Form on a SQL Query in 4.1 BUG ?

Hi, when I use the wizard with the example Query (select e.ename,..., d.dname from emp e, dept where e.deptno=d.deptno) there are NO Processes in the Page anymore.
What should happen here normaly ???

Hi Kuru,
the select and the form is working fine. But when you try to "apply changes" on the page, nothing is happen.
There are no Load Processes for the Items and no save processes (update/insert/delete)
So what´s this wizzard for ?

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    When I do this,
    Create Page -> Page with Component -> Form -> Form on a SQL Query -> SELECT * FROM EMP
    I do not get any items displayed and it creates a simple HTML region / page. Do we have to necessarily specify the column names ?
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    Dynamic Creation of Items in Runtime through Application UI

    Hi Marc,
    Thanks. I just tried something like this. Taking the EMP table example, (it doesn't matter which table), I created a region based on a Pl/Sql function returning SQL query
    ( I selected the vertical report template including nulls to display it like a form ) :
    v_sql VARCHAR2(3000) ;
    mn_idx NUMBER := 1 ;
    v_sql := 'SELECT ' ;
    v_sql := v_sql || 'HTMLDB_ITEM.TEXT(' || mn_idx || ',' ||
    recs.column_name || ') ' || recs.column_name || ', ' ;
    mn_idx := mn_idx + 1 ;
    END LOOP ;
    v_sql := SUBSTR(v_sql, 1, LENGTH(v_sql) -2) ;
    v_sql := v_sql || ' FROM EMP WHERE EMPNO = 7369 ORDER BY 1 ' ;
    RETURN v_sql ;
    END ;
    This allowed me to do my updates etc.., Then I created a button called 'Apply' and a process called 'update_changes' on button click and defined this:
    v_sql varchar2(1000) ;
    mn_ctr NUMBER := 1 ;
    v_sql := 'BEGIN UPDATE EMP SET ' ;
    from all_tab_columns where table_name = 'EMP'
    -- Make changes here if required- this is assuming 9 columns --
    v_sql := v_sql || recs.column_name || ' = HTMLDB_APPLICATION.G_F0' || mn_ctr || '(1),' ;
    mn_ctr := mn_ctr + 1;
    end loop ;
    v_sql := substr(v_sql, 1, length(v_sql) - 1) ;
    v_sql := v_sql || ' WHERE EMPNO = 7369; END ;' ;
    execute immediate (v_sql) ;
    END ;
    Since this is for example, I didn't include code for Checksum and hardcoded empno = condition and have provision for 9 columns. I made some changes and tried saving it and I was able to do it.
    I altered the table to add a column / drop a column and when I relogin, Iam able to see the changes.
    Can you tell me if there could be any drawbacks in this approach ?.

  • Form on a SQL Query

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    I've created a "Form on a SQL Query" using the example database and query example:
    select e.empno, e.ename, e.job, e.hiredate, e.sal, d.dname
    from emp e, dept d
    where e.deptno = d.deptno
    which works fine. But suppose I want to modify the query? Where can I find it? Or is the only thing you can do is to delete the form region (and corresponding items and buttons) and start all over again?

    I am also having this problem. If the query can't be viewed or modified as a matter of design (why?), just let me know.
    I can't find the answer in any of the APEX documentation I've looked at. And it took me forever to find this unanswered thread that's over a year old.

  • Getting run time value on form field by sql query and function

    Hi All,
    we have below requirement -
    create a form with fields as below -
    KRA_Type Grade Weightage Start Date End date
    Functinal E2 30 1-Jan-2010 1-jan-2011
    Organizational E2 70 1-jan-2010 1-jan-2011
    lov of kra_type has 2 values (Functinal, Organizational). requirement is to validate Weightage field such that for same grade :- Fuctional Weightage + Organizational Weightage = 100.
    please suggest on how to approch this.
    Sam D

    this is not related to FORMS at all......
    1) create a database function which take grade parameter and return the total weightage.
    2) use it on when-validate-item trigger to validate
    create or replace function get_grade_weightage(p_grade varchar2)
    return number
    v_grade number;
      select sum(Weightage)
       into v_weightage
      from mytable
    where grade = p_grade;
    exception when no_data_found then
       return 0;
    select get_grade_weightage(:grade)  into v_weigtage from dual;
    if :current_weigth < v_weightage then
        -- do something
      --do something
    end if;Hope it helps
    plz mark the answer as correct or helpful if it is

  • Forms Design and SQL Query

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    I have a ledger table. My client wants to see ledger of selected customers. Hence I have to design a parameter entry screen in forms for the report wherein the user can select customers and execute and the selected data passes to report as parameter and based on it the report gets executed and displays the ledger for the selected customers. I am using form 6i and Oracle 9i.
    Can anyone help me how to do this or is there any link that shows how to do this.
    Please note : The user can selected as many customers as he/she wishes

    You could create a global temporary table, and write all the Customer IDs to that table, then call Reports. Then the report could select all customers where Customer_ID in the temporary table.
    If Reports runs under a separate session, then you will need a permanent table rather than a temp global, and develop some type of numeric key maybe using a sequence plus date and time. Then the report process could create the report, then delete the appropriate rows from the table. It should also delete any rows that are older than say 24 hours -- this will keep the table cleaned up from uncompleted report processes.

