Form is not submitting while caling a confrim in from validation.

Dear All,
I am getting a typical issue in the application. the code is as shown below.
<h:form id="registerForm" target="_top">
<h:inputText id="prmoCode" binding="#{Register_Backing.promoCd}" ></h:inputText>
<h:commandButton onclick="return validate();" id="submitRegister" type="submit" image="../../../images/btnSubmit.gif" action="# {Register_Backing.createSilverhutUser}" />
<Script language="javascript">
function validate()
          return confirm("is it ok to continue registration without the promo_code?");
return true;
when the user clicks the button I am calling a validate() method, in that one I am calling a javascript confirm() function when the prmocode is empty string.
if the user is selectig ok in the confirmbox the form is not submitting
the form is submitting well when the promocode is not empty.
please provide me some solution to over come this problem.
Thanks & Regards,

The form HTML is incorrect.
  <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action"registration.php">
you're missing a  = after action

Similar Messages

  • Form is not submitting through Oracle Application Server

    Hi Experts,
    We are creating one Java Application and deploy this java application on Oracle Application Server Enterprise Manager release 2 through War File.
    Now, There one Form on submitting calls procedure with some 42 parameter in that 20 are Oracle Types and remaining are simple varchar or number. when going to submit this form is not raise any database error or server error , but data is saved into database.
    We creating error log on database side as well as on Server side but we did not found any error.
    We are confused because remaining all form working fine as they call with same as procedure, only difference is that this form calls procedure which having 42 parameter with 20 Type and remaining simple varcahr or number. Other Forms procedure also having Oracle Types as a parameter.
    Could any of one help me out, Please ?

    The form HTML is incorrect.
      <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action"registration.php">
    you're missing a  = after action

  • Problem using javascript to submit jsf form, values not submitted

    I have a t:selectOneMenu where I want the page to be submitted when they change the selected value. At this point, I am able to get the form to submit and reload the page, which is all fine. The problem is that none of the values from the page are not set in the backing bean. I have break points on the setter methods that are not being hit.
    I have tried a number of things from searching multiple forums, but here are snippets from my latest version...
    <t:commandLink id="hiddenLink" forceId="true" value="test link"
    <t:selectOneMenu id="pageList_top" forceId="true" value="#{pc_PageX.ValueX}"
         onchange="jspellSync(); submitPageX();">
         <f:selectItems value="#{pc_PageX.ListX}" />
    function submitPageX(){
         var hiddenLink = document.getElementById("hiddenLink");;
    }Note that the <t:commandLink> is not hidden, though it will be in the final version if I can get this to work.
    If I click the commandLink myself, the page is submitted with all the page values as expected. If I change the list value, thus using javascript to fire the commandLink's click event, the page is submitted with NO values.
    Can anyone come up with an explanation for this behavior? Or better yet, a solution?
    A couple other things I've tried...
    - Not using a commandLink and using jsf's submit function -> onchange="jspellSync(); submit();"
    - Clicking the link using other ways -> hiddenLink.fireEvent('onclick');
    If all else fails, I'll just add a button that they have to click to submit the form.

    snotmare wrote:
    BalusC wrote:
    I recall this problem in one of the ancient JSF versions. Which JSF version do you use? Do you have any room to upgrade to latest? We're using an IBM implementation of JSF, which is at version 7.0. The IBM implementation appears to be built on the JSF base 1.1.That's not an IBM JSF implementation, they do not have any one, they just have some component libraries which runs on top of some JSF implementation. RAD/WSAD ships by default with Sun JSF RI. Try upgrading to at least 1.1_02 which you can download from the aforementioned link. There's a gap of 2 years (and inherently a lot of bugfixes) compared to 1.1. If the application server used supports Servlet 2.5, you could even upgrade to the latest 1.2.
    We've had other issues with the IBM implementation, which could be the cause in this case too. We've been talking about switching to MyFaces, but there is one feature of the IBM version that we like. It's basically a script collector (hx:scriptCollector) that allows us to do pre-processing on the page.As said before, IBM does not have a JSF implementation. So replacing RI by MyFaces wouldn't make any difference.

