Forcing decimal places on string

I have a table where number are stored in varchar columns... below I show an example:
What I need is to get these values with 2 decimal places... as the result below:
How could I do this?

Ranieri wrote:
When the column content is "0" the return will be ".00"... is there a way to force the return to be "0.00"?You want stripes? We got stripes.
You want plaids? We got plaids.
You want at least one digit before the decimal point? We got at least one digit beofre the decimal point.
     , '999990.99'          -- right-justifed
     , 'fm999999999999999999999999999999999990.00'          -- left-justifed
     )Just change '9.' to '0.'

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  • Displaying results with a decimal place of two. Forcing decimal place.

    Hi there,
    Im writing a simple calculation device.
    You input one digit and press one of two buttons to multiply it by a certain number and then the result is displayed. The result is displyed hiding the result of the button you didn't press and visa versa.
    I am having a problem displaying the result with a constant two decimal place.
    I am using strings and thus don't know how to do this.
    Here is my code:
    //restrict the input textfield to only numbers
    txtinput.restrict = "0-9";
    //restrict the input textfield to only two characters
    txtinput.maxChars = 6;
    // event listeners
    btnW.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, WHandler);
    btnC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, CHandler);
    btnW.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideC);
    btnC.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, hideW);
    function WHandler (e:MouseEvent):void
              //white calculation
              var answerW:Number = Number(txtinput.text) * Number(0.90);
              txtWResult.text = answerW.toString();
    function CHandler (e:MouseEvent):void
              //colour calculation
              var answerC:Number = Number(txtinput.text) * Number(0.99);
              txtCResult.text = answerC.toString();
    function hideC (e:MouseEvent):void
              //Hide colour result
              txtCResult.visible = false;
              txtWResult.visible = true;
    function hideW (e:MouseEvent):void
              //Hide white result
              txtWResult.visible = false;
              txtCResult.visible = true;
    After having a look online I have found these two resources:
    But I am confused when combining these techniques with strings.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated,
    Thanks in advance
    Mr B

    Use the toFixed() method of the Number class instead of the toString() method.  The result of it is a String with the number of decimal places you specify.
              var answerW:Number = Number(txtinput.text) * Number(0.90);
              txtWResult.text = answerW.toFixed(2);
              var answerC:Number = Number(txtinput.text) * Number(0.99);
              txtCResult.text = answerC.toFixed(2);

  • Force 2 decimal places with java.text.DecimalFormat

    Hi all,
    I am trying to force 2 decimal places for sum of 2 doubles (please see my code below). According to the API javadoc this should always display 2 decimals, however at the moment if the second decimal is zero it gets chopped off:(
    Any ideas what is going wrong?
    public double sum(double valueOne,double valueTwo)
    double sum=valueOne+valueTwo;
    DecimalFormat forceDecimals=new DecimalFormat("0.00");
    return sum;

    Hi Olli,
    you return sum and not total, but nevertheless returning a double doesn't help as 5.00 will always be 5.0.
    An option would be to return the formatted String.

  • Formatting Strings to two decimal places

    When formatting double amounts to two decimal places, I looked up the procedure online and I have this so far:
         public void calculatePayments()
              double monthlyInterestRate = (Double.parseDouble(interestBox.getText())/12)/100;
              double amountOfLoan = Double.parseDouble(balanceBox.getText());
              double numberOfPayments = Double.parseDouble(yearsBox.getText()) * 12;
              DecimalFormat Currency = new DecimalFormat("0.00");
              double paymentAmount = (amountOfLoan * monthlyInterestRate) / (1 - Math.pow(1/(1 + monthlyInterestRate),numberOfPayments));
              double formattedAmount = Currency.format(paymentAmount);
              String s = Double.toString(paymentAmount);
              tableBox.setText("Payment" + "\n" + "Number" + "\n");
              for(int i = 0; i <= numberOfPayments; i++)
                        tableBox.append("" + i + "\n");
    However, I get the following: incompatible types
    found : java.lang.String
    required: double
              double formattedAmount = (Currency.format(paymentAmount));
    I'm trying to append the number to a text box (I'm making a loan calculator for my 155 class) Thanks for the help

    String s = Currency.format(paymentAmount);Next time please paste your code between code tags exactly like this:
    your code
    You can do that by simply pasting your code in the message area, highlight it and then click on the code button above.
    You may read the [url]Formatting tips for more information.

