For loop 1 iteration execution time

what is the time taken of for loop 1 iteration without code inside.How to calculate this Execution time.

Ravindranath.K wrote:
what is the time taken of for loop 1 iteration without code inside.How to calculate this Execution time.
No code in the FOR loop?  It will not use any time because the compiler will optimize it out.
Why do you even need to know?
There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
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    1) Is the main cost the creation of the Iterator object?
    2) If I'm not worried about manipulation of my List while I'm retrieving objects and I will always be using a List in which I can always pull indexes (instead of say using HashSet)... is there any reason to use Iterator instead of a for loop?
    -- I read the recent tech tip on this and was just wondering if anyone had any other ideas of why to choose Iterator over for/while loops.

    The purpose of Iterator
    The purpose of the Iterator pattern is to handle the traversal of a collection of objects.
    The advantages of Iterator has over other straightforward ways
    The direct access methods provided by some collection classes may not be as efficient or simple as using iterator pattern. And because the iterator keeps its own state, multiple traversals can be performed on a single collection simultaneously.
    An iterator hides the internal representation of the collection from the classes that need to access the contents of these collections.
    An Iterator pattern provides a consistent and sometimes efficient way to access the objects or values in some collections.
    What problems can arise if collection is changing?
    While using iterator, the changes of a collection such as that adding new elements or deleting old elements can result in inconsistency of the data, for example some objects may be missed or accessed more than once.
    How can they be avoided?
    A simple way is to make a copy of the collection and work on this copy but this can be very costly in terms of memory and time.
    Design a method that notifies the iterator whenever the collection is changed, and as soon as the change happens the iterator class throws an exception or restart whichever appropriate.
    A better way would be implements methods that monitor the changes and adjust the iterator and the results so they are consistent to the contents of the collection at any time.
    There are no general solutions to this problem and under different circumstance the proper solutions vary, however it is a good practice to taking possible changes of the source collections into account while designing the iterator, and it may be worth to let the user aware of the occurrence of any changes.

  • Which is better ? for loop or iterator ??

    I have one array list having more than 100 objects in it.
    I have two way to ietrator.
    for(int i=0; i<list.size(); i++)
    Object o = list.get(i);
    Iterator i = list.getIterator()
    Object o ...
    which is better in performance ??

    Well okay. It's an easy optimization but I guess Sun
    doesn't want to "bail out" people who don't know
    their data structures.It won't always be optimal, though. If you use
    iterators and don't iterate the whole way through
    every time, it would degrade performance. It's hard
    for them to make assumptions about how you will
    access the data. So you punish people who do use it
    properly if you do that.I don't know. The optimization I suggested is isolated to random accesses in the linked list only. Say you access index 5. The node pointer corresponding to 5 is stored and if the next access is index 6 the node pointer you're looking for is There's no need to walk the list from the beginning.

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    var myDocument = app.activeDocument;
    var myParagraphStyle = myDocument.paragraphStyles.item("Paragraph Style");
    myDocument.pages.item(0).textFrames.item(0).paragraphs.item(0).appliedParagraphStyle = myParagraphStyle;
    var  paragraphs = myDocument.pages.item(0).textFrames.item(0).paragraphs
    for( i = 0; i < paragraphs.length; i++)
         var paragraph = paragraphs.item(i)
         paragraph.applyParagraphStyle(myParagraphStyle, true);
    Thank you

    myDocument.pages.item(0).textFrames.item(0).paragraphs.item(0).applied ParagraphStyle = myParagraphStyle;
    Why do you have this line, when you iterate through the paragraphs later? (BTW: between "applied" and "ParagraphStyle" is a space)
    But I think the problem is that you forgot two semicolon here:
    var  paragraphs = myDocument.pages.item(0).textFrames.item(0).paragraphs
    (BTW: you should also call it "var myParagraphs ..." or something like that.)
    and here:
    var paragraph = paragraphs.item(i)