  • Form is not submitting to the databases

    I'm having an issue right now. Everything i click the complete registration page on this site.
    The values entered won't submit nor return any error messages. Could you show me what I'm doing wrong? Here is the code
    if (isset($_POST['submitted'])){
    $fields = array(
    if (safe($_POST['survey']=="Yes")){
        $survey = "Yes";
        $survey = "No";
    foreach($fields as $fieldName) {
        if(isset($_POST[$fieldName]) and safe(trim(stripslashes($_POST[$fieldName]))) !==''){
            $$fieldName = safe(trim(stripslashes($_POST[$fieldName])));
        }else {
                    $errors[] = "Please enter your". $fieldName .""; //code to validate fields
        if(filter_var($email, FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL) == true){
        } else {
            $errors[] = 'Please enter a valid email address';
        $query = "SELECT user_id FROM participants WHERE email='$email'";
        $result = mysql_query($query);
        if(mysql_num_rows($result) == 0) {
    $query = "INSERT INTO participants (email, state, district, gender, age, profession, survey, registration_date) 
    VALUES ('$email', '$state', '$district', '$gender', '$age', '$profession','$survey', NOW())"; //databasse connection
        $result = mysql_query ($query);     
    if ($result){
        $url = 'http://'. $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
        if ((substr($url, -1) == '/') || (substr($url, -1) == '\\')) {
            $url = substr ($url, 0, -1);
        $url .= '/thanks.php';
        header("Location: $url"); //This is the line of error that is reporting after submitting to the database
        } else {
            $errors[] = 'You could not be registered due to a system error. We apologize for any inconvenience.';
            $errors[] = mysql_error() . '<br /><br />Query: ' . $query;
        } else {
            $errors[] = 'The email address has already been registered.';
        } else { 
            $errors = NULL;
    if (!empty($errors)){
                echo '<h1 id="mainhead">Error!</h1>
            <p class="error">The following error(s) occurred:<br />';
            foreach($errors as $msg) {
                echo " - $msg<br/>\n";
            echo '</p><p>Please try again.</p><p><br/></p>';
    function safe($string) 
            $pattern = "/\r|\n|\%0a|\%0d|Content\-Type:|bcc:|to:|cc:/i"; 
            return preg_replace($pattern, '', $string); 
    <!----html code-->
    <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action"registration.php">
      <fieldset class="first">
      <label class="email" for="email">Email:* </label>
      <input name="email" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['email'])) echo $_POST['email'];?>"/>
      <label for="state"/>State:* </label>
      <input name="state" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['state'])) echo $_POST['state'];?>"/>
      <label for="schooldistrict"/>School District:* </label>
      <input name="district" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['district'])) echo $_POST['district'];?>" />
      <label for="gender">Gender:* </label>
    <select name="gender">
       <option>Choose Your Gender</option>
       <option value="male" <?php echo ($form['gender'] == 'male' ? ' selected' : ''); ?>>Male</option>
       <option value="female"<?php echo ($form['gender'] == 'female' ? ' selected' : ''); ?>>Female</option>
        <label for="age"/>Your Age:* </label>
      <input name="age" type="text" class="age" maxlength="2" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['age'])) echo $_POST['age'];?>"  />
      <label for="profession"/>Profession:* </label>
      <input name="profession" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['profession'])) echo $_POST['profession'];?>" />
      <label for="survey"/>Willingness to participate in future surveys:</label>
      <input name="survey" type="checkbox" value="Yes" />
      <input name="submit" type="submit" class="btn1" value="Complete your Registration" />
    <input class="btn" name="reset" type="reset" value="Clear Form" />
    <input type="hidden" name="submitted" value="TRUE" />
    Thanks in advanced!

    The form HTML is incorrect.
      <form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action"registration.php">
    you're missing a  = after action

  • Is it possible to see who has saved progress on a web form, but not submitted?

