For the sake of lightness...I don't know which to permanently pick.

Okay...I've narrowed down my choices to two desktop environments:
Openbox: I'm willing to do the's just managing the files that will be a pain. I've listed some apps that I would use if I choose to go to Openbox. a/b indicates a waivering desicion between the programs in the slashes.
Configuration: lxappearance/switch2, gnome-color-chooser, mmaker, obconf, obmenu
Browser: Swiftweasel/Firefox/Seamonkey
File Manager: Thunar, PCManFM
Login Manager: GDM + xlock (for locking screen)
Panel: tint2-svn/simdock/some other dock-like thing
Clipboard Manager: desktop-data-manager, parcellite:
Color picker: gpick
Additional Menus/Launchers: Launchy/suggestions
Music Player: Amarok/Exaile
Firewall: Guarddog/some other suggestion
Web Design: Quanta Plus/Seamonkey/Kompozer
Archive extract/make: xarchiver/suggestions
PDF Reader: xpdf
Audio control: gvtray/qamix
Printer Configuration: system-config-printer-gnome
Drop-down terminal: Guake/Tilda
Tabbed terminal: sakura/roxterm/whatever Guake's dependent on
Suggested list:
Configuration: lxappearance/switch2, gnome-color-chooser, mmaker, obconf, obmenu [OK]
Browser: Opera(opera-snapshot package from [archlinuxfr]), Midori
File Manager: Thunar, PCManFM [OK]
Login Manager: GDM + xlock (for locking screen) [OK]/ SLiM + xscreensaver [OK]
Panel: pypanel
Clipboard Manager: desktop-data-manager, parcellite: [OK]
Color picker: gpick [OK]
Additional Menus/Launchers: gmrun
Music Player: Audacious
Firewall: Guarddog/some other suggestion [OK]
Web Design: Aptana Studio(heavyweight IDE), geany(very lightweight editor-IDE)
Archive extract/make: xarchiver/suggestions [OK]
PDF Reader: epdf-view/foxitreader
Audio control: gvtray/qamix [?]
Printer Configuration: system-config-printer
Drop-down terminal: yeahconsole+[urxvt or mrxvt]
Tabbed terminal: sakura/roxterm/whatever Guake's dependent on [OK]
E17: Also familiar, but file management will still be a pain...and it randomly crashes.
KDEMod3: Already familiar with.
I also have school right considering the factors, which one should I use permanently?
Last edited by ShadowKyogre (2009-04-11 16:00:51)

You could always just disable the [alpha-ish] file manager module in e17 and use PCManFM or maybe Thunar(though it lacks tabbed browsing, much to my chagrin).
Also, if may edit your apps list with my preferences/recommendations(for an openbox setup):
Configuration: lxappearance/switch2, gnome-color-chooser, mmaker, obconf, obmenu [OK]
Browser: Opera(opera-snapshot package from [archlinuxfr]), Midori
File Manager: Thunar, PCManFM  [OK]
Login Manager: GDM + xlock (for locking screen) [OK]
Panel: pypanel
Clipboard Manager: desktop-data-manager, parcellite: [OK]
Color picker: gpick [OK]
Additional Menus/Launchers: gmrun
Music Player: Audacious
Firewall: Guarddog/some other suggestion [OK]
Web Design: Aptana Studio(heavyweight IDE), geany(very lightweight editor-IDE)
Archive extract/make: xarchiver/suggestions [OK]
PDF Reader: epdf-view(yes, it's heavier than xpdf, but xpdf is unforgivably ugly )
Audio control: gvtray/qamix [?]
Printer Configuration: system-config-printer
Drop-down terminal: yeahconsole+[urxvt or mrxvt]
Tabbed terminal: sakura/roxterm/whatever Guake's dependent on [OK]
Last edited by Ronin-Sage (2009-04-10 02:26:12)

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