  • Oracle Execution Time for function inside view

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    i would like to ask if i call a function inside a view , how does it behave in term of execution time and performance
    For Example i have a view as below
    create or replace view CUST.CUST_VIEW
    select a.nice , a.getCustomDisplay(,,a.dos,b.master_key) as custom from CUST.customer as a , CUST.master as b
    where a.idno = b.main_id_no
    AND the function look like this
    create or replace function getCustomDisplay(a varchar2,b varchar2,c varchar2,d varchar2)
    select * from CUST.MAPPING_MATRIX order by idno asc;
    for loop
    //logic goes here to determine the result return from matrix
    My Question is for example
    1. If i do select * from CUST.CUST_VIEW ( return 1000 records for example ) , so the function getCustomDisplay will be executed 1000 times also right ( that means select * from CUST.MAPPING_MATRIX order by idno asc; will also be executed 1000 times ) ?
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    The reason i ask this because recently we saw a few million execution times per day from AWR report for this query
    "select * from CUST.MAPPING_MATRIX order by idno asc;"
    But when i investigate , and put a logger whenever it call getCustomDisplay , the query above as mention in item no 2 only will be executed as many as the record that will be returned from ( view + where condition ).
    3. will it affect performance if my view return a lot of records ? or is there any way to improve it?

    i have other solutions that seems work for reducing number of execution times but do you think its scalable and feasible ?
    */* Private package data */*
    TYPE g_rec IS RECORD (
    id_no               VARCHAR2 (4),
    type_pass            VARCHAR2 (3),
    scheme_ind           VARCHAR2 (5),
    cat_pass             VARCHAR2 (2),
    entrepass            VARCHAR2 (2),
    display_type_pass        VARCHAR2 (15),
    display_cat_pass         VARCHAR2 (5),
    display_type_pass_desc    VARCHAR2 (80),
    rule_id                  VARCHAR2 (5)
    g_tab   g_tab_type;
    i       BINARY_INTEGER;
    procedure initializeTypePassMatrix(test  IN varchar2) as
    if(g_tab.COUNT < 1)then
    FOR appln_rec in (
    SELECT tb_type_cat_pass_matrix.id_no,
    FROM tb_type_cat_pass_matrix ORDER BY id_no asc)
    dbms_output.put_line('g_tab.COUNT before insert: ' || g_tab.COUNT);
    i := g_tab.COUNT + 1;
    g_tab (i).id_no         := appln_rec.id_no;
    g_tab (i).type_pass         := appln_rec.type_pass;
    g_tab (i).scheme_ind        := appln_rec.scheme_ind;
    g_tab (i).cat_pass          := appln_rec.cat_pass;
    g_tab (i).entrepass        := appln_rec.entrepass;
    g_tab (i).display_type_pass     := appln_rec.display_type_pass;
    g_tab (i).display_cat_pass     := appln_rec.display_cat_pass;
    g_tab (i).display_type_pass_desc:= appln_rec.display_type_pass_desc;
    g_tab (i).rule_id         := appln_rec.rule_id;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('g_tab.count after insert: ' || g_tab.COUNT);
    DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('g_tab>=1, no need to initialize');
    end if;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('error happen'||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    Logger.ERROR('TYPE_CAT_PASS_UTIL.initializeTypePassMatrix',SQLCODE,SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace,'SYSTEM');
    end initializeTypePassMatrix;
    procedure populateTypeCatPassFullDesc(typePass  IN varchar2, schemeInd IN varchar2,catPass IN varchar2,entrePass IN varchar2, displayTypePass IN OUT varchar2,displayTypePassDesc IN OUT varchar2, displayCatPass IN OUT varchar2 )is
    v_displayTypePass varchar2(15) :='-';
    v_displayTypePassDesc varchar2(100) :='-';
    v_displayCatPass   varchar2 (2):='-';
    v_type_pass  varchar2(3)  := '';
    v_scheme_ind  varchar2(5) := '';
    v_cat_pass  varchar2(2);
