Form - Table Realationship

Dear all,
May i know how to find out which table is linked to apps form if there is no record history available in that form

May i know how to find out which table is linked to apps form if there is no record history available in that formEnable trace and generate the tkprof file.
Or, open the form using Forms Builder.

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    I dont know what the 'Alternate Source' is
    In the Source section set
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    Very simple. This table existed in Oracle Version 3 and was used prior to PL/SQL for performing computations. The dummy column is just that. I always returns one row, one column if you select from it.
    Now: DON'T DROP THIS TABLE!!!!!! I decided to see what would happen I did drop the table. Ever hear of INSTANCE CRASH? The Oracle Kernel uses this table Internally for consistency purposes. Shame on Oracle for saying in Version 6 that this table is no longer needed. Also, if your application does a select <sequence name>.nextval from DUAL, change your code as you'll see LOTS of excessive IOs from using this table.

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    That's how it works. That's the reason, I get all the data to pre-populate all the components in the page load itself. When I switch between tabs, I don't re-execute the proc and so it won't reset. I use postback to prevent re-execute the proc. when I switch between tabs.
    Boolean postBackValue = (Boolean)JSFUtils.resolveExpression("#{adfFacesContext.postback}");
    Boolean defaultBooleanValue = new Boolean("false");
    if (postBackValue.equals(defaultBooleanValue)) {

  • Form table problem

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    hutch1909 wrote:
    > hello everyone, here is a problem I have not found on
    the forums anywhere, so
    > thought I try posting instead of searching everywhere,
    using mx 2004 on a mac,
    > I have a form in centre column of my page, I then have a
    table with columns and
    > rows with my text fields for name, e-mail and comments,
    then submit button.
    > If I click on 'form' at the bottom of the page it
    highlights the whole
    > form/table, but, when I save, close and reopen the page
    the table has jumped
    > outside the form area, I have cut and pasted it back in
    but the same happens
    > each time I reopen the page!
    > Any ideas gratefully received.
    I can't replicate the problem, also using MX2004 on a Mac.

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    Please see the following SAP Note about printing Arabic:
    587150 - Support of Arabic-script languages
    For your Unicode system, then you should be able to print Arabic
    characters via device type ARSWIN or device type SWINCF.
    The Unicode cascading fonts solution with the device type SWINCF
    described in the following SAP Note:
       812821 - Cascading Font settings
    So you need to configure a Frontend output device that uses device type
    ARSWIN and use this to create the print with the Arabic characters.

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    Sorry for late response. Got stuck in work.
    This time it will answered ;-)
    Rajiv Dewan

  • Smart form-table header-box

    Moved to correct forum by moderator
    Hello All,
    in my smartform iam displaying the data by looping a table. i ahve put a header inside loop.
    and for each new sales order , ia m going explicitly to new page, and when more number of items are there, that can fit in one page, then the smartform implicitly going to new page.
    my problem is, when smart form implicitly going to new page, the MAIN WINDOW is not called, so my header is not displayed. iam displaying this header using a template.
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    is there any way i can show the header (in template), in page that called implicitely.
    Thanks in advance
    Best Regards,
    Amarender Reddy B
    Edited by: Matt on Dec 17, 2008 9:59 AM

    Amarender Reddy Busireddy wrote:
    > Hello chenna
    > thanks for your answer
    > can you let em know, how to check that, i am getting that check box in display mode, even if enter the smart form in change mode.
    >   i tried many ways but i could not make that check box editable
    Thats because your table is not in the MAIN window I suppose. Keep your table in the MAIN window of the smartform and then Chenna's solution would work fine.