  • Formatting a Double to 2 decimal places without first converting to String

    Does anyone have any clear idea on how to format a Double directly without first converting it
    to a String.I have just read through DecimalFormat/NumberFormat but I think there might be an easier way.I am also aware of printf(%f) and format(%f),but unfortunately am using Java 1.4 at the moment which does not seem to support them(will upgrade soon).The code I have is as follows:
    public void displayAnalysis ()
           System.out.println ("========================================================================");
           System.out.println ("========================================================================");
           System.out.println ("\nANALYSIS RESULTS FOR FILE " + inputFile + " \n");
           System.out.println ("========================================================================");
           System.out.println ("========================================================================");
           System.out.println ("\nString length: "+ inputText.length());
           System.out.println ("Ratio of printing to non-printing characters: "+ pRatio);
           System.out.println ("Ratio of vowels to consonants: "+ vRatio);
           System.out.println ("");
           System.out.println ("Frequency of vowels as a percentage of number of printing characters;");
           System.out.println ("Percentage of a's ="+ (NumberFormat.format(new DecimalFormat(((double)frequency[0]*100)/printable)))));
           System.out.println ("Percentage of e's ="+ ((double)frequency[1]*100)/printable + "%");
           System.out.println ("Percentage of i's ="+ ((double)frequency[2]*100)/printable + "%");
           System.out.println ("Percentage of o's ="+ ((double)frequency[3]*100)/printable + "%");
           System.out.println ("Percentage of u's ="+ ((double)frequency[4]*100)/printable + "%");
           System.out.println ("Number of whitespace characters were " + whitespace);
           System.out.println ("");
           System.out.println ("========================================================================");
           System.out.println ("========================================================================");
           System.out.println ("");
           System.out.println ("");
       }I would like to display the frequencies to 2 decimal places.As a last resort I will have to alter the code to use DecimalFormat,but I'm hoping someone has a simpler solution.

    Oops,please ignore the line for the first frequency (a's),I was just playing around with trying to use NumberFormat!

  • Forcing to two decimal places

    i want to put a double into a JTextbox and i have it so it round down to a maximum of 2 decimal places. but if it only 12.3 for instance then thats what is put in the Textbox.
    I want it so that it will round so there will always have 2 decimal places, for instance
    12.3 would be 12.30
    11 would be 11.00
    14.242 woud be 14.24
    Does anyone know a simple way of doing this?

    Hi Jos, i cant get it workin man heres my code
    DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
    temp = (Payable - Payable2) * 1.4;      
    temp = Double.parseDouble(df.format(temp));
    tAPJPerUnit.setText("$" + temp);
    It still just comes out as $1.4, any ideas?Do this:System.out.println("format: "+df.format(temp));and see what happens.
    kind regards,

  • Printing exactly 2 decimal places

    I'm trying to print my double type variables to exactly 2 places. but numbers such as 3.00 and 124.00 keep printing as 3.0 and 124.0. Is there an easy way to force the printing to two decimal places on a primitive double type value without having to cast it to a Double object and playing around with NumberFormat and all that entails?
    thanks much,

    darelln has exactly the right answer, except that you must do the thing you don't want to do. If it were me, I'd go with his example. It's less work and much cleaner.
    import java.text.*;
    public class DoubleTest {
    static double[] numbers = {3000, 124.12, 123.122, 3.0, 124.0, 10.2, 12.14, 1234.55};
    static final NumberFormat f = new DecimalFormat("#.00");
        public static void main(String [] args) {
            System.out.println("Goofy way!\n");
            for (int i=0 ; i<numbers.length ; i++) {
    System.out.println("\nRight way!\n");
    for (int i=0 ; i<numbers.length ; i++) {
    static void printD(double dbl) {
    if (dbl % 10 == 0) {
    System.out.println(dbl + "0");
    } else {
    String sdbl = "" + dbl;
    String predot = sdbl.substring(0, sdbl.indexOf("."));
    String atdot = sdbl.substring(sdbl.indexOf("."), sdbl.length());
    String postdot = sdbl.substring(sdbl.indexOf(".") + 1, sdbl.length());
    if (postdot.length() == 2) {
    } else if (postdot.length() < 2) {
    System.out.println(predot + "." + postdot.substring(0,1) + "0");
    } else {
    System.out.println(predot + "." + postdot.substring(0,2));
    java DoubleTest
    Goofy way!
    Right way!
    and the results are identical!

  • Error while updating decimal places in general settings

    Hii All
             I have got an error while updating Decimal places in General Settings
    Cannot update while another user is connected to the company i have checked, there is no other user logged in, i could add other settings but the problem is only with Decimal Places
    Note : there are no postings yet, a fresh database for a new client
             what could be the possible reason

    Hiii All
          As a forum rule, i have initially gone through with the existing threads and then i was force to post a thread,
              would be helpfull if there is any other way..