    v_entrepass  varchar2(2);
    v_flag_valid_1 boolean:=false;
    v_flag_valid_2 boolean:=false;
    v_flag_valid_3 boolean:=false;
    v_flag_valid_4 boolean:=false;
    v_appln_rec g_rec;
    dbms_output.put_line('line 1');
    FOR nomor in g_tab.FIRST .. g_tab.LAST
    v_appln_rec := g_tab(nomor);
    dbms_output.put_line('line 2.1');
    v_flag_valid_1 :=false;
    v_flag_valid_2 :=false;
    v_flag_valid_3 :=false;
    v_flag_valid_4 :=false;
    v_type_pass     := v_appln_rec.type_pass;
    v_scheme_ind    := v_appln_rec.scheme_ind;
    v_cat_pass     := v_appln_rec.cat_pass;
    v_entrepass    := v_appln_rec.entrepass;
    dbms_output.put_line('line 2.2');
    if(typePass =  v_type_pass or v_type_pass = 'NA') then
    v_flag_valid_1:= true;
    end if;
    if(schemeInd = v_scheme_ind or v_scheme_ind='NA') then
    v_flag_valid_2 := true;
    elsif(schemeInd is null and v_scheme_ind is null) then
    v_flag_valid_2 := true;
    end if;
    if(catPass = v_cat_pass or v_cat_pass='NA') then
    v_flag_valid_3 := true;
    elsif(catPass is null and v_cat_pass is null) then
    v_flag_valid_3 := true;
    end if;
    if(entrePass = v_entrepass or v_entrepass='NA') then
    v_flag_valid_4 := true;
    end if;
    if(v_flag_valid_1 = true and v_flag_valid_2 = true and v_flag_valid_3 = true and v_flag_valid_4 = true) then
    v_displayTypePass     := v_appln_rec.display_type_pass;
    v_displayCatPass     := v_appln_rec.display_cat_pass;
    v_displayTypePassDesc   := v_appln_rec.display_type_pass_desc;
    dbms_output.put_line('rule id got :'||v_appln_rec.rule_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('rule no got :'||v_appln_rec.id_no);
    exit when (0 = 0);
    end if;
    displayTypePass := v_displayTypePass;
    displayCatPass  := v_displayCatPass;
    dbms_output.put_line('1type:' || v_displayTypePassDesc);
    displayTypePassDesc :=    v_displayTypePassDesc;
    dbms_output.put_line('2type:' || displayTypePassDesc);
    dbms_output.put_line('type:' || v_displayTypePass);
    dbms_output.put_line('cat :' || v_displayCatPass);
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('error happen'||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    Logger.ERROR('TYPE_CAT_PASS_UTIL.populateTypeCatPass',SQLCODE,SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace,'SYSTEM');
    end populateTypeCatPassFullDesc;
    function getDisplayTypePass(typePass  IN varchar2, schemeInd IN varchar2,catPass IN varchar2,entrePass IN varchar2) return varchar2 is
    v_displayTypePass varchar2(15) :='-';
    v_displayTypePassDesc varchar2(100) :='-';
    v_displayCatPass varchar2(2) :='-';
    return  v_displayTypePass;
    when others then
    dbms_output.put_line('error happen'||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace);
    Logger.ERROR('TYPE_CAT_PASS_UTIL.populateTypeCatPass',SQLCODE,SQLERRM || ' ' ||DBMS_UTILITY.format_error_backtrace,'SYSTEM');
    end getDisplayTypePass;
    By Using like above even i do query on select * from <some_view) it will be only one execution for
    SELECT tb_type_cat_pass_matrix.id_no,*
    **FROM tb_type_cat_pass_matrix ORDER BY id_no asc*
    the key point is the initializeTypePassMatrix function but it seems the variable only works for one session ?
    if i open new session it will be reset again .

  • Restarting a elapsed time function in a for loop

    I am having an issue while using an elasped time function inside of a while loop (I wire the Time has elapsed? boolean to the stop function of the while loop), that is consequently inside of a for loop.  The elapsed time function works correctly on its own in a while loop, but when added to a for loop will not reset for each iteration of the for loop.  I can post an example if it is needed, but has anyone run into this problem before?  I have tried wiring all the reset boolean's but I cannot get the timer to reset untill the for loop has finished.
    Any suggestions on how to achieve this another way are welcome.

