the final document if these are financial statements with an actual set of "notes to the financial statements".
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    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .
    Attachments: ‏37 KB

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    Isn't that you asking how to get it (undefined) back?
    If you never had Pages '09, you can buy it from Amazon very cheaply: 123bd2ed93806c7e7fb6&mforum=iworktipsntrick

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    Change one word in a footnote
    Select that word
    In the Style drawer click on the triangle for the Footnote in the paragraph style section. You have to move the cursor to the left to see the trinagle
    Choose Redefine style from the selection

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    # Delete the duplicate bookmarks in the Library (press Ctrl+Shift+B to open it).
    # In Internet Explorer, export your favorites in HTML format.
    #* [ Export and import favorites | Microsoft Support]
    # In Firefox, import the bookmarks from the HTML file.
    #* [[Import Bookmarks from a HTML file]]

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    What "cautionary notes attached to ALL upgrades"?
    There weren't any with Pages 5!
    In fact most users didn't even know the automatic upgrade had happened until their work was ruined. Without warning and synching the bad copy over every copy thanks to iCloud.
    Who expected to be ambushed by Apple?
    …and wait till you have lost your first major job, and can't recover a thing.
    Good luck RTFM. There isn't one.
    Tell me exactly how being "64 bit" has improved your work in any way. So much so that not being able to do 100 things that were possible, is now not possible.
    Do you always parrot what other people tell you, no matter how nonsensical, without actually thinking for yourself?
    btw That program that doesn't exist, does exist. It is Pages '09, and it is no handicap that it actually works.

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