  • Automatic filling of form table-fields in the document

    Hi Gurus,
    We are working with sap RM on WAS640.
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    Is it possible by means of de connection parameter <b>FUNCTION_GET_FORM_DATA</b>?. if no, does exist another ‘exit’ to fill this kind of ‘table’ form fields dynamically?
    Thanks in advance,

    "path" is a keyword within a PDF you should not use keywords as a name for any other object as a general rule.
    Have you checked the PDF Reference to see how to create a file path name within a PDF,  3.10.1 File Specification Strings page 118?
    Did you carefully read the Acrobat JavaScript Reference for the saveAs method?
    The notes following the description:
    Note: This method can only be executed during a batch or console event. See Privileged versus non-privileged context for details. The event object contains a discussion of JavaScript events.
    (Adobe Reader S): This method is available in Adobe Reader for documents that have Save usage rights.
    How to Save a PDF with Acrobat JavaScript

  • PDF form table

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    I need to print a footer table on the last page.
    I am controlling the presence of the table thru formcalc.
    The problem is that the table lines are only shown if the table is on the first page. Otherwise it does not show any lines. Can anyone help me on this?
    Thank you,
    Nuno Silva

    I am controlling the presence of the table thru formcalc. ===> please share your code, how can you get help on this if you have a code which doesn´t work and the people around can´t see it:))
    The problem is that the table lines are only shown if the table is on the first page. Otherwise it does not show any lines. ====> maybe you can describe the structure of your form, because this doesn´t help much.
    In fact I don´t get the problem: is that with table presence at all? presence on the right page? lines presence? lines data?
    I guess your problem is not a big issue, but you didn´t provide enough details, thats why you didn´t get any replies.
    p.s.: how many master pages do you have? or how do you control the forms placing on pages on the tab paging?

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    thanking u,

    Hi Suresh,
      When you create a new table then check for the entries in 'DATA' tab. There you can see that option for internal table is marked. Uncheck it or else give any internal table there.
      If you still get any problem then please revert back.

  • [JSP] Dynamic form table

    Inside my database I have a table with a long list of items.
    I need to show this items inside a JSP, but the table would be too long, so I want to give the possibility to a user to select a character or more and then the JSP shows inside itself a table of items which begin with that/those character/s.
    The shown table must be a form where the user can insert a value in one or more rows and then submit those values.
    How can I do this?

    This isn't really an appropriate question. The answer depends on the storage technology and your application architecture. You should start working on a solution and when you get stuck with a specific question then ask the forum.
    One place to start:
    Can you design a form (with out data on it) that allows a user to input 1 or more characters?
    Can you select only the data that begins with a particular character from your database?
    When you can answer yes to those two questions, put the solutions together. This is the beauty of MVC.

  • ADOBE Form Table printing Multiple pages

       I am having a suituation that in ADOBE Forms I need to display same internal table data in multiple pages. But while i display it the data only printing in first page. I want to print the same data in the second page also. How to do this? any idea please.
    Srikanth S

    Hy Otto,
    his requirement was a bit different from what you answered I am saying this because i've stumbled on the same problem. I have a table that varies between 4 or 8 rows and let's say half of the page it's enough for it. But i need this table to appear on every page. I created the table in the Master Page, but it shows only on the first page. The other pages will not display the table.

  • Adobe Forms - Table control data Saved in Database table through Web Dynpro

    Hello Friends,
    I Am facing a Problem in Adobe Forms through Web Dynpro.
    i Want to Make Interactive online Adobe Forms - In Table Control user enter the multiple entry in the table control and after that Click on SAVE button , entry will saved in Database table.
    Please guide me.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Gaurabh,
    For interactive form you have to check the property DisplayType = native and PdfSource should be a Context Attribute of type 'Xstring'.
    For data retrieval, create a NODE and have all the required attributes within that node of AOBE form.
    Fetch the data in WDDOINIT.
    Also check, that the offline senario for this form is working.
    Hope it helps you.

  • How to retrieve PDF form table's data in workflow?

    I have employee table in PDF form?How I retrieve the data in workflow using XSD mapping?

    You need to use either the processFormSubmission operation of the LiveCycle Forms service or the exportData operation of the Data Integration service to get the xml out of the PDF.
    Then you can use xPath to get to the appropriate node in the xml.

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