    I found the issue, I was using 2 timers inside of the for loop on the assumption that they are completely independant of one another....they are not.  if time has elapsed on one timer then it uses that time to start off the next timer, kind of a wierd behaviour but I guess I am not really using the timer in a normal manner.

  • Is there a way to run a For Loop independen​tly within a While Loop in LabVIEW 2013?

    In my program I would like to run a For loop inside of a While loop, and have them run independently, at their own execution rates.  As a test, I wrote a simple VI with a While loop with 1 second timing, and into this I inserted a For loop with 3 second timing.  I created indicators for both iteration terminals.  Upon running the VI, I found the While loop waits for the For loop to run N times before the While loop executes again.  I also found that sometimes the first iteration of the For loop will end at 1 second rather than 3 seconds, and the STOP button to terminate execution of the While loop does not always work.
    Go to Solution.

    ksinks wrote:
    Thanks, how would you synchronize the loops?  I have gone through the Getting Started exercises and manual.
    Why would synchronization matter? Did you want them to run independantly at their own speed or not?
    Regardless, there's a synchronization pallette with functions for this, as Occurance.
    Other solutions include a common loop counter and a case structure executing every X'th iteration, or having the faster loop send a queue or event every X'th loop that controls the slower loop.
    LabVIEW 8.2 - 2014
    "Only dead fish swim downstream" - "My life for Kudos!" - "Dumb people repeat old mistakes - smart ones create new ones."
    G# - Free award winning reference based OOP for LV

  • How to code a parallel 'for loop' and 'while loop' where the while loop cannot terminate until the for loop has finished?? (queues also present)

    I've attached a sample VI that I just cannot figure out how to get working the way that I want.  I've labeled the some sections with black-on-yellow text boxes for clarity during the description that follows in the next few sentences.  Here's what I want:
    1) overall -- i'm intend for this to be a subVI that will do data acquisition and write the data to a file.  I want it to use a producer/consumer approach.  The producer construct is the 'parallel for loop' that runs an exact number of times depending on user input (which will come from the mainVI that is not included).  For now I've wired a 1-D array w/ 2 elements as a test case.  During the producer loop, the data is acquired and put into a queue to be delt with in the consumer loop (for now, i just add a random number to the queue).
    2) the consumer construct is the 'parallel while loop'.  It will dequeue elements and write them to a file.  I want this to keep running continuously and parallel until two conditions are met.
          i. the for loop has finished execution
          ii. the queue is empty.
       when the conditions are met, the while loop will exit, close the queue, and the subVI will finish. (and return stuff to mainVI that i can deal with on my own)
    Here's the problems.
    1)  in the "parallel for loop" I have a flat sequence structure.. I haven't had time to incorporate some data dependency into these two sequential sections, but basically, I just care that the "inner while loop" condition is met before the data is collected and queued.  I think I can do this on my own, but if you have suggestions, I'm interested.
    2)  I can easily get the outer for and while loops to run sequentially, but I want them to run in parallel.  My reasoning for this is that that I anticipate the two tasks taking very different amounts of time. .. basically, I want the while loop to just keep polling the queue to get everything out of it (or I suppose I could somehow use notifiers - suggestions welcome)...  the thing is, this loop will probably run faster than the for loop, so just checking to see that the queue is empty will not work... I need to meet the additional condition that nothing else will be placed in the queue - and this condition is met when the for loop is complete. basically, I just can't figure out how to do this.
    3) for now, I've placed a simple stop button in the 'parallel while loop', but I must be missing something fundamental here, because the stop button is totally unresponsive.  i.e. - when I press it, it stays depressed, and nothing happens.
    suggestions are totally welcome!
    Attachments: ‏59 KB