  • ToGB() decimal places

    Hi All,
    I have this piece of code which outputs the values to a html file.
    (get-mailboxdatabase)|foreach-object {
     $database= $
     $accounts= (get-mailbox -database $
     $size = (get-mailboxdatabase $ -status).databasesize.ToMB()/1024
         add-content $wfile "<tr>"
         add-content $wfile "<td align= 'center'>$database</td>"
         add-content $wfile "<td align= 'center'>$Accounts</td>"
         add-content $wfile "<td align= 'center'>$size</td>"   
    My issue I can't get the size to output to 2 decimal places it outputs 8 decimal places.
    If I use ToGB() instead of ToMB()/1024 I only get the whole number
    I have tried using {N0:02} but it doesn't help
    What am I doing wrong?

    How are you applying the format string?
    $size = '{0:N2}' -f ((get-mailboxdatabase $ -status).databasesize.ToMB()/1024)
    [string](0..33|%{[char][int](46+("686552495351636652556262185355647068516270555358646562655775 0645570").substring(($_*2),2))})-replace " "

  • Formatting currencies and decimal places

    I'm currently using NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance() to format numbers as currency. However, one problem I'm having is that I'd like values with no cents to be formatted with no decimal places, and any values with cents to be formatted with the usual 2 decimal places. For example:
    17 would be formatted as $17
    17.45 would be formatted as $17.45
    17.4 would be formatted as $17.40
    The last one is the tricky part--I've tried formatter.setMinimumFractionDigits(0), and this works great for the first two cases. But for the last case, the number gets formatted as $17.4.
    Basically my problem is I want a number to be formatted with zero or two decimal places and nothing in between. Is there an easy way to do this?
    Thanks in advance.

    Otherwise you are likely to find that you are getting .00 due to errors from previous calculations. You are right. Adjusted it to Locale aware
    import java.text.FieldPosition;
    import java.text.NumberFormat;
    import java.text.ParseException;
    import java.text.ParsePosition;
    import java.util.Locale;
    public class SpecialCurrencyFormat extends NumberFormat {
        private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
        private final NumberFormat noDecimals;
        private final NumberFormat decimals;
        private final double maxDifference;
        private final double factor;
        public SpecialCurrencyFormat() {
        public SpecialCurrencyFormat(Locale locale) {
         decimals = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
         noDecimals = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(locale);
         maxDifference = Math.pow(10, -decimals.getMaximumFractionDigits()) * .5;
         factor = Math.pow(10, decimals.getMaximumFractionDigits());
        public StringBuffer format(double number, StringBuffer toAppendTo,
             FieldPosition pos) {
         double adjustedValue = (Math.round(number * factor)) / factor;
         if ((Math.abs(number - Math.round(number)) < maxDifference)) {
             return noDecimals.format(adjustedValue, toAppendTo, pos);
         } else {
             return decimals.format(adjustedValue, toAppendTo, pos);
        public StringBuffer format(long number, StringBuffer toAppendTo,
             FieldPosition pos) {
         return noDecimals.format(number, toAppendTo, pos);
        public Number parse(String source, ParsePosition parsePosition) {
         return decimals.parse(source, parsePosition);
        public static void main(String[] args) {
         NumberFormat nf = new SpecialCurrencyFormat(Locale.US);
         double[] values = { 10000, 1000, 100, 10, 1, 10.1, 10.01, 10.001,
              10.002, 10.003, 10.004, 10.005, 10.006, 10.007, 10.008, 10.009,
              10.010 };
         for (double value : values) {
             print(nf, value);
        private static void print(NumberFormat nf, double number) {
         String formatted = nf.format(number);
         try {
             System.out.println(number + "\tas " + formatted + "\tand back "
                  + nf.parse(formatted));
         } catch (ParseException e) {
    }The value adjustedValue is needed since NumberFormat doesn't seem to round the value. It just breaks.

  • Set Decimal Places in a swing

    Ok so i know how to set decimal places in a applet and a command prompt type build but in a GUI i am trying to set them and it isnt working my code is:
    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), strFICA[j] + "\t", textPane.getStyle("regular"));
    i went and added the information
    Decimal Format twoDigits = new Decimal Format("000.0");
    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), twoDigits.Format (strFICA[j]) + "\t", textPane.getStyle("regular"));
    it gives me the error cannot find symbol
    symbol: method Format(
    Lacation: Class java.text.DecimalFormat
    doc.insertString(doc.getLength(), twoDigits.Format (strFICA[j]) + "\t", textPane.getStyle("regular"));
    what does this mean and help will be great

    Help given here is voluntary and people do try hard, but your questions are as unintelligible as they are naive. You really need to do some ground work first by reading the tutorials and trying things out for yourself before posting here.
    Those that get the most help are those that demonstrate they are willing to help themselves more than you seem to be.