    We are using FormsCentral for our application process, and we are allowing applicants to save forms. Is it possible to see who has started a web form, and saved it, but hasn't submitted yet? Maybe by cc'ing the email notificiation they get to an admin?
    We'd like to see who is working on the applications, and also to send them a reminder that they need to complete and submit the form by the deadline.

    No, there isn't a way for you to see anything about who has saved progress.

  • Help!  Form is not submitting or doing anything! Any ideas?

    I inherited this web application and have zero CF experience and any help is greatly appreciated!  So, the "Forgot Password" form isn't working at all.  The email is sent properly from the referring page and when you click the link it brings up the page right, however, when you fill out the form with "email address" and "username" and hit submit, it does nothing.  I'm not even getting an error.
    Is there something I'm missing in the code that is wrong?  I'll post the entire code and what the URL looks like when arriving at this page.  It is still in my dev environment.
    Thanks in advance for ANY help!  I'm really lost and confused.
    Project: MLD Registry
    Page Name: index.cfm
    Page Purpose: Home page for Forgot Password pages
    Programmer: Eric Savage
              <title>Forgot Password</title>
              <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="screen" href="../StyleSheet_Display.css" />
              <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="print" href="../StyleSheet_Print.css" />
    <cfparam name="plw" default=""><!--- Registry_ID --->
    <cfparam name="qke" default=""><!--- Acct_num_temp --->
    <cfparam name="Email" default="">
    <cfparam name="UserName" default=""><!--- User Name --->
    <cfparam name="CheckEntries" default=""><!--- Check submissions for errors --->
    <cfparam name="Error" default="0">
    <cfparam name="ErrorMessage_Email" default="">
    <cfparam name="ErrorMessage_UserName" default="">
    <cfparam name="ksr" default=""><!--- Forgot password: email/new password sent --->
    <cfparam name="uca" default="">
    <cfif Len(CheckEntries) and Len(UserName) and Len(Email) and Len(plw) and Len(qke)>
        <cfquery name="CheckIfValidUser" datasource="#Datasource#">
            SELECT                    rid,rid_name,r_email,registry_id,acct_num_temp,r_website_type
            FROM                    registry
            WHERE                    rid_name= <cfqueryparam value="#UserName#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"> and r_email= <cfqueryparam value="#Email#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"> and registry_id= #plw# and acct_num_temp= #qke#
        <cfcatch type="Any">
                        <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_EmailWebsiteManager.cfm">
                  <cflocation url="ErrorMessage.cfm" addtoken="No">
              <cfif not CheckIfValidUser.RecordCount>
                        <cfquery name="UserLog" datasource="#Datasource#">
                                  INSERT INTO userlog(http_user_agent,todaysdate,ip_address,user_name,comments)
                                  VALUES ('#CGI.http_user_agent#',#CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#,'#remote_addr#','#Email#','ForgotPas sword/index.cfm: failed attempt')
                        <cfcatch type="Any">
                                  <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_EmailWebsiteManager.cfm">
              <cfif CheckIfValidUser.RecordCount>
                        <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_Password_CreateRandom.cfm"><!--- Creates random password in variable called RandomlyCreated_Password --->
            <cfset Password_To_Check= RandomlyCreated_Password><!--- Pass value of new password to include file --->
                        <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_Password_CheckFormat.cfm"><!--- Check password complies with  --->
                        <cfif Len(ErrorMessage_Password_To_Check)>
                      <cfset ErrorMessage= "(" & #CheckIfValidUser.rid# & ") [auto password gen] " &  ErrorMessage_Password_To_Check>
                <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_EmailWebsiteManager.cfm">
                <cflocation url="ErrorMessage.cfm" addtoken="No">
                        <cfif not Len(ErrorMessage_Password_To_Check)>
                <cfquery name="UpdatePassword" datasource="#Datasource#">
                    UPDATE                    registry
                    SET                              rid_pass= Password('#RandomlyCreated_Password#')
                    WHERE                    rid_name= <cfqueryparam value="#UserName#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"> and r_email= <cfqueryparam value="#Email#" cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR"> and registry_id= #plw# and acct_num_temp= #qke#