    I'd actually like to add a little more, since I thought about it a bit and I'm still not quite certain I understand the sequence of events...
    altenbach wrote:
    zskillz wrote:
    So i read a bit more about the 'dequeue element' function, and as I understand it, since there is no timeout wired to the dequeue element function, it will wait forever, thus the race condition I suggested above can never happen!
    Yes, you got it!
    As I've thought about it a bit more, there's a few things that surprise me... first, the reason the 'dequeue element while loop' errors is not because there's nothing in the queue, it's becaues the queue has been released and it's trying to access that released queue...   However the problem I have is this --- Even though there's no timeout wired to the dequeue element, I still would think that the while loop that contains it would continue to run at whatever pace it wanted -- and as i said before.. most of the time, it would find that there is nothing to dequeue, but once in a while, something is there.  however, it seems that this loop only runs when something has been enqueued.  the reason I say this is illustrated in the next code sample MODv2 that's attached below.  I've added a stop button to the "queue size while loop" so the program runs until that is pressed.  I've also added a simple conditional in the "dequeue while loop"  that generates a random number if it a button is pressed... but this button is totally non-responsive... which means to me that the "dequeue while loop" isn't actually continuously running, but only when an element is added to the queue.  this still seems almost like the 'dequeue while loop" waits for a notifier from the queue telling it to run.  can you explain this to me? because it is different from what I expect to be happening.
    rasputin wrote:
    I tried to open your VIs but it doesn't work. LV
    is launched, the dialog box (new, open, configure...) opens and then...
    nothing. Not even an error message. I guess it isn't a problem of LV
    version or a dialog box would appear saying this. Could you, please,
    send a image of the code?
    Hi Rasputin, I'm using LV8.  I assume that was your problem, but who knows.  I've attached a pic of of altenbach's solution since it's what I needed.
    Message Edited by zskillz on 10-20-2006 11:49 AM
    Attachments: ‏63 KB
    daq01v1MODpic.JPG ‏116 KB

  • Execution time too low

    I was trying to measure the execution time. The rate is 1KS/s per channel and the samples to read is 100 per channel in a for loop of 10. The time should be around 1000ms, but it's only 500-600ms. And when I changed the rate/numbers of samples, the execution time doesn't change..... how could this happen?
    Go to Solution.
    trial ‏19 KB

    JudeLi wrote:
    I've tried to drag the clear task out of the loop but every time I did it, it ended up in a broken wire saying that the soure is a 1-D array of  DAQmx event and the type of sink is DAQmx event.....
    You can right-click on the output tunnel and tell it to not auto index.  But even better would be to use shift registers just in case you tell that FOR loop to run 0 times.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
    trial ‏13 KB

  • Truncating an array within a for loop

    I'm currently working with a program that builds an array of 3000*N real numbers, where N is a control that I specify. I want to pass this array into a for loop that runs N times, each time splitting the first 3000 numbers of the array. So, in other words I want the for loop to execute enough times such that the initial array will be completely divided into groups of 3000 when I'm finished. Later I'll be finding the maximum value of all of these subarrays and taking the average of those. What I tried first is to pass the array into the for loop, then truncate it at index = 3000, but the problem is that I can't hard code the loop to do this N times. Any advice or other methods you'd recommend for doing this?
    Message Edited by Robtn on 03-05-2010 03:17 PM

    Mark--I don't think I can use that approach. Let me be more specific on what the problem is:
    Our "big program" is a giant while loop that constantly reads in voltage values from a DAQ assistant.
    It has two modes, the first of which I'm having a lot of trouble with. This mode uses a for loop (N = 3000) nested within the giant while loop.
    When the for loop activates, the DAQ assistant takes reads 300 samples for every iteration and takes the maximum of those 300 values. It then builds an array composed of all the maxima. After the for loop has executed 3000 times, a case structure activates, which then finds the maximum of the array of maxima.
    I want this (N=3000) for loop to execute an arbitrary number of times, a number that I will specify. Each of those times it should generate a completely seperate array of maxima. So, if I want the for loop to run 5 times, I want 5 different arrays.
    My approach for doing this was to change N=3000 to say N = 15000, then split up the resulting array 5 times. So, I need an entirely separate for loop that reads in this array of 15000 maxima on its own and splits it 5 ways. I think what you're suggesting is to use a for loop outside of the N=3000 loop, which is a good idea in theory, but experience has shown that this will not generate 5 separate arrays. It will actually concatenate each array into one, hence the problem we currently have.
    Yik--I won't have access to Labview over the weekend. Is it possible to take a screenshot and post it, or maybe a short description?
    Thank you for the responses.

