Foreign Visa cards block by apple

Hello, I moved 6 months ago in Belgium. But I am still using my French Visa card.
I bought an iPad on the Belgian on-line apple store. No issue.
Since then, Apple asked me to update my profil when I try to download even a free app.
What's happen?

The country of the store will not change until/unless you change the payment and billing address information to the appropriate country you wish to shop in - see
You can keep your french card and use it when you wish, you will simply have to change your account information each time you wish to change stores.  However, you cannot use a foreign method of payment in any Apple store - payment and billing information must be from the country you wish to shop in.
If you are in Belgium and still logged in to the France store, and you are being denied, that sounds like some method of IP filtering is in effect (in other words, based on your devices IP address, the France Store knows you are not in France, and so is blocking you).

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    Because purchases via the App Store are quite independent of purchases from other media or means. So, if you want to re-install an app that was installed via Disk, then use the Disk. There is no way such apps can be reinstalled or updated via the App Store.
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    Create a NEW account using these instructions. Make sure you follow the instructions. Many do not and if you do not you will not get the None option. You must use an email address that you have not used with Apple before.
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    Hi xianlycier06,
    If you are looking to create an Apple ID without using a credit card, you may find the following article helpful:
    Apple Support: Creating an iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, and Mac App Store account without a credit card
    - Brenden

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    Buy an iTunes gift card.

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