                <cfcatch type="Any">
                    <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_EmailWebsiteManager.cfm">
                    <cflocation url="ErrorMessage.cfm" addtoken="No">
                <cfquery name="UserLog" datasource="#Datasource#">
                    INSERT INTO userlog(http_user_agent,todaysdate,ip_address,user,comments)
                    VALUES ('#CGI.http_user_agent#',#CreateODBCDateTime(Now())#,'#remote_addr#','#CheckIfValidUser.r id#','ForgotPassword/index.cfm: new password added')
                <cfcatch type="Any">
                    <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_EmailWebsiteManager.cfm">
                <cfparam name="Subject" default="(Secure) NDRD Clinical Questionnaire">
                <cfif CheckIfValidUser.r_website_type is "MLD"><cfset Subject= "(Secure) MLD Registry"></cfif>
                <cfif CheckIfValidUser.r_website_type is "NFRD"><cfset Subject= "(Secure) NFRD Registry for Rare Genetic Disorders"></cfif>
                    server="<SMTP SERVER>"
                    <p>Here is the new password you requested: #RandomlyCreated_Password#.</p>
                <cfcatch type="Any">
                    <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_EmailWebsiteManager.cfm">
                    <cflocation url="ErrorMessage.cfm" addtoken="No">
                <cfparam name="WebsiteType" default="">
                <cfif CheckIfValidUser.r_website_type is "Clinic"><cfset WebsiteType= "01345"></cfif>
                <cfif CheckIfValidUser.r_website_type is "MLD"><cfset WebsiteType= "04385"></cfif>
                <cfif CheckIfValidUser.r_website_type is "NFRD"><cfset WebsiteType= "03475"></cfif>
                <cflocation url="index.cfm?ksr=30471&dfa=84836&uca=#WebsiteType#" addtoken="No">
    <cfinclude template="inc_PageTitle.cfm"><!--- Page title --->
    <div id="Container">
              <cfinclude template="inc_NavBar.cfm">
              <div id="Content">
                        <div id="minheight">
                                  <cfif not Len(ksr)>
                                            <div style="padding: .5em 0 .75em 0; border-style: solid; border-width: 0 0 1px 0;">
                        Please enter your email address and user name.
                                            <cfform action="index.cfm" method="POST">
                                                      <span class="ResponseLabel_10"><label for="Email">Email Address</label></span>
                                                      <cfinput type="Text" name="Email" id="Email" value="#Email#" message="Please enter an email address" required="Yes" size="30" maxlength="40">
                                                      <span class="ResponseLabel_10">User Name</span>
                                                      <cfinput type="Text" name="UserName" id="UserName" value="#UserName#" message="Please enter a User Name" required="Yes" size="12" maxlength="50">
                                                      <p><input type="submit" value="Submit"></p>
                                                      <input type="hidden" name="CheckEntries" value="Check">
                                                      <input type="hidden" name="plw" value="#plw#"><!--- Registry_ID --->
                                                       <input type="hidden" name="qke" value="#qke#"><!--- Acct_num_temp --->
                                  <cfif Len(ksr)>
                                            <cfif Trim(uca) is "01345"><cfset WebsiteType= "Clinic"></cfif>
                    <cfif Trim(uca) is "04385"><cfset WebsiteType= "MLD"></cfif>
                    <cfif Trim(uca) is "03475"><cfset WebsiteType= "NFRD"></cfif>
                                            <div style="padding: .5em 0 .75em 0;">An email has been sent with your new password.</div>
                    <cfif Len(Trim(WebsiteType))><a href="#HTMLPath#/#WebsiteType#/LogIn.cfm">Log in</a></cfif>
                        </div><!--- min-height --->
              </div><!--- Content --->
    </div><!--- Containter --->
    <cfinclude template="../includefiles/inc_PageFooter.cfm"><!--- Page footer (contains closing tag for Container) --->

    <cfform action="index.cfm" method="POST">
    This line is going to tell the web browser to submitt the page to the web server and have the web server run the "index.cfm" page.
    The web server then expects the "index.cfm" page to expect a post request and do something with the key-value pairs contained in the header of the request.
    With a rather generaic file name like "index.cfm" it is not unlikely that the index.cfm page simply ignores the form key-value pairs and does nothing with them.  But with no way to see the server side code of this index.cfm page I can not tell for sure.