  • Slow Execution Time of Exponentia​l Function

    I am developing a program with large dataset (arrays size of around 1000*1000 elements).
    I realised that my program ran quite slow when calculating exponential for each array elements.
    So, I built a simple porgram to test the execution time for exponential vs multiplication on 1000*1000 array elements and found
    out that the period is ~25 times longer. Attached is the program (Labview 2011).
    The specs of my system are:
    1) Windows 7
    2) Intel i5 3Ghz with 4gb ram
    3) Labview 2011
    The actual program I built has a version in Matlab and uses exponential function as well. However, the execution time in Labview is around 10 times longer than the Matlab. I believe that the exponential function is the cause of this after making some analysis using built-in "Performance and Memory" tool and modification to the program.
    Is there any way I could make the exponential function runs faster? Or any better way to handle large array operation? (I have tested array operations with nested FOR loops and paralel execution but the results is not that great.
    Hope anyone can help. Thanks for any input.
    Execution Time-Exponential ‏11 KB

    Thank you for your answer. 
    I am sorry, I could not upload the real code since it is large and has lots of dependency. But, I wrote simple program both in Labview and Matlab as attached.
    I tried to make both program doing the same thing and put each element as random number between 0-1 to avoid any folding/optimization process.
    The Labview took around 974ms to complete the task while the matlab 177ms. If the the way I implemented them are correct, the Matlab is around 5 to 6 times faster than Labview to execute Exponential function.
    Matlab Exponential Test.PNG ‏19 KB
    Labview Exponential Test.PNG ‏24 KB
    Exponential ‏10 KB

  • Synchronisation of two for loops...

    i am using two for loops and i want that each iteration for both for loops start at same time..
    actually i want synchronisation between these two loops..
    so when the each iteration of both loops will start at same time then these will be synchronised..
    also if one loop take more time in one iteration then the other loop should pause until the other's iteration completes..
    please hlp me...thanks... 
    do not hesitate to give kudos
    Go to Solution.

    you are right thatthe loops will be synhronised as Labview executes code via data flow. 
    here i mean of synchronisation is that i want each iteration to be started at same time only... 
     this is what i am not getting..
     i have tried it to b done by defining a local variable in one loop and using its value in the other but it did not work.. 
     i hav tried some more methods but in vain...
     so i am here...
    do not hesitate to give kudos

  • If statement doesn't affect for loop

    I wrote a function within a function to control 2 Tweens.
    (the 2nd one isnt in the function, it's called)
    My problem is... is that it works for the first time.. the button is hovered over and all the other buttons show themselves and then disappear again, except the one you're over. Then I do it a 2nd time and it doesn't work. why is it only working right one time? and why isn't the if statement I put in the local function affecting the for loop? The 2nd time it takes the button you're hovering over with it and fades it out. (even though the if statement registers according to trace)
    this is the code
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var shortInst:Array = [btn1, btn2, btn3, exit];
    var objTween:Tween;
    function mouseOff(e:Event):void {
         if (e.currentTarget.alpha !== 0) {
              objTween = new Tween(e.currentTarget, "alpha", None.easeOut, 1, 0, 0.25, true);
    var eTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000, 1); //timer that only runs once (in ms)
    function navFX(e:Event):void {
         for (var i:Number = 0; i < shortInst.length; i++) {
              objTween = new Tween(shortInst[i], "alpha", None.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.25, true);
              eTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, local);
              function local(t:TimerEvent):void {
                   trace(" in local func: " +;
                   for (var i:Number = 0; i < shortInst.length; i++) {
                        if (shortInst[i] !== {
                        shortInst[i].dispatchEvent(new Event(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT));