  • Decimal format to 2 decimal places ????

    Hello Everyone,
    I have created a web dynpro application which to display a report depending on the data given by the BAPI. But there is some issue with the numeric data returned by the BAPI.
    For ex - if the BAPI returns 5.00 the value is displayed in the report as 5.
    I want uniform decimal values till 2 decimal places. For example 5 shd come as 5.00, 2.1 shd come as 2.10 etc.
    I searched SDN abt this, and found many threads relating to this.
    I tried using decimal format, creating a simple dictinary type, but using all this what happens is the value basically changes to a string format, this implies that the value is displayed in the table as "left-aligned".
    Where- as we need the decimal numeric values to be right-aligned.
    Any thoughts how to achieve this.
    Please correct me if I have missed out on anything.

    From wat i understood.. u have a attribute coming from BAPI.. which you want to display with two decimal places,,
    In this case.. assuming it is coming with 2 decimal places from the backend..  create a value node.. inside the node which contains the output data. set its carinality to 1..1 .. create a value attribute of type big decimal in it.. or probably string.. if there is an issue in displaying BigDecimal directly..
    map this new attribute to the necessary column in the table..
    BigDecimal value = new BigDecimal("the actual value in string or long").setScale(2);
    assign this to the value attribute created..
    (If alignment is the problem.. set the column 's textview property halign to right.. and layout as block or paragraph.. )
    Message was edited by:
            Bharathwaj R

  • Rounding Doubles to Two Decimal Places

    Hi All,
    I've searched the archive and found a few different posts regarding restricting the number of decimal places in doubles. However they all suggest different methods, BigDecimal, NumberFormat etc.
    Which is the simplest method of rounding a number say 10.023445656 to 10.02?
    I tried using the java.text.NumberFormat but this turns the double into a string and I need the end result to be a double.

    Hi All,
    I've searched the archive and found a few different
    posts regarding restricting the number of decimal
    places in doubles. However they all suggest different
    methods, BigDecimal, NumberFormat etc.
    Which is the simplest method of rounding a number say
    10.023445656 to 10.02?
    I tried using the java.text.NumberFormat but this
    turns the double into a string and I need the end
    result to be a double.
    ThanksI ahve a small code that can do the work for u:
    import java.text.*;
    double format(double val, int dec){
        double multiple=Math.pow(10,dec);
        DecimalFormat df=new DecimalFormat("0.00");
        String format=df.format(val);
       double dval=Double.parseDouble(format);
       return dval;
    }//end of functionHope that helps!

  • How to change a double to 2 or less decimal places

    im trying to change a double to 2 decimal places
    the reason is i have a angle that is sesitive to 1.0 x14
    and it look rediculas to look at :)
    i think on a calculater you use E exponents
    but im unsure.

    There's a DecimalFormat class. And also Formattable interface. Classes implenting the latter can be formatted using a Formatter which employs the notation common in C and other languages.
    String has a format() method that allows a formatted string to be produced, and there are numerous printf() methods in PrintWriter, Console etc
    public class RoundingEg {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            double pi = Math.PI;
                // %.2f means "floating point number with 2 dp"
                // %n means "ewline"
            System.out.printf("%.2f%n", pi);
                // or to obtain a string
            String displayStr = String.format("%.2f", pi);
            System.out.println("Used as any other string: " + displayStr);

  • Rounding to 2 decimal place

    I am trying to round the decimal place of number 0.105 as .11.
    But it only rond up to 0.1 not 0.11.
    I don't understand why it doesn't round to 0.11.
    Can any one explain to me ?
    My code :
    import java.util.*;
    import java.text.*;
    import java.math.*;
    public class TestFile {
    public double number = .105;
    public static void main(String[] args) {
    TestFile test = new TestFile();
    DecimalFormat aFormat = new DecimalFormat("#.##");
    int decimalPlace = 2;
    double num = .105;
    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(num);
    bd = bd.setScale(decimalPlace,BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_UP);
    //DecimalFormat aFormat=new DecimalFormat("###.00");
    String formattedString = aFormat.format(test.number);//format the String entered
    System.out.println("formatted string: " + formattedString);
    System.out.println("big decimal " +bd.doubleValue());
    double formattedDouble = Double.parseDouble(formattedString);//convert to a double
    System.out.println("back to a double: " + formattedDouble);
    What should I do to round 0.11 ?

    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(num);Change this line to
    BigDecimal bd = new BigDecimal(Double.toString(num));Read the notes in the API for BigDecimal constructor that accepts double.
    The results of this constructor can be somewhat unpredictable...

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