  • Major JavaScript bug - form variables not submitted

    I'm building a page where data is submitted to Paypal via a form and using Javascript to build Select statements on the fly. These appear as expected, but when the form is submitted none of the variables are POSTed through. The same page works perfectly in IE so there must be a major bug in Firefox's impementation of Javascript - this is a total show-stopper for the page I need to implement.
    Go to the URL below and then check availability for type of room ANY. On the booking confirmation page if you leave the first select alone and hit the Pay Now button you will arrive at a debug page that dumps all the POST variables in a new window. Now go back and change the room type in the first select statement just above Pay Now - this updates the second select. Maybe even click it again to go back to the original setting. Now click Pay Now - nothing comes through from the select statement and some associated hidden vars.
    Try it in IE and it works just like it should.
    == URL of affected sites ==

    Found this which has solved the problem:
    There seems to be an issue with FF and InnerHTML when a form is in a table. By moving the form tag around I was able to place it within the table definition so that it works in FF.

  • Changes are not reflecting while executing the SAP script from report

    In SAP-script we are nmaking changes in form in client 130
    it is showing the changes in 140 client but while excuting the report the same are not reflecting in the output.
    Thanks in Advance
    Naveen M

    Scripts are mandant depentant. So you must copy from 130 to 140 for changes take efect.
    Do it in transaction SE71 in mandant 140, first screen, in the menu options.
    And never forget to activate it in all mandants.
    Best regards.
    Valter Oliveira.

  • Form 6i not support this SELECT sys_context('userenv', 'host') from dual;

    hi master
    sir i use this command for user ip address
    SELECT sys_context('userenv', 'host'), sys_context('userenv', 'ip_address') FROM dual;
    form6i give me this error
    Error 201 at line 26, column 12
    Identifier ‘SYS_CONTEXT’ must be declared
    please give me idea how i get ip_address in form

    thank for your reply
    sir my need is
    i check user computer name if that computer in table then i update the user feeding ouer wise i insert that computer name as new and give the feeding form access to user
    you see my code
    SELECT sys_context('userenv','host'), sys_context('userenv', 'ip_address') INTO HOSTNAME,IPADD FROM dual;
    update forclosingyear SET YEARID=:SYID,datefrom=:ysdate,dateto=:yedate WHERE HOSTNAME=HOSTNAME AND IPADD=IPADD;
    INSERT INTO forclosingyear (YEARID,datefrom,dateto,HOSTNAME,IPADD) VALUES (:SYID,:ysdate,:yedate,HOSTNAME,IPADD);
    END IF;
    this is my need
    please give me idea how i get termenal name or user computer name

  • Column heading is not coming while generating a .csv file from .sql file

    Hi all,
    Now since I am able to generate a .csv file by executing my .sql file, the column heading is missing in that. Please advise. I have used the following parameters in my query:
    set linesize 1000
    set colsep ','
    set echo off
    set feedback off
    set pagesize 0
    set trimspool on
    spool /path/file.csv
    select ...... from .... where .....;
    spool off

    set pagesize 0 <-- your problem
    you must set it into a high value (max value 50000)
    SQL> select * from dual;
    SQL> set pagesize 0
    SQL> select * from dual;
    SQL> set pagesize 50000
    SQL> select * from dual;

  • Vendor not found while creating SC after replicating from r/3 to srm

    Hi all
    I tried to replicate some vendors from r/3 to srm and when i used the t-code bbpgetvd  i got a message that it has already been replicated but wheni am trying to create a Shopping Cart and assigning vendor to the cart it is giving me a message that no supplier is assign and no possible source of suply found in the system?PLS answer my question its urgent.