    is this what you want?
    import fl.transitions.Tween;
    import fl.transitions.easing.*;
    var shortInst:Array = [btn1,btn2,btn3,exit];
    var objTween:Tween;
    function mouseOff(e:Event):void
    if (e.currentTarget.alpha !== 0)
      objTween = new Tween(e.currentTarget,"alpha",None.easeOut,1,0,0.25,true);
    function navFX(e:Event):void
    var eTimer:Timer = new Timer(3000,1); // <- moved that line here
    for (var i:Number = 0; i < shortInst.length; i++)
      objTween = new Tween(shortInst[i],"alpha",None.easeOut,0,1,0.25,true);
    eTimer.addEventListener(TimerEvent.TIMER, local);
    function local(t:TimerEvent):void
      trace(" in local func: " +;
      for (var i:Number = 0; i < shortInst.length; i++)
       if (shortInst[i] !==
        shortInst[i].dispatchEvent(new Event(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT));
    for (var i:Number = 0; i < shortInst.length; i++)
    shortInst[i].alpha = 0;
    shortInst[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, navFX);
    shortInst[i].addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, mouseOff);

  • Trying to save key strokes with a for loop

    I have been trying to action script for years with no
    success. I to some time off and learned javascript and some oop
    (ruby) so I thought I would take another stab at it. I am still
    having problems. Here goes...
    I have several movieclips on the stage that will be set up as
    buttons. They all have the same effects associated with mouseover
    and mouseout so I thought I could save some key strokes with a for
    loop. But I can't get it working right. Could someone tell me what
    I am doing wrong please?
    If anyone can help it would be appreciated.

    Thanks for taking a look. In answer to your question. The
    movie clip instance names are mc_ItemText0 ... mc_ItemText3.
    those declarations at the top of your for-loop aren't doing
    anything useful. what are the names of you movieclips that are
    In reg\ards to the variable declarations, sorry my variable
    names are causing confusion. I use the name "mc" for two different
    variables. Once for the FOR loop and a separate time locally in the
    functions grow and shrink. The ones set for the For loop are used
    in the 'onEvents' at the bottom of the script. Sorry for the
    Because the code works if I take it out of the FOR loop and
    replace the
    's with the numbers that corruspond to the movie clip; I don't
    think the similar names are conflicting because of the scope. To
    make the code more readable and eliminate confusion I have posted
    the code with unique variable names.
    I have searched the forum for FOR loop difficulties and
    found several cases that seemed similar to mine, but I didn't
    understand what was happening.
    Examples: =1253110&highlight_key=y&keyword1=for%20loop =1202338&highlight_key=y&keyword1=for%20loop
    My code with unique variable names to end confusion:

  • Execution time for Call Library Function Node

    I am experimenting with the Call Library Function Node block in LabVIEW and am curious if it should be running faster than what I'm seeing.  For testing purposes, I have compiled and transfered to my RT target the .out file from the KB article (I'm using the vxworks 6.1 version).  The function in the .out file just multiplies two inputs together, adds a constant, and returns the result.  I have put this inside a 1 kHz timed loop with a commanded period of 1 ms and via the Ticks(ms) block and shift registers I calculate the amount of time per loop execution.  This process is apparently taking 5 ms per cycle and to me that seems slow.  Is that roughly the correct execution time for this kind of setup?  I will attach my test .vi file.
    What I'm using:
    Windows 7
    LabVIEW 2009 SP1
    NI-cRIO 9024 with NI-RIO 3.4.0
    Go to Solution.
    test ‏31 KB

    First off, the way you are doing timing isn't necessarily accurate because you don't know when the tick count VI is being called. For example, if it gets called on one iteration after your call library node executes, and the next iteration it gets called before the CLFN it executes, the subtraction doesn't include the call of the CLFN so you aren't seeing the true time it is taking for the dll to be called.
    Where it says "error" on the top left hand corner of your loop. left click and choose previous iteration timing. Also, do you have the ability to choose a 1 Mhz clock? Are you sure it's actually being run on the RT and not on your PC? Running it on the PC would definitely make it difficult to execute at a 1 kHz rate.
    CLA, LabVIEW Versions 2010-2013

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