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    2. Page with Component
    3. Form
    4. Fow on a SQL query
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    However when I view the page, it just displays one blank field with the title '*' !!
    I am doing something completely wrong here? It seems like it should be a simple thing to do.
    Any help appreciated, this one is driving me mad.

    You will need to manually create the tabular form and DML process. This is covered in detail in the How To document shown below:
    Have you tried this yet?
    Good luck!

  • Form on SQL query for updating.

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    The call ID is FK to another table
    severity level and status will be usdated here
    description is self-explanitory
    analyst_id is the main field to be changed here, the call id will be assigned a new analyst via this form.
    action_id is actions carried out on this problem.
    Any help would be greatly appreciated.

    Can you put this example on
    Kartik Patel

  • Access to form allowing SQL query

    Hi all,
    I have extracted a list of users who could access forms that allow SQL query such as
    Define Descriptive Flexfield Segments (FND_FNDFFMDC)
    Define Value Set (FND_FNDFFMVS)
    Define Validation Templates (ONT_OEXPCFVT)
    I need to remove accounts who could access the above forms due to security issue from the best practices
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    Thank you in advance
    Edited by: 953616 on Jan 20, 2013 1:04 AM

    Please create your own responsibilities covering required menu and functions. you can exclude these menus/functions from responsibilities.
    would suggest to review

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    Have a look at the text_io package:

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    Hi Slamet,
    When you receive a form data event you have a class containing inside it a ObjectKeys xml info regarding the object added/modified,...
    With the objects keys you can then use the DI API method called GetByKeys to obtain the DI Object.
    There is some information about it in the SDK Help file, mainly in the "FormDataEvent" class definition:
    <i>The event provides the unique ID (BusinessObjectInfo.ObjectKey) of the modified business object. You can use the value of this property as an input parameter in the DI API DataBrowser.GetByKeys method to get a DI object.</i>
    Pay attention you don't have this information in the Before=True event of the Add as it is not yet in the database.
    Hope it helps

  • Setting the cell width in a Tabular Form (SQL Query (updateable report) )

    version 3.2.1
    I have a Tabular Form (SQL Query (updateable report) ) and I have a column that is a VARCHAR2(4000) that when displayed extends the cell to the full length (which of course makes sense).
    How can I set the width of this cell to something like 30 or 50 and wrap the contents?

    Thank you for replying.
    Your suggestion kinda worked. I say kinda because when the report is first displayed the cell is the full width and appears to ignore the width setting. There is a Select List on the report to restrict some of the data that is displayed. When a selection is made from this Select List, it appears that the cell width is then adjusted to what was set, but not for every selection from this Select List.
    I made the width entry in Tabular Form Element - Element Width
    Any idea why the width setting is ignored?

  • Executing a column which has a sql query in a tabular form

    I have a tabular form which contains a column named as SQL which has sql statements in it. Without going to the SQL workshop in Apex i want to execute that query in the tabular form itself. For that i've created a page item which fetches the particular rows sql query and created a button 'EXECUTE'. When i click the execute button it should run the query and should display whether the query is correct or not and should show the error message.
    Can any one provide solution for this or whether there are any other ways to achive this scenario.
    With Regards

    Balaji P.K wrote:
    Can any one provide solution for this or whether there are any other ways to achive this scenario.Difficult as we have no idea what this "scenario" actually is. Go back several steps and explain in detail the problem this is supposed to solve.
    I have a tabular form which contains a column named as SQLBad idea. <tt>SQL</tt> is a PL/SQL reserved word. Using any token from Oracle namespaces as a database identifier is confusing/problematic.
    which has sql statements in it.Why? Where does this SQL come from? What is the source of the tabular form?
    Without going to the SQL workshop in Apex i want to execute that query in the tabular form itself.Explain the "execute that query in the tabular form itself" concept. Where do the results go?

  • Sql query to identify all the responsibilities attached to a form

    (oracle - apps) Can anyone help me by giving a sql query to identify all the responsibilities attached to a form and corresponding menu should not be in the menu exclusion.
    Thanks in advance


  • Disable SQL query to celltext content in web form of Hyperion Planning

    We are using Hyperion Planning ver We found that there is a SQL query executed for each cell in the web form to query the SQL Server metadata database and check whether there are some celltext associated with this cell.
    As we did not implement the celltext function to our end users, we would like to disable this checking. As some of our web forms have more than 10000 cells, generate 10000 SQL queries to the metadata database definitely is a performance issue.
    We have asked Oracle team whether we can disable the SQL query but the answer is that no such option exist.
    Anyone experienced this case and have workaround solution?

    Hyperion user wrote:
    Alp Burak wrote:
    We had faced the same issue a few years ago. One of our geeks had done a change in either Enterdata.js or Enterdata.jsp which disabled form cell validation. I don't currently have the code with me but it wasn't a big change really, remarking a function could be doing the trick.
    I don't think this is officially recommended by Oracle though.
    AlpThanks for your advice. We will try to locate the enterdata.jsp and enterdata.js and found out where the SQL being executed.We found out the Enterdata.js under the deployment directory of Weblogic. However it is over 400KB size and many many lines of codes. We think that it is very difficult to locate where should be customized to remove the SQL checking on cell content.

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    We need the SQL query to know which users are working on which forms in APPS R12, and how to get the of those records.
    thanks in advance
    best regards

    Please see this thread.

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