    Hi Pooja,
    I understand that you have moved your partner information from R/3 to SRM. In SRM, all the Partner(vendor) information is stored in BUT000 master table. The type of partner = 02.
    Go to transaction BP in SRM and check for the partner data. If found, go to master table BUT000 and check there. If you dont find your data overthere track the msg flow.
    Else you should be able to create the cart.
    Karthik Babu
    Edited by: karthik babu pulluru on Jan 13, 2012 7:38 AM

  • BICS_PROV_GET_INITIAL_STATE and form Variables are not submitted

    Hi Team,
    We are geting following error message while running WAD reports on BI QA and Test system portal.
    Our issue is similar to the issue mentioned in SDN thread BICS_PROV_GET_INITIAL_STATE Exception
    - We are facing issue in refreshed systems.
    - Variable Entry Screen is displaying correctly.
    - After entering values once you click on "OK"  we are getting UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION.
    - Support Desk tool is displaying green.
    - Same report is executing fine in Dev and Prod system.
    - BI Queries are running fine on Portal
    - Only WAD reports are giving exceptions
    - Support desk tool is showing green for everything.
    Error Message:
    Exception in BI runtime
    Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    System error in program BICS_PROV_GET_INITIAL_STATE and form Variables are not submitted (see long text)
    Log ID: 0018FE2D262B00A000000D68000032CA00047CFC82B5D87E
    Initial cause
    Termination message sent ABEND RSBOLAP (000): Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION  MSGV1: SAPMSSY1  MSGV3: UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION
    Stack trace: Termination message sent ABEND RSBOLAP (000): Program error in class SAPMSSY1 method : UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION  MSGV1: SAPMSSY1  MSGV3: UNCAUGHT_EXCEPTION     at     at     at     at     at
    Please help me on this

    Try filtering the queries with the values of variables entries included in the filters.
    Then include them in WAD report. If that works fine then it can be a memory issue.

  • PDF form not submitting after embedding attachments.

    In my process one user open the PDF forms, fills form and submit it to the next user. All was working fine. I have used Submit as XDP option while designing the pdf form. Later on I needed to attach files. But after attaching files my form is not being submitted. Help.

    Which version of Acrobat? Are you using a custom script for the email button, or just the Acrobat action to submit the form? Have you closed and re-opened Outlook and Acrobat to see if that fixes it? Could the submit button have been marked "readonly" on the general tab by mistake?

  • XML form in not getting displayed in the option while assigning

    Hello Experts,
    I have created a XML form and now assigning it to a folder. While assigning Folder>new>forms> .. here I can see other forms but not the new one which I have recently created. Please let me know I can assign the newly created form to the folder.

    Please check for the Form Based Publishing for your KM folder
    System Administration-->System Configuration >Knowledge Management->Form Based Pulishing>Forms Availability>Folder Settings check for the Forms to include and Exclude for your folder path. In this you can include or Exclude forms which you form by adding the XML form ID.
    Edited by: Nivas209 on Jan 12, 2012 8:12 AM

  • Error while opening the custom forms-''function not available to this respo

    Error: Function not available to this responsibility , change responsibility or contact ur system administrator
    While accessing the custom forms in release 12i we are facing the popup error and the form is not getting opened up: "Function Not available to this responsibility. Change Responsibilities or Contact your System Administrator"...
    I check the custom top path in $APPL_TOP/admin/adovars.env... its fine there..
    but the $Apache_top is not there...
    can u plz tell me the solution....
    Meenakshi Verma

    user609981 ,
    If ur referring to forms, u need to search in appropriate forum, as this forum is only for OAF queries, and if its realted to OAF page, check the the function of oa page is attached to the specific responsibilty .

Maybe you are looking for